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SIMULIA / Abaqus / Engineous - ein Update

Martin Kssner Dassault Systemes Simulia GmbH

Integration of processes Multiphysics Unified FEA Parallelization Material laws Simulation Lifecycle Management Optimization/Robust Design Conclusion

Integration of processes
FEA is not all that is out there .


Innovation Integration Process

Centered on Virtual Experience
Aerospace Shipbuilding

Industrial Equipment

Consumer Goods

Consumer Packaged Goods

Life Sciences

High Tech



Business Services

There is more that matters than just stresses and strains

Multiphysics in Abaqus Unified FEA

Abaqus enables coupling of multiple fields Thermal Acoustics


Structural Structural


Courtesy: Honeywell FM&T

Fluid flow

Courtesy of Dr. Michelle Hoo Fatt (University of Akron)

Pore pressure

Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL)

Enhances the ability of Abaqus/Explicit to model fluids and materials that undergo extreme deformation Capability consists of: A three-dimensional Eulerian element type Support for all materials in Abaqus/Explicit except hyperelasticity and anisotropy General contact between Eulerian and Lagrangian domains Parallel processing Target applications include: Hydroplaning, water impact, earth penetration, sloshing, bird strike Fully supported in Abaqus/CAE

Volume fraction tool being used to fill a bottle for a drop test

Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL)

Uses a multi-material finite element formulation Volume-of-fluids method tracks material boundaries within an Eulerian domain Conforming meshes are not required Provides a specialized technique to simulate FSI problems that include: Complex structural contact conditions including self-contact Large structural deformations and displacements Very high-speed dynamics Damage, failure, or erosion at the fluid-structure interface

Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL)

Example: Hydroplaning When a vehicle is driving in the rain, water trapped between the road and tire leads to pressure build-up and possible loss of traction Tire manufacturers use simulation to design tread patterns that reduce the possibility of hydroplaning CEL easily handles the complex contact conditions (pinching) that occur during hydroplaning simulation

Unified FEA
Re-Using instead of Re-Doing

Implicit/explicit integration
Unified FEA is a key component of our product strategy Implies the ability to easily transfer models and results between implicit and explicit solution technologies Implicit/explicit integration Most elements and materials that are common to both solution technologies can be transferred


Nonlinear Dynamics
Abaqus/Standard (=Implicit) Uses a second-order accurate, implicit scheme called the HilberHughes-Taylor (HHT) rule. This is a generalization of the Newmark method. Second-order accurate means the scheme integrates a constant acceleration exactly. The method is unconditionally stable: any size time increment can be used, and the solution will remain bounded. Abaqus/Explicit (=Explicit) Uses a second-order accurate, explicit integration scheme. The method is conditionally stableit gives a bounded solution only when the time increment is less than a critical value.

Comparing implicit and explicit integration scheme Implicit Time increment size is not limited: generally fewer time increments required to complete a given simulation. Each time increment is expensive since each requires the solution for a set of simultaneous equations.

Explicit Time increment size is limited: generally many more time increments are required to complete a given simulation. Each time increment is relatively inexpensive because not required to solve a set of simultaneous equations. Most of the computational expense is associated with element calculations (forming and assembling I).

Seek to control the residual at an intermediate point The model is in equilibrium at the beginning and end of the increment Residual at half-increment (half-step residual)

Implicit Ideal for problems where the response period of interest is long compared to the vibration frequency of the model. Difficult to use explicit dynamics effectively because of the limit on the time increment size. Use for problems that are mildly nonlinear and where the nonlinearities are smooth (e.g., plasticity). With a smooth nonlinear response Abaqus/Standard will need very few iterations to find a converged solution.

Explicit Ideal for high-speed dynamic simulations Require very small time increments; implicit dynamics inefficient. Usually more reliable for problems involving discontinuous nonlinearities. Contact behavior is discontinuous and involves impacts, both of which cause problems for implicit time integration. Other sources of discontinuous behavior include buckling and material failure.

Comprehensive linear & nonlinear implicit general purpose finite element analysis of structural, thermal, acoustic & mechanism simulations Integration with Abaqus/Explicit provides maximum flexibility for multi-physics simulation (Unified FEA) Sophisticated contact, failure, material modeling & other advanced nonlinear capabilities High-performance direct and iterative solvers with support for shared and distributed memory configurations Powerful interfaces for user customization

Comprehensive explicit finite element analysis of structural, thermal, acoustic & mechanism simulations Integration with Abaqus/Standard provides maximum flexibility for multi-physics simulation (Unified FEA) High-performance solver with support for shared and distributed memory configurations Powerful interfaces for user customization

Courtesy BMW

Abaqus Unified FEA

Abaqus import capability can transfer a model or part of a model, together with associated state information, between an Abaqus/Explicit analysis and an Abaqus/Standard analysis







