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Mobile users continue to demand higher data rates. With the continued growth in cellular services, laptop computer use and the Internet, wireless network providers are beginning to pay an increasing amount of attention to packet data networks. Enhanced Global acket !adio "ervice #EG !"$ offers a substantial improvement in performance and capacity over e%isting G !" services, in return for a relatively minimal additional investment. primarily by implementing changes to the EG !", commonly called E&GE, achieves these enhancements to the G !" system hysical layer and to the Medium +he significant 'ccess (ontrol)!adio *ink (ontrol #M'()!*($ layer.

improvements are a new modulation techni,ue, additional modulation coding schemes, a combined *ink 'daptation and Incremental !edundancy techni,ue, re-segmentation of erroneously received packets, and a larger transmission window si.e.

E&GE is the ne%t step in the evolution of G"M and I"- /01. +he ob2ective of the new technology is to increase data transmission rates and spectrum efficiency and to facilitate new applications and increased capacity for mobile use. With the introduction of E&GE in G"M phase 34, e%isting services such as G !" and high-speed circuit switched data #5"("&$ are enhanced by offering a new physical layer. +he services themselves are not modified. E&GE is introduced within e%isting specifications and descriptions rather than by creating new ones. +his paper focuses on the packet-switched enhancement for G !", called EG !". G !" allows data rates of //6 kbps and, theoretically, of up to /17 kbps on the physical layer. EG !" is capable of offering data rates of 089 kbps and, theoretically, of up to 9:0.1 kbps. ' new modulation techni,ue and error-tolerant transmission methods, combined with improved link adaptation mechanisms, make these EG !" rates possible. +his is the key to increased spectrum efficiency and enhanced applications, such as wireless Internet access, e-mail and file transfers. G !")EG !" will be one of the pacesetters in the overall wireless technology evolution in con2unction with W(&M'. 5igher transmission rates for specific radio resources enhance capacity by enabling more traffic for both circuit- and packet-switched services. 's the +hird-generation artnership ro2ect #0G $ continues standardi.ation toward the G"M)E&GE radio access network #GE!';$, GE!'; will be able to offer the same services as W(&M' by connecting to the same core network. +his is done in parallel with means to

increase the spectral efficiency. +he goal is to boost system capacity, both for real-time and best-effort services, and to compete effectively with other thirdgeneration radio access networks such as W(&M' and cdma3777.

Technical differences between GPRS and EGPRS

!egarded as a subsystem within the G"M standard, G !" has introduced packet-switched data into G"M networks. Many new protocols and new nodes have been introduced to make this possible. E&GE is a method to increase the data rates on the radio link for G"M. <asically, E&GE only introduces a new modulation techni,ue and new channel coding that can be used to transmit both packet-switched and circuit-switched voice and data services. E&GE is therefore an add-on to G !" and cannot work alone. G !" has a greater impact on the G"M system than E&GE has. <y adding the new modulation and coding to G !" and by making ad2ustments to the radio link protocols, EG !" offers significantly higher throughput and capacity.

=ig />
G !" and EG !" have different protocols and different behavior on the base station system side. 5owever, on the core network side, G !" and EG !" share the same packet-handling protocols and, therefore, behave in the same way. !euse of the e%isting G !" core infrastructure #serving G! " support node)gateway G !" support node$ the fact that EG !" is only an ?add-on@ to the base station system and is therefore much easier to introduce than G !" #=igure /$. In addition to enhancing the throughput for each data user, E&GE also increases capacity. With E&GE, the same time slot can support more users. +his decreases the number of radio resources re,uired to support the same traffic, thus freeing up capacity for more data or voice services. E&GE makes it easier for circuit-switched and packet-switched traffic to coe%ist ,while making more efficient use of the same radio resources. +hus in tightly planned networks with limited spectrum, E&GE may also be seen as a capacity booster for the data traffic.

EDGE technology
E&GE leverages the knowledge gained through use of the e%isting G !" standard to deliver significant technical improvements.

