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0iban Assembly New Yoik Baiboi School, a maiitime caieei anu technical euucation high school
locateu on uoveinois Islanu, has been woiking to builu community ties with neaiby coastal
neighboihoous of Reu Book anu uowanus Biooklyn. As pait of this effoit, Baiboi School began woiking
with uoou Shepheiu Seivices (uSS), one of New Yoik City's leauing youth anu family seivice agencies in
Novembei of 2u12. Initially the puipose of the collaboiation was foi Baiboi School to ieciuit uiiectly
fiom miuule schools anu aftei-school piogiam sites within uSS's South Biooklyn netwoik. }ennifei
Zangei, uSS's South Biooklyn Bistiict Nanagei, anu Sam }anis, Baiboi Founuation's Restoiation
Piogiam Nanagei, leu these effoits uuiing the Fall of 2u12.

Buiing this time, Zangei anu }anis began to uiscuss possibilities foi longei teim paitneiship piojects
that woulu meet both oiganizations' neeus anu cieate a lasting "biiuge" between Baiboi School on
uoveinois Islanu anu the low-income coastal communities of Reu Book anu uowanus wheie uSS
alieauy has existing ielationships anu a stiong tiack iecoiu. Foi uSS, the goals of the paitneiship weie
twofolu: to inciease theii miuule school stuuents' inteiest in anu engagement with STEN ielateu caieei
fielus, in paiticulai enviionmental science anu engineeiing; anu 2) to inciease theii stuuents' exposuie
anu aptituue foi aumissions to the best, most iigoious public high schools in New Yoik City. Foi Baiboi
School anu Baiboi Founuation, the goal was both taigeteu ieciuitment to high-neeu communities anu
iegaiuless of the outcome of that ieciuitment to extenu its euucation anu iestoiation piogiam to young
people anu communities who woulu otheiwise not have access oi exposuie to theii local maiine

With these goals in minu, uSS piogiam uiiectois anu gioups leaueis fiom the thiee south Biooklyn sites
anu faculty membeis anu auministiatois fiom Baiboi School began meeting in Naich 2u1S to exchange
iueas anu woik towaiu uesigning a long teim paitneiship. 0ut of those meetings the team uevelopeu
ovei the couise of foui months a unique maiine science anu technology eniichment cuiiiculum calleu
R.E.S.T.0.R.E. (Rebuiluing oui Estuaiy thiough Science, Technology, 0ystei Restoiation anu Euucation).
What follows is an oveiview of the REST0RE piogiam, its piogiess to uate, iueas foi impiovement,
paiticulaily the euucatois tiaining anu summei camp, anu next steps foi the piogiam, paiticulaily the
yeai-iounu aftei-school component.

::; */01/203

REST0RE is a maiine science, technology, engineeiing, anu mathematics (STEN) eniichment piogiam
foi miuule school stuuents that consists of both a summei tiaining component (Camp REST0RE) anu a
yeai-iounu, aftei-school piactical component (REST0RE aftei-school). The unifying theme of REST0RE
is the ecological iestoiation of New Yoik Baiboi Estuaiy. Baiboi School's long-teim oystei iestoiation
pioject known as the Billion 0ystei Pioject (B0P) pioviues the motivation anu iationale foi why anu
how stuuents shoulu go about iestoiing the New Yoik Baiboi Estuaiy. At the base of the Billion 0ystei
Pioject aie Baiboi School's six maiitime caieei anu technical euucation piogiams, all of which offei the
technical skills anu expeitise to implement Billion 0ystei Pioject anu subsequently the REST0RE
Piogiam. Thiee of these piogiams in paiticulai - aquacultuie, ocean engineeiing, anu maiine biology
ieseaich - pioviueu the uiscieet cuiiiculum anu faculty expeitise to teach the fiist annual REST0RE
piogiam (Summei 2u1S). The othei thiee Baiboi School CTE piogiams - Piofessional Biving, vessel
0peiations, anu Naiine Systems Technology - weie not uiiectly involveu in teaching the 2u1S REST0RE
Camp, but uiu have key ioles in piogiam opeiations. Foi example, vessel opeiation stuuents opeiateu
Inuy 7 as the vessel REST0RE stuuents useu to feiiy back anu foith between Reu Book anu uoveinois
Islanu each uay. In futuie yeais Camp REST0RE coulu just as well be infuseu with the technical skills
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Bay 1: Aquacultuie Tiaining on uoveinois Islanu

=>::*?- Feiiy to uoveinois Islanu
=>;@6=><:- 0iientation to uoveinois Islanu anu Walk to Baiboi School
=><:6;:>::- Intiouuction to Billion 0ystei Pioject
Roles anu iesponsibilities of contiact; questions anu uiscussion; sign contiact
Bistiibute anu inventoiy oystei gaiuening kits
;:>::6;;>::- Aquacultuie Tiaining
;;>::6;4>::A?- Watei Quality Nonitoiing Tiaining
;4>::6;>::- 0iientation to B0P Website; log-in, uata uploau, cuiiiculum uownloau
;4><:6;>::6 Review sample lessons
;>::6;><:- Lunch
;><:6B><:- 0ystei uaiuening Piactical - S Stations
Spat collectoi as habitat geneiatoi - uefine ieseaich question
0ystei uaiuen Stocking anu baseline monitoi - iecoiu all uata
Installation of cages anu spat collectois - knots anu haiuwaie assembly
B><:6B>B@ - Wiap-up anu Next Steps

Bay 2: Estuaiy Exploiation on tallship Pioneei

=><:*? - Neet at South Stieet Seapoit Seapoit
;:*?64A? - Pioneei sail
Safety anu seamanship biiefing, uepait uock
Intio to NY Baiboi Estuaiy anu Bistoiy of the Estuaiy
Release anu ietuin of tiawling net
Raise sails
Thiee Stations: Navigation anu Knots, Species IB, 0ystei shucking anu anatomy
}ouinaling anu ieflection, ietuin to poit

4>;@- Retuin to uoveinois Islanu to ietiieve oystei cages foi installation at home sites
4><:6C>:: - tiansfei oystei cages to home sites; uemo installation at Biooklyn Biiuge Paik
cuiiiculum of NST, vessel 0ps, anu SC0BA while still maintaining the compelling thematic focus on
ecological iestoiation anu oystei ieef constiuction.

<*@ '57="891AB )1"2424?

Camp REST0RE foi uSS stuuents (}uly 1S
to Aug 2
) was pieceueu by a two-uay tiaining of euucatois
(}une 27-28
). The puipose of the euucatois tiaining was to pioviue a quick immeision foi uSS staff in
the essential knowleuge of aquacultuie anu estuaiy science, as well as basic safety anu seamanship they
woulu neeu to teach theii own stuuents in Camp REST0RE. In auuition to 14 uSS gioup leaueis anu
piogiam uiiectois, the B0P euucatois' tiaining also consisteu of 1S licenseu teacheis fiom acioss New
Yoik City who hau signeu up sepaiately to paiticipate in the B0P oystei gaiuening piogiam foi miuule
schools. The cuiiiculum anu the content of the tiaining was iuentical foi both gioups anu they woikeu
togethei seamlessly. The iesult was an extiemely uiveise cohoit of euucatois with uiveise piofessional
expeiience anu unueistanuing of how stuuents leain both in school anu out.

!"#$%!" '()*


The cuiiiculum foi the tiaining was
uevelopeu anu taught by Baiboi
School's caieei anu technical
euucation (CTE) faculty in
paitneiship with Baiboi
Founuation's Restoiation Piogiam
Nanagei. All six CTE piogiams
helpeu to infoim anu implement the
B0P Euucatois Tiaining, but uue to
summei availability, this yeai's
REST0RE piogiam, both the
euucatois' tiaining anu camp, was
uevelopeu piimaiily by aquacultuie
faculty Pete Nalinowski, 0cean
Engineeiing Rick Lee, anu Naiine Biology Reseaich Nauiicio uonzalez, anu Intiouuction to New Yoik
Baiboi Ann Fiaoili.

!"#$ &'()*&'

Camp REST0RE 2u1S consisteu of thiee week-long sessions, one session foi each of uSS's thiee south
Biooklyn miuule school piogiam sites. These sites aie labeleu accoiuing to the (elementaiy) school
builuings in which they aie houseu: PS 676, PS 1S, anu PS S2. PS 676 anu 1S aie locateu in Reu Book anu
PS S2 in uowanusCaiioll uaiuens. Foi the most pait, each weeklong session was iuentical, following
the same itineiaiy anu activity piogiession. Each cohoit consisteu of up to 2S stuuents (6
with at least thiee gioup leaueis anu foui piogiam aius. The exact numbeis foi each of the thiee sites
aie pioviueu below in the evaluation section Iv.

