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Seville Snape se1049 Ravenclaw

Short Answer: (Worth 10 Points)

1. What group of people have tamed the hippocampus and used it in their daily lives? The Merepeople tamed the hippocampus and uses it in their daily lives. 2. Where might you find a Lobalug? You would find a Lobalug in the Black Sea. 3. Where might you find a Red Cap? They live in Europe in holes where human blood has touched the ground. 4. What color are an Ashwinder's eggs? An Ashwinders eggs are a bright red. 5. What are encrusted on the shell of a Firecrab? A Firecraps shell is encrusted with valuable gemstones. 6. At what age might a Crup owner remove its tail? A Crups tail may be removed when he/she is between 6 and 8 week old. 7. What do Murtlaps eat? Murtlaps will try to eat your toes if you accidently step on them. 8. What muggle creature do Knarls looks like? Knarls looks a lot like hedgehogs. 9. How tall do Pixies stand? Pixies are about 8 inches tall. 10. What is the name given to a Hippocampus inside the egg? A Hippocampus that is still in its egg is called a tadfoal.

True or False: (Worth 10 Points)

1. You can find a Pixie in Cornwall, England. True. 2. Red Caps are found all over Quidditch Pitches. False, Red Caps are found all over Europe and especially on old batlefields. 3. Despite its name, a Firecrab does not use fire as a defense. False, a Firecrap would shoot fire from their back end if they feel threatened. 4. You do not need to place any sort of enchantment on Ashwinder eggs. False, if you ever find Ashwinder eggs, you should place a proper freezing charm on it. 5. If you wish to get a Crup, you have to register with the Ministry of Magic's Ain't That A Cool Cat department. False, if you wish to get a Crup, you would have to get a licence from the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.

Re-tell the Story: (Worth 10 Points)

In the early 1800s a group of Muggle fisher folk were fishing in the Atlantic Ocean. While they were fishing, a group of wizards sailed by. The Muggles, without realising what the wizards were capable of, insulted the wizards very badly. This angered the wizards so much, that they, for the sake of revenge, created the Shrake. The Shrake is a fish found only in the Atlantic Ocean. The Shrakes whole body is covered with extremely sharp spikes. It was first intended that the Shrakes would tear those certain muggle fisher folks nets to pieces and even now muggle fishing nets are always being ripped at that patch of sea.

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