Fig 2

=igure 3 compares the basic technical data of G !" and E&GE. 'lthough G !" and E&GE share the same symbol rate, the modulation bit rate differs. E&GE can transmit three times as many bits as G !" during the same period of time. +his is the main reason for the higher E&GE bit rates. +he differences between the radio and user data rates are the result of whether or not the packet headers are taken into consideration. +hese different ways of calculating throughput often cause misunderstanding within the industry about actual throughput figures for G !" and EG !". +he data rate of 089 kbps is often used in relation to E&GE. +he International +elecommunications Union #I+U$ has defined 089 kbps as the data rate limit re,uired for a service to fulfill the International Mobile +elecommunications-3777 #IM+-3777$ standard in a pedestrian environment. +his 089 kbps data rate corresponds to 98 kbps per time slot, assuming an eighttime slot terminal.

EDGE Modulation Technique

+he modulation type that is used in G"M is the Gaussian minimum shift keying #GM"A$, which is a kind of phase modulation. +his can be visuali.ed in an I)B diagram that shows the real #I$ and imaginary#B$ components of the transmitted signal #=igure 0$. +ransmitting a .ero bit or one bit is then represented by changing the phase by increments of 4 C p. Every symbol that is transmitted represents one bitD that is, each shift in the phase represents one bit.

+o achieve higher bit rates per time slot than those available in G"M)G !", the modulation method re,uires change. E&GE is specified to reuse

Fig 3: the channel structure, channel width, channel coding and the e%isting mechanisms and functionality of G !" and 5"("&. +he modulation standard selected for E&GE, 8-phase shift keying #8 "A$, fulfills all of those re,uirements. 8 "A modulation has the same ,ualities in terms of generating interference on ad2acent channels as GM"A. +his makes it possible to integrate E&GE channels into an e%isting fre,uency plan and to assign new E&GE channels in the same way as standard G"M channels. +he 8 "A modulation method is a linear method in which three consecutive bits are mapped onto one symbol in the I)B plane. +he symbol rate, or the number of symbols sent within a certain period of time, remains the same

as for GM"A, but each symbol now represents three bits instead of one. +he total data rate is therefore increased by a factor of three. +he distance between the different symbols is shorter using 8 "A modulation than when using GM"A. "horter distances increase the risk for misinterpretation of the symbols because it is more difficult for the radio receiver to detect which symbol it has received. Under good radio conditions, this does not matter. Under poor radio conditions, however, it does. +he ?e%tra@ bits will be used to add more error- correcting coding, and the correct information can be recovered. Enly under very poor radio environments is GM"A more efficient. +herefore the E&GE coding schemes are a mi%ture of both GM"A and 8 "A.

Coding schemes
=or G !", four different coding schemes, designated ("/ through ("9, are defined. Each has different amounts of error-correcting coding that is optimi.ed for different radio environments. =or EG !", nine modulation coding schemes, designated M("/ through M("F, are introduced. +hese fulfill the same task as the G !" coding schemes. +he lower four EG !" coding schemes #M"(/ to M"(9$ use GM"A, whereas the upper five their ma%imum throughputs. G !" user throughput reaches saturation at a ma%imum of 37 kbps with ("9, whereas the EG !" bit rate continues to increase as the radio ,uality increases, until throughput reaches saturation at 6F.3 kbps. <oth G !" ("/ to ("9 and EG !" M("/ to M("9 use GM"A modulation with slightly different M"(6 to M"(F$ use 8 "A modulation. =igure 9 shows both G !" and EG !" coding schemes, along with

throughput performances. +his is due to differences in the header si.e #and payload si.e$ of the EG !" packets. +his makes it possible to resegment

EG !" packets. ' packet sent with a higher coding scheme #less error correction$ that is not properly received, can be retransmitted with a lower coding scheme #more error correction$ if the new radio environment re,uires it. +his resegmenting #retransmitting with another coding scheme$ re,uires changes in the payload of the radio blocks, which is why EG !" and G !" do not have the same performance for the GM"Amodulated coding schemes. !esegmentation is not possible with G !".

Packet handling

'nother improvement that has been made to the EG !" standard is the ability to retransmit a packet that has not been decoded properly with a more robust coding scheme. =or G !", resegmentation is not possible. Ence packets have been sent, they must be retransmitted using the original coding scheme even if the radio environment has changed. +his has a significant impact on the throughput, as the algorithm decides the level of confidence with which the link adaptation #*'$ must work. =ig> 9

'bove is an e%ample of packet transfer and retransmission for G !".

