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Cuisine festival boasts diversity

The countrys most at-risk minority groups

FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2014

Successful People Read The Post

4000 RIEL


Gather on Sunday and face consequences


Violence blamed on CNRP

May Titthara

WITH victims families still awaiting the results of an investigation into the deadly shootings during clashes on January 3, the Ministry of Interior released a separate report on Wednesday accusing the opposition of sparking the violence in an attempt to topple the government. The report also accuses the Cambodia National Rescue Party, and to a lesser extent unions and unnamed NGOs, of inciting illegal and violent demonstrations that caused $100 million worth of property damage and lost garment orders since last Julys election. The illegal demonstrations led by the CNRP was planned provocation aimed at toppling a legitimate government by inciting violent, anarchic clashes, leading to the loss of peoples lives and injuries to security personnel and civilians, the report says. While the report, written by a ministry damage evaluation committee, references the 23 workers and unionists arrested in early January, it contains no information about an investigation into the authorities widely condemned firing of live ammunition on Phnom Penhs Veng Sreng Boulevard that killed at least four people and left dozens injured. Instead, the report catalogues losses for the nations 500-plus garment factories, which it says have lost about $46 million in undelivered orders and suffered some $17 million in physical damage. Harm done to other private property, including to a medical clinic near where the Continues on page 2

Pheap packs individual pills including cloxacillin, a penicillin-class antibiotic for bacterial infections, into medication packages at a pharmacy in Phnom Penh last week.

A recipe for disaster

Kevin Ponniah and Sen David


MALL plastic packets filled with a mix of pills of various sizes, shapes and colours sit piled on the counter of a pharmacy in Phnom Penhs Meanchey district, home to several large garment factories. At 2,000 riel a pop, about 50 cents, these packs are sold as a cheap remedy for fevers, coughs or any number of ailments from

Unregulated medicine for the poor

which the young and mostly female workers living nearby suffer. Theyre designed to get them back on their feet as quickly as possible. I always mix these together and give these to customers [to take three times a day]. My husband is a doctor and he taught me, says Pheap, a kindly 67-year-old who dispenses the medicine at the pharmacy licensed under her husbands name. Customers buy as many packets as they need, or can afford, and often stockpile them at home to start using again the next time they get sick, she says. But among the jumble of six pills in each packet, cobbled together from various unlabelled plastic tubs, one large blue and yellow pill stands out from the assortment of aspirins, vitamins and other overthe-counter medicines. It is cloxacillin, a penicillinclass antibiotic for bacterial infections that should be prescribed by a doctor and is wholly ineffective for treating viral

infections like the common cold or flu. When used, a prescribed course is meant be followed and completed. But Yu Manith, a 25-year-old factory worker, says she buys such mixed-medicine packets directly from pharmacies whenever she gets ill, and simply takes as many as are needed to make her feel better. Oh, I dont know what antiContinues on page 4




CNRP blamed for violence

Continued from page 1

Cambodian shot, killed in Thailand

Cheang Sokha

shootings occurred, and public property across the country has exceeded $7.5 million, according to the report. Demonstrations affected freedom, safety, public order and investments, which resulted in human rights abuses, economic sabotage and political subversion, the report adds. The illegitimate demonstrations led by the CNRP incited ethnic discrimination, divided the people and broke the law, it states. CNRP leaders Sam Rainsy and Kem Sokha are also accused in the report of cheating people both locally and abroad to amass support and resources for demonstrations at Freedom Park. Even before the violence on January 3, the CNRP rejected suggestions that it was rallying garment workers, who were striking for a $160 monthly minimum wage. At the time, the CNRP had been holding daily demonstrations demanding Prime Minister Hun Sens resignation and a new election. Many garment workers attended opposition rallies and Rainsy encouraged them to keep striking until their demands were met. But opposition lawmaker-elect Mu Sochua dismissed the report outright yesterday, saying the CNRP could not accept an investigation that did not focus on the security forces use of live ammunition and the fate of missing teenager Khim Saphath, who was last seen on Veng Sreng Boulevard with blood pouring from his chest during the January 3 violence.