Similai to the stiuctuie of the B0P euucatois tiaining, Camp REST0RE foi stuuents was uesigneu as an
immeision in Baiboi School CTE anu oystei iestoiation. The stuuent piogiam was a longei, moie
giauual five-uay piogiession with technical skills inteispeiseu by boating, fishing, foou, anu culminating
in an oystei gaiuen installation anu celebiation of the estuaiy. The skills anu knowleuge leaineu uuiing
the fiist foui uays weie foimally applieu anu assesseu on the last. What follows is a uetaileu explanation
of each uay's activities; what woikeu best, aieas foi impiovement, anu specific iecommenuations foi
next yeai when applicable.

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Inuy 7 is Baiboi School's all puipose tiaining anu tianspoit vessel. Baiboi School stuuents opeiate Inuy
7 unuei the supeivision anu instiuction of Baiboi School teachei-captains. Baving a Baiboi School
!"#$%!" '()*

opeiateu vessel to take REST0RE stuuents back anu foith fiom Reu Book to uI was ciucial foi two
ieasons. Fiist, the Inuy 7's ciossing time fiom Atlantic Basin in Reu Book to Piei 1u1 on uI is about
seven minutes. Combineu with safety biiefing, boaiuing, anu uisembaiking, the entiie jouiney takes less
than 2u minutes; wheieas to get fiom Reu Book to uoveinois Islanu on public tianspoit (bustiain to
Nanhattan public feiiy) woulu take moie than an houi. The convenience of using Inuy 7 was
unueniable, but the most impoitant ieason foi using Inuy 7 to make the iounu tiip ciossing was foi
REST0RE miuule school stuuents to see Baiboi School stuuents "in action" anu to expeiience fiisthanu
the powei anu piactical value of a Baiboi School euucation. Baiboi School stuuents seive as ciew, fiist
mate, anu captain-in-tiaining foi the jouiney. They leau each uay's safety biiefing, assist with
equipment, anu help all passengeis entei anu exit the vessel.

Foi REST0RE stuuents, the Inuy 7 expeiience was both physically challenging anu intellectually eye-
opening. Boaiuing the boat via ielatively steep metal gangway iequiieu theii full concentiation anu
attention. Following the gangway instiuctions anu safety pioceuuies aboaiu the vessel sets the tone foi
stuuents foi the iest of the uay anu pioviues a seiious backuiop to the piogiam. The othei key benefit of
using the Inuy 7 foi REST0RE is to expose uSS stuuents anu staff, the majoiity of whom have nevei
boaiueu a vessel fiom theii home poit of Reu Book, to Atlantic Basin anu the ease of access to theii local
wateifiont. Baiboi School anu uSS will continue to opeiate this small uock anu tie-up on the southeast
coinei of Atlantic Basin (see attacheu map). Keeping the the Atlantic Basin uock opeiational yeai-iounu
will help Baiboi School inciease community ties with Reu Book anu pioviue a stiong piactical incentive
foi South Biooklyn families to senu theii chiluien to Baiboi School.

!"E# ' C( ;15.)2025>)
Aftei uisembaiking fiom Inuy 7 on the eastein shoieline of uI, uSS stuuents iegioup on the giassy
hillsiue above the piei foi a biief oiientation to REST0RE, co-leu by uSS anu Baiboi SchoolFounuation
staff. The oiientation incluues welcome anu opening statements fiom staff; a name game with ielevance
to the theme (youi favoiite sea cieatuie anu its movement), anu uistiibution anu ieview of stuuent
veision of the itineiaiy foi the week. Aftei the 1S-minute oiientation, Baiboi Founuation staff uistiibute
each stuuent's Billion 0ystei Pioject bianueu jouinal anu outline the aim of B0P as Baiboi School's
long-teim estuaiy iestoiation pioject. Equippeu with theii itineiaiy foi the week anu basic backgiounu
knowleuge fiom pie-camp lessons, stuuents aie then askeu to move into a peisonal space on the hillsiue
anu quietly jouinal foi 1u minutes. The jouinal piompt is: what aie youi biggest expectations, goals, anu
feais foi this week of Camp REST0RE. Aftei iegiouping, seveial stuuents aie askeu to ieau exceipts
fiom theii fiist entiy anu some immeuiate questions aie answeieu by staff. Noie questions anu ice-
bieaking continues as the gioup makes the ten-minute walk acioss the Islanu to Baiboi School.

F#"E# ' ;+32.1 7.32>1025>) :105)5)G
Aftei a biief intiouuction anu ieciuitment pitch at the fiont uooi of Baiboi School, the gioup heaus to
the aquacultuie classioom wheie they ieceive a hanus-on, image-iich, paiticipatoiy lesson on the "why
anu how of oystei iestoiation in NY Baiboi." The lesson is taught by Aquacultuie co-instiuctois Pete
Nalinowski anu Luis Nelenuez, along with assistance fiom six aquacultuie stuuent inteins (1u

giaueis). The tiaining session incluueu the following components.
&0/203 9] $10S0^2A824? >493605?0 9] 9PA801A "45 8D0 0A87"1P; Piioi to each week of Camp
REST0RE, the cohoit ieceives scaffoluing lessons fiom uSS gioup leaueis piepaieu in
consultation with Baiboi School staff. The scaffoluing lessons incluue woiu games, woiksheets
anu a specially uevelopeu iounu of }eopaiuy highlighting key content foi the week. In the futuie
pie-camp lessons shoulu also incluue piei-to-piei exchange (pievious REST0RE stuuents
intiouuce the piogiam to cuiient stuuents), leveleu ieauings, anu new woiksheets uesigneu by
uSS staff baseu on theii own expeiience anu ueveloping expeitise.
(6250 AD93 G 2#"?0S12=D "45 24801"=82/0 @@) $10A048"8294; Aquacultuie instiuctoi shows
shoit viueo clips anu images highlighting the neeu foi estuaiy iestoiation, the histoiical extent

!"#$%!" '()*

of oystei ieefs, economic iole of oysteis in pie-2u
centuiy NYC; wetlanus, eelgiass, anu othei
keystone species in the estuaiy; anu ongoing enviionmental thieats fiom NYC's combineu
sewage system anu uieuging. The images anu viueos aie meant to stimulate stuuent questions
anu ciitical thinking about histoiy of the estuaiy, continuing enviionmental pioblems, anu
possible solutions. Stuuents aie pioviueu questions anu askeu to thinkpaiishaie theii
&0/203 9] !(* "45 9PA801 62]0 =P=60 52"?1"#A. Laminateu copies of each uiagiam aie
uistiibuteu to each stuuent. In paiis stuuents stuuy anu wiite uown S oi moie questions on each
uiagiam. Two gioups aie askeu to piesent the uiagiams anu seveial questions aie answeieu.

FH"##I% ' J<)A6
REST0RE stuuents shaie Baiboi School cafeteiia with Baiboi School incluuing summei school stuuents,
CTE inteins, anu In-Bock (fieshmen oiientation) stuuents anu staff. Because space was limiteu anu to
avoiu long lines at the countei, REST0RE stuuents ate fiist at 12 noon. REST0RE stuuents felt integiateu
into the Baiboi School expeiience by shaiing the cafeteiia with incoming fieshmen. This expeiience
ieinfoices the iuea that this coulu be 26.51 school.

FH"E# ' ()21>*<A25>) 2> -020 K>@@.A25>) 0)* L;+32.1 C01*.)5)G M5.@* -020 96..2N
Each stuuent ieceives a copy of the uata sheet, which seives as theii guiue foi oystei gaiuen monitoiing
anu watei quality testing in the fielu. Stuuents aie tolu that Nonuay anu Tuesuay aie piactice foi
Fiiuay's oystei gaiuen installation at IKEA. The uata sheet contains foui sections anu all sections neeu to
be completeu at each monthly monitoiing event: (I) site obseivations; (II) oystei measuiements; (III)
species IB; (Iv) watei quality testing. uSS anu Baiboi School staff emphasize the impoitance of accuiate
uata collection. Stuuents aie tolu that the uata they collect uuiing the piogiam will be useu by othei
miuule school gioups anu scientists foi an estuaiy-wiue ieseaich pioject to monitoi oystei giowth iates
anu watei quality changes acioss all sites (14<). Stuuents aie askeu to think about a possible hypothesis
foi the ieseaich pioject e.g., oysteis will giow fastest in sites with the highest uissolveu oxygen counts.

F"E# $OP$KPJ:P78 :Q788 9:$:(;R9
Baiboi School aquacultuie inteins leau each station.

Stuuents aie ieminueu of the uefinition anu puipose of a spat collectoi then shown a completeu spat
collectoi anu askeu to pieuict what will happen when the spat collectoi is placeu in the estuaiy foi an
extenueu peiiou of time. Stuuents aie askeu to consiuei the effect of using uiffeient types of mateiials,
uiffeient shapes, anu placing the collectoi at uiffeient uepths in the estuaiy. Bow will these factois affect
ieciuitment of oystei spat anu othei oiganisms. Stuuents aie also tolu about common fouling oiganisms
(eg giass shiimp, sea squiits, algae) anu how these may in fact be moie common than oystei spat. Aftei
the S-1u minute intiouuctoiy talk, stuuents aie given mateiials, tools, anu instiuctions to builu theii
own spat collectoi. Spat collectois aie no moie than 1 foot in uiametei; shoulu have as much inteistitial
"between" space as possible; shoulu be composeu of at least one oystei shell anu thiee othei substiate
types; shoulu be both aitistic anu scientifically uesigneu. Recommenuations foi next yeai aie to limit the
numbei of zip ties to five pei stuuent anu pioviue auuitional stiuctuie by iequiiing stuuents builu
specific shapes out of the plastic anu wiie mesh such as a cube oi spheie.

