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Meet goal Squat Bench Deadlift Total

Second attempt Opener 518 481.74 407 378.51 601 558.93 1526

93% of opener 440.3 345.95 510.85 414.4 325.6 480.8

85% of opener 374.255 294.0575 434.2225

Lillebridge method
Squat Bench Deadlift Squat/Deadlift week 1 - heavy squat/light deadlift week 2 - heavy deadlift/light squat week 3 - heavy squat/light deadlift week 4- heavy deadlift/light squat week 5 - heavy squat/light deadlift week 6- heavy deadlift/light squat week 7 - heavy squat/light deadlift week 8- heavy deadlift/light squat week 9- deload week week 10 - meet week Bench week 1- heavy singles (paused) week 2- light bench (rep effort) week 3- heavy singles (paused) week 4- light bench (rep effort) week 5- heavy singles (paused) week 6- light bench (rep effort) week 7- heavy singles (paused) week 8- light bench (rep effort) week 9 week 10 - meet week AMAP = as many as possible 415 325 480 5 210 195 210 240 210 240 210 240 squats 4 245 240 245 290 245 290 245 290 210 3 285 290 285 340 285 340 285 340 3x3 2 315 340 315 385 315 385 315 385 1 1 1xAMAP 330 345 365 385 410 435 335 355 375 410 435 450 345 370 385 410 435 460 345 370 395 410 435 460 deadlift 265 3x3 rest/recovery 1 260 280 285 295 1 285 295 305 315

speed deadlift pause squats speed deadlift pause squats speed deadlift pause squats speed deadlift pause squats

240 210 265 230 290 250 315 270

3x3 3x3 3x3 3x3 3x3 3x3 3x1 3x1

5 165 165 165 165 165 165 165 165

4 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190

3 215 225 215 215 215 215 215 215

2 1 230 245 1xAMAP 230 255 230 1xAMAP 230 260 235 1xAMAP 230 270 245 1xAMAP

If you are competing next week you will be working up to your planned opener this week and wont be benching or lifting again until the meet.


Accessory work to do after each Squat and Deadlift training session: Front squats go by how you feel if you want to push it then do so but dont max out. If you want to go light and hit some reps thats fine too. Get at least 4 to 6 sets in. Bent rows with barbell: 4 sets of 15 reps Rack pulls to work on grip strength hold at the top for 10 seconds do 4 to 6 sets. Upright rows (cable or barbell): 4 sets of 15 reps Leg Extensions: 4 sets of 15-20 reps Hamstring Leg Curls: 4 sets of 15-20 reps Calf Raises (standing or seated): 4 sets of 25 reps Ab work Leg raises lying on a bench: 3 set of 20-30 reps Or Decline sit ups 3 sets 10 to 15 reps Accessory work to do after each Bench workout: Sling shot benching. Hit at least 3 to 4 sets on your heavy days do singles or doubles. Start off about 20lbs to 30lbs higher (with the reactive sling shot blue) or 35lbs to 45bs with the (original sling shot RED) then what you did on your last top set of heavy bench for the day, and work up from there, make nice even jumps. You can also do board work if you choose to over the sling shot. Use a 3 board or 2 board or both and hit at least 3 to 4 sets of either doubles or singles. Do this on your heavy day and make sure to make nice even jumps. Usually take your last heavy bench that you did for the day and use that for your start of board work or you can add 20 to 25lbs max and start their go up. Incline bench go by how you feel if you want to push it then do so but dont out, if youand want to go light and hit some reps thats fine too. Get at least 4 to 6 sets in. Floor presses Get at least 4 to 6 sets in. Incline bench with dumbbells 5 sets 15 reps Pec Flys (cable or dumbbell): 5 sets of 15 reps Tricep Pushdowns: 5 sets of 15 reps Side Dumbell Lateral raises: 5 sets of 15 reps Front Delt cable raises: 5 sets of 15 reps Rear Delt raises w/ Dumb bells:5 sets of 15 reps Ab work Leg raises lying on bench: 3 sets of 20-30 reps

Training Days and Accessory work The Lilliebridge method can be used for as little as 2 days a week all the way up to 5 days a week. Its up to you based on your workload and time. How we typically start our program is: We start the week of on Tuesday by doing some light accessory work. Thursday night we will bench after benching we will do our accessory work for the bench. On Saturdays we will either squat heavy and deadlift light or, it can go the other way, deadlift heavy and squat light. Sunday we will do all our accessory work that goes with squats and deadlifts. We usually train 3 to 4 days out of the week. Rest/recovery is a major key to making gains! Another way you can use the program is bench on Tuesday, accessory work on Wednesday, Squat/ deadlift Saturday / accessory work on Sunday. You can use this program however you want. You can pick and choose your days that work best for you, these days are not engraved in stone. Remember accessory work is to work on your weaknesses! If you feel as though you dont have a weakness in a certain accessory work movement then dont do it. We typically do all the accessory work because we want no weaknesses anywhere! You pick and choose what accessory work you want to do. They do not need to be done all in one day you can split the accessory work up into separate days.

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