Debris covers the oor of Ekreach Clinic in January after it was ransacked during violent riots on Veng Sreng Boulevard. SCOTT HOWES

The result is that the [Ministry of Interior] is accusing the CNRP , she said. Mr Sar Kheng himself has to be responsible for those who had the guns and shot people. National Police spokesman Kirt Chantharith said he agreed with what was in the report, but would not comment on whether he wanted criminal charges to be pressed against the CNRP . Regarding punishment ... that is beyond my capacity and is something only the Ministry of Interior or [senior] government officials can address, he said. Khieu Sopheak, Ministry of Interior spokesman, said he had no idea whether the government wanted to take the matter further. On January 12, Prime Minister Hun Sen announced that Interior Minister Sar Kheng was leading an investigation into

the violence on Veng Sreng Boulevard. Sopheak would give no details about that investigation yesterday, referring questions to Lour Ramin, a government official on the investigating committee. When contacted, Ramin referred questions back to Sopheak. Am Sam Ath, senior investigator for rights group Licadho, said any investigation must focus on the disappearance of Saphath and bring to justice those who shot and killed the four victims. We should think about people who committed the crimes rather than attach it to politics and denying the victims families justice, he said. Ken Loo, secretary-general of the Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia, could not be reached yesterday to confirm the damage bill for factories. ADDITIONAL REPORTING BY SHANE WORRELL

CAMBODIAN national was fatally shot near the ThailandCambodia border on Wednesday in the latest of a string of deadly incidents along the border this month, ofcials said yesterday. Theng Sokla, 27, a native of Pailin provinces Sala Krao district, was hunting for animals on a Thai farm a few hundred metres across the border when he was shot in the chest at about 3pm on Wednesday, said Huy Kim Khorn, the deputy director of the CambodianThai Border Relations Ofce at the Prum border checkpoint. The body has been taken to be examined by the Thai authorities, and they will hand over the body to the family on Friday, he said, adding that Soklas parents found the corpse when they initiated a search a day after their son went missing. According to Kim Khorn,

Sokla regularly crossed the border to catch wild animals. Chhim Chamnan, chief of the Cambodian-Thai Border Relations Ofce for Pailin and Battambang, said that shotguns are regularly used by farmers trying to protect their crops from animals. We are investigating to nd the farm owner and the shooter, Chamnan said. We believe the victim did not die from bullets of the Thai army or from the black-clad [special forces] unit, he added. Neth Sary, a Cambodian consular ofcial based in Thailands Sa Kaew province, said he had not been informed about the shooting. This is the fourth incident this month in which Cambodians have been shot at in Thai territory. In two separate cases, one on March 5 and one on March 12, Cambodian military ofcials claimed Thai soldiers killed a total of 15 illegal loggers. Thai authorities denied the claims.

PM smokes nal fag

Cheang Sokha

LIFE as one of the worlds longest-serving leaders can be a drag, but few labours have been more difcult to overcome for Prime Minister Hun Sen than quitting smoking. Using the podium at the inauguration of a controversial hydropower dam yesterday to voice his concerns, Hun Sen said he had tried, and failed, to stub out 10 times. Eleven, he added, was the magic number. Now Im struggling to quit smoking cigarettes. Im not sure whether it will be successful or not because [Ive tried] about 10 times already, he said. I cut down to about

three cigarettes per day and now Im trying to stop completely ... this time should be the last one. There would be added bonuses to quitting, he said, including no longer being hassled by generals for a spare fag. Royal Cambodian Armed Forces commander-in-chief Pol Saroeun is the type of smoker who never has cigarettes and is always asking [for smokes] from others, he said. The announcement coincides with a national campaign to ban smoking in public places.



RIME Minister Hun Sen yesterday warned the opposition that legal action will be taken if they press ahead with their plan to hold a public gathering in the capitals Freedom Park on Sunday. The speech was followed by a meeting between Cambodia National Rescue Party leaders and Phnom Penh city ofcials, who rejected the oppositions plan for a peoples congress and said security forces would intervene if it is attempted. Speaking during the opening of the Stung Atai hydropower plant in Pursat province yesterday, Hun Sen said he would not tolerate the opposition party working outside the law. We are still being tolerant . . . The law has limitations. It does not mean that [you] can go outside the law, he said. The country has a constitution. Our country has laws . . . if people deviate from the laws into violence, there will be no tolerance. The law must take action. Hun Sens comments were dismissed by CNRP vice-president Kem Sokha yesterday as a strategy of buying, division and intimidation.

