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Lindsey Bodnar Blog Post #4 Stagecoach 1) Relate what was discussed in class or the text to the screening.

In class weve discussed many different types of movies, genres, and eras that films were made and the movie Stagecoach bought out plenty of similarities. For instance we discussed sound quality, the roles of women, and bringing movies back to life. Ford bought western movies back to the adults, by providing audiences with Stagecoach a dramatic western with very much to offer. The sound quality, and roles of women in this movie were shed a light on because one again everything was improving. The women now played more scandalous roles, while the sound quality made it seem as if they were right in front of you. 2)Find a related article and summarize the content. This article Scott McGee and James Steffen talk about the making of Stagecoach, and how director John Ford interacted with his crew. Making this movie not only sparked creative genius back into westerns, but it also helped create a friendship between Ford and the Navajo Indians. McGee and Steffen state that Ford became so friendly with the Native Americans that they called him Natani Nez which translated into Tall Leader. However the article also states that even though he was nice to the extras on set to his film stars he was abusive, called them names, but the reason behind his madness was to make the actors preform better. This movie also sparked John Waynes career, formerly known as Duke, he was one of the biggest western movie stars after this film, but was the lowest paid while filming Stagecoach, only earning $3,700. Another shocking thing about this film would be the stunts, there was one scene where the stagecoach crossed the river, and Yakima Canutt choreographed it so well that Ford made him in charge of every stunt after. 3)Apply the article to the film screened in class. The way that movies are filmed now, are very different to how they were back in 1939. John Wayne played a great character of Ringo the Kid, a bad boy with a soft heart for the prostitute. John Waynes acting in the film was very well played and to think that he was paid the least, but got the most success out of the film goes to show that hard work pays off in the end. Something that really surprised me while reading the article and comparing it to the movie, was the scene with the Indians. Its really quite humbling to know that a director took the time to become friends with his extras. I feel as if most directors in modern times dont even bother to remember the names of extras, but since the movie was filmed on their grounds it was a different story. The Navajo Indians must have had a high respect for Ford because of the nickname that was given to him. Finally another very interesting thing was the stunts in the film, sometimes while watching old movies I tend to forget that special effects werent as great as they are now. The horse scene was an amazing one because it was actually a real person and not CGI effects. 4) Write a critical analysis of the film Stagecoach might have been my least favorite movie that we have watched in class so far, only because Im not a big fan of westerns. However I have nothing bad to say about the movie because I feel as if it was directed, acted, and edited wonderfully. Not having the same technology that we do now, Ford managed to capture the western spirit wonderfully. Another very good thing about this movie is that it depicted different types of people who had different backgrounds, and showed how they got to become friends

despite their differences. It showed Fords talents of a director to have the whole group on the Stagecoach come together as a whole and form some kind of a family, which in this time during the Great Depression America needed.

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