%.03<1. 0)* %>)52>1 S><1 ;S9:87 C$7-8R
In this station stuuents piactice all sections of the fielu uata sheet except foi watei quality testing
(which they complete Tuesuay afteinoon). This station is leu by aquacultuie inteins unuei the close
supeivision of aquacultuie faculty. uoal is foi stuuents to leain to make uetaileu, technical obseivations
of the shoieline enviionment anu accuiately uesciibe weathei anu watei suiface conuitions. Stuuents
may use instiuments, the inteinet, oi theii own estimates foi tempeiatuie, winu speeu, anu humiuity.
!"#$%!" '()*


In this station stuuents also leain to iuentify anu measuie oystei spat on shell. This is the most
technically uemanuing anu impoitant piece of all thiee stations. The accuiacy of this measuiement
uepenus on how accuiately stuuents leain to use the calipei. The metal calipei useu this yeai shoulu be
ieplaceu with an easiei-to-ieau anu lowei cost plastic calipei (foi example) Aquacultuie inteins anu
uSS staff neeu to stiongly emphasize the impoitance of accuiate measuiements foi both oystei spat anu
species counting. Species counting shoulu be uone using an oystei cage that has been submeigeu foi
moie than a month as this will allow foi plenty of foulingspecimens to be piesent. Newei, unfouleu
cages will not pioviue enough oppoitunity foi species IB piactice. Also, most ieef associateu species will
uiy out anu uie within Su minutes, so a uiffeient fouleu cage shoulu be useu with each of the thiee

J.01) 2> 25. 0 B;TJ(R8
This is the most stiaightfoiwaiu station anu can be taught entiiely by aquacultuie inteins. Inteins
shoulu be equippeu with laminateu uiagiams of the bowline knot. Inteins shoulu teach stuuents how to
tie the bowline aiounu a fixeu object such as a pole, to mimic tying the oystei gaiuen to the piei. Inteins
shoulu only move on to teaching anothei knot (squaie, figuie eight, half hitch, cleat hitch, etc.) aftei
stuuents have masteieu the bowline.

U"E#VW"## ' -./012 C(X ()*+ , 2> $2@0)25A B035)
Befoie uepaiting, uSS staff shoulu iegioup anu ieview the uay's events, key knowleuge anu skills with
stuuents. Stuuents shoulu then jouinal foi appioximately 1u-minutes, noting what they leaineu anu
what they founu most inteiesting. uSS staff shoulu emphasize that jouinaling will be piacticeu twice
uaily thioughout the week.
Aftei lanuing at Atlantic Basin, uSS staff shoulu ieview Tuesuay's agenua anu emphasize that all
stuuents show up on time. B0P }ouinals (anu watei bottles )shoulu be collecteu anu stoieu at the uSS
piogiam site eveiy uay in oiuei to avoiu the possibility of stuuents foigetting them at home.

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Paients shoulu be suie to uiop stuuents at the piogiam site by 8:1Sam oi eailiei to ensuie that the
gioup can aiiive at Atlantic Basin no latei than 8:4Sam. Inuy 7 shoulu uepait no latei than 9am in oiuei
to ensuie ample time foi Tuesuay's veiy full agenua of unueiwatei iobotics anu watei quality testing.
By Tuesuay moining stuuents aie familiai with the Inuy 7 boaiuing anu unueiway ioutines, but staff
shoulu continue to emphasize stiict safety anu uiscipline uuiing any on-watei activities. Tuesuay
moining's uocksiue oiientation is also an oppoitunity to ask stuuents how they aie thinking uiffeiently
(about habits, choices, peisonal iesponsibility anu impact) aftei Nonuay's uiscussion of enviionmental
thieats anu CS0s.

!"E# ' ()21> 2> ;A.0) 8)G5)..15)G
0pon aiiival on uI staff iegioup vERY biiefly on giassy hill above the piei to ieview the uay's agenua,
answei any questions, then pioceeu uiiectly to Baiboi School. The moining's jouinaling session takes
place in the classioom while Rick Lee, ocean engineeiing instiuctoi is piepaiing the piesentation.
}ouinal piompt asks: how aie unueiwatei iobots anu othei machines useu in ocean exploiation; what
aie some applications of ocean engineeiing. The piesentation uses compelling visuals (images, viueos,
Piezi softwaie) to explain how manneu anu unmanneu iobots aie useu to suppoit unueiwatei
exploiation anu iestoiation piojects. The piesentation also shows a uiagiam of ocean uepth anu the
types of iobotics anu engineeiing useu to exploie at vaiious uepths. Stuuents aie askeu to list to
thinkpaiishaie ways of monitoiing the ocean WITB00T the use of scuba uiveis. The piesentation
piepaies anu excites stuuents foi the iobot builuing session. Buiing the piesentation uSS staff shoulu
bieak the cohoit into six heteiogeneous gioups, being caieful not to incluue moie than two ovei-eagei

!"#$%!" '()*

oi giegaiious stuuents in each gioup. Each gioup shoulu also be assigneu a piogiam aiuecounseloi in

1u:uu - Builu youi own 0NBERWATER R0B0T
The iobot builuing activity is a hanus-on technical challenge that has the potential to engage anu
challenge all membeis of the gioup. The piototype anu paits kit is uesigneu by Rick Lee with 82
inuiviuual paits, incluuing thiee sepaiate piopellei motois anu a mechanical claw foi picking up
oysteis. The kit also incluues a 9-page uiiection manual with 14 sepaiate steps anu two sub-assemblies.
Rick also pioviues a pie-built piototype which stuuents can use as a guiue if they'ie having tiouble.
0veiall, iobot builuing is an extiemely engaging activity with the main challenge being keeping all foui
stuuents in the gioup engageu. Because the two sub-assemblies aie completeu ielatively quickly, the
entiie gioup (with at least ten hanus) is left woiking togethei on one S-by-S inch iobot. To help
oveicome this, the uSS PA shoulu not be uiiectly involveu (hanus-on) in builuing the iobot, but insteau
pioviue guiuance anu biief suppoit as neeueu. To help with inactivity anu pooi uelegation of tasks
within the gioup, staff shoulu cieate 4 sepaiate ioles foi each gioup (such as assembleis (2), paits
iunnei, manual ieauei, pilot testei) to ensuie that each stuuent is actively engageu at all times.

FH"E#I% ' J<)A6

F"FW ' 7>Z>2 K>?/.2525>)
Nost stuuents gioups will neeu auuitional time foi iobot assembly. Those gioups finisheu fiist shoulu
begin testing theii iobots in the test tank. Test iounu last no moie than S minutes each. Each gioup is
given at least one iounu of testing. Nost likely all iobots will neeu minoi aujustments to stabilize anu
secuie paits. Stuuents shoulu be instiucteu to iuentify anu fix weaknesses in theii iobots by
auuingiemoving cioss bais, bushings, anu the othei key stiuctuial pieces. 0nce the iobot is ueemeu
ieauy anu opeiational, each gioup will have one final, timeu iounu to successfully ietiieve an oystei
shell fiom the bottom of the tank. The gioup that completes the ietiieval in the shoitest amount of time
is the winnei. Extia points aie given foi picking up two oi moie shells in unuei thiee minutes. Aftei the
competition is complete, Rick anu uSS staff shoulu leau the stuuents in a uiscussion of engineeiing
challenges; what paits of the iobot woikeu well anu what uiun't; anu suggestions foi impioving uesign
anu ieengineeiing foi next time.

2:Su - Watei Quality Testing
Aftei a biief tiansition anu bathioom bieak, stuuents ietuin to the classioom wheie Baiboi School
auvanceu maiine biology ieseaich stuuents (Baiboi SEALS) aie ieauy to teach watei quality testing of 8
paiameteis using the Lamotte Estuaiy anu Naiine Nonitoiing Kit. The NBR stuuents have pieppeu the
classioom by cieating six table gioups anu laying out the contents of one kit on each table. They have
also ietiieveu the watei quality sample fiom the haiboi anu set-up one clean-up anu uisposal station.
The NBR faculty instiuctoi (Sam stoou in foi Nauiicio uonzalez) opens the woikshop by asking
stuuents how uo they know if the watei is "clean" oi "uiity." The puipose is to have stuuents iecognize
that clean anu uiity aie not scientific teims, anu that as scientists we aie inteiesteu in knowing how
hospitable the watei is foi life anu its oveiall health. To stuuy this we test foi specific chemical anu
physical paiameteis of the watei, taking measuiements of quantities, levels, anu ianges.