Peoples congress banned P

Meas Sokchea

Municipal security personnel stand at a barricade in Freedom Park earlier this month where they quashed a planned International Womens Day demonstration. HONG MENEA

Phnom Penh municipality yesterday, after meeting with opposition leaders, announced it had rejected a CNRP request to hold a peoples congress in Freedom Park on Sunday. City Hall spokesman Long Dimanche yesterday said the re-

quest for a gathering had been rejected because of an ongoing investigation into violence on Veng Sreng Blvd and in Freedom Park on January 2 and 3. On January 2, military police killed at least four striking workers in Phnom Penhs Por

Sen Chey district. The following day, private security and men thought to be ruling Cambodian Peoples Party supporters violently evicted CNRP supporters from Freedom Park. We will not allow [the CNRP] to have a gathering in Freedom

Park as long as the result of the investigation has not been issued, Dimanche said. [The court] is investigating to nd out who shoulders responsibility, he added. We will seek answers until we nd out who affected the peoples right to enjoy freedom . . . We will take measures to block [protesters]. No timeline for the investigation has yet been established and the CNRP has publicly questioned whether it is even taking place. Sokha said the CNRP would reconsider its strategy for the meeting on Sunday following the rejection of the request, without going into the details. We were going to [hold the congress], we still will, but we will re-discuss how will we do it, he said. International law must open freedoms for citizens, not bans. [Hun Sen] bans [citizens] from doing [demonstrations] and at the same time he tells citizens to respect the law. Ou Virak, former president of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights, said the citys ban violated the constitution and the demonstration law. Why did [city hall] ban this? There is not any reason to institute a ban, he said.

Prison for Thai drug trafckers

Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

TWO Thai women were sentenced to life yesterday for allegedly smuggling more than half a kilogram of cocaine from Brazil to Cambodia in May last year. They were also fined $15,000 each. Kim Dany, presiding judge of Phnom Penh Municipal Court, said the two women Thanyanat Sama-Arphat, 31, and Wong Trakool Sangdao, 41 were charged with drug trafficking. Colonel Yeng Bunna, antidrug police chief, claimed the two convicts were hired by two Nigerians, who aimed to sell the drugs in Thailand. Information provided by their Thai counterpart led the police to arrest Thanyanat at Phnom Penh International Airport. She was arrested after the police checked her underwear, and found . . . six packages of cocaine hidden in it, Bunna said. Police later detained another suspect, Wong, at a hotel in Phnom Penh, Bunna added. Lawyer for the defence Lay Nora declined to comment yesterday.



Unregulated pills a recipe for disaster

Continued from page 1

biotics are, and I dont care. I just follow the instructions to take whatever the pharmacy gives me until I get better. It works so fast. I dont want to go to the doctor, because I dont want to spend money. Whenever antibiotics are used especially if improperly or unnecessarily there are risks that some bacteria, due to a genetic mutation, wont be killed by the medicine. These resistant bacteria can quickly replicate and spread, creating a vicious cycle where different, stronger and more expensive antibiotics might be needed for effective treatment, possibly inducing further resistance. The World Health Organization has warned that antimicrobial resistance (AMR), which encompasses antibiotic, antiviral and anti-malarial resistance, puts the achievements of modern medicine at risk and requires urgent global action. An estimated 25,000 people die each year in Europe from antibiotic-resistant bacteria, according to medical journal The Lancet. Though a lack of data exists for poorer nations, it is expected that the costs are greater in developing countries like Cambodia due to a higher burden of infectious disease and less access to new antibiotics. A crisis looms. In the very near and rapidly approaching future, the wonder drugs of the 20th century, antibiotics, may cease to be useful, the journal warned in an editorial last year.

Everything starts with using antibiotics

Easy, unrestricted access to antibiotics over the counter is fuelling AMR in Cambodia, health experts say. Everything starts with using antibiotics. Over the past decade, people have become a little bit richer, access to drugs has become more easy ... the idea has grown that when you are sick you need an antibiotic, says Erika Vlieghe, a researcher from the Institute of

