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Ecole nationale dadministration ENA National school of administration

Preparation for European Institutions

Open Competitions

Situational judgement test (SJT)

Presentation of the situational judgement test

A multi-choice questionnaire One situation that could occur at work 4 proposed statements

Your target : to find the most effective action and the least effective

Objective of the situational judgement test

to evaluate workplace-related behaviour

Rating of the situational judgement test

Basically 20 MCQ 2 replies to find for 1 question : the most effective action and the least effective action Each question is marked between 0 and 2 points 2 right answers: the most effective and the least effective actions = 2 points Each neutral reply = 0,5 point The only case in which the candidate could not earn some point : when he reverse the most effective action with the least effective Minimum number of marks required : 24/40 All elements have to be verified because they could change from one open competition to another

The selection criteria (I) : the competency framework Analysis and problem solving Quality and results Prioritising and organising Rsilience Working with others Arent assess in the situational judgement test : Learning and development Communicating Leadership

The selection criteria (II)

I determine the options in reference with the values of the european public administration

Equality of opportunity Gender equality Integration of people with disabilities Ethnic diversity

Anti-harrassment work
Transparency Ethical conduct

Moral and financial responsability for the civil servants

The selection criteria (III)

I determine the options in reference with expected behaviours Focus on solution or focus on a problem

Pro-activ approach or a reactive approach

An approach based on transparency, openness and information sharing or an approach based on secret, closure and retention

To research a positive self-concept at the expense of others

Degree of autonomy and initiative Leadership Sensitivity/insensitivity to the consequences of my actions

Situational judgement test : reading suggestions

To put ourselves in the spirit of the exercice and to become impregnated with the values of the european public administration : Titles I and II of the staff regulation for the European Civil Service

The Code of good administrative behaviour

Situational judgement test : examples

Situation 13
You have recently been appointed to a position in a new project team. Although you are experienced as far as the technical aspects of your job are concerned, there are other aspects that you have yet to get to grip with. Your job will then involve communicating and working internally with other project teams. Although your director has suggested that you undergo a period of induction and training, several of the tasks for which you are responsible require urgent attention.

A. You immediately organise meetings with the people with whom you think you will have to work.
B. You quickly try to establish how your objectives will match up with the objectives of your project manager.

C. In the initial stages you ensure that you do your job as you understand it should be done after reading your job description. D. You take the time required to ensure you understand perfectly the team's future objectives.

Situational judgement test : examples

Situation 5 Options + -

Your manager A. You ask your manager for permission to has passed on an negotiate with the requesting department to urgent request modify their request, either in terms of deadline from another or deliverables included. department to B. You contact colleagues in the requesting you. It is obvious department and explain that you are sorry but that with your you will not be able to meet their request. current workload and staff C. You confront your manager, stating that numbers it will he/she is perfectly aware of your workload and not be possible staff numbers and that he/she should have to respond within refused the request. the desired deadline. D. You put your entire team to work on the request, even if that means that their normal work suffers.

Situational judgement test : examples

Situation 7 Options + -

You have just spent a lot of time preparing a report that is to be sent to a senior manager. A member of the team who is more experienced than you and highly respected by his/her colleagues tells you that he/she thinks that the quality of the report would be improved if changes were made to some sections.

A. You make some of the changes that he/she suggests but keep those parts of the report that you think are better.
B. You rely on your colleague's better experience and make all the changes that he/she suggests. C. You thank your colleague for his/her suggestions but say that you will rely on your own judgement and will not make any changes to the report.

D. You discuss with your colleague the changes he/she has suggested and clarify the reasons for these changes.

Thank you for your attention

Anne-Catherine Gutknecht Preparation for European Institutions' Open Competitions Mail:

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