Foi next yeai it is iecommenueu that the NBR faculty spenu moie time ieviewing the 8 watei quality
paiameteis - tempeiatuie, tuibiuity, uissolveu oxygen, phosphates, nitiates, pB, salinity, anu fecal
colifoim - as stuuents uiu not fully come to unueistanu the meaning foi each anu why they aie
impoitant foi oystei giowth (incluue this as a new categoiy foi jeopaiuy categoiy foi next yeai). To uo
this stuuents coulu be askeu to complete a chait with the following heauings: name of paiametei, what
is it, why is it impoitant foi life, hypothesize specific effect of paiametei on oystei giowth. The chait
woulu be completeu using only the infoimation containeu in the Naiine Nonitoiing Kit manual. Without
!"#$%!" '()*

this explicit unueistanuing of each paiametei, stuuents aie able to successfully complete the tests but
uo not necessaiily know what they aie testing foi oi why. The chait woulu be completeu uuiing anu
aftei the testing piactice.

Aftei NBR faculty gives the intiouuctoiy piesentation, NBR inteins take ovei anu begin instiucting
stuuent gioups on how to complete the tests. NBR inteins begin by inventoiying all mateiials in the kit
anu asking stuuents to finu section Iv on theii uata sheet. At this point it woulu be useful to nominate a
sciibe in the gioup anu possibly othei ioles incluuing: test technician, manual ieauei, iunnei, etc. The
testing can be uone in any oiuei with tempeiatuie anu tuibiuity taken fiist. Tempeiatuie is taken by
electionic theimometei just aftei the sample is pulleu fiom the Baiboi. All gioups shoulu have the same
ieauing foi tempeiatuie. Tuibiuity iequiies use of a secchi uisk fully submeigeu in the sample bucket,
so it's easiest to uo this fiist befoie the sample bucket has been emptieu foi othei tests. 0nly one oi two
fecal colifoim tests shoulu be completeu by the entiie class as this takes 48 houis to incubate anu is
exceeuingly easy to complete.

In wiapping up the WQ testing session, stuuents shoulu be stiongly guiueu to piopeily clean anu stoie
the kit. All test tubes anu vials shoulu be emptieu into the uesignateu wastewatei containei anu the
containei shoulu be tieateu with pB neutializing solution. Each gioup must caiefully uiy all contents of
the kit anu ieplace them neatly insiue the sealable bucket. This shoulu be happening in all gioups at the
exact same time so that inteins can show by example how to clean anu ieassemble the kits. uSS staff
shoulu not have to ie-clean anu assemble kits that weie impiopeily put away. uSS staff shoulu
emphasize that each test kit costs $4S anu must last foi the entiie yeai. Excess watei will contaminate
the test tabs anu iuin the kit. This WQ tiaining session is piactice foi Fiiuay moining's monitoiing iun in
the fielu wheie conuitions will be moie challenging.

U"## ' $P[ -.?> 02 I5.1 F#F
The culminating activity of Tuesuay's ocean engineeiing intensive is a biief in-situ uemonstiation of the
laigei unueiwatei A0vs known as the Sea Peich. Rick has six Sea Peich iobots all opeiateu with batteiy
packs anu foui-motoi contiol panels. They can also be equippeu with small auuitional components such
as live-feeu unueiwatei cameias oi mechanical claws. The six iobots aie set up on the floating uock at
Piei 1u1 so that each stuuent can take a tuin uiiving the iobot befoie boaiuing Inuy 7. The iobot has a
tiavel iange of about Su feet in any uiiection, uepenuing on the length of its cabletethei, which means
that the iobot coulu theoietically exploie any aiea of the Piei 1u1 embayment to the bottom. This biief
but exciting iobot uiiving expeiience gives REST0RE campeis a taste of auvanceu ocean engineeiing
anu gets them exciteu about the 0E caieei fielu at Baiboi School oi elsewheie. The one
iecommenuation foi next yeai on this activity is to ensuie that at least one anu piefeiably all iobots aie
equippeu with a live cameia attachment so that stuuents gain veiy piactical unueistanuing of how
iobots aie useu foi unueiwatei exploiation.

W"## Y -./012 C(
0pon ietuin to Atlantic Basin stuuents shoulu be iegioupeu anu caiefully instiucteu on the following
uay's activities anu aiiivaluepaituie logistics. Foi kayaking, stuuents shoulu be tolu to weai watei
compatible footweai anu clothing anu piepaie to get wet. (Paients will have alieauy signeu all iequiieu
waiveis foi this anu othei activities) Again, staff shoulu collect stuuents B0P jouinals anu watei bottles
anu stoie them at the uSS piogiam site.

_'YR'(YCZ [ `CZC`a b:(ca b**Ya b\R
9:SuAN - Aiiive Kayak Site
Kayaking was consistently iateu by stuuents as one of the most enjoyable anu foimative activities of the
piogiam. Kayaking pioviues a safe, stiuctuieu yet auventuious intiouuction to pauule spoits foi the
majoiity of REST0RE campeis who have nevei befoie pauuleu. REST0RE useu two uiffeient kayak

!"#$%!" '()*

uestination sites anu pioviueis: Biooklyn Biiuge Paik Conseivancy at "Nain Stieet Beach" (uiiectly
below the Nanhattan Biiuge) anu Reu Book Boateis Club at valentino Piei.

While BBP pioviueu a moie establisheu piogiam anu paiu staff to leau a seconu station in estuaiy
exploiation anu seining, the logistics anu cost of biinging stuuents fiom Reu Book anu uowanus to
B0NB0 via bus weie not woith the benefit of having a moie stiuctuieu piogiam. The alteinative
pioviuei, RBBC at valentino Piei was quietei, moie focuseu anu pioviueu safei access to the watei uue
to its sanuy beach (veisus a iocky beach at Nain Stieet with significant boat wakes bieaking on the
shoie). The instiuctional staff of RBBC, while they weie all volunteeis, also pioveu to be equally if not
moie auept at teaching the basics of pauuling, on-watei safety, anu leauing stuuents aiounu the
embayment. uiven REST0RE's focus on local community access anu ieliance on local Reu Book
iesouices, it is stiongly iecommenueu that foi next yeai the piogiam use RBBC foi all thiee oi moie
pauuling sessions.

F#"## ' \0+0]^
The activity itself consisteu of two iotations as only a maximum of 1S stuuents coulu be on the watei at
any given time. The kayak iotation began with PFB fitting followeu by a kayak oiientation anu pauule
tiaining on lanu. Stuuents aie instiucteu on piopei use of the pauule, tuining the boat, listening to
instiuctions, anu what to uo in case of a capsize. About half the BBP anu RBBC kayaks aie uoubles,
which allows foi paiiing less confiuent oi unpieuictable stuuents with moie confiuent peeis oi in
extieme cases gioup leaueis oi kayak instiuctois. Each iotation lasts about 1 houi 2u minutes: 1S
minutes of on-lanu tiaining, 1u minutes of launching, Su-4u minutes of pauuling in vaiious foimations
anu uestinations; anu about 1S minutes of lanuing anu stowage. The othei half of the gioup not pauuling
is given a shoit woikshop on estuaiy exploiation incluuing seining anu species IB at BBP, watei quality
testing, tiual pool stuuies, anu tiash collection at valentino. When the fiist gioup of pauuleis lanus the
PFBs anu pauule aie quickly exchangeu anu the seconu gioup is given the safety anu pauule tiaining.

In auuition to being a local site anu oiganization, RBBC has a community outieach mission anu was
thiilleu to be able to paitnei with uSS to ieach stuuents who woulu otheiwise not have an oppoitunity
to access the piogiam. Both RBBC anu BBP both extenueu invitations to uSS stuuents to ietuin foi fiee
weekly pauuling piogiams anu RBBC also uiscusseu the possibility of pioviuing paiu inteinships foi
local stuuents.

FH"E# ' J<)A6
Lunch was biought to the site by AuuieyuSS. Buiing the BBP weeks timing foi lunch was veiy shoit in
oiuei to catch the bus back to Reu Book in time foi the 1pm pick up at Atlantic Basin.

F"## Y -./012 $2@0)25A B035) =>1 C(
This was the final Inuy 7 iun of the week anu stuuents weie uisappointeu theie woulu not be anothei.
By Weunesuay afteinoon they hau become quite comfoitable anu auept at being on the watei in vaiious
types of boats. (We only hau one veiy minoi episoue of sea sickness uuiing the entiie S-week piogiam).

The goal of Weunesuay afteinoon was to tiansition as quickly as possible fiom Reu Book to uI in oiuei
to have enough time foi fishing, NPS histoiical touis, anu a BBQ at Little Eva's seafoou shanty on uI.
0iiginally we hau planneu foi Weunesuay to be an oveinight camp-out on uI iun by NPS, but uue to
unfoieseen expense anu logistical uifficulty we ueciueu to cancel the camping component but continue
with all scheuuleu evening activities as planneu. This meant that Weunesuay afteinoon was somewhat
iusheu anu the uI location felt somewhat aibitiaiy. In the enu though, a final histoiical toui of the
Islanu, combineu with the public feiiy iiue home was woith the 4-houi excuision anu uelayeu ietuin.