59.2 '. +he G !" terminal receives data from the network on the downlink. &ue to a
G !" measurement report that was previously received, the link adaptation algorithm in the base station controller decides to send the ne%t radio blocks #e.g. numbers / to 9$ with ("0. &uring the transmission of these packages, the carrierto-interference ratio #()I$ decreases dramatically, changing the radio environment. 'fter the packets have been transmitted, the network polls for a new

measurement report, including the acknowledged)unacknowledged bitmap that tells the network which radio blocks were received correctly.



G !"






acknowledged)unacknowledged message containing the information about he link ,uality and the bitmap. In this scenario, it is assumed that packets 3 and 0 were sent erroneously.


<ased on the new link ,uality information, the G !" link adaptation

algorithm will adapt the coding scheme to the new radio environment using ("/ for the new packets 6 and 1. 5owever, because G !" cannot resegment the old packets, packets 3 and 0 must be retransmitted using ("0, although there is a significant risk that these packets still may not be decoded correctly. 's a result, the link adaptation for G !" re,uires careful selection of the coding scheme in order to avoid retransmissions as much as possible. With EG !", resegmentation is possible. ackets sent with little error protection can be retransmitted with more error protection, if re,uired by the new radio environment. +he rapidly changing radio environment has a much smaller effect on the problem of choosing the wrong coding scheme for the ne%t se,uence of radio blocks because resegmentation is possible. +herefore, the EG !" linkcontrolling algorithm can be very aggressive when selecting the modulation coding schemes.

Addressing window


<efore a se,uence of coded radio link control packets or radio blocks can be transmitted over the Um #radio$ interface, the transmitter must address the packets with an identification number. +his information is then included in the header of every packet. +he packets in G !" are numbered from / to /38.

'fter transmission of a se,uence of packets #e.g., /7 packets$, the transmitter asks the receiver to verify the correctness of the packets received in the form of an acknowledged)unacknowledged report. +his report informs the transmitter which packet or packets were not successfully decoded and must be retransmitted. "ince the number of packets is limited to /38 and the addressing window is 19, the packet sending process can run out of addresses after 19 packets. If an erroneously decoded packet must be retransmitted, it may have the same number as a new packet in the ,ueue. If so, the protocol between the terminal and the network stalls, and all the packets belonging to the same lowlayer capability frame must be retransmitted. In EG !", the addressing numbers have been increased to 3798 and the window has been increased to /739 in order to minimi.e the risk for stalling. +his, in turn, the risk for retransmitting low-layer capability frames and prevents decreased throughput


Fig :5

Measurement accuracy
's in the G"M environment, G !" measures the radio environment by the channel for carrier strength, bit error rate, etc. erforming these measurements takes time for a mobile station, which is of no concern in the speech world as the same coding is used all the time. In a packet-switched environment, it is essential to analy.e the radio link ,uickly in order to adapt the coding toward the new environment. +he channel analysis procedure that is used for G !" makes the selection of the right coding scheme difficult since measurements for interference are performed only during idle bursts. 's a result, measurements can only be performed twice during a 397-millisecond period. =or EG !", the standard does not rely on the same ?slow@ measurement mechanism. Measurements are taken on each and every burst within the e, of the terminal, resulting in an estimate of the bit error probability #<E $. Estimated for every burst, the <E is a reflection of the current ()I, the time dispersion of the signal and the velocity of the terminal. +he variation of the <E value over several bursts will also provide additional information regarding velocity and fre,uency hopping. ' very accurate estimation of the <E is then possible to achieve. ' mean <E is calculated per radio block #four bursts$ as well as the variation #standard deviation of the <E estimation divided by the mean <E $ over the four bursts. +hese results are then filtered for all radio blocks sent within the measurement period. +his results in highly accurate measurements even


during short measurement periods. "hort measurement periods, in turn, enable ,uick

reaction to changes in the radio environment. It is therefore possible to achieve a better and more fle%ible link adaptation for EG !".

+o increase the performance of the higher coding schemes in EG !" #M(": to M("F$ even at low ()I, the interleaving procedure has been changed within the EG !" standard. When fre,uency hopping is used, the radio environment is changing on a per-burst level. <ecause a radio block is interleaved and transmitted over four bursts for G !", each burst may e%perience a completely different interference environment. If 2ust one of the four bursts is not properly received, the entire radio block will not be properly decoded and will have to be retransmitted. In the case of ("9 for G !", hardly any error protection. is used at all


=ig >1

With EG !", the standard handles the higher coding scheme differently than G !" to combat this problem. M(":, M("8 and M("F actually transmit two radio blocks over the four bursts, and the interleaving occurs over two bursts instead of four. +his reduces the number of bursts that must be retransmitted should errors occur. +he likelihood of receiving two consecutive error- free bursts is higher than receiving four consecutive error- free bursts. +his means that the higher coding schemes for E&GE have a better robustness with regard to fre,uency hopping.

