State of Montana Department of Administration Agency IT Plan

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State Of Montana
Department of
(Excl.Lottery, OPD, & ITSD)

Agency IT Plan

F O R F Y 2 0 0 8 I T PL A N UP DAT E

Prepared By: Warren L. Dupuis


April 30, 2008


TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................................IV
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................................1
SECTION 1: AGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION..............................................................................2
SECTION 2: AGENCY IT MISSION..........................................................................................................3
2.1 Agency IT Mission Statement.............................................................................................................3
SECTION 3: AGENCY SECURITY PROGRAM.....................................................................................4
3.1 Security Program...............................................................................................................................4
SECTION 4: AGENCY IT PLAN................................................................................................................5
4.1 Goals/Requirements...........................................................................................................................5
4.2 Risks.................................................................................................................................................15
SECTION 5: ENTERPRISE ALIGNMENT.............................................................................................16
5.1 State Strategic Plan for IT Alignment..............................................................................................16
5.2 Standards/Compliance Issues..........................................................................................................16
SECTION 6: EXPENDITURES..................................................................................................................17
6.1 Planned Agency IT Expenditures ...................................................................................................17
6.2 Total Agency Budget........................................................................................................................17
6.3 Augmented IT Funding.....................................................................................................................17
6.4 Staffing.............................................................................................................................................18
6.5 Staffing Shortfalls.............................................................................................................................20
SECTION 7: IT INITIATIVES (FY2008-2013)........................................................................................21
7.1 Initiatives..........................................................................................................................................21
SECTION 8: ENTERPRISE IT INVENTORY.........................................................................................23
8.1 Inventory Update..............................................................................................................................23

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The Montana Department of Administration’s (DOA) mission is to “Serve and Satisfy Our Customers” in a
wide range of services provided to a diverse customer base.
This Information Technology Plan demonstrates a commitment to customer service through effective
implementation of information technologies. Our customers include State employees, suppliers, banking
institutions, local governments, health care providers, landlords, insurance companies, and others important
to the success of government services. The Department is committed to improving the efficiency and
delivery of cost effective services to the citizens of Montana through wise use of information technologies.
As customer expectations change, the DOA will deploy self-service applications to respond to new
demands for up-to-date information. The security of private information will be assured through
implementation of access controls, encryption, implementation of security policies, and auditing.
DOA divisions rely on information systems to deliver services and comply with legislative mandates.
Database systems automate many manual functions and are the foundation for accurate and timely
performance of business functions. We will continuously review business processes to identify areas where
we can implement improvements. Information technologies will be deployed that improve service and
minimize costs to the Department and the State of Montana.
Information technology services are provided to the various divisions of the Department by ITSD through
service level agreements. These services include support for hardware, LAN, software, and WEB support
and development.
This IT Plan summarizes the major IT goals, objectives, and projects for Fiscal Years 2008 - 20013, it
contains goals for improving customer service, emphasizing web-based services, maintaining and
improving eGovernment services.
The major objectives of this plan include increasing the availability of alternative education delivery
methods, identifying customer expectations for new applications, ensuring data security, designing and
implementing self service applications to efficiently conduct business, creating more efficient business
processes, maintaining existing eGovernment services and adding new services.
The major initiatives contained in this plan include the development of a database for banks and credit
unions, implementing projects and contracts management software for the State Accounting Division, the
lease and implementation of a comprehensive annual financial reporting solution for the State Accounting
Division, changes to the Montana Budgeting and Reporting System (MBARS), and a digital recording and
retention system for the State Tax Board.


Agency Name: Department of Administration, excluding the Office of Public

Defender, ITSD, and the Lottery.

Role: Plan Owner

Name: Janet R. Kelly
Telephone Number: 444-3033
EMail Address:

Role: IT Contact
Division: State Accounting Division
Name: Paul Christofferson
Telephone Number: 444-4609
EMail Address:

Role: IT Contact
Division: Architecture & Engineering Division
Name: Tom O’Connell
Telephone Number: 444-3105
EMail Address:

Role: IT Contact
Division: General Services Division
Name: Marv Eicholtz
Telephone Number: 444-3119
EMail Address:

Role: IT Contact
Division: Banking and Financial Institutions
Name: Annie Goodwin
Telephone Number: 841-2927
EMail Address:

Role: IT Contact
Division: State Human Resources Division
Name: Paula Stoll

Telephone Number: 444-3894
EMail Address:

Role: IT Contact
Division: Risk Management and Tort Defense
Name: Brett Dahl
Telephone Number: 444-3687
EMail Address:

Role: IT Contact
Division: State Tax Appeal Board (an “attached to” agency)
Name: Jere Ann Nelson
Telephone Number: 444-5394
EMail Address:

Role: IT Contact
Division: Health Care and Benefits
Name: Connie Welsh/Jessica Solem
Telephone Number: 444-2553
EMail Address:


2.1 Agency IT Mission Statement

The agency uses information technology to play an essential role to deliver efficient and cost effective
Department services, to enable best practice business process changes, and to accomplish the agency’s
overall mission.


