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International svmposium on hunting, Modern aspects of sustainable management of game population

Zemun-Belgrade, Serbia, 22. 24. June, 2012.

Orginal scientiIic paper UDC: 636.082
, Krafmerova, D.
, Romsakova, I.
, Schlosserova, D.
Summarv. Conservation genetics became in the last two decade a useIul tool Ior all decision making in nature
conservation. Correct estimation oI population size, gene diversity and diIIerentiation oI populations and
population structures are necessary Ior all decisions concerning species conservation and/or their management.
The Carpathians and a big part oI the Balkan Peninsula are Ior many species considered to be the reIuge Ior
their Iurther migration in postglacial period. This is the case oI Rupicapra rupicapra, which is the species with
three diIIerent subspecies, Ursus arctos and Cervus elaphus with two diIIerent genetic lines. Similar pattern is
expected also in other large mammals and/or animal species (Iish, birds, and insects).
Comparative studies oI genetic diversity and diIIerentiation oI protected and managed wildliIe species within
the larger areas oI Carpathians should serve Ior decisions concerning their management and conservation
practices. Such comparison is necessary especially Ior brown bear and chamois populations in Slovakia and
Romania) where populations oI both species with diIIerent population sizes and densities occur.
Kev words. conservation genetics, Ursus arctos, Rupicapra rupicapra, pylogeography, genetic diversity
Conservation genetics is an interdisciplinary science that aims to apply genetic methods to the conservation
and restoration oI biodiversity. Interdisciplinary oI conservation genetics is based on the interaction oI several Iields
including population genetics, molecular ecology, biology, evolutionary biology, and systematic. Genetic diversity
is one oI the three Iundamental levels oI biodiversity with direct impact on conservation oI species and ecosystem
diversity |1|, |2|.
Conservation genetics is a new scientiIic Iield, broader applications that have been introduced to conservation
biology aIter the advent oI molecular methods in 1990. With regard to sampling oI experimental material, plant
conservation genetics is methodically simpler, however, while wildliIe conservation genetics must rely on more
sophisticated sampling methods, e.g. non-invasive sampling.
Phylogeography is the study oI the historical processes that may be responsible Ior the contemporary
geographic distributions oI individuals. This term was introduced to describe geographically structured genetic
signals within and among species. An explicit Iocus on a species biogeographic past sets phylogeography apart Irom
classical population genetics and phylogenetics. Past events include population expansion, population bottlenecks,
vicariance and migration |2|.
Study oI phylogeography and large-scale population diIIerentiation may play an important role in resolving the
conservation genetic issues in deIining evolutionary signiIicant units (ESU) or conservation units and/or
understanding oI the intra speciIic taxonomical classiIication. Although phylogeography is a rather young branch oI
biological science (it was coined in 1987), the recent two decades oI its applications contributed signiIicantly to
understanding the processes oI the establishing present ranges oI numerous wildliIe species as a result oI postglacial
migration and other evolutionary processes.
The study oI mitochondrial markers is considered as a principal tool oI the phylogeography studies. The advent
oI the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the process where millions oI copies oI a DNA segment can be replicated,
was crucial in the development oI phylogeography. Thanks to this breakthrough, the inIormation contained in
mitochondrial DNA sequences was much more accessible. Advances in both laboratory methods (e.g. capillary
DNA sequencing technology) that allowed easier sequencing oI DNA and computational methods make better use
oI the data.
Nevertheless, markers oI the nuclear DNA, which due to their biparental inheritance also depict recent events,
e.g. the inIluence oI selection, mutual mating and the gene Ilow should be also considered as a parallel tool Ior
phylogeography studies. The application oI both, mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers Ior phylogeographic
studies requires genetic inventories with a large-scale sampling oI biological material Ior analyses. The advantage oI
the DNA analyses is the possibility to collect samples by both invasive and non-invasive methods and since many oI
Ladislav Paule, PhD, proIessor; Diana Krajmerova, PhD, post-doc; Ivana Romsakova, PhD., post-doc; Dusana Schlosserova, PhD student;
Faculty oI Forestry, Technical University, Zvolen, Slovakia;
Corresponding author: Ladislav Paule, Faculty oI Forestry, Technical University, SK-96053 Zvolen, Slovakia;; Phone:
421 45 5206221.
International svmposium on hunting, Modern aspects of sustainable management of game population
Zemun-Belgrade, Serbia, 22. 24. June, 2012.
the wildliIe species are at the same time game species, even historical samples with well-preserved DNA
(museum and trophy specimens) can be used as a source oI biological material Ior comparative studies.