EGPR link! controlling "unction

+o achieve the highest possible throughput over the radio link, EG !" uses a combination of two functionalities> link adaptation and incremental redundancy. (ompared to a pure link adaptation solution, this combination of mechanisms significantly improves performance.

#ink ada$tation
*ink adaptation uses the radio link ,uality, measured either by the mobile station in a downlink transfer or by the base station in an uplink transfer, to select the most appropriate modulation coding scheme for transmission of the ne%t se,uence of packets. =or an uplink packet transfer, the network informs the mobile station which coding scheme to use for transmission of the ne%t se,uence of packets. +he modulation coding scheme can be changed for each radio block


#four bursts$, but a change is usually initiated by new ,uality estimates. +he practical adaptation rate is therefore decided by the measurement interval. +here are three families> ', < and (. Within each family, there is a relationship between the payload, which makes resegmentation for retransmissions possible.

(hannel coding schemes M("F M("8 M(": M("1 M("6 M("9 M("0 M("3 M("/


=amily ' ' < ' < ( ' < (

6F.3 69.9 99.8 3F.1 33.9 /:.1 /9.8 //.3 8.8 =igure : . Modulation and coding schemes

Incremental redundancy
Incremental redundancy initially uses a coding scheme, such as MCS9, with very little error protection and without consideration or the actual radio lin! "uality# $hen in ormation is received incorrectly, additional coding is transmitted and then so t com%ined in the receiver with the previously received in ormation# So t&com%ining increases the pro%a%ility o decoding the in ormation# 'his procedure will %e repeated until the in ormation is success ully decoded# 'his means that in ormation a%out the radio lin! is not necessary to support incremental redundancy#


For the mo%ile stations, incremental redundancy support is mandatory in the standard#

M("F M("8 M(": M("1 M("6 M("9 M("0 M("3 M("/

Ma%imum rate#kbps$
6F.3 69.9 99.8 3F.1 33.9 /:.1 /9.8 //.3 8.8

8psk 8psk 8psk 8psk 8psk Gmsk Gmsk Gmsk Gmsk

Figure 8 Incrementel redundancy

Impact of EGPRS on e istin! GS"#GPRS networ$s

(ue to the minor di erences %etween )*+S and ,)*+S, the mpact o )*+S on the e-isting )SM.)*+S networ! is limited to the %ase station system# 'he %ase station is a ected %y the new transceiver unit capa%le o handling ,(), modulation as well as new so tware that ena%les the new protocol or pac!ets over the radio inter ace in %oth the %ase station and %ase station controller# 'he core networ! does not re"uire any adaptations# (ue to this simple upgrade, a networ! capa%le o ,(), can %e deployed with limited investments and within a short time rame#


Standardi/ation o the irst releases o the third generation cellular systems that comply with I'0.IM'& 2111 re"uirements has now %een inali/ed with ,uropean 'elecommunications Standards Institute 2,'SI.3)**3 +elease 99# 'wo such ma4or systems are 0niversal Mo%ile 'elecommunications System 20M'S3 and )SM.,(),#

Fulfilling the EDGE Standardization

,(), standardi/ation can %e divided in three areas: standardi/ation o the physical layer changes 2de inition o the modulation and coding schemes3 the protocol changes or ,CS( and ,)*+S#

EDGE Standard and References

'he ,(), %ase station system wor! item provides a plat orm to employ new modulation techni"ues, whereas the ,(), networ! support su%system wor! item de ines the networ! changes to acilitate the physical layer# 5ccording to the wor! item descriptions, ,(), will provide two phases:


*hase 6: Single& and multislot pac!et&switched services and single and # # multislot circuit switched services that are not included in *hase 6 *hase 6 has %een completed with 3)** +elease 99# *hase 2 is ongoing in the 3)** standardi/ation, and its scope has %een e-tended to cover the alignment with $C(M5 and the provisioning o Internet protocol 2I*3 multimedia# 'his concept, currently standardi/ed in 3)**, is !nown as ),+57# *hase 2: +eal&time services employing the new modulation techni"ues

