Question 6: What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process of Constructing This Product?

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Question 6: What have you learnt about technolo ies !ro" the #rocess o!

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' used "any di!!erent !or"s o! electronic #resentation to vary "y blo #osts and kee# it interestin (

%ecordin course&ork on "y blo

)or e*a"#le ' used a video diary !or Question 3 o! "y evaluation as it &as +uite a o#en +uestion &hich "eant that ' could e*#and "y thou hts on &hat distribution co"#any &ould be best !or the "y thriller o#enin se+uence(

' u#loaded "y storyboard throu h #hotos !ro" "y #hone, and then sent the" to "y co"#uter and u#loaded the" !ro" there to "y blo (

' used screenshots to u#load cli#s and #hotos !ro" "y thriller and "y #reli"inary task so ' could then evaluate these and sho& &hy each shot &as used(


' u#loaded cli#s throu h -ou.ube !or "e to then analyse and use as case studies( ' did this by e"beddin the" by #ressin the /hare link( .his "eant that i! so"eone read "y blo then they could have so"e kno&led e o! &hat ' &as analysin , even i! they hadn0t seen the !il"(

' also had to use "any other &ebsites to su##ort the #oints ' "ade &hen analysin a thriller( ' used the 'nternet Movie 1atabase 2i"db3 to sho& user ratin s and #revious revie&s to see &hether "y o#inions and !eelin s on a s#eci!ic thriller has been e*#ressed be!ore(


'"db allo&s you to vie& all in!or"ation about a !il" and also it su ests related !il"s &hich can hel# &ith research(

When !il"in &e had to !re+uently use "obile #hones to arran e ti"es and #laces to "eet to !il" our thriller o#enin (

We also !re+uently used social net&orkin sites to collaborate like )acebook Messen er to "ake the /hot 4ist and /hootin /chedule, also &e used it to arran e "eetin s be!ore shootin s( We also used )acebook as you can have rou# conversations and there!ore everyone in the rou# could be "ade a&are o! &hat the arran e"ents &ere !or !il"in (

.he /hoot
When shootin our thriller o#enin &e used a di ital ca"era &hich &as ood as it allo&ed us to revie& our !oota e to see &hether it &as &hat &e &anted to achieve in that shot( 5lso its +uite a &ell kno&n brand and there!ore you can trust the +uality and the reliability o! the e+ui#"ent(


We had to use "any di!!erent e!!ects to en!orce the !lashbacks and "ake the" obvious to the audience( We used black and &hite to sho& the di!!erence bet&een the #resent and the #ast &hich &as s#lit u# by the di# to &hite e!!ect &hich ' think sho&s the di!!erence very &ell( We also used a dissolve e!!ect durin the o#enin to sho& the si"ilarities bet&een the t&o cri"es &hich had taken #lace, &hich sho&s the si"ilarities bet&een both sets o! characters and the di!!erence bet&een the 17800s and the #resent day(

' had to u#load "y soundtrack &hich "eant that ' had to use "y 9/: stick to i"#ort it on to 5dobe ;re"iere ;ro( ' then had to ad<ust to "ake it !it in &ith "y thriller o#enin (

' also had to add titles to "y &ork &hich re+uired di!!erent e!!ects and ti"in s( ' had to also select s#eci!ic !onts and colours &hich ' could do by usin a s#ecial tab on 5dobe ;re"iere ;ro(


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