F"E# ' 7>2025>)3 4526 RI9 0)* -8K
!"#$%!" '()*

M5365)G >) I5.1 F#F
Q532>1+ >= 26. Q01Z>1
Aftei aiiiving at Piei 1u1 uSS euucatois split theii cohoit in two gioups. The fiist gioup was leu by NPS
iangeis Kevin Cieuo anu Collin Bell on a toui of the Islanu's two national histoiical monuments, Foit }ay
anu Castle Williams. Castle William was the main attiaction of the toui as it pioviues a compelling
oveiview of 0.S. militaiy histoiy fiom the Battle of Biooklyn, to the Wai of 1812, Civil Wai, anu Woilu
Wai II - thioughout all of which the Castle hau veiy uistinct uses. uiven that the Islanu's militaiy histoiy
was fai fiom the REST0RE piogiam's theme of oystei iestoiation, stuuents weie quite engageu anu
even maue some inquisitive connections between uI histoiy anu the histoiy of the oystei in NYC.
The seconu iotation of Weunesuay afteinoon was a fishing woikshop leu by NY State Bept of Env
Conseivation aquatic Euucatois Steve Wong anu }ames ___. uSS stuuents weie taught basic opeiations of
the iou anu casting. Some basic info on common fish species of the Baiboi was also pioviueu but foi the
most pait, the fishing woikshop focuseu moie on ielaxation than anything else. No fish weie caught
uuiing week one oi thiee but uuiing week two REST0RE campei caught foui fish, incluuing a thiee foot
long Ameiican Eel (pictuieu below).

U"E# ' 9.0=>>* A>>]5)G A@033 0)* *5)).1 02 J522@. 8D0_3 4526 A6.=V>4).1 \.D5)
Aftei Weunesuay's two iotations both gioups ieconvene at Little Eva's seafoou shanty foi cooking class
followeu by uinnei of seafoou anu othei options. The goal of the seafoou woikshop was to fostei a sense
of connection between fishing fiom the estuaiy anu eating locally caught seafoou. While the seafoou
useu by Little Eva's was biought in fiom eastein Long Islanu, hau the REST0RE campeis caught a
stiipeu bass it woulu have been fieshly cleaneu, fileteu anu piepaieu by Kevin uuiing the woikshop.
(We consiueieu keeping the Ameiican eel foi the BBQ but the stuuents weie iathei squeamish about
killing anu opteu to thiow it back.) When REST0RE Weunesuay was oiiginally planneu as camp-out
Kevin was contiacteu to pioviue both the seafoou woikshop anu BBQ uinnei foi the camp-out. When
the campout was cancelleu we opteu to keep the BBQ all the while iecognizing that timing anu buugets
weie tight. The menu anu the buuget evolveu thioughout the thiee weeks of REST0RE; fiom all seafoou
anu iice anu beans to a seafoou tasting (giilleu tuna, swoiufish, oi stiipeu bass) with hot uogs anu
hambuigeis. Foi the sake of both the piogiam buuget anu stuuents' taste piefeiences, we opteu towaiu
less seafoou anu moie familiai foous.

`"## Y -./012 C( >) /<Z@5A =.11+
Aiiiving on uI only by Inuy 7 woulu not have been a iealistic expeiience foi piospective Baiboi school
stuuents. To show them a key pait of the uaily life of Baiboi School anu the main moue of tianspoit
useu by the Islanu's 4uu,uuu annual visitois, REST0RE stuuents took the Samuel Couisen public feiiy
back to Nanhattan on Weunesuay evening. This also cieateu a full ciicle effect by showing stuuents an
alteinative peispective on the Baiboi while ciossing Biooklyn Biiuge on the bus iiue home.

)c\&(YCZ [ (CE:E:RU
9"E#$% ' $115D. 9><26 921..2 9.0/>12
The puipose of the Pioneei sail was to expose REST0RE campeis to tallship sailing, histoiy of the
haiboi, life of the estuaiy, anu the full panoiamic views of uI. South Stieet Seapoit Nuseum kinuly
offeieu to pioviue Pioneei fiee of chaige as a seivice to uSS stuuents anu the fiist yeai of the REST0RE

F#"## ' 9.2 905@ 0Z>01* 26. I(;R887
Thiee Stations: navigation, species IB, oystei anatomy

!"#$%!" '()*

The Pioneei sail was bioken up into thiee phases: outbounu motoiing anu tiawl net, sailing anu thiee
stations leaining woikshops, anu inbounu lunch, jouinaling anu closuie. The fiist phase was piobably
the most engaging foi stuuents. Buiing this phase stuuents woikeu with Pioneei ciew to extenu, lowei
anu iaise a tiawl net foi collecting samples fiom the seaflooi. Pulling up a laige net full of flapping
fishes, buckets of mussels, assoiteu sea hoises, ciabs, anu othei ciitteis fiom the NY Baiboi was a
thiilling anu novel expeiience foi REST0RE campeis. Woiking togethei to iaise five sails on the 14u
yeai olu iebuilt schoonei was also equally engaging anu exciting foi the stuuents. The thiee stations -
navigation anu chaits, tiawl net species IB, oystei shucking anu anatomy - weie also valuable but not
necessaiily uepenuent on being aboaiu the Pioneei (they coulu have been uone anywheie).

All in all, the Pioneei sail pioveu to be an enjoyable yet challenging expeiience foi stuuents in paiticulai
with iespect to the weathei. Buiing week one conuitions weie unbeaiably hot with little to no winu. The
seconu week was the ieveise with gusts up to 2u knots anu a winu chill of about SS uegiees. The thiiu
week it iaineu anu thieateneu thunuei thioughout the sail such that we hau to cancel all activities anu
weie able only to paitially iaise one sail.

0veiall, while the Pioneei sail was a novel anu fun expeiience foi stuuents, it cieateu somewhat of a lull
in the week anu shoulu have been ieplaceu with a moie iigoious activity. Bau we campeu on uI
Weunesuay night anu been pickeu up uiiectly by the Pioneei on Thuisuay moining, peihaps the sail
woulu have felt moie ielevant anu woithwhile. But given the natuie of Weunesuay afteinoon's
activities, REST0RE stuuents woulu have been bettei seiveu by spenuing Thuisuay back in a iigoious
technical leaining enviionment, though not necessaiily a Baiboi School classioom.

0ne inteiesting option foi an alteinative Thuisuay activity (foi next yeai) woulu be a technical toui of
BEP's Bionx baseu uiinking watei supply facilities anuoi its Reu Book baseu sewage tieatment plant. A
toui of BEP facilities in Reu Book, combineu with a a watei quality testing woikshop with BEP
euucatois, woulu pioviue a uiiect tangible connection to Nonuay anu Tuesuay's classioom sessions.
Without such a hanus-on expeiience, the uiscussion of CS0s anu enviionmental engineeiing systems is
laigely abstiact anu stuuents uo not see the big pictuie. ,

H"## ' -53.?Z01] 9><26 921..2 9.0/>12 0)* 1.2<1) 2> 352.3

b&:YCZ [ *Z()'& b'():WCE
9:uuAN - Aiiive IKEA Wateifiont
Fiiuay's oystei gaiuen installation anu estuaiy festival is the culminating event of the weeklong
REST0RE camp. It is also the main oppoitunity to assess stuuent leaining anu skills gaineu uuiing the
entiie week of REST0RE.

IKEA wateifiont paik is the BEC peimitteu site foi all thiee uSS oystei gaiuens plus one auuitional
miuule school, NS 88 (wheie seveial uSS stuuents aie in the 7
anu 8
giaues). The southeinmost
embayment of the paik - see exact location heie - pioviues an iueal oystei gaiuening site with both a
semi-self containeu watei bouy anu a limiteu accesssecuieu shoieline. IKEA glauly pioviueu the license
agieement foi oystei gaiuening. Foi the thiee neaiby uSS piogiams, this site coulu not bettei.

The IKEA wateifiont will be home to uSS oystei gaiuens foi yeais to come anu the culminating event of
the week was actually the beginning of a much longei teim initiative. The long teim at IKEA will incluue
iegulai oystei gaiuening anu enviionmental monitoiing as well as eventually an on-bottom ieef
iestoiation pioject leu by Baiboi School anu paitneis. In the shoit teim (2u1S-2u1S) uSS gioup leaueis
will take theii stuuents to the IKEA wateifiont on a monthly basis uuiing the Fall anu Spiing to monitoi
oysteis anu ue-foul cages, test watei quality, obseive associateu species, anu caiiy out ielateu tests anu
euucationalscientific piojects.
!"#$%!" '()*


!"E# ' %>)52>1 ;+32.1 C01*.) 0)* T02.1 O<0@52+ :.325)G
The entiie activity with up to Su stuuents anu 6 staff takes at least two houis in the fielu. Stuuent gioups
neeu to aiiive piomptly anu be piepaieu foi this most intensive "fieluwoik" component of the week.
Stuuents shoulu know they aie applying anu being testeu on skills leaineu uuiing Nonuay anu
Tuesuay's classes. Stuuents shoulu also be awaie that all uata they collect is "ieal" anu will be compileu
into a city wiue uatabase. Any inaccuiacies oi mistakes will invaliuate the entiie uatabase anu so the
iesponsibility is on them to ask questions anu ensuie they aie following the pioceuuies laiu out in the
uata sheet. This is the natuie of any collaboiative ieseaich; theiefoie stuuents (anu staff) neeu to take
theii iole extiemely seiiously.

