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Bank Soal

1 . The value oI and in the Iollowing Iigure are respectively ....

A . 70 and 110
B . 110 and 70
C . 110 and 110
D . 70 and 70
2 . The value oI in the Iollowing Iigure is ....
A . 37
B . 81
C . 99
D . 185
3 . The value oI in the Iollowing Iigure is ....
A . 30
B . 50
C . 60
D . 90
4 . The length oI in the Iollowing rhombus is ....
Developed by InJirCom (
Bank Soal Bank Soal
A . 3 cm
B . 8 cm
C . 14 cm
D . 16 cm
Bank Soal
5 . The size oI DAO in the Iollowing kite is ....
A . 75
B . 60
C . 45
D . 30
Bank Soal
6 . The length and the width oI rectangle ABCD are 30 cm and 18 cm respectively. The
perimeter oI square PQRS is oI the perimeter oI rectangle ABCD. The side length oI
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Bank Soal Bank Soal
square PQRS is ....
A . 12 cm
B . 15 cm
C . 18 cm
D . 24 cm
Bank Soal
7 . The perimeter oI the shaded region in the Iollowing Iigure is ....
A . 56 cm
B . 42 cm
C . 32 cm
D . 26 cm
Bank Soal
8 . The value oI t in the Iollowing Iigure is ....
A . 13 cm
B . 12 cm
C . 11 cm
D . 6 cm
Bank Soal
9 . The area oI the shaded region in the Iollowing rhombus is ....
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Bank Soal Bank Soal
A . 192 cm
B . 120 cm
C . 72 cm
D . 60 cm
Bank Soal
10 . In the Iollowing kite, PR 12 cm, QS ( 3), and the area oI PQRS 96 cm. The
length oI x is ....
A . 6 cm
B . 13 cm
C . 16 cm
D . 19 cm
Bank Soal
11 . The area oI the shaded region in the Iollowing Iigure, with BC 18 cm and BE 13 cm, is
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Bank Soal Bank Soal
A . 300 cm
B . 328 cm
C . 348 cm
D . 378 cm
Bank Soal
12 . The Iloor oI a bathroom is 4 m by 2 m. How many 20 cm square tiles are needed to tile
the Iloor oI the bathroom?
A . 200
B . 160
C . 100
D . 80
Bank Soal
13 . Mr. SyaIruddin paid Rp 252,000.00 to Ience a rectangular Iield with wire. II the cost oI
wire is Rp. 6,000.00 per metre and the length oI the Iield is 15 m, the width oI the Iield is
A . 6 m
B . 12 m
C . 15 m
D . 30 m
Bank Soal
14 .
PQRS is a parallelogram. The length oI QR is ....
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Bank Soal Bank Soal
A . 2
B . 4
C . 5
D . 7
Bank Soal
15 . In the Iollowing Iigure, ABCD is a trapezoid. II A : B 4 : 3 and y x, the value
x, y, and the measure oI A are ...., respectively.
A . 10, 30, 76
B . 30, 10, 57
C . 30, 10, 76
D . 10, 30, 80
Bank Soal
16 . Look at the Iigure on the right.
II the ratio oI : 5 : 12 and the area oI the rhombus 1,080 cm, then the
perimeter oI KLMN is ....
A . 104 cm
B . 156 cm
C . 204 cm
D . 260 cm
Bank Soal
Developed by InJirCom (
Bank Soal Bank Soal
17 . Look at the Iigures on the right.
II the area oI the square is equal to the area oI the rectangle, then the perimeter oI the
rectangle is ....
A . 20 cm
B . 32 cm
C . 40 cm
D . 64 cm
Bank Soal
18 . The perimeter oI a rectangle is 38 cm. II the diIIerence oI the length and the width is 5 cm,
then the length oI the rectangle is ....
A . 12 cm
B . 10 cm
C . 9 cm
D . 7 cm
Bank Soal
19 . Look at the Iigure on the right.
II the length oI 10 cm, 9 cm and 12 cm, then the length oI is ....
A . 4.0 cm
B . 7.5 cm
C . 8.0 cm
D . 10.8 cm
Bank Soal
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Bank Soal Bank Soal
20 . Look at the Iigure on the right.
KLMN and KPMQ are rhombuses. II the length oI KM 10 cm, 3 cm and
18 cm, then the area oI the shaded part is ....
A . 15 cm
B . 30 cm
C . 60 cm
D . 75 cm
Bank Soal
21 . Look at the Iigure on the right. PQRS is a kite.
II the length oI 10 cm, 17 cm and 16 cm, then the area oI the kite is
A . 336 cm
B . 272 cm
C . 170 cm
D . 168 cm
Bank Soal
Developed by InJirCom (
Bank Soal Bank Soal
22 . The area oI the Iollowing trapezium is 30 cm.
The value oI b is ....
A . 3 cm
B . 4 cm
C . 5 cm
D . 6 cm
Bank Soal
23 . The shape oI a science laboratory table is an isosceles trapezium that has a perimeter oI
