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Entrepreneurship 2005 Model Questions (Part A)

1. Explainwhat is Entrepreneurship and definean Entrepreneurin the 21st century.

2. Describe important theories of entrepreneurship. 3. Describe the advantages of entrepreneurship to an individual and to the nation. - -4-:-Descnfie tIle competencies needed in a successful entrepreneur.

5. What makes a successful entrepreneur? Shortlist six key characteristics in the order of priority and justify. 6. Compare a male and female entrepreneur. How is the entrepreneurship concept percolating in the women ofIndia? What are the social issues they face and what is the future for Women Entrepreneurs in India? 7. Describe the role of entrepreneurship in economic development of the nation. 8. Narrate the impact of macro environme!lt on entrepreneurship. 9. India will be a nation of entrepreneurs in the 21st century - Explain why and how? 10. What is Intrapreneurship and explain how it differs from Entrepreneurship. 11. Describe the role of individuals and organizations to promote the culture of Intrapreneurship. 12. How do Managers differ from an Entrepreneur? Is there any change being noted in the recent years? -Ifyes, please narrate the change. 13. Distinguish between Creativity, Invention and Innovation. Identify the sources of innovation. Narrate strategies to implement an innovation. 14. Explain the r~le of: a. Grass-root Entrepreneurship b. Corporate Entrepmeurship c. Social Entrepreneurship in building a developed India.


Model questions (Part B)

1. Critically review the impact of LPG Policy on Entrepreneurship. ons and Incentives to an SSI / SB, under the following

heads: a. Marketing b. Technological c. Financial d. Infra- structure

3. Following policies related to SSI have taken a V-turn in the last decadea. Reservation b. Subsidies Outline the past and present and the reasons for the reversal 4. Outline the role of the following institutions supporting an Entrepreneur a. Small Industries Development Bank ofIndia (SIDBI) b. National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. (NSIC) c. Technology Bureau for small Enterprises (TBSE) d Small Industries-Service Institute (SISI)

5. What are the efforts of Government ofMaharashtra to encourage IT Entrepreneurs? 6. State Six(6) important clearances / approvals needed by a new small undertaking and give reasons in support.

Model questions (Part C)

1. What are the important steps involved in Product /Project Identification? How one -zeroes Clownon an Idea? 2. Define the term "Business Plan" and discuss its chapter-wise contents. 3. Choose anyone of the following small business a. Software Consultancy Services b. Fast Food Restaurant c. Manufacture of Auto-components d. Manufacture of Potato Wafers Write a Business Plan for the above for submission to a Bank for funding. 4. What is a Venture capital? Spell out the different steps involved in the process of Venture Capital Funding. 5. Explain the concept, advantages, limitations and legal issu~s related to : a. Franchising b. Ancillarising c, Acquisitioning 6. Write Short notes on: a. Business Incubation Programmes b. Managing early growth of a Business c. Entrepreneurial Cycle

d. DevelopingEntrepreneurs
f. Globalization and growth of Entrepreneurship g. Business Ethics and Entrepreneurs

e. Comparison of Ancillarization and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)

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