3.1 Security Program

The Information Technology Services Division provides services to the various divisions of the
Department by the Information Technology Services Division (ITSD) through service level
agreements. Compliance with ITSD’s policies and practices are, therefore, implicitly adopted..
ITSD has adopted information security standard practices as established in the Federal Information Security
Management Act (FISMA) of 2002 (Public Law 107-347). This act requires federal government entities to
use the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) publish guidelines and Federal Information
Processing Standards (FIPS) to secure information systems by managing the risks to those systems. This
approach supports the goal to develop IT resources in an organized, deliberative, cost-effective manner.
The NIST and FIPS publications provide guidance for facilitating a consistent risk-based approach to
information security programs. Although these publications are directed toward the federal sector, they can
also be used to provide guidance on a variety of other governmental, organizational, or institutional security
requirements. Many of ITSD’s customers are required to meet Federal security requirements and by using
the NIST/FIPS guidance we are enabling the Division to comply with these Federal requirements. ITSD
will also use these publications to provide standard practice guidance when developing future enterprise IS
security policies.
By applying the NIST framework for the development of a security program ITSD will reduce the risks that
the Department is exposed to through the use of information and information systems. The objectives of
this program are to: conduct periodic assessments of risks; develop and publish policies and procedures that
are based on risk assessments; conduct security awareness training; conduct periodic testing and evaluation
of the effectiveness of information security policies, procedures, practices, and security controls; develop a
process for planning, implementing, evaluating, and documenting remedial actions; develop procedures for
detecting, reporting, and responding to security incidents; and develop plans and procedures for continuity
of operations
The Security and Continuity Services (SCS) organization within ITSD will facilitate and coordinate the
Continuity of Operations (COOP) planning for the Department. Production and Development instances of
the Living Disaster Recovery Planning Software (LDRPS) have been installed in ITSD’s enterprise data
center. SCS staff is completing the configuration of the software, establishing links to other data sources
such as SABHRS HR, and defining planner “navigators” for agency staff to enter agency specific data into
LDRPS. The “navigators” will simplify data entry and ensure an appropriate level of security for the data
being entered into LDRPS. SCS staff is defining appropriate training levels necessary for individuals
involved in COOP planning and coordinating the acquisition and delivery of the necessary training. SCS
staff will provide general direction and one-on-one assistance to the Department for completion of COOP
planning in LDRPS. They will also facilitate exercises/drills of the agency COOP plans. The on-going
process for COOP planning will be data entry into LDRPS with plan publication, review and formal sign-
off by agency management of the plan, and exercise/drill of the plan. This process will be scheduled
annually to ensure the currency of the State’s COOP plans to maintain compliance with Federal


4.1 Goals/Requirements
Goal Number 1:
ITG 1 Improve Customer Service
Description: The Department of Administration will deploy fiscally responsible information technology
projects to improve customer service.
Benefits: This goal recognizes that information technology is critical for the delivery of Department
services and that customer service expectations are increasing through frequent exposure to new integrated
and web-based applications. The Department needs to keep up with these trends to maintain and improve
services where fiscally prudent. Beneficiaries include staff from other agencies, the general public, the
business community, other governmental entities and State employees.

Does this goal support the State IT Strategic Plan? If so, how? By utilizing technology to accomplish
the supporting objective listed below, this goal will directly and indirectly support the following State IT
Strategic goals: Goal 2: Develop IT resources in an organized, deliberative and cost-effective manner by
implementing new technologies; Goal 4 – Protect individual privacy and the privacy of information
contained within IT systems by improving information security and identity management; Goal 5: Improve
government services by expanding eGovernment services.

Supporting Objective/Action
ITO 1-1 Increase the availability and use of alternative education delivery models to supplant
classroom instruction, reduce costs, and increase outreach.
Describe the business requirements or business problem driving this objective: Customer
service/needs for efficient, effective, and reliable service are the primary drivers in meeting the
Department’s mission to “Serve and Satisfy Our Customers” in a wide range of services provided to a
diverse customer base.
Describe the benefits to be derived from the successful completion of this objective: Training improves
job performance which in turn will improve customer service. e-Training improves efficiency and reduces
expenses by reducing classroom instruction time, reducing travel costs and driving time to remote
locations. Reductions in these overhead costs could be retained by agencies to allow for additional
employee development opportunities. In addition, trainees potentially benefit from more convenient “on-
demand” scheduling, reducing time away from their daily tasks.
Describe the anticipated risks associated with this objective: Developing courseware and supporting
applications in a dynamic environment require that investments be made in areas where the relative
stability of the technology and course content will insure a reasonable return on investment.
Describe how this objective supports the agency IT goal: We intend to improve customer service by
providing a more convenient, less expensive method of provide training to State and local government
employees in order to reduce costs and increase participation in training.
What is the timeframe for completion of this objective: Fiscal year 2009 - 2010
Describe the critical success factors associated with this objective; i.e., how will you know when it has
been successfully completed: In the near term, this objective will be considered successful when the
following key actions are completed and the cost/benefit return on investment is realized.
1) Pilot 2 programs during the 2009 biennium and assess the cost/benefit of an alternative training

delivery method for a couple of Risk Management and Tort Defense courses.
2) Establish a facility in the Mitchell building that can be utilized for distance learning.