Overlapping material library

Damage and failure of fiber-reinforced composites Example: Hashins damage initiation criterion of unidirectional composites is available in Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit The model captures four different damage mechanisms Fiber rupture Fiber buckling and kinking Matrix cracking Matrix crushing Damage evolution consistent with damage framework introduced in Version 6.5 Abaqus/Explicit Abaqus/Explicit and Abaqus/Standard Abaqus/Explicit import

Example (Payload Fairing)

Pressure load = 20 x (cos2) psi under side only

Note : strain discontinuities in doubler region

Example (Payload Fairing)

Composites supported in both /Standard and /Explicit solver
/Standard (20 psi) /Explicit (20 psi)

Example (Payload Fairing)

Composites supported in both /Standard and /Explicit solver
/Standard (20 psi) /Explicit (20 psi)

Example (Payload Fairing)

Analysis in /Explicit carried out to collapse of structure Applied Load = 50 psi over 1.0 second

P = 42.5 psi (t = 0.85)

Nose Tip Displacement

We need to become MUCH faster .

Parallelization and performance

DMP direct sparse solver Scalability significantly improved Memory use noticeably reduced when running on 4 or more compute nodes Unsymmetric solver now supported (important for contact simulations) Multiple linear loads cases and Riks method now supported DMP is an effective strategy for Abaqus/Standard
Courtesy of the DANA Corporation

Major Breakthrough in Abaqus Performance

Expanded procedure support Improved scalability Reduced memory requirements
Courtesy DANA 9.2M DOF

92% Speed Up

Material Laws
Things became really difficult .

Material law

The calibration of the second invariant of the deviatoric left CauchyGreen tensor causes troubles when calibrating hyperelastic material law. What to do with these kind of information?

Simulation Lifecycle Management

What to do with all the data and how to store the processes.?

Simulation Lifecycle Management

SLM means: Bringing Order to Simulation: Management of Data, Methods and Processes Connecting users to each other and the enterprise Leveraging Simulation IP: Capturing simulation know-how and related decisions Extracting and re-using the built-in value of simulation activity An Open Platform to Manage and Deploy Applications: Workflow chaining and job submission Connector architecture for 3rd party applications

SLM Sneak Preview

5 3

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

3DSearch 3DCompass 3DNavigation 3DHeads-Up Contextual Buddy List

4 1

Optimization / Robust Design

Isight for Abaqus: Benefits

Reduce design time Execute multiple simulation studies automatically overnight Parallel submission of optimization, Monte Carlo, and DOE jobs on multiprocessor machines or in conjunction with LSF Improve quality Design-to-target for simulation attributes Account for variation in materials, loads, tolerances, and operating conditions Find the best design Understand which model parameters drive targets Trade off design alternatives in real time with colleagues and other stakeholders

The Big Picture Automated Design Strategies Shop for the best design Y2


DOE: Critical Factors and Initial Design X2 Inputs Initial Best Design Feasible (safe)

Constraint Boundary

Infeasible (failed) Y1


Isight for Abaqus: Design of Experiments (DOE)

Perform trade-offs and understand the design space Capabilities
Determine which input variables have the most influence on your simulation outputs Use to build approximation models Estimate of an Optimal Design

Parameter Studies Orthogonal Arrays Full Factorial Arrays Optimal Latin Hyper Cube Latin Hyper Cube Central Composite Import Outside Experiments

Isight for Abaqus: Approximations

Build from DOE samples, speed up calculations from Six Sigma, speed up live performance tradeoffs Types
Response Surface Model (to 4th order) Radial Basis Function (RBF)

Automatic setup Automatic error estimation Effects graphs Interactive tradeoffs Simulation Surrogate

The Big Picture Automated Design Strategies

Y2 Improve Design Performance

Outputs Optimized Design Constraint Boundary

Optimization (Approximations)

Initial Design from DOE Feasible (safe) Infeasible (failed) Y1

Isight for Abaqus: Optimization

Drive toward a target performance Capabilities
Formulate variables, constraints, and multiple objectives Multi-objective Pareto fronts

Gradient: NLPQL Multi-Objective: NCGA, AMGA Pattern: Hooke-Jeeves and Downhill Simplex Exploratory: Multi-Island Genetic Algorithm (MIGA), Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA) Automatic Optimization: Pointer Automatically configures NLPQL, an evolutionary algorithm, Downhill Simplex, and a linear solver

Sim approximation surrogate

The Big Picture Automated Design Strategies

Improve Design Quality


% Reliable % Unreliable

Constraint Boundary Design for Six Sigma

Robustness and Reliability Analysis and Optimization

Robust and Reliable Design

Feasible (safe)

Infeasible (failed) Y1


SIMULIA / Abaqus / Engineous - ein Update

Martin Kssner Dassault Systemes Simulia GmbH

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