Tropical Medicine (ITM) in Antwerp, Belgium. A particular problem is that people buy only as much as they can afford instead of what they need, she says, with low doses of just a few pills creating the ideal circumstances for resistant bacteria to flourish. Pheap, who prepares the packets that each hold one tablet of cloxacillin, agrees, saying that how much customers take depends on how serious or not serious their illness is and whether they have money or no money. Appropriate antibiotic treatment must account for the presence of resistant bacteria, public health researchers say, but little is known about patterns of resistance in poorer countries like Cambodia, which lack wellfunctioning laboratories. As part of her PhD research, Vlieghe studied blood samples from all patients who checked in to the Sihanouk Hospital Center of Hope between 2007 and 2010 with fever the first time such large-scale blood sampling had occurred in Cambodia, according to ITM. Roughly 500 patients had bloodstream infections, most of which were caused by E coli and other intestinal bacterium, but many could not be treated with commonly used antibiotics. Sixty to 70 per cent of patients who attended with a serial bacterial infection could not be treated anymore with a general, broad-spectrum antibiotic, which was pretty shocking, Vlieghe says. Such resistant bacteria, which render first-line treatments ineffective and increase the financial burden on families and societies can quickly spread in densely populated areas, including crowded hospital rooms and family homes, she adds.

Women buy medicine at a pharmacy in Phnom Penhs Russey Keo district yesterday.


The customers always right

According to the Ministry of Health, there were 1,795 licensed pharmacies operating in Cambodia last year, with no illegal pharmacies operating since 2011. Several pharmacists around

Phnom Penh the Post spoke to said they were well aware that it was dangerous to give out antibiotics without a prescription or in incomplete doses, and that they tried to avoid doing so when possible. According to one Tonle Bassac commune pharmacist, its up to the customer ordering, if they ask for one they know works, we give it to them. [But] without the customer asking specifically or without a doctors prescription, I do not dare to give it to them. This is the culture. So if the customers want to buy it, I have to sell it. Most pharmacies do like this; its OK under the law, she said. According to Dr Chou Monidarin, vice-dean of the faculty of pharmacy at the University of Health Sciences, 400 students were admitted to pharmacy training courses in Cambodia this academic year, 160 of those at UHS. Although his university is confident that its graduating students fully understand the risks of dispensing antibiotics without a prescription, he admits he cannot be sure that those who go on to open pri-

vate pharmacies will follow what they have learned. When they finish pharmacy school and open private pharmacies, they really respect and abide by what they have learned. But unfortunately, if they respect everything, they will lose a lot [financially],

South Wales, said that awfully poor IPC in almost all Cambodian hospitals, which includes hospital hygiene, medical equipment sterilisation and health waste management practices, means that antibiotics are over-prescribed. This is an important factor

If the customer wants to buy it, I have to sell it. Most pharmacies do like this; its OK under the law
because they must not sell any antibiotics without a prescription, and almost no customers come in with a prescription. Government policy states that all levels of pharmacies will sell medicines only with prescriptions, except over-thecounter medicines as specified by the Ministry of Health. But according to Dr Or Oudam Roath, head of the Essential Drug Bureau at the Department of Drugs and Food, this policy has yet to be fully implemented at private pharmacies. In the policy, it is already mentioned like this. But now we cannot do this yet [at all privately owned pharmacies], she says. The role of the pharmacy in the private sector cannot continue to be [directly] treating people ... In the future, stepby-step, this should change when people understand they should see the doctor first before going to buy medicine. But in the public sector, we have guidelines [already], and they are respected. to push physicians to unnecessarily and excessively prescribe antibiotics ... physicians are scared of treatment outcomes if they dont prescribe antibiotics. Inappropriate use of antibiotics, however, is not limited to humans. With Cambodia transitioning into more organised methods of farming, a wide range of antibiotics are starting to be used on animals, Vlieghe, of the ITM, says. There is a lack of hard data on the use of antibiotics in animal sectors. [But we suspect] that all types of combinations are being used, with a strong overlap in antibiotics used for humans and in agriculture. Drug-resistant bacteria are passed on to humans through direct contact with animals and animal products, including at markets, through faecal products and waste, and through the environment, including water sources. In Cambodia, certain specific pathogens which we know are typically infecting pigs are also now entering humans, she said.

