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Histories and Comedies

Shakespeare was, and still is a very influential author. We still study and analyze his plays and sonnets today.


All's Well That Ends Well As You Like It The Comedy of Errors Love's Labour's Lost Measure for Measure The Merchant of Venice

The Merry Wives of Windsor A Midsummer Night's Dream Much Ado About Nothing The Taming of the Shrew The Two Gentlemen of Verona The Two Noble Kinsmen

Twelfth Night

Is believed to be written around 1590-1596. There are many themes that are touched upon in this play, such as: love, loss of identity, feminism, and much more.

Many musical pieces were created that were inspired by this play. The two moons of uranus are named after the characters Oberon and Titania.

Midsummer Night's Dream

One of Shakespears well known comedies.

Midsummer Nights Dream

The Duke of Athens (Theseus) is planning his marriage to the Queen of the Amazons (Hyppolyta) . To announce this he is planning a Four day celebration. Theseaus sends a court official to find entertainment for this party. There is also a girl that refuses to marry the man of her fathers choice. The father wants legal punishment for her. There is also unrest in the two fairy kingdoms and a mischievous character Puck puts a love potion on a lot of people which causes a lot of problems. In the end The couple goes to sleep (happily married) and the fairies give their blessing as Puck asks the audiences forgivness and insist that the play is all a dream.

Midsummer Nights Dream VIDEO CLIPS This movie was produced in 1935 by the Warner Bros. In this video Puck is gossiping about his latest mischievous act and about Oberon.


King John Edward III Richard II Henry IV, Part 1 Henry IV, Part 2 Henry VIII

Henry V Henry VI, Part 1 Henry VI, Part 2 Henry VI, Part 3 Richard III

Quick Facts
Believed to have been written no later than 1597

From the start it has been an extremely popular play both with the public and the critics.

This is one of Shakespear s well known history plays.

Henry IV has two main parts. They both have to do with the battle at the end of the story. The first part concerns King Henry and his son Prince Harrys relationship with each other. The second has to do with a rebellion that is going against King Henry by a family of a noblemen in the North who are angry because King Henry doesnt take into consideration his debt to them. The play alternates between these two parts through the whole play until they come together at the end.

This is a clip from King Henry IV, Act 2 scene 5 that was preformed at the Globe Theater in 2010. This scene includes characters Sir John (Falstaf) and Hal. The actor who played Sir John won an award for his exceptional acting in this play.

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