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Table 1 Predefined External Alarms

RBS 3101

RBS 3104

RBS 3106, 3107, 3116 x x

RBS 3303

RBS 3402

RBS 3512

Fire Alarm Smoke Detector Failure Door Open Active Cooler Fault External Fan Fault Internal Fan Fault Power Control Unit Failure Battery Failure Power Supply Unit Failure Input Power Fault Subrack Fan Fault

x x x x x x x

x x x x x x x


T i! !ection li!t! t e abbreviation! typical "or t e #BS!$ AC Connection Unit %ACCU& Auxiliary Unit 'ub %AU'& Ba!eban( %BB& Control Ba!e Unit %CBU& DC Connection an( Bu!)bar %DC)BA#&

DC Connection Unit %DCCU& Exc an*e Terminal %ET& boar( Fan Control Unit %FCU& Filter Unit %FU& 'i* )Spee( Downlink Packet Acce!! %'SDPA& +ain Unit %+U& Operation an( +aintenance %O,+& Optical Ba!eban( Inter"ace %OBIF& Power Di!tribution Unit %PDU& Power Supply Unit %PSU& #a(io Unit %#U& #emote #a(io Unit %##U& #a(io Unit Inter"ace %#UIF& boar( #a(io an( Enclo!ure Inter"ace %#EIF& #an(om Acce!! an( #eceiver %#A-& boar( #eceiver %#-& Tran!mitter %T-& boar( #a(io Block %#B&


Ra"io Mo"#$e

T e ra(io mo(ule! con!i!t o" t e #U. FU. an( ##U unit!. a! well a! #UIF. #EIF. an( OBIF boar(!/ 5!1!1 R%

T e #U implement! t e Tran!ceivin* #eceivin* Proce!!in* %T#P& "unction wit clippin*. an( t e Power Ampli"ier %PA&/ T e #U !upport! !in*le)carrier or multicarrier con"i*uration!/ T e #U !upplie! t e FU wit power/ T e #U i! available "or variou! ver!ion! (epen(in* on "re0uency/ For in"ormation on t e relation! ip between ar(ware an( !o"tware. !ee Compatibilitie! "or 'ar(ware an( So"tware/ T e number o" #U! (epen(! on t e #BS type an( con"i*uration/ For more in"ormation. !ee Section 1/ T e location! o" t e #U! in (i""erent #BS type! are (e!cribe( in Section 2 or Section 3/ 5!1!2 &%

T e FU implement! #F carrier !plittin* an( contain! #- an( T- "ilter!. (uplexer. an( a 4ow)5oi!e Ampli"ier %45A&/ T e FU i! available "or variou! ver!ion! (epen(in* on "re0uency/

For in"ormation on t e relation! ip between ar(ware an( !o"tware. !ee Compatibilitie! "or 'ar(ware an( So"tware/ T e number o" FU! (epen(! on t e #BS type an( con"i*uration/ For more in"ormation. !ee Section 1/ T e location! o" t e FU! in (i""erent #BS type! are (e!cribe( in Section 2 or Section 3/ 5!1!3 R%'& Boar"

T e #UIF implement! point)to)point connection! t rou* cable! to t e #U!/ T e number o" #UIF boar(! (epen(! on t e con"i*uration/ T e number o" #UIF boar(! (epen(! on t e #BS type an( con"i*uration/ For more in"ormation. !ee Section 1/ T e location! o" t e #UIF boar(! in (i""erent #BS type! are (e!cribe( in Section 2/ 5!1!4 RE'& Boar"

T e #EIF implement! point)to)point connection! t rou* cable! to t e #U!/ T e #EIF al!o incorporate! climate control. enclo!ure !upervi!ion. an( power an(lin* "unction!/ T e location! o" t e #EIF boar(! in (i""erent #BS type! are (e!cribe( in Section 3/ 5!1!5 OB'& Boar"

T e OBIF boar(! are (evice boar(! u!e( "or communication between t e +U an( t e ##U!/ T e communication inclu(e! control (ata. clock !i*nal!. an( OI4 (ata/ T ere are two variant! o" OBIF boar(!. OBIF 6. an( OBIF 1/ OBIF 6 allow! t e +U to communicate wit up to 2 ##U!/ OBIF 1 a! t e !ame capacity a! OBIF 6. an( in a((ition a! an 3)input External Alarm %-A4+& "unction/ T e location! o" t e OBIF boar(! in (i""erent #BS type! are (e!cribe( in Section 3/ 5!1!6 RR%

T e ##U i! a unit locate( near t e antenna an( contain! mo!t o" t e ra(io proce!!in* ar(ware/ It i! connecte( to t e +U by an OI4 cable/ T e ##U i! available "or variou! ver!ion! (epen(in* on "re0uency/

T e ra(io proce!!in* component! in t e ##U are t e T#- boar(. t e power ampli"ier boar(. an( t e FU/ Ot er ar(ware w ic may be "oun( in t e ##U. (epen(in* on variant. are a DC Converter Unit. a DC Sur*e Protection Device boar(. a #ET Sur*e Protection Device boar(. an( a Fan Unit/ T ere are two main ##U variant!$ ##U77 an( ##U66/ ##U77 !upport! one carrier in (ownlink. an( one carrier in uplink wit two)way #- (iver!ity/ ##U66 !upport! up to two carrier! in (ownlink. an( two carrier! in uplink wit two)way #- (iver!ity/

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