Overused, misunderstood
Public health facilities have doctors prescribing medicines, Roath says, meaning patients receive appropriate antibiotics and proper guidelines for use. But hospitals contribute to AMR mainly through poor infection prevention and control (IPC) practices, researchers say. Dr Chhorvoin Om, who is researching antibiotic prescription practices in Cambodia at the University of New

As complex as climate change

While the main driver of AMR appears to be pretty clear-cut inappropriate and overuse of antimicrobials the solutions are complex and the scale of the problem daunting. With its global consequences and need for action at all levels, The Lancet Infectious Diseases Commission goes so far as to compare it to climate change. An AMR working group was

Packages of pills sit on the counter of a pharmacy in Phnom Penhs Meanchey district last week.


established under the Ministry of Health in 2012 and is in the final stages of reviewing both a national policy and five-year strategic plan to combat AMR, with the assistance of the World Health Organization. MOH regards AMR as a priority and fully abides by the 6-point policy package of the WHO, working group chairman Dr Sok Touch said, adding that members from 19 entities, including the Ministry of Agriculture, were part of the group. The WHO policy package includes regulating and promoting the rational use of antimicrobials, including in animal husbandry, and enhancing infection prevention and control in healthcare settings. But according to Vlieghe, Cambodia needs a national program. A working group doesnt have the power or line management such as you have with national programs for tuberculosis, HIV or malaria. Its a big challenge and many actors need to be involved, she says. They should be getting more money and more power to work. Its quite urgent and a very complicated problem. While addressing AMR will take time, pushing Cambodians to stop buying and selling antibiotics without a prescription would go a long way in addressing a major root cause, says UHSs Monidarin, who sits on the AMR working group. We would like to push and include in the strategy one issue in particular. No prescription, no antibiotics. We need to work a lot on this point and express [its importance] to all stakeholders patients, clinicians and pharmacists. Given the lax attitudes of pharmacists who should know better but arent forced to comply with the medicines policy, Monidarin might have his work cut out. As one Tuol Tom Poung pharmacist says: We should sell [antibiotics] according to a doctors prescription, but here, people can mostly still buy it. If they want to get it, Ill still sell it.


Laignee Barron

Expulsion of Uighurs Forecast: coast in danger still denied by ofcials

Stuart White

ORDER police yesterday continued to deny their alleged involvement in detaining and subsequently deporting a group of 15 ethnic Uighurs to Thailand where they were arrested even as a prominent Uighur rights group condemned the Kingdoms track record in dealing with the Turkic ethnic minority.

any of them, recently or now. We never netted them at all, he went on to say. But the denials didnt spare the government any criticism. Time and again, Cambodia failed to protect Uyghur refugees by refusing to uphold its obligations under the UN Refugee Convention which it ratified, World Uyghur Congress spokesman Alim Seytoff said via email yesterday. Cambodia should be condemned for its violation

Time and again, Cambodia failed to protect Uyghur refugees by refusing to uphold its obligations . . .
Human Rights Watch, citing sources in the Thai government, said on Wednesday that 15 Uighurs detained in Thailand on Sunday had been first detained in Banteay Meanchey provinces border town of Poipet, an account corroborated by an eyewitness statement provided to the Post. But So Channary, commander of Banteay Meancheys 911 border police unit, maintained that his forces never arrested of international law and complete disregard of the UN Refugee Convention. Now it is Thailands duty to protect these Uyghur refugees. Vivian Tan, a spokesperson for the UNHCR office in Bangkok, said that she had received no word of an asylum request from the 15, but noted that people fleeing persecution sometimes opt not to seek asylum. And while she had no firsthand

knowledge of the case, Tan added that Thailand has accepted more than a million refugees in recent decades. Thailand has not acceded to the 1951 Refugee Convention, but it has been hosting refugees for a very long time, Tan said, admitting that occasionally it can be challenging, because the country lacks national legislation or a national system to process asylum cases. HRWs Deputy Asia Director Phil Robertson said yesterday that he had received no new word on the 15 Uighurs. Robertson also pointed to Thailands very mixed record on asylum seekers, noting that, for Uighurs, Thailand has often failed to provide them with support and protection. Nonetheless, the Uighurs would have been no better off in Cambodia, he said. The fact that Uighurs from China, and dissidents, bloggers, and Khmer Krom activists from Vietnam flee through Cambodia to Thailand should tell you something about how poor Cambodias record is in refugee protection. ADDITIONAL REPORTING