Supporting Objective/Action
ITO 1-2 Identify customer expectations and requirements as new applications are designed to
increase stakeholder satisfaction.
Describe the business requirements or business problem driving this objective: Customer
service/needs are the primary drivers in meeting the Department’s mission to “Serve and Satisfy Our
Customers” in a wide range of services provided to a diverse customer base.
Describe the benefits to be derived from the successful completion of this objective: Agencies and
Department customers benefit from improved, modern services. Additional employee self-service
functionality, available in the newest version of the Oracle/PeopleSoft system, will relieve HR staff from
responding to FAQs.
Describe the anticipated risks associated with this objective: Identifying customer expectations and
developing a consensus on requirements is time consuming and may lead to expectations of applications
that are not cost effective.
Describe how this objective supports the agency IT goal: Customer expectations and demands are
changing with the increased deployment of information technology in their daily and professional lives.
The Department needs to acknowledge this shift in expectations as new systems and/or IT solutions are
designed and implemented as a means of improving customer service.
What is the timeframe for completion of this objective: This is a continuous process.
Describe the critical success factors associated with this objective; i.e., how will you know when it has
been successfully completed: This objective will be considered successful if the following key actions are
completed through a collaborative process involving customers, process owners, and stakeholders. The
degree of success will be measured by the user’s acceptance of changes and nature customer feedback
1) Develop and maintain a Banking Division website that provides forms for license renewals, etc. to
be completed on-line, and that provides licensee names, approved education providers and other
information to licensees and the public (Fiscal Years 2008 – 2009 for mortgage lenders, ongoing
maintenance for mortgage brokers).
2) Enhance the mortgage broker and loan originator and mortgage lender database to monitor branch
locations and provide for administrative queries.
3) Develop a process or system for accumulating and storing local government financial information
4) Allow agency HR/payroll and Financial staff to provide input through the SABHRS User Group
into business process improvements.
5) Maximize and improve manager and employee self-service functionality available in the SABHRS
HCM application.
6) Enhance the SABHRS Financial Enterprise suite of products to meet the State’s business needs.

Supporting Objective/Action
ITO 1-3 Address stakeholder concerns by ensuring their data is secure, that the Department
maintains their individual privacy and maintains its integrity by holding Department
employees to high accountability standards.
Describe the business requirements or business problem driving this objective: Provide quality,
reliable and timely information to the public, governmental entities and the Legislature, while ensuring that
“protected” information collected and maintained within Department systems is secure from unauthorized
releases or access.
Describe the benefits to be derived from the successful completion of this objective: The Department
benefits from improved willingness of customers to provide sensitive, private information. The customer
benefits from the improved service delivery and reduced risk of releases of the sensitive information.
Describe the anticipated risks associated with this objective: There is a risk that a breach may occur
before all security controls are adopted or fully implemented.
Describe how this objective supports the agency IT goal: Ensuring “protected” information collected
and maintained within Department systems is secure from unauthorized releases or access is an implied
customer service expectation.
What is the timeframe for completion of this objective: Fiscal Year 2009
Describe the critical success factors associated with this objective; i.e., how will you know when it has
been successfully completed: In the near term, this objective will be considered successful when the
following key actions are completed with the degree of success being determined by the absence of data
security breaches.
1) Maintain SLA for ITSD support of Department IT needs, including data base administration,
security planning and implementation.
2) Improve security of sensitive information on financial institutions through an ITSD accepted data
encryption mechanism (BFI).
3) Maintain use of dual-authentication system for laptop computer users via smart card technology.
4) Establish a user-friendly secure e-mail system to allow easy, secure information exchange with
federal bank regulators, law enforcement, and financial institutions and licensees. (BFI).

Goal Number 2:
ITG 2 Emphasize web-based services
Description: The Department will emphasize web-based services in its service delivery models where
fiscally prudent.
Benefits: Web-based services are becoming expected among constituents and offer the Department
potential improvements in efficiency and effectiveness. The MINE portal and SABHRS application provide
the infrastructure to provide employees greater access to personal and general employee information, and
provides the foundation for employee self-service. The Department would like to extend web-based
services to the general population and businesses. A number of web-based services are contained in this
plan to extend benefits to the private sector.
Does this goal support the State IT Strategic Plan? If so, how? This goal supports the Governor’s
“20x10” initiative by reducing or eliminating the need to travel in order to obtain essential government
services. By utilizing technology to accomplish the supporting objective listed below, this goal will
directly and indirectly support the following State IT Strategic goals: Goal 2: Develop IT resources in an
organized, deliberative and cost-effective manner by implementing new technologies; Goal 5: Improve
government services by expanding eGovernment services.