16 m as shown in the Iigure on the right.
The area oI the science laboratory table is ....
A . 8 m
B . 11 m
C . 16
D . 20 m
Bank Soal
24 . Darto has accepted a contract to plant grass in the yard. The dimensions oI the yard are
shown in the Iigure on the right.
What is the total cost oI the grass iI the cost is Rp 25,000.00 per square meter?
A . Rp 4,876,000.00
B . Rp 2,020,000.00
C . Rp 2,438,000.00
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Bank Soal Bank Soal
D . Rp 1,010,000.00
Bank Soal
25 . A parallelogram-shaped garden has two sides 18 m and 24 m long. Several lamps will be
set around the garden and the distance between two lamps is 3 m. II the cost oI setting one
lamp is Rp 500,000.00, how much is the total cost?
A . Rp 7,000,000.00
B . Rp 13,500,000.00
C . Rp 14,000,000.00
D . Rp 14,500,000.00
Bank Soal
26 . A rectangle is x cm in length and 4 cm in width. The area oI the rectangle is 48 cm. The
length oI the rectangle is ....
A . 3 cm
B . 4 cm
C . 12 cm
D . 16 cm
Bank Soal
27 . The area oI a rhombus is 240 cm. II one oI the diagonals is 16 cm, then its perimeter is ....
A . 132 cm
B . 114 cm
C . 68 cm
D . 34 cm
Bank Soal
28 .
In the Iollowing Iigure, ABCD and AFCE are rhombuses. II BD 32 cm, AO 24 cm,
AE 26 cm, then the area oI the shaded area is ....
A . 144 cm
B . 288 cm
C . 576 cm
D . 1,224 cm
Bank Soal
Developed by InJirCom (
Bank Soal Bank Soal
29 . A rectangular Iloor oI 250 tiles x 12.5 tiles is replaced with new tiles oI the same
dimension. II the size oI the tile is 20 cm x 20 cm and the price oI 1 m oI tiles is
Rp50,000.00, the total price oI the tiles is ....
A . Rp1,250,000.00
B . Rp2,500,000.00
C . Rp5,000,000.00
D . Rp6,250,000.00
Bank Soal
30 . The perimeter oI a rhombus is 60 cm. II one oI the diagonals is 18 cm, then its area is ....
A . 432 cm
B . 270 cm
C . 216 cm
D . 135 cm
Bank Soal
31 . In the Iollowing Iigure, ABCD and EFGH are squares with sides oI length 10 cm each. II
IH 5 cm, IB 4 cm, then the perimeter oI the Iigure is ....
A . 80 cm
B . 62 cm
C . 41 cm
D . 40 cm
Bank Soal
32 . The size oI a rectangular pool is 40 m x 20 m. A paving border is to be put around the
pool. II the paving is 1 m wider than the pool, the area oI the paving is ....
A . 124 m
B . 120 m
C . 3,200 m
D . 3,324 m
Bank Soal
33 . In the Iollowing Iigure, ABCD is a rhombus. ABC : BCD 3 : 2. The measure oI
BCD ....
Developed by InJirCom (
Bank Soal Bank Soal
A . 36
B . 54
C . 72
D . 108
Bank Soal
34 . Sebuah segienam, dibentuk oleh persegi dan belahketupat seperti gambar!
Jika panjang diagonal belahketupat 10 cm dan 24 cm, maka keliling bangun segienam
tersebut adalah ....
A . 66 cm
B . 69 cm
C . 72 cm
D . 78 cm
Bank Soal
35 . Perhatikan gambar trapesium berikut!
Panjang BC adalah ....
A . 23 cm
B . 17 cm
C . 16 cm
D . 15 cm
Bank Soal
36 . Luas huruI H di bawah adalah ... cm
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Bank Soal Bank Soal
A . 64
B . 66
C . 76
D . 88
Bank Soal
37 . Perhatikan gambar berikut.
Keliling bangun di atas ... cm.
A . 75
B . 90
C . 105
D . 138
Bank Soal
38 . Perhatikan gambar berikut !
A : B 1 : 2. Besar C adalah ........
Developed by InJirCom (
Bank Soal Bank Soal
A . 60
B . 90
C . 120
D . 150
Bank Soal
39 . Sebuah kolam renang berbentuk persegi panjang, mempunyai ukuran panjang 20 meter
dan lebar 10 m. Di sekeliling kolam renang bagian luar akan dibuat jalan dengan lebar 1
meter. Jika jalan akan dipasang keramik dengan biaya Rp 60.000,00 setiap meter persegi,
maka biaya yang diperlukan untuk pemasangan keramik adalah ........
A . Rp 1.860.000,00
B . Rp 3.600.000,00
C . Rp 3.840.000,00
D . Rp 12.000.000,00
Bank Soal
40 . Sebuah bangun berbentuk belah ketupat mempunyai panjang diagonal 24 cm dan 32 cm.
Panjang sisi belah ketupat tersebut adalah ........
A . 20 cm
B . 28 cm
C . 40 cm
D . 56 cm
Developed by InJirCom (

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