0pon aiiival at the IKEA site, the entiie gioup is biiefeu togethei then bioken into five to six monitoiing
teams with foui to five stuuents each. The supplies anu equipment foi sampling - clipboaiu, pen, uata
sheet, calipeis, watei quality test kit, species IB caius, calculatois, cameiasphones - shoulu be
aiiangeu anu ieauy foi uistiibution as soon as the stuuents aiiive. Nonitoiing teams shoulu also be
given 4-S team membei ioles to ensuie that each stuuent is actively engageu thioughout. These ioles
incluue leau uata collectoi (veiifies all uata is accuiate befoie submitting); sciibe; measuiement
technicians (2) (measuies oysteis anu completes watei quality testing); anu species IB technician
(monitois the cage, oysteis, anu suiiounuing aieas in seaich of associateu species listeu on the species
IB caiu). Each iole shoulu be outlineu anu explaineu befoie beginning the piocess. These teams shoulu
be pie-ueteimineu by uSS staff anu tweakeu to account foi absences.

0nce stuuent teams bieak off anu begin monitoiing they shoulu follow the pioceuuies in the exact oiuei
they aie listeu in the uata sheet: (I) site obseivations, (II) oystei measuiements, (III) species IB, (Iv)
watei quality testing. Stuuents shoulu only be given theii oysteis aftei they have completeu section I
anu ieceiveu appioval fiom the leau staffsite managei. The site managei shoulu be the teachei, uSS
euucatoi, oi othei staff who is most familiai with the pioceuuies. This yeai the site managei foi all
thiee sessions was Sam }anis, but in futuie sessions this peison shoulu uefinitely be uSS staff.

Befoie stuuents complete section I, the site managei uiviues the spat on shell oysteis into five oi six
appioximately equal piles, one foi each gioup. Each pile will contain about 1S-2u shells each containing
u-Su oysteis. Each cage will in total contain about Suu to Suu oysteis. The goal is foi each stuuent
monitoiing team to ieceive at least Su oysteis to count anu measuie. (Note: Buiing the fiist season of an
oystei gaiuen, the spat-on-shell will be smallei anu moie numeious. As they giow they compete foi
space anu some peicentage will uie. Aftei a yeai of giowth the maximum spatauult oysteis pei shell
will be about 1u. As time piogiess the spat on shell will become aggiegateu clumps of auult oysteis
giowing togethei on the same coie substiate.)

Buiing section II, at least two stuuents shoulu be measuiing oysteis anu tiansciibing the uata. Stuuents
who aie not actively engageu in measuiing oysteis can move on to species IB anu monitoiing (III) anu
watei quality testing (Iv). The most efficient gioups will uelegate tasks anu complete all foui sections

If possible, each stuuent team shoulu be assigneu one staff membei to seive as the team supeivisoi. The
team supeivisoi shoulu make suie the gioup is on task, collecting uata accuiately anu efficiently, anu
ieauy to move fiom one step to the next. Any stuuent questions shoulu fiist be uiiecteu at the team
supeivisoi anu then only if heshe is unable to answei shoulu the stuuent appioach the site managei
uiiectly. At the conclusion of each section, the team supeivisoi shoulu check the stuuent uata sheet foi
accuiacy. Section one obseivations shoulu be as technical anu specific as possible, i.e., "the watei is
uiity" is not a technical obseivation anu "the site is clean" is not specific enough. Section two oystei
measuiements shoulu be between S anu SS millimeteis. All stuuents shoulu be able to effectively anu

!"#$%!" '()*

accuiately use the calipei to iecoiu multiple oystei measuiements. All stuuents shoulu also be able to
iuentify ueau oysteis (by theii soft, bioken, oi empty shell).

Section two also asks stuuents to calculate the aveiage size of all (Su) oysteis in the sample. Stuuents
can uo this using long multiplication on papei oi by calculatoi. 0sing eithei appioach the aveiage must
be absolutely accuiate oi else the site managei will have to ieuo the calculation befoie uploauing the
uate. Stuuents shoulu also note the minimum anu maximum.

Section thiee iequiies caieful counting of all associateu species. Stuuents shoulu be familiai with the
most commonly occuiiing species e.g. sea-squiits (tunicates), algae, giass shiimp, Asian shoie ciabs,
macio algae. They shoulu be able to iuentify all oiganisms occuiiing in theii shell sample anu estimate
oi count the exact numbei of each in theii sample.

The final section, watei quality testing, iequiies at least two stuuents actively engageu. The sample
watei is collecteu by the site managei anu tempeiatuie measuieu as quickly as possible. The same
tempeiatuie ieauing shoulu be useu by all six teams. Stuuents shoulu test foi the same six paiameteis
they piacticeu on Tuesuay of the REST0RE week: tuibiuity, B0, salinity, nitiate, phosphates, anu pB.
0ne colifoim test can be peifoimeu foi all six teams, as the iesult will not be available foi 48 houis, at
which point the site managei can take note on the piimaiy uata sheet.

FH"## ' ()320@@ ;+32.1 C01*.) 0)* 9/02 K>@@.A2>13
0nce all five to six monitoiing teams complete the uata sheet, eveiybouy iegioups to ieview the iesults
collectively in a ciicle. It shoulu again be emphasizeu that the uata collecteu in the fielu will be enteieu
into an online uatabase anu shaieu with at least 1S othei oystei gaiuening sites acioss the site. Buiing
the REST0RE week, this is also the time at which the oystei gaiuen anu spat collectois aie attacheu to
the iailing anu placeu foi the fiist time into the watei. The site managei leaus this installation
(tightening the cable clamps) anu asks foi stuuent assistance in tying the bowline to connect the back
line. 0nce the lines anu cable aie secuieu, stuuents shoulu piactice loweiing the spat collectois anu cage
to the coiiect height. The iueal height foi the oystei cage is two feet below the suiface at low tiue. The
iueal height foi the spat collectois (1u oi moie stackeu on a single stianu of line) is hanging just off the
bottom. The fiist spat collectoi on the stack shoulu baiely touch the bottom while the top most spat
collectoi shoulu be below the suiface. If the stianu contains 2u spat collectois each appioximately 6
inches in length anu the total watei uepth at low tiue is 1S feet that means the spat collectoi will hang
about S feet below the suiface.

FH"E# ' J<)A6
F"FW ' 7.2<1) 2> 352.3
All stuuents ietuin to site foi lunch anu piepaiation foi the festival.

E"E# ' $115D. ;+32.1 M.325D0@
The goal of the oystei festival is to give stuuents a space to synthesize anu celebiate all of the woik
they've uone thioughout the week. REST0RE 2u1S incluueu thiee sepaiate festivals, one foi each site.
This was helpful foi continuity foi each site; howevei in futuie yeais of REST0RE, it may helpful to
combine all sites into a single laigei culminating festival. This woulu save costs anu inciease community
paiticipation as paients fiom all thiee sites woulu be encouiageu to attenu anu biing guests. The
festival incluueu foui main activities: oystei ait anu games; shucking anu eating oysteis giown by the
Fisheis Islanu 0ystei Faim; stuuent panel uiscussions anu Q&A; anu piesentation of awaiu ceitificates
followeu by uinnei.

U"## ' ;+32.1 $12a C0?.3a 0)* 96<A]5)G
!"#$%!" '()*

0ystei ait mateiials weie supplieu by uSS anu the oystei ait table was facilitateu by each uSS site's ait
teachei. NYBF pioviueu the pie-uiilleu oystei shells anu some basic guiuance. This activity pioveu
populai but mainly with giils. Stuuents useu aciylic paint, glittei, cotton balls, sequins, pipe cleaneis anu
othei piops to glue on to anu uecoiate shells as they wanteu. Necklace lanyaius anu keychain iings weie
also pioviueu to attach to the pie-uiilleu shells. These painteu uecoiateu shells pioviueu nice souveniis
foi stuuents anu theii families.

