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Organizational Planning Worksheet MGT/521 Version 9

University of Phoenix Material

Organizational Planning Worksheet
Complete each section below. Be sure to cite your sources when necessary.

1. Fortune 500 Company name

Jarden Corporation

2. The companys internal and e ternal sta!eholders

Internal stakeholder s !mployees %ll %c&uisitions 'i.e. (ankee Candle) -hareholders 'In$estors) -uppliers Customers #o$ernment Competition 'i.e. Wal*+art, -ears) +edia .rade %ssociation !n$ironment !"ternal stakeholder s

". Companys mission and #ision Companys mission

.o build a world*class consumer products company that en/oys leading positions in markets 0or branded consumer products. We will seek to achie$e this ob/ecti$e by continuing our tradition o0 product inno$ation, new product introductions and pro$iding the consumer with the e"perience and $alue they associate with our brands. '1)

Companys #ision
.o le$erage and e"pand our domestic and international distribution channels, increase brand awareness through co*branding and cross selling initiati$es and pursue strategic ac&uisitions, all while dri$ing margin impro$ement. '1)

$. Company %oals &t least one company %oal that can 'e accomplished throu%h a strate%ic plan
Increase market share in pet supply industry by ac&uisition which utilize similar distribution lines, since it is the 0astest growing market in the 1nited -tates o$er the past decade 1tilizing e"isting distribution lines in %sia primarily China and India, 2atin %merica and !urope to e"pand into new markets by co branding or cross selling in 0oreign markets.

1. Jarden Corporation, -WO. %nalysis. '3415). Jarden Corporation SWOT Analysis, 1*14.

Organizational Planning Worksheet MGT/521 Version 9

&t least one company %oal that can 'e accomplished throu%h an operational plan
6ind opportunities in %sia and !urope to cross distribute utilizing such opportunities as sports teams in order to increase sales and credibility. Continue to operate and de$elop new techni&ues which produce zero waste create a 7Better .omorrow .han .oday8 '1)

5. ()*T analysis
-trengths 2ow cost manu0acturing with strong distribution lines Constant new product lines being created %c&uisition o0 (ankee Candle Opportunities #rowing pet supply market !"pansion into %sia and !urope Increase in retail stores in <orth %merica .hreats ;isk o0 0oreign currency 0luctuating :ea$y reliance on suppliers in China Pri$ate label companies '1) Weaknesses 9ependence on 0ew customers :igh le$eraged balance sheet '1)

1. Jarden Corporation, -WO. %nalysis. '3415). Jarden Corporation SWOT Analysis, 1*14.

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