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P R O J E C T 03 | I N T R O D U C T I O N

Project 03 | Type Specimen

A R T 230 T YP O G R A P HY | P R O J E C T 03 YO U R N A M E H E R E

The object of this assignment was to create an original typogram by starting out with concept sketches, then moving on to digital sketches, refinements and then finishing by coming out with the final typogram. Starting out with the concept sketches, the first step was to think of a list of potential words for typograms. Words that could be used to express themselves through type. The words with the most potential were drawn out for concept sketches where we then picked four that had the best ideas to be refined into digital sketches. Once digitalized we could pick different fonts, widths, spacing, etc, for the typograms. It was also allowed for us to use color. After picking the best of the four digital sketches, it was moved on to being refined 12 times like the composition with glyphs assignment. This was a very helpful and effective step in the process of this project and helped determine what the final typogram would look like in the end. With what was learned from the refinements, we then took those ideas and created the final outcome of our typogram.

P R O J E C T 03 S T E P 01 | P R O C E S S B L O G P O S T / W O R D L I S T

Blog Post
I think one of the most difficult parts of this project was to come up with different words that could make up potential typograms. While thinking of different words I also kept in mind exactly how I would try and make them into a typogram. I chose 15 different words that I thought might make the best typograms and then realized that it was much harder than I thought to create my ideas and put them onto paper using the letters. A lot of them didnt turn out how I expected them to and I had to work to make them look somewhat similar to the vision I had in my head. In the end when I had to choose 3 of my favorite potential typograms because I found that although I know that they could definitely use some work, I think I had some pretty good potential ideas that I would like to explore some more and especially when putting them up to the computer to make digital sketches. The three sketches I ended up choosing may not necessarily be the ones that I choose for the final, but I do think that they would be interesting to experiment with and I would also like to get some critique, comparison and ideas from other people from what I have so far.

Word List (25 minimum)

Transparency* Liquid* Exit Insecure* Flight Scissors Incision* Splatter* Splice Layers Jumping Escalator Ignite* Firework Stacked* Consume* Connect Order* Sleep Stamp Bleed Exile Overpower Extract Demolition

Vibrant Intolerant Invade* Capture Escape Imprisoned* Engulf Cracked* Evaporate* Flexible Rank Spread Linked Twist Crunch Charge Weave* Fall Cover Illness* Detached Implode Uneven Quake Incomplete

P R O J E C T 03 S T E P 01 | T H U M B N A I L S (15 M I N I M U M )

A R T 230 T YP O G R A P HY | P R O J E C T 03 YO U R N A M E H E R E

Mark your three favorite sketches

P R O J E C T 03 S T E P 02 | P R O C E S S B L O G P O S T

Blog Post
This was a really fun part of the assignment to do to bring my sketches to the computer and make them look more realistic. It was interesting to experiment with different ways that I could present my typogram possibilities. It was difficult for me to pick my favorite digital sketch. I thought they all turned out fairly well and I think that I could still use any one of them for my final. I picked Incision because I thought the design looked really clean. I was surprised at how easy this part of the project was. I think it was because I already had a picture in my head from when we did the drawing sketches and it was easy to just type the word and alter it as needed for the effect. One thing I learned about this part of the typogram project is that it takes precision sometime when working with and altering type. For a couple of my digital sketches I needed to alter the way that the letters moved and sometimes it was difficult because they are usually only meant to be a certain way. When altering a letter in the type I had to be conscious of how that letter would effect the rest of the typogram. Overall I think my typogram digital sketches turned out nicely.

P R O J E C T 03 S T E P 02 | R E V I S E D S K E T C H E S

A R T 230 T YP O G R A P HY | P R O J E C T 03 YO U R N A M E H E R E

Mark your favorite sketche

P R O J E C T 01 S T E P 0 0 | P R O C E S S B L O G P O S T

Refining Process (Paste process blog post here) Although it is a little more time consuming, I really like doing refinements this way because it allows me to discover new things and see the progression of my composition as it gets refined multiple times. Doing 12 revisions and having them all spread out to see was very helpful for me so be able to see the changes as they go along. It also helps me to see what Ive already tried out when doing my refining. With this part of the Typogram project I wasnt sure what to change about my typogram and then when I started refining I was able to try something out and then while looking at my previous refinement I would tweak that one and progress from there. Difficulties The difficulties I found with my typogram and the refining, were the lack of ideas and possibilities that I was able to come up with for my refinements. I think I ended up with some nice changes to my original, but I didnt feel like I could do much with the word incision than from what I already came up with in the beginning. I probably could have stepped outside the box a little more on this one. Overall Overall I was able to come up with some different ways to change my original typogram and convey the message I wanted to get across. I think that my font choice is a good one so I decided not to change that. I did experiment with mostly the strokes on both the letters and the line going through them as the incision to create different combinations. I also experimented with the way the incision looked inside the letters by changing the stroke shape of the line going through the letters. Overall I think it looks like a pretty successful typogram to me.

A R T 230 T YP O G R A P HY | P R O J E C T 03 YO U R N A M E H E R E

P R O J E C T 01 S T E P 0 0 |

P R O J E C T 03 S T E P 03 | P R O C E S S B L O G P O S T

Blog Post

Final Changes I received some great feedback and critique on my variations, which was where I decided to make my final decision. I chose to go with the incision that looked like it was coming in from the left side rather than coming out from the middle. This was the idea I had from my original sketches and I think it looks really nice and clean overall. I decided to stick with Futura as the font for my typogram because it is very clean, professional and easy to read. Also when I increased the weight of the futura letters the Ns rose about the cap height and made them pointier. I think that added to the sharpness of the word and the meaning. Difficulties In my digital variations I realized that I had a lot of ideas that I didnt have before and it was a little difficult for me to decide what kind of variation I wanted my typogram to have for the final look. From feedback I decided to go with a medium weight for my font and I tweaked my line just slightly to make sure that I didnt have any tangents that were noticeable. Other than that, I think I had a pretty clear vision of what I wanted my typogram to look like and for the most part I didnt find myself having very many difficulties. Overall This project really made me think. The difficulties that I had with this project were mostly about decision making and deciding what words to choose and how to best get the message of my typogram across. Overall I think that my typogram turned out just how I wanted it to and Im happy with the way it looks.

A R T 230 T YP O G R A P HY | P R O J E C T 03 YO U R N A M E H E R E

P R O J E C T 03 S T E P 03 | F I N A L

P R O J E C T 01 S T E P 0 0 | P R O C E S S B L O G P O S T

Project 03|Typogram

I learned a lot from this assignment and it was mostly about critical thinking in typography and decision making. I found that I had to really think outside the box as well as simplify my ideas to effectively communicate my typogram to my audience. It wasnt easy to think of words to use for typograms not only because there were certain rules to follow for this assignment so that the words couldnt be too illustrated, but also because it was hard to think of words that would come across the way they were supposed to. It was surprising to me that when I looked online for typogram examples, there were very few. Im glad I was able to experience the process of creating a typogram and that because of it, there will be more typograms online for future references. I think the most helpful part of the process of this project was the refining process. My typogram is very simple and I wasnt sure what else I could do with it or how to make it better. Through the 12 refinements that we did I was able to come up with some good ideas that helped me to make a better typogram in the end.

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