Requirements on EDGE
From the %eginning, the standardi/ation o ,(), was restricted to the physical layer and to the introduction o a new modulation scheme# Since ,(), was intended as an evolution o the e-isting )SM radio access technology, the re"uirements were set accordingly:

Fig :9


,(),& and non&,(),&capa%le mo%ile stations should %e a%le to share one and the same time slot# ,(),& and non&,(),&capa%le transceivers should %e deploya%le in the same spectrum# 5 partial introduction o ,(), should %e possi%le# 'o ease implementation o new terminals while ta!ing into account the asymmetrical characteristic o most services currently availa%le, it was also decided that two classes o terminals should %e supported %y the ,(), standard: a terminal that provides 8*S9 capa%ility in the downlin! only, and a terminal that provides 8*S9 in the uplin! and downlin!#

Service aspects

'he introduction o ,)*+S ena%les %it rates that are appro-imately three times higher than standard )*+S %it rates# $ithin the ,(), wor! item, this was simply handled %y reusing the )*+S "uality o service 2:oS3 pro iles and e-tending the parameter range to re lect the higher %it rates, or in other words, introducing higher throughput values#



Fig :10

,)*+S does not %ring a%out any direct architecture impacts 2see )SM 13#;13# 'he pac!et control unit may still %e placed either in the %ase station, the %ase station controller or the )*+S support node, and the central control unit is always placed in the %ase station# <owever, since the radio lin! control automatic repeat re"uest unction on the networ! side is located in the pac!et control unit, any delay introduced %etween the *C0 and the radio inter ace will directly a ect the radio lin! control ac!nowledged.unac!nowledged round&trip times# 'his, in turn, results in a higher ris! o stalling the radio lin! control protocol# 'o mitigate this ris! and to allow the operator to optimi/e networ! %ehavior, the ma-imum


radio lin! control automatic repeat re"uest window si/e has %een e-tended or )*+S#

!ser plane protocols

'he transmission plane protocol structure or )*+Sis shown in Figure 66# 'he protocols that are in luenced %y the introduction o ,(), are shaded# 'he protocols closest to the physical layer 2the radio lin! control and mo%ile allocation channel3 are most a ected %y ,(), 2see )SM 1=#;13# 'here also are some minor modi ications to the %ase station system )*+S protocol# 5part rom these changes, the rest o the protocol stac! remains intact a ter the introduction o ,(),#

"ontrol plane protocols and channels

'he introduction o ,)*+S also has an impact on these control plane layers: mo%ility management and radio resource management# 'here is no impact on session management# 'he mo%ility management modi ications are related to introducing in ormation on ,)*+S capa%ilities in the mo%ile station radio access capa%ilities in ormation element# 'hese capa%ilities include the ,)*+S multislot class, the ,(), modulation capa%ility and the 8*S9 power class# >n the radio resource management layer, support or setting up and maintaining ,)*+S temporary %loc! lows is introduced as opposed to standard )*+S temporary %loc! lows# Signaling supporting the radio lin! control, lin! "uality control and measurement procedures is also introduced


%uture e&olution of GS"'E(GE towards )*("A ali!nment

'he ne-t evolutionary step or the )SM.,(), cellular system includes enhancements o service provisioning or the pac!et&switched domain and increased alignment with the service provisioning in 0M'S.0'+57 3)** standard# ?ased on ,(), high&speed transmission techni"ues com%ined with enhancements to the )*+S radio lin! inter ace, ),+57 will provide improved support or all "uality o service 2:oS3 classes de ined or 0M'S: interactive, %ac!ground, streaming and conversational# ?y doing so, a new range o applications, including I* multimedia applications, will %e ade"uately supported# 'his part o the )SM.,(), evolution ocuses on support or the conversational and st reaming service classes, %ecause ade"uate support or interactive and %ac!ground services already e-ists# 5dditionally, multimedia applications will %e supported %y parallel simultaneous %earers with di erent :oS characteristics towards the same MS, such as multiple media streams handled through IMS domain# 5 driver or such evolution on the pac!et&switched side is the paradigm shi t within the telecommunications world communications# rom circuit to pac!et&switched 20M'S terrestrial radio access networ!3# 'hese enhancements are currently %eing speci ied or the coming releases o the