Among the practical applications oI the conservation, genetic studies in wildliIe populations there are many
aims in resolving the taxonomy (systematic) questions e.g. position oI the lower taxonomic units, the studies aimed
at the investigation oI the genetic diIIerentiation oI the endangered and managed wildliIe populations, identiIication
oI the evolutionary signiIicant units (ESU) and the consequences oI population Iragmentation due to the human
impact. Study oI all oI these problems in wildliIe populations would not have been possible beIore the discovery oI
PCR techniques and subsequent elaboration oI non-invasive sampling Ior numerous wildliIe species |9|.
Recent advances oI conservation genetics are methodologically linked with molecular ecology and large-scale
genetic sampling on one hand and with sophisticated statistical analyses based on Bayesian approach and methods
oI landscape genetics on the other hand.
The aim oI our research activities were large-scale inventories oI genetic diIIerentiation oI several wildliIe
red deer (Cervus elaphus) intensive study oI genetic diIIerentiation oI red deer populations within
Carpathians and adjacent territories,
wild boar (Sus scrofa) Europe-wide study oI genetic diIIerentiation with special attention to the
intraspeciIic taxonomical units,
brown bear (Ursus arctos) genetic diIIerentiation oI brown bear populations along the Carpathians and
Eastern Balkan, and
chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) genetic diIIerentiation oI chamois populations within three subspecies.
Material and Method
Samples oI all Iour species were collected in the period between 2004 and 2010 within the Carpathian
Mountains and Balkan Peninsula. In total, 564 samples oI red deer, 900 samples oI wild boar, 300 samples oI brown
bear and 700 samples oI chamois were collected. DNA Irom tissues and blood was isolated either using the
modiIied method oI Sambrook |10| involving overnight digestion with K Iollowed by phenol-chloroIorm extraction
or by Chelex 100 Resin (Biorad) with 20 minutes at 99 C in 10 Chelex solution. Bone samples were Iirst ground
then decalciIied in EDTA and Iinally DNA was isolated using NucleoSpin Tissue kit (Macherey-Nagel). Faecal
and hair samples were processed in a laboratory used exclusively Ior non-invasive samples. DNA Irom Iaeces was
isolated using the QIAamp DNA Stool Mini Kit (Qiagen) according to the producer`s manual. Hair DNA was
extracted with Chelex, using the same protocol as Ior tissues and blood. One or two negative controls were used in
each batch oI extractions to detect possible contamination.
For all Iour studies, a set oI microsatellites oI nuclear DNA (14, 11, 13 or 24, respectively) optimized Ior sets
oI multiplexes was used. Bayesian analyses (STRUCTURE) Ior attributing individuals into pre-deIined populations
were used as a principal tool oI the statistical evaluation that was later completed by several methods oI landscape
Results and Discussion
For the case study oI genetic diIIerentiation oI red deer populations, 564 samples (soIt tissues and antlers) have
been used in total and 14 microsatellite loci have been optimized into Iour multiplexes. The sample set covered the
area oI Central and South-Eastern Europe with a special emphasis to enlighten the genetic diIIerentiation oI red deer
Irom Carpathians and the adjacent territories with the aim to study the position oI Carpathian red deer, Cervus
elaphus montanus Botezat.
Taxonomical position oI the Carpathian red deer was Iirst described by Botezat |4|, and since that time it has
been considered as the subspecies Cervus elaphus montanus Botezat (however, according to Grubb |8|, the name
montanus is taxonomically invalid). Dobroruka (1960) gives the geographic distribution oI the C. elaphus montanus
as the one reaching Irom the Eastern Carpathians up to Krym |5|, and on the other side, according to Groves
and Grubb (1987) it reaches to Baltics and southern Hungary |7|.
Besides the body size, zoologists and hunters paid much attention to the trophy size and shape, which were at
the end oI the 19
and the beginning oI the 20
centuries considered the largest in Europe. Similarly, the skull size
oI red deer originating Irom the Eastern Carpathians was larger than that Irom Western Europe. According to
Philipowicz (1961), the skull length varied between 47 and 50 cm and zygomatic width varied between 15 and 18
International svmposium on hunting, Modern aspects of sustainable management of game population
Zemun-Belgrade, Serbia, 22. 24. June, 2012.
cm. In contrast, the skull length oI the western European red deer varied between 42 and 43 cm, the skull lengths oI
the Carpathian red deer were larger by 1520 |11|.
Craniological analyses have revealed a diIIerentiation oI the Carpathian and western European red deer in the
skull size (as expressed in the skull length and width) and some other characteristics. The presence oI convex nasal
bones, as claimed earlier by several authors to be typical Ior Carpathian red deer, has not been proven. This type oI
skulls occurs but it is not very Irequent.
