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Universal Firmware Update Instruction for Rockchip RK2928, RK2918, RK3 !! , RK3 !!

"ased #a$let %& ''' (ttention)

First Five *teps to Remem$er + I am not the Responsi$le for an, dama-es , dead or $ricked device + life is name of Risk so ,ou have to Risk at ,our own+ #hese information are provided $, %rofessionals+ ). 1+ make sure that the firmware matches ,our ta$let+ It will dama-e the ta$let if up-raded $, wron- firmware+ pro$lems arisin- from wron-l, up-radin- is due to users+

2+ %lease $ackup ,our data $efore up-radin-, the internal stora-e will $e formatted when up-radin-, data will lost and unrecovera$le+

3+ /o not press reset ke, when the ta$let is up-radin-, and no operation is allowed when up-radin-, in case of failure of up-rade+

0+ 1ake sure that ,our ta$let is with enou-h power, ,ou2d $etter char-e the ta$let $efore up-radin-, in case of up-radin- failure due to low $atter,+


%lease proceed in accordant with the instructions strictl,+

"efore up-rade %lease download the 4up-rade tool5 and U*" driver from these link /67896(/ R6&K&:I% F9(*:I8; #669*

/67896(/ R6&K&:I% U*" /RI<=R*

%lease download the correspondin- firmware for ,our ta$let from this link+

/67896(/ &6RR=*%68/=8&= FIR17(R= Up-rade instruction Un>ip the up-rade tool, Run 4RK"atch#ool5+

&lick, choose the firmware downloaded+ #hen char-e ,our ta$let with power adaptor, and U*" ca$le connects ta$let to %&+

1ake ,ou ta$let set into up-radin- mode+ (+.Rockchip /evices come alon- with different $uttons formats + If ,our #a$let have 0 $uttons <olume ? <olume @ Ahome or =*& $utton ,ou should follow these steps+ %ower off ,our ta$let, tr, to hold volume ?Avolume @AhomeA=*& $utton and power $utton, plu- in the U*" ca$le, until ,our %& find new hardware+

If it not works, tr, to hold volume ?Avolume @AhomeA=*& $utton and press power $utton for 3@3 times, until ,our %& find new hardware+

"+.If ,our ta$let have volume ?Avolume @AhomeA=*& $utton and power $utton alont with R=*=# hole then ,ou should follow these steps+

If the ,our ta$let has a reset hole and the a$ove two methods do not work, please hold volume ?Avolume @AhomeA=*& $utton and press on reset hidden $utton, until ,our %& find new hardware+

&+. If ta$let have onl, <olume ? A <olume @ A %ower $utton then ,ou should followinthese steps to put ,our android ta$let in $oot mode +

%ress volume ? $utton , insert Us$ ca$le , %ress %ower $utton slowl, 3 to 3 time for 1 sec , when ,our computer found new hard ware release power $utton+ If ,ou do the up-radin- for the first time, please install the Rockchip U*" driver in accordant with the $ellowin- instructions+ Instructions of Installin- Rockchip U*" driver

(fter ,our ta$let enters into up-radin- mode, it will pop out a -uide advisin- ,ou that ,our %& finds new hardware+ *elect manuall, install and then click 4neBt5 For 7indows C%A2 users

*elect the U*" drivers with ,our %& s,stem, the driver is included in the 4Rock us$ /river5+ #hen the %& will install the U*" driver automaticall,+

(fter finishin- U*" installin-, -o $ack to up-radin-+ For 7indows <istaADA8 users If ,our %& is with 7inD or <ista s,stem, it will not pop out the -uide leadin- ,ou to install the driver, ,ou -et to install the driver in 41, &omputer5+ Ri-ht click 41, &omputer5 , select 4/evice 1ana-er5

#here will $e an 4Unknown /evice5 with an eBclamation mark appears+

Ri-ht click the 4Unknown /evice5, select 4renew driver software5

9oad the U*" driver included in the 4Rockus$/river5 to install the U*" driver+

(fter finishin- U*" installin-, -o $ack to up-radin-+ (fter install the U*" driver, the device icon turns -reen, click 4up-rade5 for up-radin-+ (s the picture shows+

8ote) If the device detected under the status of %ink, , please click 4*witch5, the up-radin- status will switch to ;reen Estand$, status.

"elow is the up-radin- process+

#he ta$let will turn on automaticall,, then ,ou could disconnect the ta$let from the %&+


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