?oth the core networ! de ined or )*+S and the current )SM.,(), radio access networ! re"uire modi ications to support enhanced pac!et services# 'he approach that ,ricsson supports is to step %y step enhance the pac!et service capa%ilities utili/ing the )% inter ace towards the core networ!# 'he )*+S.,)*+S networ!s can "uic!ly and cost e ectively evolve with mar!et needs, and align with services provided %y $C(M5 networ!s# 'he current evolution o )SM.,(),, which covers all o the a%ove aspects, is %eing standardi/ed in 3)** 'S) ),+57#

EGPRS benefits
"apacity and performance
,)*+S introduces a new modulation techni"ue, along with improvements to the radio protocol, that allows operators to use e-isting re"uency spectrums 2811, 911, 6811 and 6911 M</3 more e ectively# 'he simple improvements o the e-isting )SM.)*+S protocols ma!e ,(), a cost&e ective, easy&toimplement add&on# So tware upgrades in the %ase station system ena%le use o the new protocol@ new transceiver units in the %ase station ena%le use o the new modulation techni"ue# ,(), triples the capacity o )*+S# 'his capacity %oost improves the per ormance o e-isting applications and ena%les new services such as multimedia services# It also ena%les each transceiver to carry more voice and.or data tra ic# ,(), ena%les new applications at higher data rates# 'his will attract new su%scri%ers and increase an operatorAs customer %ase# *roviding the %est and most attractive services will also increase customer loyalty#


"omplementary technology
,(), and $C(M5 are complementary technologies that together will sustain an operatorAs need or thirdgeneration networ! coverage and capacity nationwide# ,nhancing a )*+S networ! is accomplished through evolution with ,(), within the e-isting spectrum and %y deploying $C(M5 in the new re"uency %and# +olling out the two technologies in parallel ena%les aster time to mar!et or new high&speed data services as well as lower capital e-penditures# ,(), is designed to integrate into the e-isting networ!# 'he installed %ase evolves@ it is not replaced or %uilt rom scratch, ma!ing implementation seamless# Fast, easy rollout means shorter time to mar!et, which in turn can lead to increased mar!et share# $ith ,(),, operators can o er more wireless data applications, including wireless multimedia, e&mail, we% in otainment and positioning services, or %oth consumer and %usiness users# Su%scri%ers will %e a%le to %rowse the Internet on their mo%ile phones, personal digital assistants or laptops at the same speed as on stationary personal computers# 5pplication Servers

#armonization $ith %"D&


,(), can %e seen as a oundation toward one seamless )SM and $C(M5 networ! with a com%ined core networ! and di erent access methods that are transparent to the end user#

+his paper has presented an overview of E&GE with particular focus on the physical layer and the data link layer. +he goal of E&GE is to provide a packet data network that provides operating rates that are of ade,uate speed for most applications. system. E&GE achieves this increase in throughput rate mainly through enhancements to the physical layer and the !*()M'( layer of the G !"


H/I J. (huang, *. (imini Jr., G. Ke *i, <. Mc;air, ;. "ollenberger, 5. Lhoa, *. *in, and M. "u.uki, ?5igh-"peed Wireless &ata 'ccess <ased on (ombining E&GE with Wideband E=&M@, IEEE Communications Magazine, ;ov /FFF. J. (huang and ;. "ollenberger, ?<eyond 0G> Wideband Wireless &ata 'ccess <ased on E=&M and &ynamic acket 'ssignment@, IEEE Communications Magazine, Jul 3777. Ericsson '<, ?E&GE Introduction of high-speed data in G"M)G !" networks@, White aper 'E)*L+ /30 :768 !3, http>)) papersCpdf)edgeCwpCtechnical.pdf #last visited Ect 3770$. '. =uruskar, ". Ma.ur, = Muller, and 5 Elofsson, ?E&GE> Enhanced &ata !ates for G"M and +&M')/01 Evolution@, IEEE Personal Communications, June/FFF. '. Gurtov, M. asso2a, E. 'alto, and M. !aitola, ?Multi-*ayer rotocol +racing in a G !" ;etwork@, IEEE Mehicular +echnology (onference roceedings #=all 3773$. &. Molkdar, W. =eatherstone and ". *ambotharan, ?'n overview of EG !"> the packet &ata component of E&GE@, Electronics & Communication Engineering Journal, =ebruary 3773.






". ;anda, A <alachandran and ". Aumar, ?'daptation +echni,ues in Wireless acket &ata "ervices@, IEEE Communications Magazine, January 3777.


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