Supporting Objective/Action
ITO 2-1 Design and implement self service applications to allow stakeholders to conveniently
and efficiently conduct their business with the Department.

Describe the business requirements or business problem driving this objective: Customer
service/needs for efficient, effective, and reliable services.
Describe the benefits to be derived from the successful completion of this objective: The Department’s
customers benefit from improved, modern services that can be accessed in a timely and cost effective
Describe the anticipated risks associated with this objective: There are risks associated with the level of
customer acceptance and information security that can be overcome with proper marketing and ensuring
that security controls are in place.
Describe how this objective supports the agency IT goal: Customer expectations and demands are
changing with the increased deployment of information technology in their daily and professional lives.
The Department needs to acknowledge this shift in expectations by providing web-based services.
What is the timeframe for completion of this objective: See below
Describe the critical success factors associated with this objective; i.e., how will you know when it has
been successfully completed?: In the near term, this objective will be considered successful when the
following key actions are completed with the degree of success being determined by an increase in
customer access and utilization of services as measured by an increase in transactions.
1) Support State Accounting Division’s Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) initiative to get more
vendors set-up for electronic payments. Goals are an increase in EFTs during Fiscal Years 2008,
2009, 2010.

2) Consider increased deployment of self-service modules within the SABHRS Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) or third party add-ins as long-term support plans are developed. Vet through all
SABHRS stakeholders.

Supporting Objective/Action
ITO 2-2 Create more efficient business processes by providing web-based services to eliminate
redundant processing steps, manual processes, and excessive data handling.

Describe the business requirements or business problem driving this objective: Customer
service/needs for efficient, effective, and reliable services
Describe the benefits to be derived from the successful completion of this objective: Users will enjoy
the benefits of more efficient, modern business processes, while transactional processing and/or service
costs of the Department are reduced.
Describe the anticipated risks associated with this objective: NONE
Describe how this objective supports the agency IT goal: Emphasizing the use of web-based services
will improve customer service and to improve efficiencies of certain Department services.
What is the timeframe for completion of this objective: Fiscal Years 2009-2010
Describe the critical success factors associated with this objective; i.e., how will you know when it has
been successfully completed: In the near term, this objective will be considered successful when the
following key actions are completed with the degree of success being determined by an increase in
customer access and utilization of services as measured by an increase in transactions and reduced
processing time.

1) The State Procurement Bureau will work with ITSD to research imaging solutions to improve
processes and reduce paper document storage costs. (GSD)

2) Maximize business process efficiencies associated with human resources management through the
deployment of automated and electronic systems related to recruitment, selection, performance
management, and workforce and succession planning activities in the 2009 biennium. (SHRD)

3) Finish implementation of e-benefit functionality in SABHRS. (HCB)

Goal Number 3:
ITG 3 Maintain and Improve eGovernment Services
Description: ITSD will be responsible for the “look and feel” of the Department's web presence and
participating divisions’ websites and will manage the hosting of said sites. Each division is responsible for
managing the content on their website and for creation of new content. ITSD will support and train
division staff on distributed content management tools to facilitate web content management
by participating divisions.

ITSD will direct the development of all eGovernment services for the Department. For each project, ITSD
will discuss the various options the division has for development; internal development versus outsourced
development. The Deputy Department Director will prioritize all internal development covered under this
service level agreement thus managing the resources available through this agreement. This includes
support, maintenance and enhancements of existing eGovernment services.

Benefits: eGovernment services benefit the customer base by reducing the time required to access
government services, eliminating the need to travel to a government facility and eliminating the wait in
line. eGovernment services benefit the service provider by eliminating laborious paper process, reducing
process cycle time, and allowing more time to focus on the customer needs. eGovernment supports the
Governor’s 20x10 initiative by reducing the energy required to obtain government services.
Does this goal support the State IT Strategic Plan? If so, how? This goal directly supports the State
strategic goal 5: Improve Government Services. This goal will attract additional citizens to State
eGovernment services by offering an increased variety of services, an intuitive common look and feel web
design, and continued updating and adopting of assistive technologies for the visually impaired.

Supporting Objective/Action
ITO 3-1 Maintain Existing eGovernment Services
Banking and Financial Institutions Division Maintenance:
Mortgage Broker and Loan Originator Original Licensing – Allows mortgage brokers and
loan originators to apply for their original licenses
Mortgage Broker and Loan Originator Renewals – Allows mortgage brokers and loan
originators to renew their licenses as required annually
Mortgage Broker and Loan Originator Administration – Allows the Banking and Financial
Institutions division staff to administer and print out licenses
Mortgage Broker and Loan Originator Lookup – Allows the general public to see who is
licensed and the license status of the licensee
Mortgage Broker and Loan Originator Licensee Download – Allows the general public to
download a list of all active licensees for a fee
Mortgage Lender Original Licensing – Allows mortgage lenders to apply for their original
Mortgage Lender Renewals – Allows mortgage lenders to renew their licenses as required
Mortgage Lender Administration – Allows the Banking and Financial Institutions division staff

to administer and print out licenses
Mortgage Lender Licensee Download – Allows the general public to download a list of all
active licensees for a fee