Genetic studies based on a set oI 311 individuals and 12 microsatellite loci have shown a rather good
diIIerentiation oI the Carpathian populations (including the adjacent territories i.e. Slovakia, Hungary southern
Poland) Irom the populations originating Irom the Czech Republic (Krkonose) and Poland (Sztralowo). These
diIIerences were proved statistically signiIicant using the BARRIER as well as the STRUCTURE soItware (Fig. 1). A
high proportion oI Carpathian genes are depicted in red colour, while the western European ones in yellow and all
transition populations in blue colour.
The Hungarian population originating Irom Zala has shown a more pronounced similarity with the Carpathian
red deer than the population Irom Baja, because many red deer have been moved to the region oI Zala during the
century |14|.
Fig. 1 Results oI the STRUCTURE analysis (number oI groups 3). All 311 individuals were clustered into groups according to
their geographic origin; diIIerent colors represent the proportion oI genes attributed to individual groups (yellow western
European; red Carpathian and blue transition group).
The second case study was aimed at intra speciIic structuring oI wild boar populations within the European
range oI the species. So Iar, we have used 900 samples and 11 microsatellites loci optimized into Iour multiplex
PCR reactions. The overall evaluation has shown the pattern oI large-scale genetic structuring oI populations that
might resemble the presence oI subspecies as they were originally deIined, however, the borders oI ranges do not
coincide with ranges described in the literature. The expected border between the occurrence oI Sus scrofa attila and
S.s. scrofa is shiIted much more to the west and corresponds with the border between the Carpathians and the
Hercynians. The southern European populations also show signiIicant genetic structuring oI populations |3|.
Fig. 2 Results oI the structure analysis oI wild boar populations in Europe-wide study.
International svmposium on hunting, Modern aspects of sustainable management of game population
Zemun-Belgrade, Serbia, 22. 24. June, 2012.
The third case study was aimed at the study oI brown bear populations along the Carpathians. We have used in
total about 300 tissue samples Irom legally culled brown bears in Slovakia and some additional samples oI hair and
Iaeces, which were later compared with about 120 samples Irom Greece. For the analyses, 13 microsatellites were
used in three multiplexes. Overall diIIerentiation was shown between the Romanian and Slovak brown bear
populations and within in Slovakia there was a separation oI northern and central Slovakian populations with some
migrants. This was due to the landscape Iragmentation as the consequence oI building the water reservoir, highway
and industrial inIrastructure in the valley between the High and the Low Tatras |12|, |13|.
Fig. 3 Fragmentation oI brown bear populations Irom Carpathians (empty squares Romania; Iull squares Eastern Slovakia;
Iull circles northern Slovakia and empty circles central Slovakia) (Straka et al., 2012)
Finally, we have made comparison oI chamois populations belonging to Iour subspecies Rupicapra rupicapra
rupicapra, R. r. balcanica, R. r. tatrica and R. r. carpatica. We have analyzed in total 395 samples (tissues, bones)
and used 24 microsatellites optimized Ior three multiplex reactions and two singleplexes. A very good
diIIerentiation has been shown between three subspecies Rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra (populations 17), R. r.
balcanica (populations 1011), R. r. tatrica (population 13), except R.r. carpatica (populations 12) Ior which we did
not have enough samples yet. Some populations oI R.r. balcanica (populations 89) were characterized by
admixture oI individuals possessing genes oI two subspecies due to the translocations oI animals to support the
populations size and trophy quality. Since these sites are at present in the national park Velebit, it seems to be
diIIicult to control the genetic purity oI populations and upgrade their conservation status.
Fig. 4 Results oI the STRUCTURE analysis oI the chamois populations Irom Alps, Tatras and Balkan.
Four case studies, which shows the large-scale studies oI genetic structure and diIIerentiation oI wildliIe (red
deer, wild boar, brown bear and chamois) populations, showed that it is possible to use microsatellites oI the nuclear
DNA Ior studying population diIIerentiation on large geographical scales and/or phylogeographic pattern that could
contribute to the understanding the intra speciIic structure and position oI speciIic lower taxonomical units usually
described in the past on the basis oI morphological variation.
Besides the analyses using nuclear microsatellites, it would be helpIul to compare the given results also with pattern
oI mitochondrial DNA variation. This could enlighten the historical background oI present populations with regard
to the migration processes in postglacial period and/or the recent translocation activities.
International svmposium on hunting, Modern aspects of sustainable management of game population
Zemun-Belgrade, Serbia, 22. 24. June, 2012.
,This contribution is the result oI the project implementation: Extension oI the Centre oI Excellence ,Adaptive
Forest Ecosystems', ITMS: 26220120049, supported by the Research & Development Operational Programme
Iunded by the ERDF'.
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