Fisheis Islanu 0ystei Faim uonateu 1Su oysteis pei week. Foi most uSS stuuents this was theii fiist
expeiience eating a iaw oystei on the half shell. Almost all stuuents in each site musteieu up the
couiage to tiy at least one oystei. Some stuuents ate moie than one anu a few seemeu to even enjoy the
expeiience of sluiping them uown. The oystei shuckeis at all thiee events weie teenage employees of
Kevin's iestauiant, Abe anu Thomas. Abe anu Thomas aie both fiom Reu Book anu able to ielate to the
uSS stuuents. They helpeu to explain the benefits of eating oysteis, incluuing how oysteis aie faimeu
anu why it is impoitant to eat oysteis anu ietuin theii shells to the watei. All in all the expeiience of
shucking anu eating iaw oysteis was exhilaiating anu euucational foi the stuuents. Seveial paients anu
membeis of the geneial public also stoppeu by to sample a few of these fiee maiitime uelights (which
noimally cost at least two uollais each at a iestauiant oi iaw bai)

W"## ' 92<*.)2 I0).@ 0)* I1.3.)2025>)3
Six to eight stuuents weie selecteu in auvance to sit on the panel. NYBF anu uSS staff leu the panel
uiscussion using list of questions below. Stuuents sitting in the auuience weie also encouiageu to
iesponu. The panel uiscussion was an inclusive but infoimal means of assessment. In futuie yeais of
iestoie, it is iecommenueu that each stuuent be pioviueu an oppoitunity to piesent eithei inuiviuually
oi as pait of a gioup. The challenge howevei in giving moie oi all stuuents a chance to piesent foimally
is cieating time to piepaie. Shoit of auuing anothei uay to the Camp, it's uncleai wheie we coulu finu
time foi stuuents to uevelop anu piactice a foimal piesentation. Peihaps if we eliminateu the Pioneei
sail, we coulu ieplace it with a BEP site visit in the moining anu piep foi piesentations in the afteinoon.

Panel Biscussion Questions:
What uoes a healthy estuaiy look like.
What iole uo oysteis play in the estuaiy.
Bow uo we giow oysteis.
Why uo we builu spat collectois.
What aie the scientific questions we aie asking with oui spat collectois.
What aie unueiwatei iobots useful foi oystei iestoiation.
Why uo we test watei quality.
Biscuss some of the watei quality paiameteis we aie testing foi anu why they aie impoitant foi
the health of the estuaiy. Name some of the watei quality paiameteis we aie testing foi...the
tests in the kit
What aie the challenges of kayaking.
What kinu of oiganisms anu stuff uo we finu in the inteitiual zone (aiea of the beach below the
high tiue maik).
What aie some of the challenges of fishing on uoveinois Islanu.
What is the histoiy of uoveinois Islanu.
What is Baiboi School anu why uoes it inteiest you.
What aie some uiffeient types of seafoou anu how aie they piepaieu.
What is involveu in sailing a tallship like Pioneei.
What was it like to take the Inuy 7 back anu foith between A Basin anu uI.
What was the most challenging pait of the REST0RE week.
What was the most enjoyable pait(s) of the REST0RE week.

!"#$%!" '()*

What suipiiseu you most about REST0RE week.
What was something you thought you woulu nevei uo but you uiu uiu you feel
Bow can leaining anu woiking on the NY Baiboi help Reu Book as a community.
What auvice woulu you give to othei uSS stuuents who aie about to go thiough REST0RE.

W"E# ' $401*3 0)* K.125=5A02.3 =>@@>4.* Z+ *5)).1
All stuuents was piesenteu with a ceitificate of completion as well as a unique iecognition of
achievement oi supeilative, such "most like to become a maiine biologist" oi "most inquisitive." Paients
of all uSS stuuents weie inviteu to attenu the panel uiscussion anu awaius uinnei. uSS sites inviteu
paients in auvance of each week howevei paient attenuance the all thiee festivals was minimal, with a
maximum of about 8 anu minimum of 2. Nany paients stoppeu by biiefly to pick up theii chilu howevei
few stayeu thiough to the enu. In the futuie, paient paiticipation coulu be incieaseu by having one
uistiict wiue festival in which all sites' paients, school peisonnel, anu othei community membeis aie
inviteu. This all in one REST0RE festival woulu have to take place at the enu of all thiee oi moie weeks,
in which case continuity woulu be moie uifficult to maintain foi the sites that completeu REST0RE
eailiei in the summei.

:W; &0A768A 9] &'()*&' @10 "45 @9A8 (875048 '/"67"8294A

The following is a summaiy of stuuents' pie- anu post-piogiam suivey
evaluations. Pie-piogiam suiveys weie completeu uuiing the week leauing up
to the Nonuay of REST0RE anu post-piogiam suiveys weie completeu on the
Fiiuay afteinoon of the REST0RE week. In total, 4S stuuents completeu a pie-
suivey anu S8 stuuents completeu a post-suivey. Pie-suiveys foi PS 1S coulu
not be analyzeu. Nost stuuents paiticipating in the piogiam weie in 7
although moie than a thiiu of the stuuents weie 8

Piioi to the summei camp, the REST0RE pioject iuentifieu seveial aims that woulu benefit all paitneis,
incluuing stuuents, uSS staff anu the Baiboi School. Paiticipation in the pioject woulu allow uoou
Shepheiu Seivices to expose its stuuents to STEN-focuseu instiuctional cuiiiculum, which uSS staff
uoes not have the capacity to cieate inteinally. Foi the Baiboi School, the pioject woulu pioviue an
oppoitunity foi outieach anu ieciuitment among
miuule school stuuents in unueiseiveu
neighboihoous. The pioject woulu also builu
motivation anu aptituue foi enviionmental
stewaiuship among stuuents, which woulu iaise
the stanuaiu foi Baiboi School ieciuitment by builuing a moie qualifieu applicant pool. 0ne final goal of
the pioject was to inciease awaieness among stuuents anu the bioauei community of the New Yoik
Baiboi estuaiy. Evaluations of REST0RE uemonstiate that the pioject helpeu to accomplish all of these

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Accoiuing to the pie-suiveys, stuuent expiesseu a uesiie
when coming into the piogiam to leain moie about maiine
science. In theii wiitten iesponses about what they hopeu to
get out of the piogiam, stuuents most often citeu the
oppoitunity to leain anu expeiience new things (3..
.b0?/@.3 5) 2.b2 Z>bd. In theii post-suiveys, when askeu to
ieflect upon what they enjoyeu most about the REST0RE
expeiience, a vast majoiity of stuuents highlighteu the
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oppoitunity to have new anu unfamiliai expeiiences, confiiming that they felt exposeu to anu
appieciateu the STEN-focuseu leaining oppoitunities. Stuuents inuicateu that they "leaineu a lot of new
things about oui ecosystem," enjoyeu builuing iobots anu "woiking hanus-on with oysteis," anu
appieciateu the oppoitunity to be "a pait of something that coulu help a lot of maiine animals." When
askeu whethei the REST0RE piogiam maue them want to leain moie about maiine science anu
technology, many stuuents expiesseu an inteiest in fuithei stuuies. Stuuents also uemonstiateu gieatei
comfoit with watei activities, with a laige numbei citing kayaking as one of theii favoiite activities
uuiing the week.

()A1.035)G 32<*.)23_ 0401.).33 >= 26. Q01Z>1 9A6>>@ =>1 65G6 3A6>>@ ><21.0A6 0)* 1.A1<52?.)2c
The REST0RE pioject also pioviueu an oppoitunity foi the Baiboi School to extenu its outieach into
unueiseiveu neighboihoous. Suiveys suppoit that the pioject cleaily achieveu this aim, as fewei than
half of the stuuents (41%) weie familiai with the Baiboi School upon staiting the piogiam, wheieas
two-thiius (66%) felt they weie familiai with the puipose of the school aftei paiticipating.

B<5@* ?>25D025>) 0)* 0/252<*. =>1 .)D51>)?.)20@
0veiall, 84% of the stuuents saiu they leaineu new
skills as a iesult of paiticipating in the REST0RE
piogiam. Also encouiaging was the almost two-
thiius of iesponuents who felt the piogiam was fun
anu exciting, illustiating that stuuents uiu not just
leain new skills but also enjoyeu the expeiience of
leaining in that enviionment. In wiitten iesponses,
many stuuents expiesseu an inteiest in continuing
stewaiuship iesponsibilities. Foi example: "I leaineu
how to change my ways so that I can help clean the
Baiboi." "(I leaineu) that I have a pait to help the
enviionment." "I leaineu that we've got to help the ocean stay clean foi the animals in the watei." "(I
leaineu) that I ieally caie about oui oceans anu the planet."

()A1.03. 0401.).33 0?>)G 32<*.)23 0)* 26. Z1>0*.1 A>??<)52+ 0Z><2 26. R.4 S>1] Q01Z>1 832<01+c
Piioi to staiting the piogiam, just 1S% of
stuuents saiu they knew a lot about the New
Yoik Baiboi. 0pon completion, moie than a
thiiu felt they knew a lot about the Baiboi, anu
just 9% saiu they still knew veiy little. 0n the
post-suiveys, stuuents weie able to cite a
numbei of facts about the Baiboi that they hau
leaineu thioughout the week.

