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M.B.A. Second Semester Final Examination 2006 Management Course # 521 (Strategic uman !

esource Management" #ime $ % ours Full Mar&s $ '0 ().B.* All +uestions are o, e+ual -alue. an/ ,i-e o, t0e ,ollo.ing1 1. a. 7. c. d. 2. a. 7. c. d. 9. a. 7. c. d. %. a. 7. c. 5. a. 7. c. d. 6 a. 7. c. C. a. 7. c. d. 20/ do management o,ten ,ails to reali3e t0e -alue o, 0uman assets -is454-is ot0er assets6 20at can ! do to ma&e senior and line managers ta&e more o, an in-estment a88roac0 to 0uman assets6 20/ is a com8etiti-e ad-antage 7ased on a 0ea-/ in-estment in 0uman assets more suita7le t0an in-estment in ot0er t/8es o, assets6 Brie,l/ narrate t0e :t0irteen 8rinci8les o, managing 8eo8le.; 20at are t0e most im8ortant societal trends a,,ecting ! toda/6 20at are t0e most im8ortant .or&8lace trends a,,ecting ! toda/6 <redict .or&8lace c0anges t0at /ou 7elie-e mig0t ta&e 8lace .it0in t0e next ten /ears6 20at c0allenges .ill t0ese c0anges 8resent to organi3ation6 20/ mig0t an organi3ation resist esta7lis0ing telecommunicating 8rograms ,or its em8lo/ees6 Com8are and contrast t0e 8remises and assum8tions o, t0e industrial organi3ation and resource47ased models o, strategic 8lanning6 20at 7ene,its does eac0 model o,,er t0at aid in strategic 8lanning6 =denti,/ t0e ! c0allenges associated .it0 eac0 o, t0e t0ree ma>or cor8orate strategies. Com8are and contrast traditional and strategic !. =n .0at t/8e o, organi3ations mig0t traditional ! still 7e a88ro8riate6 20at are t0e main 7arriers t0at 8re-ent an organi3ation ,rom ta&ing a more strategic a88roac0 to !6 20at are t0e ma>or o7>ecti-es o, 0uman resource 8lanning6 20/ are eac0 o, t0ese o7>ecti-es critical ,or an organi3ation?s success6 20/ are aggregate and succession 8lanning o, critical im8ortance6 o. mig0t ,ailures in t0ese areas im8act an organi3ations a7ilit/ to com8ete6 o. t0e succession s/stems are designed ,or ne. com8etiti-e realit/6 Aesign t0e .or& s/stem o, a modern organi3ation 7/ using t0e >o7 c0aracteristics model. 20at 7arriers to c0ange exits in most organi3ations and 0o. t0e/ can 7e o-ercome6 Com8are and contrast >o7 enlargementB rotation and enric0ment. o. are t0e/ similar to and di,,erent ,rom eac0 ot0er6 20/ mig0t .or& redesign result in outsourcing o, some ,unctions6 20at ,actorsB mig0t im8act t0e decision to outsource a ,unction6 20at is a 8rotected class and .0at la.s exist t0at sa,eguard t0e rig0ts o, eac0 8rotected class in Banglades06 o. can an em8lo/er la.,ull/ res8ond to an allegation o, em8lo/ment discrimination in Banglades06 20at are t0e ma>or strategic c0oices an organi3ation ,aces concerning sta,,ing6 20at are t0e ad-antages and disad-antages o, eac0 alternati-e6 o. does international 0uman resource management di,,er ,rom domestic 0uman resource management6 Ex8lain t0e organi3ational and indi-idual 8ur8oses o, re8atriation. Aescri7e t0e ,our le-els o, standardi3ation o, glo7al 0uman resource 8ractices. Ex8lain 0o. eac0 o, o,stede?s cultural dimensions mig0t result in s8eci,ic &inds o, 0uman resource 8rograms and 8ractices6 % 9 9 6 9 9 6 % % % % % 9@9 9@9 % % % % % 6 6 %@2 % % % %

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