State Accounting Division:

State Travel Guide – Hotel Listing – Allows hotels and motels in Montana to register to indicate
they accept the State rate

General Services Division Maintenance:

One Stop Bids and Proposals – Lists the current procurements out for bid to the vendor
Vendor List – Allows vendors to register with the State to receive procurement notices
Multi-Access Contract Management Service (MAC) – Allows the State Procurement Bureau
staff to manage their procurements and contracts; is a shared service with the Information
Technology Services Division and that may eventually be an enterprise wide service General
Services Division

Human Resource Division Maintenance:

State Employees Charitable Giving Campaign (SECGC) Click and Give – An intranet service
allowing State employees to contribute to non-profit organizations online using payroll
deductions, a credit or debit card, or an electronic check
State Job Listings – Provides an online list of current open positions for the State of Montana
State Employment Application – Allows applicants for State jobs to have up to three versions of
their State employment application online and allows them to electronically submit their
application for open positions
State Employment Application Administration – Is used by human resource staff and hiring
officials to review online applications that were submitted and allows them to manage the
hiring process
State of Montana Employee Information Website – Provides an online list of policies and
benefits that can be reviewed by prospective applicants considering employment with State

Health Care Benefits Division Maintenance:

Spring Fitness – Allows State employees to register to participate and record their weekly
progress online

Describe the business requirements or business problem driving this objective: The need to continue
to deliver cost effective eGovernment services to our customers.
Describe the benefits to be derived from the successful completion of this objective: eGovernment
services reduce the time required to access government services, eliminate the need to travel to a
government facility, eliminate the wait in line, eliminate laborious paper process, reducing process cycle
time and allowing more time to focus on the customer needs.
Describe the anticipated risks associated with this objective: NONE
Describe how this objective supports the agency IT goal: This objective supports the goal by continuing
to provide existing service to our customer base.
What is the timeframe for completion of this objective: The services mention above will be maintained
and improved throughout their useful lives. The maintenance of these services is ongoing.
Describe the critical success factors associated with this objective; i.e., how will you know when it has
been successfully completed: The degree of success will be measured by the availability of the
application and by an increase in customer access and utilization of services as measured by an increase in


Supporting Objective/Action
ITO 3-2 Add new eGovernment Services

Banking and Financial Institutions Division: New Services FY2009

Mortgage Lender Lookup – Allows the general public to see who is licensed and the license
status of the licensee
National Mortgage Licensing System – Allows exchange of information on licensees between
the National Mortgage License System and the Division of Bank and Financial Institutions.

Describe the business requirements or business problem driving this objective: Driven by Federal
Describe the benefits to be derived from the successful completion of this objective: Provides a single
point of entry, one stop shop, for mortgage and loan brokers who conduct business within the State of
Describe the anticipated risks associated with this objective: Without this application Federal law would
preempt State licensing authority. There would be no visibility of licensing information on lenders and
brokers doing business in Montana.
Describe how this objective supports the agency IT goal: Provides additional e-government services that
will ease the licensing process or those doing business in multiple states.
What is the timeframe for completion of this objective: Fiscal Year - 2009
Describe the critical success factors associated with this objective; i.e., how will you know when it has
been successfully completed: The ability to successfully exchange information with the National
Mortgage Lending System (NMLS). An increase in compliance and a decrease in the number of
unlicensed and noncompliant mortgage and loan brokers. A decrease in the time spent in enforcement

Director’s Office: New Services FY-09

DOA Internet Site Redesign – Completely redo the DOA Internet website

Describe the business requirements or business problem driving this objective: The need to attract
additional citizens to State eGovernment services by offering an increased variety of services, an intuitive
common look and feel web design, and continued updating and adopting of assistive technologies for the
visually impaired.
Describe the benefits to be derived from the successful completion of this objective: Customers will be
able to access eGovernment services easier.
Describe the anticipated risks associated with this objective: There are risks associated with the level of
customer acceptance to change that can be overcome with proper marketing.
Describe how this objective supports the agency IT goal: This objective supports the goal by continuing
to provide existing service to our customer base while improving the method in which those services are
What is the timeframe for completion of this objective: Fiscal Year 2009
Describe the critical success factors associated with this objective; i.e., how will you know when it has

been successfully completed: In the near term, this objective will be considered successful when the key
actions of the redesign are completed with the degree of success being determined by an increase in
customer access and utilization of services as measured by an increase in transactions.