RESIDENTS along Cambodias coastline may want to relocate to higher ground in the wake of a climate change assessment that predicts much of the Kingdoms coast could be submerged by rising sea levels. Based on predictive models that take into account global temperature trends and melting ice caps, the scenarios proposed by the draft Second National Communication on Climate Change forecast a loss of coastal land 10 times the size of Paris and half the size of Singapore. By 2100, more than 38,000 hectares of Cambodias beaches will be permanently inundated if sea levels rise by two metres, and about 25,000 hectares will be subsumed by a one-metre rise, the draft report indicates. Cambodias coastal zone is one of the most vulnerable areas to climate change impacts in the country, said Setsuko Yamazaki, country director for the United Nations Development Programme, in a statement made on Tuesday. It is crucial that measures are put in place to minimise these impacts of climate change. Representatives from the Ministry of the Environment and the Cambodian National

A girl walks through oodwaters in Niroth commune, in Phnom Penhs Meanchey district, in late 2012. VIREAK MAI

Climate Change Committee declined yesterday to comment on the draft report or when it would be published. A ministry representative who asked not to be named as he lacked authority to speak with the media conrmed the land loss gures, however, and said that the government is committed to increasing the climate resilience of its coastal regions. The governments predictive ndings echo the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes newest assessment unveiled earlier this week, which warns that Asias coasts

will bear the brunt of climate change impacts. Cambodias coast has previously been identied as a global warming ashpoint as the nations economy and food supply rely on agricultural production concentrated in the ood-prone costal zones. Climate change is no longer a remote case, but is affecting all of us in the present and [becoming] one of the grave challenges that must be addressed in the 21st century, Prime Minister Hun Sen said at the Third National Forum on Climate Change in November.



Relocated need more Boxes for donations,

Sen David

Wedding brawler nabbed six years after said brawl
ALL eyes were taken off the bride and groom when a boozefuelled reveller turned their wedding party into a battle royal back in 2008. Six years on, the 22-year-old man behind the wedding night violence in Kampong Chhnangs Boribor district was finally charged on Wednesday after police found him hiding out in his home, safe in his belief that they would have forgotten all about the incident. With no escape, the man admitted that after having one-toomany drinks, he had argued with a group of guests and attacked two of them with a wooden stick. NOkORwaT

not bribes: minister

Chhay Channyda

INISTER of Environment Say Sam El has urged economic land concessionaire Union Development Group (UDG) the megaresort developer at the centre of a long-running Koh Kong province land dispute to provide sufcient infrastructure in the relocation areas provided for residents it displaced, a ministry spokesman said yesterday. According to spokesman Sao Sopheap, at a meeting between the ministry, the company and provincial authorities, Sam El advised UDG to build a school, market, hospital and sufcient infrastructure to meet relocated villagers needs with the hope that hold-out villagers still occupying disputed land would decide to relocate peacefully. The minister urged the company to build some infrastructure at the new village where the evictees moved, and [to build] things that satisfy basic needs to make it easy for residents to live, Sopheap said. Though UDGs relocation package is more generous on paper than that offered by other concessionaires, multiple outside observers have found its implementation to be spot-

A man washes clothes earlier this month at a relocation site built by Union Development Group in Koh Kong province. SRENG MENG SRUN

ty, and the rm was accused in January of burning down 45 homes belonging to hold-outs. In Kong Chet, provincial coordinator with rights group Licadho, said that even though the lack of infrastructure at the relocation site was a common complaint among those there, building it wouldnt compensate those who lost homes. The minister suggested the company help those who were evicted violently, but he did not order them to nd a solution for those whose houses were burned, he said. Even so, relocated villager Khat Eang, 57, said that resi-

dents had long asked for better infrastructure, and said that new amenities might be enough to convince the hold-outs. Theres nothing at the new village. It is far from the market, the hospital and the school, and theres no clean water, electricity or crops, he said. If the new village was easy to live in, I think that other villagers who have not yet moved will decide to move and live there. On Phearak, governor of Botom Sakor district, home to part of UDGs concession, said yesterday that the local authorities are gradually working towards a solution to the dispute.

