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RAIN OF DEATH PART ONE - Nicoli Kolos Ruler of the Pit And with that a black bolt of lightning

shot into the sky, which started to tremble and brood. From the point of expulsion simmered a Saint Elmos fire large enough to swallow the largest steeple

Just then the heavens opened up and a show of the darkest festering blook started to pour down; Gaia withered. His stomach curdled on instinct sending him to his knees. Urrrp KAAhhh the contents of his stomach emptied on to the ground. Alls he could do was look up. Being so entrenched in fear, not a mussel would move nore to: get up and stand, or collapse and crawl away. Yet he dry heaved until his stomach gave out finally releasing the shock over his body. He gave out I collapsed into mud. Not a thick mud or a puddly mud, but one cast from blood. When I finally got the strength to sit up and wipe the mud off my face I dont know how much time had gone by, but I could tell the center the fire was getting brighter as tumble weeds of sparks flew ever where It heart my eyes to look at it but I did any way all I could think of was hope. Hope that something good would come out , hope that the light was for good, hope that I would not die on that day. At first I thought I was holusonating the brightness was starting to become intoxicating, but then I knew it to be for real there was a person in the lite, he looked to be clawing his way out. He could somehow push against the light like he was pushing against a barrier of some sorts

A uuuhggg ahhhhhh uuuuuhh came growling from the center of the light Alice could not hear it though. What the fuck Im free. Well I really should not be complaining, but I hope they know their also releasing Kolos.

With a loud deep crack which sounded like a mountain splitting he was out. Shooting through the air was a man in a dark heading straight toward the ground. He wore a long tattered dark ruby mans jacket made out of lampas with pink silver rosette wefts, This is when I first saw him. His hands shot out straight forward prone towards the ground he was quickly approaching. Suddenly the ching of a spring and an enormous knife contraption sprung out of his sleeves

After meeting with the Bishop of Baltimore Hi my name is Clatucus I have been sent here to collect you.

Clatusus was an old monk not to be confused with the plump cheery ones who brewed nectar all day and drank all night. But a devout and stern old monk, years of celibacy without liquor can do a number on a man.
come on why cant we fly on planes, they go whoosh whoosh Don explained as he raced his hand up and down through the air and continued to make airplane sounds. Alice giggled I see you are up to date with current technology Clatucus observed Flying may as I think you implied faster but boats are safer for uninvited spirits cannot travel over water. More then you know Don said as he regained his composer and tried to lean back and look cool. They said you were youthful in the report I read on you I was hoping it meant you were vigorous and enthusiastic, but now I realize you are just juvenile. The elders attempt to concede some respect for one whom they thought was dead. Clatucus scoofed. I hope you are a better fighter than genital man just wait till you get to know me Im sure youll just learn to love me It was a quick but Alice was sure he saw it. The utmost of dignity had just rolled his eyes at Don, ever the slightest but he did it was there. Alice was beginning to think Don was already rubbing off on him. And he sure did not mind the cheery attitude.

Haha I have finally gotten back some worldly possessions the Bishop game me one of his finest pipes with some of his finest smoke, I do say for a Bishop he does have a lot of nice things Don kept on talking and started packing a bowl, as the hydrofoils engines reved up to operational speeds and the ship slowly raised its bow then stern out of the water and took off at high speeds pipe my friend it will calm your nerves Alice shook his head quickly and looked down. Don just toked away Alice kept pestering Don continuously throughout the trip So you want to know about Kolos Yes please tell me Alice asked hesitantly with the deepest of desires Well Ill let you know he is one swanky mother fucker spend You sort of eventually have to Ya the dichotomies of life and death, he said he was a solicitor of Iscariot.

He even taught me his magic, temtation in the deepest but I do not belive I poses a strong enough spirit. If I were to go ham, I do not know If I could control my self. We sat on the edge of this realm only observing, never able to even affect a breeze in the slightest. I could see other realms out their but it eventually became clear that we would never meet an impossibility the deepest of thinkers could not divied it was just shit knockers and tally wacks to me. Also he has a daughter named Alice she looks to be your age but I dont know how old she is some how she was able to visit only a true heart can pass through my magic it does not make sence she always said It was because he was family and you can always find family no matter where they are huf family. Mine are all gone even my friends justed turned to goo in that sea of blood. Just what was that magic? It was a Blood Art You gain it from making enough sacrifices it uses the pain and suffering of the newly dead to feed your power the worse they die the stronger the magic you can make. That there was a particularly dangerous form a Blood Storm. It was used in an attempt at summoning. it has the power to melt body from soul in which both halves are consumed one to reconstitute his body one to increase his strength. Such a rudamentery approach too. If Kolos was truly in control of his magic he would have made the victims bleed out over days maybe even years. If you are truly in control of your magic you can keep them klinging to life for years while you suck there essence away do you know how much enery your soul burn when it is gasping for life. Given the right situation it will burn its self completely out just as a lamp uses up all of its oil and flip flip flap, flickers out. At least when your friends gooed they went somewhere be it good or bad. You said he thought you. Teach me. Teach me the blood magic. This magic I want to make him hurt that bad and feel the pain that I felt I want to DESTROY HIM. The magic is to strong for you little one DONT CALL ME LITTLE! I my mind is focused I will DESTROY HIM Calm down, I know you are upset but you cannot go about this all at once. And remember you still do have family you have me. Im taking you with me arent I? His heart swelled and Alice started to cry. And by then his tiredness had caught up with him and he started to doze off to sleep. When Alice awoke he was At the Vatican.


He had changed cloths this time wearing a just a purple waistcoat with a ruffled long-sleeved white shirt Alice could just make out what looked to be more of Dons intricate spring loaded knife contraptions concealed underneath As they entered the catacombs A chill ran up Alices spine but it was warm not cold, a very odd feeling. He followed Don down unlit a stair case deeper and deeper they would go but the stairs just kept on coming like they were appearing to come out of nowhere as if the stone blocks were parting just for them as they moved down until a vertical crack of light started to shine from the bottom and grow wider the stairs really were opening up for them. An extremely good morning to you Saint Jude, Don waved and the statue waved back. whaaa, how did you know the statue moved, but you Alice stammered in exuberation. This was a new world for him so many new sites and sounds, things he never though could of existed even in his wildest, well maybe in his wildest dreams but still. Calm your shit little one. This here is Jude of James we go way back, the statue and I, never met the guy in person. He was one of the twelve apostles some say the brother of Judas, thee patron saint of desperate cases and lost causes. And why the hell is it in front of my door. Just then Clatucus made his presence known How about you calm down, Jude of James came here and has stayed on its own will since the day you got sealed a way with Kolos Well let me in Jude I dont have all day Don snapped. He obviously did not like the title of being a lost cause much Show some more respect he has waited 300 years for you. Clatucus motioned in a somber tone. All right Im sorry I took so long to get back Saint Jude can you please let my in. The statue slid to the side and Don pushed open a dusty door with a loud creak as the hinges were brought back to life after sleeping for so long. Don walked in Clatucus turned to Alice and explained that the statue was installed upstairs next to the internment of Judes bones in St. Peter's Basilica, where it mysteriously disappeared shortly after for years only to show back up in the Crypt of the Conclaves

Well I suppose you should also hear from me I am the real Alice Koloss daughter since the binding he has lost h

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