State Tax Board: New Services FY2009

Review cost-effectiveness of providing streaming audio of hearings

Describe the business requirements or business problem driving this objective: The need to increase
the ability for the public to access public hearings..
Describe the benefits to be derived from the successful completion of this objective: Providing public
access to hearings in a constant manner that makes information available while conserving energy and
reducing travel costs for the public and State employees.
Describe the anticipated risks associated with this objective: NONE
Describe how this objective supports the agency IT goal: The accomplishment of this objective will
improve customer service and support e-Government strategic goals.
What is the timeframe for completion of this objective: Fiscal Year 2009
Describe the critical success factors associated with this objective; i.e., how will you know when it has
been successfully completed: An increasing number of logins to the site to access the audio streaming.

General Services Division: New Services FY2009

One Stop Bids and Proposals – Complete rewrite of this service converting it to .NET
technology and adding functionality
Multi-Access Contract Management Service (MAC) Contract Activity – Allows State
contractors to report their monthly activity online for their State contracts

Describe the business requirements or business problem driving this objective: The need to capture
and exchange data with contractors in a cost effective and efficient manner.
Describe the benefits to be derived from the successful completion of this objective: Increased
competition on bids and the ability to capture contractor performance statistics.
Describe the anticipated risks associated with this objective: NONE
Describe how this objective supports the agency IT goal: The accomplishment of this objective will
improve customer service and support the State’s e-Government strategic goals.
What is the timeframe for completion of this objective: Fiscal Year 2009

Describe the critical success factors associated with this objective; i.e., how will you know when it has
been successfully completed: An increase in the number of bids received per contract and an increase in
the contractors reporting though the system.

SABHRS Finance and Budget Bureau: New Services FY2009 – FY2010

e-Bill/Payment – Allow customers to make payments electronically through SABHRS and view
account activity

Describe the business requirements or business problem driving this objective: The need for customers
to access and view payment information electronically rather than extensive calls to various agencies.
Describe the benefits to be derived from the successful completion of this objective: Increased

customer service and timely payment activity.
Describe the anticipated risks associated with this objective: Customer acceptance and data security.
Describe how this objective supports the agency IT goal: The accomplishment of this objective will
improve customer service and support the State’s e-Government strategic goals.
What is the timeframe for completion of this objective: Fiscal Years 2009 through 2010

Describe the critical success factors associated with this objective; i.e., how will you know when it has
been successfully completed: A decrease in the number of customer calls to agencies; increase in timely
payments received; increase in customer satisfaction.

Goal Number 4:
ITG 4 Maintain and Improve Existing Information Technology Support Services
Description: The maintenance of enhancement of existing technology support services will allow the
divisions to continue to offer and improve the level of service that they provide to their customers.
Benefits: What benefits are realized and who realizes the benefits? Divisions are able to proved
services in a more effective and efficient manner by leveraging information technology.
Does this goal support the State IT Strategic Plan? If so, how? By utilizing technology to accomplish
the supporting objective listed below, this goal will directly and indirectly support the following State IT
Strategic goals: Goal 2: Develop IT resources in an organized, deliberative and cost-effective manner by
implementing new technologies; Goal 5: Improve government services by expanding the used of
information technology in support services.

ITO 4-1 Maintain Existing Information Technology Support Services

Risk Management and Tort Division Maintenance:
Property/Casualty Insurance Information System – Allow State agencies to view start/end
coverage dates on fine art and business income records and report properties leased from
other agencies.
Property/Casualty Insurance Information System – Allow State agencies access to
property/ casualty Oracle reports through database mining tools.
Claims Litigation Information System – Enhance reporting capabilities to improve standard
correspondence, collect litigation management information and develop benchmark reports.
Documentation – Update documentation for the Property/Casualty Insurance Information
System and the Claims Litigation Information System.

Describe the business requirements or business problem driving this objective: Property/casualty
insurance industry losses stemming from 9/11 and recent hurricane events have affected the cost and
availability of commercial re-insurance. Insurance underwriters and brokers require more comprehensive
information about State assets than ever before.
Describe the benefits to be derived from the successful completion of this objective: Favorable
premiums, broader coverage, and more insurance alternatives from commercial re-insurance carriers.
Improved quality of insurance underwriting information through client access and control.
Describe the anticipated risks associated with this objective: None
Describe how this objective supports the agency IT goal: Maintaining existing systems will continue
to allow the division to provide service to our customers
What is the timeframe for completion of this objective: Fiscal Years 2009 through 2011
Describe the critical success factors associated with this objective; i.e., how will you know when it
has been successfully completed?: By a reduction in cycle time as measured by when insurance

information can be more readily reported and accessed by Risk Management staff and State agencies and
when insurance underwriting submissions can be prepared and submitted in a more timely and
comprehensive manner.
ITO 4-2 Improve Existing Technology Support Services

Risk Management & Tort Defense Division: New Services for FY09 – FY11
Geographic Risk Information System – Allows interface of geographic information
system technology with existing Property/Casualty Information System
reporting capabilities to enhance insurance administration and risk management.

