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II/ Key job tasks of Quality manager job description

1. Promoting quality achievement and performance improvement throughout the organization. 2. Develop, implement, communicate and maintain a quality plan to bring the Companys uality !ystems and Policies into compliance "ith quality system requirements. #. $ffectively interact "ith Production and Development teams to maintain product supply and help introduce ne" products %. &or'ing "ith purchasing staff to establish quality requirements from e(ternal suppliers. ). $nsuring compliance "ith national and international standards and legislation. *. $nsuring tests and procedures are properly understood, carried out and evaluated and that product modifications are investigated if necessary. +. !upervising technical staff in carrying out tests and chec's. ,. &riting technical and management systems reports. -. .ringing together staff of different disciplines and driving the group to plan, formulate and agree comprehensive quality procedures. 1/. Persuading reluctant staff to change their "ay of "or'ing to incorporate quality methods. 11. 0anage and maintain the Companys quality inspection and product release programs for incoming and in1process materials and components, processes and finished goods. 12. 2ormulate and manage the development and implementation of goals, ob3ectives, policies, procedures and systems pertaining to the 45 C. 1#. !etting qa compliance ob3ectives and ensuring that targets are achieved. 1%. 0aintaining a"areness of the business conte(t and company profitability, including budgetary control issues. 1). 4ssessing the product specifications of the company and its suppliers, and comparing "ith customer requirements. 1*. Considering the application of environmental and health and safety standards. 1+. 4greeing standards and establishing clearly defined quality methods for staff to apply. 1,. Defining quality procedures in con3unction "ith operating staff. 1-. !etting up and maintaining controls and documentation procedures. 2/. 6iaising "ith customers auditors and ensuring the e(ecution of corrective action and compliance "ith customers specifications. 21. $stablishing standards of service for customers or clients. 22. Preparing clear e(planatory documents such as customers charters.

2#. 0onitoring performance by gathering relevant data and producing statistical reports. 2%. 7rganize and manage quality assurance function in close co1operation "ith the customers and "ith the Companys 0anagement team 80ember of 0anagement 9eam:. 2). ;dentifying relevant quality1related training needs and delivering training. 2*. Collating and analyzing performance data and charts against defined parameters.

III / Job specification of quality manager job description

1. .achelors Degree in an applied science or engineering field. 2. ) years prior e(perience in uality 4ssurance for consumer product manufacturer. #. Demonstrated e(perience "or'ing "ith contract manufacturers, suppliers, or distributors. %. Demonstrated e(ceptional "ritten and oral communication s'ills. ). Proficiency in 0icrosoft 7ffice. *. Passion and alignment "ith our mission, vision, values < operating principles. +. Passion for "or'ing in a values based company in alignment "ith a learning organization. ,. $(perience in quality management systems. -. $(perience in quality system audits. 1/. Demonstrates a passion and a responsibility for consumer. 11. $(hibit a passion for the companys $ssence, =lobal ;mperatives, Corporate Direction. 12. Desire to o"n decisions and ta'e responsibility for outcomes. 1#. &illingness to travel "hen required. 1%. &illingness to continually embrace personal and professional development. !ource>

III / Compensation and ene!its

?et salary> 2.-// @!D5month. $mail>

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