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Logo Project

Amanda Wallis Winter Semester 2013

P R O J E C T 01 S T E P 0 0 | P R O C E S S B L O G P O S T

(Paste process blog post here)

Project 2 | Logo Project

This project started out with the class coming up with three different nouns and three different business ideas. The ideas were distributed throughout the class randomly to where there were three different nouns to every business idea. From these pairs we would creatively combine them to make a unique logo for the company that was the business part of the pair. To get started, word lists were made along with a minimum of twenty five sketches for each logo idea. This was to get all the ideas out of our heads that we could. After the first part of the project we were to trade our hardest logo with another person in the class and gather all of their ideas, sketches, etc. From there we continued to make our logos along with the new one and we made refinement sketches as well as some digitalized versions. After that we were to do more refining and then finally the final logos were to be printed, mounted and cut on foamcore where there would be the three final logos with typography and the three final logos without typography.

P R O J E C T 01 S T E P 0 0 | P R O C E S S B L O G P O S T

(Paste process blog post here)

Table of Contents

2 Introduction 4 Logo Words and Inspiration 5 Visual Research 6 Concept Sketches 9 Logo Project: Part 1 Learning Summary 10 Revised Sketches 11 Digital Sketches 12 Logo Project: Part 2 Learning Summary 13 Final Logos 19 Overall Project Learning Summary

L O G O P R O J E C T | L O G O W O R D S A N D I N S P I R AT I O N

Logo 1 2 3 New/Switched Logo

Noun Coconut Indian T-Shirt Sparkplug

Business Elderly Scooters Tennis Supplies Travel Electricity

Word Lists: Tropical Coconut Trees Beach Coconut Milk Coconut Shell Coconut Husk Wheels Elderly People Steering Wheel Tennis Ball Racket Net Feather Headdress Braid Beads Teepee Spear Bow and Arrow Dream Catcher Dark Skin

Sweater White T-Shirt Airplane Suitcase Sailboat Suitcase Sticker Flag Pilot Wings Tropical T-Shirt Tourists Camera Hot Air Balloon Package Lei Folded Shirt

L O G O P R O J E C T | V I S U A L R E S E A R C H

L O G O P R O J E C T | CO N C E P T S K E T C H E S

L O G O P R O J E C T | CO N C E P T S K E T C H E S

L O G O P R O J E C T | CO N C E P T S K E T C H E S

L O G O P R O J E C T | L O G O P R O J E C T: PA R T 1 L E A R N I N G S U M M A R Y

My Experience These were some tricky ideas to work with and I especially had a hard time with, Coconuts and Elderly Scooters. Luckily we were able to trade one of our logos in class and I was able to give my thoughts and ideas for that logo to someone else. I wasnt having very good success with that particular one. The logo words I got in return were, Sparkplug and Electricity. I felt that these were much easier to work with and I had much better success making a logo into both of those concepts. For this part of the project I think the hardest part was just coming up with so many ideas for each logo. The easiest one for me was definitely Indian and Tennis Supplies. I had a lot to work with for those concepts, but I found myself running out of ideas on my T-shirt and Travel logo, and especially the Coconut and Elderly Scooters logo.

Thoughts The sketching process is never my favorite although I know that it is absolutely necessary. I find it hard to illustrate what Im thinking in my head, but at the same time when I do illustrate things and ideas I have, it often leads to more thoughts and Im able to think of even more ideas. I think this was definitely the case with my logo sketches. Although sometimes it was hard for me to come up with anything new in particular, I found myself altering the sketches I put down previously and trying new things with that.

Challenges Going along with having to come up with a bunch of different ideas for each logo design, was trying to combine the two items for each logo in a clever way. The main purpose to this project was to be clever with our ideas and to learn how to combine two unlikely things in a creative way. I wonder now if I might have been referring too much on the logo itself rather than trying to find different and clever ways to combine the objects I was given. For the most part I was able to dump and get all of my thoughts (good or bad) onto my sketch page so that I could see what I had to work with and add ideas if I came up with more.

L O G O P R O J E C T | R E V I S E D S K E T C H E S

L O G O P R O J E C T | D I G I TA L S K E T C H E S

L O G O P R O J E C T | L O G O P R O J E C T: PA R T 2 L E A R N I N G S U M M A R Y

My Experience During this second part of the Logo project it really helped me in deciding which sketches I liked best and in which direction I wanted to go for my final logos. Also seeing some of them in digital form helped me get a better idea of what they would look like as real logos and helped me better define the negative spacing. To make the digital sketches it really helped me to find an image that I wanted online and to trace it out in Adobe Illustrator. I would then alter the image the way I wanted it and it would turn out great for a guide into my final logos.

well. Making digital sketches was helpful to me because I was able to find out how to use negative spacing effectively as well as get more of a feel for the pen tool that became very handy when creating the outlines for my final logos.

Challenges Some challenges I had with this part of the project were mostly from making the digital sketches. The ones I made were simpler, but some of the other ones that I tried out but didnt complete I realized were a lot harder than I thought just because the design of the logo was slightly more complex. Because some of the logos were a little harder it made it harder to find out exactly what I wanted and especially how to execute it with the negative spacing as well.

Thoughts The refinement stage of this part of the process was very helpful for me and gave me the feel of which direction I wanted to go with my final logos. Making these refined sketches more detailed was also definitely helpful for my digital sketches because I used my drawings as references all the time. I knew what I wanted from what I sketched by hand so it was helpful to see how I could execute that digitally as

L O G O P R O J E C T | F I N A L L O G O 1 W I T H T Y P O G R A P H Y

L O G O P R O J E C T | F I N A L L O G O 1 W I T H O U T T Y P O G R A P H Y

L O G O P R O J E C T | F I N A L L O G O 2 W I T H T Y P O G R A P H Y


L O G O P R O J E C T | F I N A L L O G O 3 W I T H T Y P O G R A P H Y

L O G O P R O J E C T | F I N A L L O G O 3 W I T H O U T T Y P O G R A P H Y

L O G O P R O J E C T | CO N C L U S I O N

Project 2 | Logo Project

This project has really helped me to learn how to get creative and how to tie two different ideas into one product. For the first logo project I had when taking the Intro to Graphic Design class, the focus was more on how to create a logo from scratch as opposed to this logo project. In this project instead of focusing more on the actual logo itself, it was more about learning how to combine ideas and be creative. I really tried to keep that in mind when creating my logos and found that it put a lot of pressure out of the way to make the perfect logo, but I could focus more on my curiousity about how the two objects would be able to blend well. Doing this project has taught me a lot and I realize that although it seemed impossible to combine unlikely things together to make a logo, it was definitely possible by trying new things, sketching and experimenting. Another thing I learned is that it helps to get out of the same familier environment and to change things up. I started listening to some different music during this project as well as asked for more opinions from my roommates and other people so that I wouldnt just stay huddled in my own little world and tuning things out. I became more aware of my surrounding and started letting more things in so that I could take them into consideration as well. That has really helped me in this project because not only was I able to make pretty successful logos, but I was able to find out a little bit of a different side to myself as well. Overall Im pretty happy with my logos and I think I did a nice job at tying my two topics together for each one.

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