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Commentary on Lesson Plan In teaching and learning process, lesson plan plays an important role in helping the teachers

in their teaching. Teachers mainly use lesson plan as their guide to ensure that they are on the right track. Lesson plan will help teachers to produce an effective teaching. The pupils are of mixed ability. Lesson starts with the set induction. During set induction teacher re-introduces the story of The Little Red Riding Hood by showing a video to the pupils. The pupils have learned about the story in the previous lesson. Video will help a visual learner to learn better. Stephen (2012), stated that some students just learn better when viewing animated diagrams, step-by-step howtos, and other video lessons (, 2012). This will make the lesson

become more interesting and fun. The students will learn better with the presence of video. The video is a sort of motivation to the students. According to Nesamalar Chitravelu, Saratha Sithamparan, & Teh (1995), it is impossible to teach the pupils to read if the student himself is not interested in the lesson. After that, the teacher will ask the students questions about the video. For example, the teacher asks the pupils Who is the little girl in the video?. This will increase the pupils understanding about the story and promote their thinking skills. According to Brown (2007), the principles for teaching reading skill is to use techniques that can intrinsically motivated the pupils. The video that is used in the set induction is used as the intrinsic motivation. Nesamalar Chitravelu, Saratha Sithamparan, & Teh (1995), stated that when a listener hears something, this may remind him of something in his previous knowledge, and this in turn, leads him to predict the kind of information he is likely to hear (pp. 40). This is associated with their prior knowledge and will increase their understanding of the story. The next stage is the presentation stage. In this stage the teacher read out loud to the students. Reading aloud is one of the teaching methods that are very important in the teaching and learning process. Teacher should read according to the correct pronunciation, intonation and stress so that the students can understand the words clearly. The students will

understands better with the pauses that are made by the reader besides listening to a new vocabulary and the way the words are pronounced (Fountas and Pinnell 1996, as cited in

TSL 3106 Muhammad Thaqif bin Mahadi (920709-02-5013)

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According to Stevens (2012), reading aloud to the students will help the students to model the fluent reading of the teacher. This means that the students will try to read fluently with correct pronunciation as pronounced by the students. Besides, reading aloud also can help in exposing the students to a challenging text which higher than their level. According to Stevens, as stated in the Common Core State Standards, childrens listening comprehension outpaces reading comprehension until the middle school years (CCSS, Appendix A, p. 27 as cited in After reading aloud to the students, the teacher will paste pictures that resemble the correct sequence of the events on the board. Then the students are divided into groups and they will take turn to perform choral reading. Choral reading is one of the bottom-up

approaches which mean that the reading of the text does not focus on the meaning of the words but they are more focused on the forms of the words (teachingenglish, 2014). During the choral reading, teacher can play their role by correcting the words that is mispronounce by the students to make sure they pupils pronounce correctly. Choral reading can help in building students motivation, self-confidence, and students fluency (readingrockets, 2014). This is important to produce students that are able to talk to the public with full of confidence. During practice stage, pupils are divided in a few groups of five and each group will receive envelope containing paragraphs of the story. Pupils need to sequence the story. This will help in developing the pupils thinking skills. In this activity the cooperative approaches is used. Cooperative approach refers to the work done by the students in pairs or in groups (Brown, 2007). This type of approach will help in improving the interpersonal skills among the students. Learning is frequently most effective when learners have the opportunity to think and talk together (Education Scotland, n.d.). This activity is to test the memorization skill and the understanding of the students about the sequence of the story. In the production stage, the teacher gives each students worksheet for them to complete. The pupils are to match the sentences with the picture correctly. This is an individual activity so that the teacher will be able to identify the different ability of the students. However, the students are required to be in the same group. In these groups, there are mixed ability of students. In a mixed ability group, the better students will help the low achiever students to complete the worksheet. Besides, the teacher will also be able to identify the understanding of TSL 3106 Muhammad Thaqif bin Mahadi (920709-02-5013) Page 2

the students towards the lesson. According to Brown (2007), teacher should build assessment aspect. Worksheet is considered as the assessment that is to measures the ability and the understanding of the students. The last stage of the lesson plan is the closure. In the closure, the students are needed to describe their own ending of the story. On top of that, students are also to states their reasons why they choose the ending to be that way. This activity will help in building the students self-confidence. Besides, this activity will also develop the students critical thinking and improves the students understanding of the story. This activity is also one of the assessments that assess students understanding of the lesson. In short, lesson plan should be planned carefully so that the teaching and learning can takes place without any obstructions. A lesson planned that is wrongly planned can lead to the misunderstanding of the lesson among students and will not develop the level of thinking of the students.

TSL 3106 Muhammad Thaqif bin Mahadi (920709-02-5013)

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