Describe the business requirements or business problem driving this objective: Property/casualty
insurance industry losses stemming from 9/11 and recent hurricane events have affected the cost and
availability of commercial re-insurance.
Describe the benefits to be derived from the successful completion of this objective: GIS technology
will assist the State in better determine where and how its loss exposures are concentrated and will assist
in insurance decision making, loss forecasting, and administration.
Describe the anticipated risks associated with this objective: None
Describe how this objective supports the agency IT goal: Enhancing and improving existing systems
and developing new support systems will continue to allow the division to improve the level of service
provided to our customers
What is the timeframe for completion of this objective: Fiscal Years 2009 through 2011
Describe the critical success factors associated with this objective; i.e., how will you know when it
has been successfully completed? In the short term, this goal will be determined successful when GIS
interface is complete and enhanced reporting capabilities are in place.

4.2 Risks

Risk 1: Funding risks

Impact: Some initiatives contained herein require approval in next biennium’s approved budget. Without
such approval, the projects cannot proceed.
Mitigation Strategy: Make good business cases for the initiatives, seek stakeholder support for the
projects, and complete using the state contract with Montana Interactive Inc. where possible should
funding requests fail.

Risk 2: Workload risks

Impact: Some Department employees involved in IT projects do so on a part-time basis. Major projects
require freeing staff time from other duties, extra hours or outsourcing tasks. PeopleSoft expertise is
difficult to find and workloads will increase for those with experience.
Mitigation Strategy: Plan for staffing any approved project as work-plans and staff assignments are
prepared. Consider contracting for assistance, if necessary. Appropriate training effort will be required.

Risk 3: IT Planning risks

Impact: The Department does not have a unit or person dedicated to line-division IT needs or planning.
Potential uses of IT to improve business processes are limited by a lack of awareness and/or by
insufficient time to explore implementation options.
Mitigation Strategy: This responsibility has been assigned to ITSD.


5.1 State Strategic Plan for IT Alignment

Each of the major goals listed in section 4.1: Goals/Requirements have a direct linkage to the State
Strategic IT Plan as indicated above. In addition, the Department has a number of activities in place, or
planned, outside the IT arena, that support the State strategic plan. These include:

• Human Resources Division’s workforce planning and development initiative – a major task of
the HRD is to stress the importance of workforce planning to proactively deal with the
retirement of a large portion of the State workforce across agencies and occupations. By
raising the awareness to the problem and suggesting tools, it is hoped the initiative will
mitigate the “brain drain” associated with these retirements, including within the business
process expert and IT ranks. (HRD workforce planning and staff development initiative)

• Advocate expanding the uses of SABHRS functionality to improve and automate processes,
and to mitigate agency requests for duplicative systems.

5.2 Standards/Compliance Issues

Issue: Lotus 123 continues to be used by State Accounting Division in Comprehensive Annual
Financial Report (CAFR) preparation due to its infrequent use and the complex macros
that were written to aggregate detailed financial information into the various published
tables. Old SBAS-era mainframe processes are maintained to process data extracts
from SABHRS.
Resolution Plan: Explore the use of SABHRS reporting tools to generate the various CAFR summary


6.1 Planned Agency IT Expenditures

Expense Category FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013

Personal Services -
IT Staff 1,775,609 1,820,512 1,918,852 1,983,721 2,063,070 2,145,593
Personal Services –
non-IT staff 0 0 0 0 0 0
Contractors 309,454 319,018 328,965 339,309 352,881 366,997
ITSD services 2,427,257 2,489,603 2,666,411 2,736,252 2,845,702 2,959,530
Hardware 69,113 369193 78,855 78,920 82,077 85,360
Software 427,808 106,308 6,308 6,308 6,506 6,823
s 166,836 167,276 173,967 174,443 181,421 188,677
Maintenance 752,115 815,504 848,124 882,049 917,331 954,025
Project Management 0 0 0 0 0 0
IV&V 0 0 0 0 0 0
Contingency 0 0 0 0 0 0
Training 15,000 15,600 16,224 16,873 17,548 18,250
Other 77 80 83 87 90 94
Totals 5,943,269 6,103,094 6,037,789 6,217,962 6,466,626 6,725,349

(Assumes 4% annual increase based on Feb 2008 CPI)

6.2 Total Agency Budget

FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011
Total Agency Budget 171,967,430 185,598,452 193,022,390 200,743,285

(Assumes 4% annual increase based on Feb 2008 CPI)

6.3 Augmented IT Funding

Source Fiscal Year Amount Project/Spend Item

6.4 Staffing

A. Number of C. Number Rank most difficult to

B. Number of FTEs
authorized of D. Total recruit and train (1 =
Job Title performing IT
FTEs within IT contracted (A+B+C) most difficult; 2 = next
outside of IT units
Support Unit IT FTEs most difficult; etc.)

