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Grade: First Subject: General Music Focus: Movement, Listening Skills Related Subjects: Body parts /Shared space

Lesson adapted from Share The Music, Grade 1, pp. 10 & 11 Objective: Students will touch body parts, following aural cues and move through shared space Standards: Creating, Performing, and Participating in the arts Materials: Differentiation: To help disabled children participate easily with nondisabled children in body-part touching activities, invite everyone to do as many combinations as they can. Let them know that some combinations, such as elbow to ears or knees might be difficult to do. Do not allow other children to move to move their disabled peers arms or hands. Model the combinations when necessary and say the words slowly enough for children to be successful. Children who can do many of the tasks at their own sped may be unable to do them up to tempo in a song such as Touch. Play Simon Says, using combinations that most disabled students can do. Add unexpected repetitions for fun. Include Touch somebody elses hand. Lesson: 1. Introduce/Review All Around the Kitchen. Have children: Listen to, then sing the song on page T4, patting with the beat during the first part and moving during the second par Name the body parts mentioned in the song Decide upon one movement to do together each time they sing cock a doodle doo, such as flapping wings, or crossing/uncrossing hands as they pat with the beat Sing adding the movement they chose. Todays lesson is about moving different parts of your body, and about moving your whole body through space. Thinking about body parts and the different ways they move gives you new ideas for moving to All Around The Kitchen Touch by Hap Palmer





music. As you learn to be aware of others wihle moving through space, you show respect for yourself and others. Touch and name body parts individually and in combination. Have children: Play simon says to touch and say the names of body parts Follow your directions to touch one part of their body to antoher part, naming each part as they do. (end with combinations from Touch pg. T10) Write the body parts on the board then point and have children identify their ody parts using the word cue on the board. Introduce Touch Move body parts as directed. Have children: Listen to Touch following as you touch the body parts named in the song Tell whom they touched at the end of the song and how that was different from the other touching in the song Informal Assessment: Listen to the song again, touching body parts as directed without following you. Move through shared space: Have children: Stand in scattered formation (each child in a spot on the floor, not touching anyone or anything else). Move around the room without touching each other Name the body parts of a cat, then experiment in place with catlike movements (curl up, lick paws, flick tails, scratch floor) Watch as one car slowly crawls, crouched or walks towards a new cat touching him or her. The new cat repeats this process until everyone has had a turn Watch as three cats move slowly at the same time, not touching anyone or anything. Identify that space as shared space Informal Assessment: Move slowly at the same time to another spot in the room without touching one another Close: When I say head, foot, arm, what am I naming? When you move around the room and others are moving to what is the name od the space you are using? Now that you know how to move through shared space sing all around the kitchen again. Move with the beat through shared space during the first part of the song, Stand still and do the motions with different parts of the your body during the second part.

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