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19th Annual National IATEFL Ukraine Conference

Continuing Professional Develop ent! ""I Centur# $kills% &oals% Challenges'

()*(+ April (,1-% .#iv CALL F/0 Interest PAPE0$
The National Annual IATEFL Ukraine Conference is jointly organised by IATEFL Ukraine, the British Council Ukraine and the Uni ersity of Econo!ics and La" #$%#, #yi "ith the su&&ort of Ca!bridge' ELT &rofessionals fro! around Ukraine and abroad can get together to share, discuss, reflect on and de elo& their &rofessional ideas and foster IATEFL Ukraine acti ities as "ell' The in ited key(note s&eakers fro! the United #ingdo! of )reat Britain and Northern Ireland are going to &resent sessions and "orksho&s at the Conference &lenary' The for!at of the Conference "ill include facilitated the!ed sessions, interacti e "orksho&s and discussions' The conference &rogra!!e "ill also &ro ide net"orking o&&ortunities as "ell as a chance for ELT &rofessionals to get ac*uainted "ith the latest ELT &ublications and ser ices at a large resources

$peaker Proposals
The deadline for s&eaker &ro&osals is () 1arch (,1-' ,e in ite &ro&osals for the follo"ing ty&es of &resentations .echa #ucha .oster &resentation $ound Table discussion .anel discussion ,orksho& /o" to 0 Talk

The conference progra

The selection of &ro&osals is done by the Conference 1election Co!!ittee' The selection criteria ai! to ensure that the conference &rogra!!e includes a balanced re&resentation of first(ti!e and established &resenters a range of ELT to&ics and &rofessional concerns a ariety of geogra&hical regions of Ukraine the ELT sectors, e'g', school, uni ersity, &ublisher different &rofessional ELT associations and organisations e+&erience of teaching in different conte+ts and le els of education alternati e syste!s of teacher education and de elo&!ent'

Essential infor ation to note

The closing date for the recei&t of 1&eaker .ro&osal For!s by IATEFL Ukraine is () 1arch (,1-' Any &ro&osals recei ed by IATEFL Ukraine after 23 4arch 2567 "ill be &laced on a reser e list' IATEFL ai!s to infor! &artici&ants "hether their session has been acce&ted for inclusion in the &rogra!!e by the end of 4arch' IATEFL reser es the right not to gi e reasons for non(inclusion in the &rogra!!e' All &resenters !ust be !e!bers of IATEFL Ukraine at the ti!e of sub!itting their &ro&osal and !ust register for the full t"o(day conference and &ay the registration fee by () 1arch (,1-'

The Conference $elections

The Conference 1elections "ill be &ublished by the Conference' If you are interested, refer to the re*uire!ents in the T#ping Conventions attach!ent' .lease, sub!it your !aterials by e(!ail as by () 1arch (,1- to 2ritesveta3g ail'co an4 gannachuiko3g ail'co


Conference registration 4ea4lines an4 fees $peakers The deadline for s&eaker &ro&osals is () 1arch (,1-' $egistration fee 8 255'55 UA/ Participants The deadline for registration is ,1 April (,1-' $egistration before 6 A&ril 2567IATEFL Ukraine !e!bers 9 255'55 UA/ Non(!e!bers 8 :;5'55 UA/ $egistration after 65 A&ril 2567IATEFL Ukraine !e!bers 9 235'55 UA/ Non(!e!bers 8 755'55 UA/ 0egistration fee co ers a Conference .ack "ith the Conference .rogra!!e, Conference 1elections, Certificate, 2 lunches and 2 coffee(breaks' 1eals T"o lunches and coffee breaks on 23 and 2; A&ril 2567 "ill be &ro ided' E+tra !eals are at the e+&ense of &artici&ants' Travel an4 acco o4ation Tra el and acco!!odation e+&enses "ill not be rei!bursed' <ou "ill need to !ake your o"n tra el arrange!ents to the enue' .lease don=t forget to tick the a&&ro&riate bo+ in your 1&eaker .ro&osal or $egistration For! if you need a hotel reser ation' $en4 #our 0egistration5$peaker Proposal For s to IATEFL Ukraine! 2ritesveta3g ail'co an4 gannachuiko3g ail'co

6e look for2ar4 to seeing #ou in .#iv7


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