IT manager 2 2 1 (PeopleSoft)
IT Supervisor 6 6
Programmer 7 1 8 1 (PeopleSoft)
QA analyst

Systems Engineer

Application Engineer

Support Technician,

Support Specialist 7 7 3
Website Engineer 0.5 0.5
Programmer Analyst 6 6 1 (PeopleSoft)
Help Desk Analyst 1 1 2
IT Methodology

Tech Support Analyst

Systems Analyst 5 6.5 11.5 4 (PeopleSoft)

Database Analyst

Network Administrator 1 1 2 5
Security Specialist 2 1 3
Network Systems

Network Engineer

Systems Architect

Data Center Operator

Computer Operator

Management Analyst

Data Control Tech 3 3 2

Trainer 1 1 2

Total 22 27.5 3.5 53

Agency FTEs

6.5 Staffing Shortfalls

Time Frame IT Staffing Challenge

Ongoing IT support for Print and Mail Services Bureau (retention issues)
Ongoing IT support for PeopleSoft technical and analytical skills


7.1 Initiatives

ITI-1 Title: Database for banks and credit unions

Description: Develop, for banks and credit unions, a database with similarities to and compatible with
the database already operating for mortgage brokers and loan originators and the database anticipated for
consumer finance licensees.
EPP Number (if applicable): NA

ITI-2 Title: Projects and Contracts Management Software (State Accounting Division)
Description: Several State agencies have identified a need for a system that provides project cost
accumulation and contract billing capabilities to address their business requirements related to various
federal and non federal programs and projects. Also, some State programs involve accumulating costs for
projects that utilize multiple agencies (e.g. disaster emergencies). The current Statewide Accounting
Budgeting and Human Resource System (SABHRS) enterprise solution provides the foundation for
accounting and human resource business requirements; however it does not currently have project cost
accumulation capabilities. We believe that the Oracle PeopleSoft Project Costing and Contracts solution,
which integrates with the existing SABHRS enterprise solution, will assist State agencies with meeting
these business needs. Currently, several states including various transportation departments indicated their
business process needs have been met by utilizing the Oracle/PeopleSoft solutions. The current software
costs are $576,000 one time only with annual maintenance fees of $130,000. SABHRS Finance and
Budget Bureau would anticipate implementing this solution over the next few years. (State Accounting
EPP Number (if applicable): No EPP has been submitted.

ITI-3 Title: Lease and Implementation of Comprehensive Annual Financial Reporting Solution (CAFR)
(State Accounting Division)
Description: This will allow the Department to lease and implement Comprehensive Annual Financial
Report (CAFR) preparation software. The CAFR preparation currently relies on a combination mainframe
(COBOL) and Microsoft access process. Information from Statewide Accounting Budgeting and Human
Resource System (SABHRS) is downloaded into the mainframe and access databases. The final financial
statement information is downloaded into Lotus spreadsheets. The current process requires the hiring of
outside COBOL programmers for changes to the mainframe process. These programmers are becoming
scarce. The access processes are maintained on a single desktop. The new software will eliminate the need
for the mainframe and lotus schedules and will allow for a simplified load of information from SABHRS.
This software will be maintained by the SABHRS Finance and Budget Bureau staff in addition to an
internal programmer. This will provide for more depth in the CAFR process and less risk for the State.
(State Accounting Division)

EPP Number (if applicable):.6101_03_05

ITI-4 Title: Changes to MBARS (State Accounting Division)
Description: The application currently utilized by Montana to accomplish legislative budgeting activities
(MBARS) is ten years old and it was built using dated languages and technologies and it is not well-
positioned to react to changes in historical business processes. As a result, process owners are investigating
the feasibility of modifying the current system, purchasing a new system, or building a new system in order
to be better-positioned and to provide additional flexibility. The Finance and Budget Bureau (FAB) in the
State Accounting Division (SAD) of the Department of Administration will take the lead on the project
with involvement from the two process owner offices…the Governor’s Office of Budget and Program
Planning (OBPP) and the Legislative Fiscal Division (LFD).

This request is merely a “placeholder” as final decisions have not yet been made concerning the type and
timing of future action. The best estimate of costs at this point is $3,000,000 (funding source unknown at
this time). (State Accounting Division)

EPP Number (if applicable): N/A

ITI-5 Title: Provide a reliable, cost-effective digital recording and retention system for recording STAB
hearings and conferences. (State Tax Board)
Description: STAB is required to record all hearings and relevant proceedings. Currently, STAB uses
an old taping system that is unwieldy and difficult to maintain. Tape size is non-standard. It is difficult to
move the taping system to various locations.

Updating the system will be more efficient and useful for staff, Board members, and parties who need the
information for appeal purposes.

Every six years, all residential and commercial property is reappraised for tax purposes. This
reappraisal, which will occur in spring 2009, is expected to generate a large number of appeals across the
State for this Board. Completion of this project should occur before reappraisal is implemented (spring
2009). $10K - $15K

EPP Number (if applicable): NA


8.1 Inventory Update

Has the Agency updated their IT Inventory Database as outlined in Section 8 of the
instructions? NO
Date that Agency last updated their IT Inventory: This will be update by the end of
May 2008.


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