Light and Sound

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Rithviks portion: Good morning all. I am Rithvik and he is my team mate Sarvesh. We are going to demonstrate two simple science experiments by using LIGHT. Natural source of light is Sun. Light travels at a speed of 300 000 Km per second in Air. It travels at slower speed in water. We are going to demonstrate this through our first experiment.

We are going to bend a Pen with our Eyes. To do that, we have taken a glass, half filled with water and a pen dipped in it. Now look at the pen from the side of the glass. Focus on the point where the pen enters the water, what is strange?

It looks bent. But Why?

The reason is, Our eyes use light to see all objects, but when this light travels through different mediums such as water & air, it changes direction slightly. Light bends (or refracts) when it passes from air to water as its speed slows down. The pen looks bent because we are seeing the bottom part through the water and air but the top part through the air only.

Now Sarvesh will demonstrate our second experiment,

Sarveshs portion: Through our second experiment, we are going to demonstrate white light is not just one color; instead, it is a combination of 7 visible colors - VIBGYOR. We are going to Create our Own Rainbow here inside classroom. For this we have this set up, A shallow pan partly filled with water and a mirror is placed at an angle. Now when we shine light on the mirror which is under water, we create a RAINBOW on the white paper. How rainbow is created? When we shine white light of flashlight into the water, the light bends. So when white light bends, all of its components (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and Violet light) also bend. Each of these colors bends at a different angle because each color travels at a different speed inside water or glass. When we reflect the light back out of the water using the mirror, we are reflecting the white light that has been broken up (from refraction) into the full rainbow of colors, and a rainbow appears!

Shraddhas portion Good morning all. I am shraddha and he is my team mate Vishvanth. We are going to demonstrate few science experiments by using SOUND. Sound is created by vibrations. When we talk, we can feel vibrations on our throat. Sound is absorbed or reflected depending upon the surroundings.

We are going to demonstrate this through simple science experiments.

To demonstrate Sound Absorption and Reflection we have got this set up, We have an empty container with rubber bands tied on it. When we beat elastic bands one by one, we can hear louder sound. But if we fill the same container with some soft clothes, the sound becomes quieter. Whats happening?

When the container is empty, it reflects sound. Hence it is louder. But when clothes are filled in, clothes absorb sound; making them quieter. This is the reason why empty room creates echo and soft furnished room creates nice sound.

Next Vishwanth will explain about our next experiment,

Vishvanths portion: We are going to Make

Music with Water

To make it happen we have this set up, 5 glasses up next to each other and filled with different amounts of water. Now I am going to hit these glasses gently with a pencil. Each glass makes a different tone when hit with the pencil. The glass with the most water creates the lowest tone while the glass with the least water will have the highest. Bur why different tones? The reason is, Small vibrations are made when we hit the glass. This creates sound waves which travel through the water. More water means slower vibrations and a deeper tone.

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