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HOW YOU CAN HELP: Prayer! Volunteer at a local ministry (ask us if you need any suggestions) Order Cupcakes Spread the word! Learn the signs Protect yourself

Modern Day Slavery

Human trafficking is real especially in Grand Rapids. Thats why were trying to end it. Here are some basic statistics to start you off in your walk with us to understanding how to end this catastrophe. First of all, human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal industry in the WORLD. 80% of children who are trafficked in the United States are trafficked only a quartermile from their own home. 800,000 women go missing every year these are women that end up in the sex trade with no where else to turn. In Grand Rapids, there have been reports of traffickers using suburban houses as brothel-type rings. They will stick teddy bears on the mailbox so that pedophiles know where to come for child sex. 92% of prostituted women are NOT addicted to drugs, unlike the common misconception would have us believe. The number of missing persons goes up 40% during the Indy 500. And the list continues. The stats are endless, but we encourage you to go out and do research on your own. It could save a life. Remember, heres the human trafficking hotline: 1-888-373-7888 One call could change a life. If you call, they check it out. Better safe than sorry. Be on the lookout for more facts about human trafficking and get involved!

7 STEPS YOU CAN TAKE TO FIGHT TRAFFICKING Care Record what you see Speak Up Pass it on and ADVOCATE Stay connected Practice personal purity and prayer Create a plan on how YOU are going to END human trafficking in your area.

Looking for Ways to Learn More?

Check out the following resources if you are interested in educating yourself


Eden Nefarious: Merchant of Souls Very Young Girls Half the Sky

Books The Slave Across the Street by Theresa Flores Sold by Patricia McCormick Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Nicholas Kristof The Road of Lost Innocence by Somaly Mam

Websites project-420

Why we do what we do...

Saving Women One Cupcake at a Time
Diana Jacobson Lake Ann, MI 49650 Phone: (231)499-0244 Email: growing and growing.

In October of 2013 Brittany and I attended a conference put on by Women At Risk

Intl. It was at this conference where we knew we had to do something about this devastating crime. Our hearts were broken as we sat there and watched the number of victims trafficked each minute keep We came home with heavy hearts but with a drive that would propel us into an unforgettable journey. We started volunteering in a local ministry called Eves Angels. Our desire was to find a way that we could directly help the ministry in a unique way. When they went on outreach, we wanted them to be received in a good light and out of that NCC was born in November of 2013!

The Greatest Tool We Have

When something terrible has happened or someone is going through a difficult time, I often hear people say, I wish there was something more I could do. They then proceed to pray over that person. Im sure I have been caught guilty of doing that very same thing wishing that there was some type of physical or material way I could help in that situation. What I think a lot of us fail to realize is that the most powerful thing that we can do is PRAY! We often only pray as a last resort instead of it being the first place we turn to. When confronted with the issue of human trafficking, I know the feeling of being overwhelmed and helpless. There have been times that I ask myself if what I am doing is really worth it or if I am doing enough. The truth of the matter is that we have THE most powerful tool to put an end to trafficking every day. Mark 11:24 says Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Will you be our prayer warriors?

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