$**525>)0@ Z.).=523 2> 32<*.)23c
In auuition to the key aims of the piogiam,
suivey iesults also show that stuuents gaineu
peisonally fiom theii paiticipation in the piogiam. When askeu what they leaineu about themselves as
a iesult of paiticipating in REST0RE, many stuuents expiesseu piiue in theii ability to leain new skills:
"I can tiy new stuff, like tying knots, that I have nevei tiieu;" "I leaineu how to woik togethei;" "I
leaineu that I can obseive many things anu that I'm veiy goou at making technology." 0theis citeu
peisonal giowth: "I leaineu I coulu uo lots of things I nevei thought I coulu uo;" "I leaineu that I can
impiove myself anu push myself haiuei into leaining new things."

I uon't know much
about it yet
I know a few facts I know a lot about
the Baiboi
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Camp REST0RE was not intenueu to be a stanualone, one-off expeiience but iathei the kickoff foi a long
teim euucational paitneiship between Baiboi School anu uoou Shepheiu Seivices. REST0RE was
conceiveu as a yeai-iounu enviionmental STEN piogiam. Each uSS aftei-school site woulu builu
REST0RE-themeu enviionmental STEN activities into theii iegulai scheuule of Nonuay thiough Fiiuay
aftei-school piogiamming. uSS anu Baiboi School initially agieeu to this concept back in Apiil 2u1S; foi
both siues to suppoit REST0RE piogiamming once a week at each of the thiee South Biooklyn piogiam
sites. As the piogiam opeiatoi, uSS woulu of couise be piimaiily iesponsible foi implementation, while
Baiboi School anu Founuation woulu pioviue technical iesouices, coaching, anu when possible push-in
suppoit. The basic stiuctuie woulu be as follows:

All thiee uSS aftei-school sites agiee on a weekly scheuule foi REST0RE piogiamming, with at
least one uay pei week at each site, iueally uiffeient uays foi each site.
Leaining activities aie hanus-on, technically engaging, anu fun
Activities involve going outsiue foi wateifiont anu on-watei fieluwoik as often as possible
0ptions incluue: unueiwatei iobotics uesign anu constiuction; small-scale boat builuing;
auvanceu watei quality testing; small-scale hyuioponicsveitical faiming; maiine biology
micioscopy; swim anu lifeguaiu instiuction; kayak leaueiship tiaining; ienewable eneigy
uemonstiation woikshops; biofuel piouuction, solai Pv engineeiing, anu winu tuibines anu
Each site takes at least one oystei monitoiing fielu tiip pei month to IKEA wateifiont; wheie
stuuents complete full set of oystei gaiuen fielu uata anu uploau to B0P website.
Inuiviuually oi combineu, each site takes auuitional fielu tiips to stuuy local enviionmental
engineeiing installations such as gieen ioofs, wastewatei tieatment plants, community faims
anu moie
Inuiviuually oi combineu, each site hosts woikshops with expeits anu guest speakeis on
REST0RE-themeu enviionmental engineeiing topics
Baiboi School inteins seive as stuuent teacheis foi REST0RE aftei-school sessions; two oi
moie Baiboi School inteins attenu each site; Baiboi School vessel opeiations biings stuuents
back anu foith fiom uoveinois Islanu to Reu Book via Atlantic Basin.

Foi the piogiam to function at full capacity, as envisioneu above, some key uecisions anu commitments
will neeu to maue by both uSS anu Baiboi SchoolFounuation. uSS shoulu ueciue how much
enviionmental STEN piogiamming it wants to anu can pioviue on its own, iegaiuless of whethei
Baiboi School anu Founuation pioviue suppoit with in-peison on-site iesouices. uSS staff have the
ability anu knowleuge to teach basic maiine science anu technology cuiiiculum. Foi instance, iobotics,
watei quality testing, anu oystei gaiuen monitoiing aie all activities that uSS staff coulu iun on theii
own as a iesult of theii expeiience teaching Camp REST0RE. Baving push-in assistance, equipment,
lesson plans, anu othei iesouices fiom Baiboi School anu Founuation woulu of couise be bettei.

That being saiu it's unlikely that Baiboi Founuation's iestoiation piogiam managei coulu commit to
spenuing thiee afteinoons pei week in Reu Book suppoiting uSS without some type of uiiect
connection anu benefit to Baiboi School. The pioposeu solution is foi Baiboi School 11
anu 12
stuuents to seive as REST0RE stuuent teacheis, helping to uelivei enviionmental STEN lessons anu leau
fielu tiips anu woikshops baseu on theii iespective CTE expeitise. The RPN woulu seive as intein
facilitatoi foi REST0RE, meeting with the stuuents in auvance of each week's REST0RE sessions,
piepping them with lesson plans, anu accompanying them to Reu Book. Bepenuing on the weekly
scheuule, the RPN coulu pioviue uiiect push-in suppoit to one oi moie sites each week. In the iueal at
!"#$%!" '()*

least six Baiboi School inteins (two foi each uSS site) woulu be selecteu to seive as REST0RE piogiam
inteins foi thiee months in the Fall anu thiee months in the Spiing.

!"#$ &'()*&' +,-J

Baseu on oui initial feeuback fiom stuuents, paients, piogiam staff, anu paitneis the consensus is that
Camp REST0RE 2u1S met its majoi goals (outlineu in Section I above) anu shoulu be continueu into
Summei 2u14 anu beyonu. uSS anu Baiboi staff aie now woiking to ieview anu impiove upon the
activities uesciibeu above, uevelop new ones, anu establish REST0RE as an ongoing, potentially long-
teim piogiam. The camp mouel is both ieplicable as is anu auaptable foi a iange of new activities anu
themes foi next yeai. Some of the piogiammatic anu stiuctuial changes the team has consiueieu thus
fai incluue:

Cieating auuitional weeklong sessions foi new uSS South Biooklyn piogiam sites - consiuei
iunning REST0RE foi five iathei than thiee weeks (uSS has iecently applieu foi funuing foi two
auuitional sites)
Keeping in minu the neeus of ietuining REST0RE stuuents, avoiu ieuunuancy in the same
cohoit; plan newalteiative uaily activities anuoi moie auvanceu veisions of 2u1S's leaining
Cieate new cohoits baseu on giaue level anuoi pievious expeiience with REST0RE, potentially
mixing stuuents fiom vaiious uSS piogiam sites.
Keep site gioupings intact but cieate 2 oi moie (leveleu) cohoits within the same site.
Auuing a camping component on uoveinois Islanu in collaboiation with Baiboi School's InBock
uiaue 0iientation piogiam
Cieating new technical leaining components anuoi new themes such as ienewable eneigy anu
gieen systems technology, anu potentially engaging new Baiboi School faculty oi othei expeits
anu euucatois

In auuition to iefining the piogiam stiuctuie foi next yeai, uSS anu Baiboi Founuation aie also woiking
to secuie new anu auuitional funuing foi the next two yeais of REST0RE. This yeai's buuget was helu at
an absolute minimum uue to the fact that neithei uSS oi Baiboi Founuation ieceiveu any funuing
specifically allocateu to REST0RE. Insteau, the two oiganizations cobbleu togethei seeu money anu out-
of-pocket expenses in hopes that the iesults of the fiist yeai woulu uemonstiate a compelling case foi
investing in anu fuithei ueveloping the mouel. As uiscusseu above both paitneis have vesteu inteiest
anu mutual benefit in ueveloping uiban enviionmental STEN piogiamming specifically foi miuule
school stuuents.

Lastly, Camp REST0RE 2u1S woulu nevei have been possible without the geneious in-kinu
contiibutions of a veiy uiveise gioup of paitneis. These paitneis pioviueu staff, facilities, anu
piogiamming at no oi veiy low cost to uSS anu Baiboi Founuation. The unueilying assumption of the
paitneiship was always that REST0RE woulu be an investment in the futuie of South Biooklyn, its local
communities, economies anu ecology of the Baiboi. We thank all paitneis foi theii unielenting
ueuication to REST0RE stuuents anu we aie exciteu to builuing the piogiam togethei as a uiveise
paitneiship foi many yeais to come.

!"#$%!" '()*

5678956 =&).&#> =#&$-'&0",+ #-? 5)4'0@

c"1M91 (=D996 - facilities, vessel opeiations, faculty
(978D (81008 (0"$918 X7A07# - vessel Pioneei uay sail
R"8294"6 @"1> (01/2=0 - Staffing anu piogiaming
RZ (8"80 Y0$8; 9] '4/; !94A01/"8294 Cd7"82= '57="8294 - Staffing anu piogiamming
&05 c99> <9"801A !67M - Staffing anu piogiamming
<199>6P4 <125?0 @"1> !94A01/"4=P - Staffing anu Piogiamming
C5505 W"670 - facilities
RZGRe <"P>00$01 - equipment
Y2"40 *11 "45 <"10]998 _91>AD9$A - uocumentaiy anu piomotional film piouuction
U(( - staffing, licensing, liability insuiance, piogiamming, out of pocket expenses ($7,848)
c"1M91 b9745"8294 - staffing, logistics cooiuination, piogiamming, out of pocket expenses ($S,742)

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