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################################################################################ # # # README - flexTasks # # # ################################################################################ Contents I. Installation II. Using flexTasks A. mxmlc ################### I.


Place flexTasks.jar into the lib directory of your Ant installation. Alternatively, you can specify the location of the JAR file as an argument to Ant, as the follow example shows: ant -lib <some-path>/flexTasks.jar . In addition to this, you must include the following line in any build file that uses the mxmlc or asc tasks: <taskdef resource="flexTasks.tasks" /> . The build tools that you want to use (such as mxmlc or asc) must be in your PATH. Unlike Ant, these tasks do not search your current directory for executables unless the current directory appears in your PATH (either explicitly or by including "."). ######### II. ##### A. mxmlc FlexBuild exposes all of the command-line options of mxmlc through the attributes and nested elements of an <mxmlc> task. The full name and abbreviated name of a command line option can be used interchangably when the option is implemented as an attribute. The following examples are both acceptable ways to pass the compiler.as3 option to mxmlc: <mxmlc file="foo.mxml" compiler.as3="true" /> and <mxmlc file="foo.mxml" as3="true" /> All boolean options are implemented as attributes of the <mxmlc> element. All options that take a single argument are also implemented as attributes of the <mxmlc> element. The descriptions of these types of options vary in the mxmlc documentation. If an option is documented as taking a <string>, <filename>, <int>, or some sort of path element, and that option is nonUsing flexTasks

repeatable, then this option is set by setting an attribute in the <mxmlc> element. Options that are repeatable, or take more than one argument (such as default-size), are implemented as nested elements with attributes corresponding to the names given to arguments in the mxmlc documentation. For example, if you want to pass the option -default-size 800 600 to mxmlc, use the following syntax: <mxmlc file="foo.mxmlc"> <default-size width="800" height="600" /> </mxmlc> Do not include multiple nested elements corresponding to a non-repeatable option . The following two nested elements can contain nested elements: - <fonts> - <metadata> These elements encapsulate all options starting with "compiler.fonts" and "metad ata", repectively. The same rules that apply to other options apply to nested elements . The following example includes contributors names and a description of the appli cation: <mxmlc file="foo.mxmlc"> <metadata description="foo app"> <contributor name="Joe" /> <contributor name="Mike" /> </metadata> </mxmlc>. There are some exceptions to the rules states above: - The compiler.fonts.languages.language-range option is set by adding a <language-range> nested element to <fonts>, rather than a <languages.language-range> element. - The following options (repeatable options that take a path-element) are implemented as FileSets: -compiler.external-library-path -compiler.include-libraries -compiler.library-path -compiler.theme The following example shows the usage for external-library-path: <compiler.external-library-path dir="${lib.dir}"> <include name="**/*.swc" /> <exclude name="not-this-one.swc" /> <compiler.external-library-path> <compiler.theme file="${src.dir}/foo.mxml" /> To use these options, append the files that the FileSet chooses to the compiler defaults and set the append attribute of the FileSet to true.

- The file-spec option is not supported. Instead, use the file attribute of the mxmlc task. ################################################################################ # # # End of README # # # ################################################################################

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