THE Minister of Education proposed yesterday that donation boxes for teachers be installed in schools across the country, but stressed their aim would be to diminish rather than grow a culture of bribery in the system. Education Minister Hang Chuon Naron presented the idea for the equity foundation boxes during the capitals rst forum between teachers, parents and students at Hun Sen Bun Rany High School. [Donating] money to the equity foundation boxes has to be transparent. Students cannot think it should be used to buy [better] scores on [tests or in class], Chuon Naron said. Giving donations should be given voluntarily and not pressured. But some forum participants said the government should raise salaries rather than introduce a donation system. According to a grade 12 teacher, low salaries were the cause of many problems in schools and must be increased. If teachers had a better living wage we would pay more attention to [better] teaching our students, he said. If Excellency [Chuon Naron] wants

to strengthen the quality of education, he has to boost teacher salaries rst, he said. The minimum wage for teachers increased in January from about $80 a month to $100, according to the Teachers Association of Cambodia. Ros Sopheap, executive director of NGO Gender and Development for Cambodia, said yesterday that the amount of money that teachers were paid was not in synch with reality. How can the minister say education is a priority for this country when teachers are so undervalued by the system that they have to ask for bribes from their students to support themselves? she said. Phay Vanna, 45, barely makes do on his monthly salary of $160. To supplement his income, he teaches extra classes each month, he told the Post. If teachers salaries ranged from $250 to $500 we could survive. I dont want to teach extra classes because it leaves no time to rest. We deserve a [liveable] salary, too, he said. The ministry announced this week that exam proctors would be paid twice as much as last year in an attempt to stamp out bribery. ADDITIONAL REPORTING

Take note: guesthouse no drug signs enforced

POLICE nabbed a drug-dealing duo in Kampong Chhnang on Wednesday with a little help from a disgruntled guesthouse owner. The 31-year-old man and his female partner-incrime obviously didnt check out the rules when they checked in for the night. When the owner realised they were carrying drugs, he called the cops who raided the pairs room, finding 15 packages of ya ma and a walkie-talkie. Both are awaiting court dates. NOkORwaT

If youre going to steal a gun, try a shop, not a cop

A WASTE picker in Phnom Penhs Prampi Makara district learned on Wednesday that a policemans gun is not for recycling. Police say the 30-year-old man was standing near the scene of a bust when he suddenly grabbed the gun from an officer and made a run for it. When police caught up with him, they forced him to return the weapon and brought him back to the station for further questioning. kOH saNTepHeap


The Ministry Of Health the honor to inform all domestic and foreign suppliers that Ministry intends to supply Diesel Oil rst semester & Oxygene which are described in Technical Specication . Bids forms could be obtained from the Ministry Of Health at the following addresses : Procurement Unit Ministry of Health # 151 153 Avenue Kampuchea Krom Phnom Penh Cambodia , Tel : 023 723 849 Bids must be delivered to the Ministry Of Health, Procurement Unit at the above address before 14 h 30 Oclock on 28 / 05 / 2014 . Bids will be opened at the same address at 14 h 30 Oclock on 28 / 05 / 2014 in the present of the Bidders representatives who wish to attend.

Canadia teller tried for nearly $3 million heist

Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

A FORMER Canadia Bank employee accused of stealing $2.7 million from the bank last year was tried by Phnom Penh Municipal Court yesterday. Former chief accountant Yet Sopheaktra, 30, was charged with breach of trust for theft of company nances, said presiding judge Kor Vandy. Sun Saonin, 33, the boyfriend of Sopheaktra, along with her mother, Chak Kimheng, 59, have also been charged as accomplices, along with former Canadia Bank ATM controller Leng Sunly, 34. Sopheaktra and her boyfriend Sun Saonin are gamblers. They stole money from Canadia Bank to play games at a casino in Phnom Penh, said Vandy, adding that all four were arrested on October 3. During the hearing yesterday, Sopheaktra admitted to

withdrawing the enormous sum by creating two bank cards for Kimheng and three for her friend Tep Winchanthy, who remains at large. I withdrew $2.3 million from Canadia Bank between March and October to buy land in Kampong Chhang and Kampong Cham provinces. I spent the rest gambling in a casino, she said, adding that she was solely responsible for withdrawing the cash. Saonin admitted that he knew Sopheaktra had withdrawn $10,000 last year. Sunly, Saonin, and Kimheng denied any involvement during the trial yesterday. Canadia Bank representative Child Vann said yesterday that technology experts had spotted the accounting discrepancy and reported the missing money to branch managers. The verdict is to be delivered on April 25.

A little flirting never hurt anyone, until it did

INNOCENT flirtation turned dangerous at a pre-Khmer New Year party in Phnom Penhs Por Sen Chey district on Wednesday night when two people were attacked by a local gang. Police said the celebrations came to an abrupt end after one of the revellers enlisted three friends to attack the partys host, a 26-year-old garment worker accused of flirting with the suspects girlfriend. They then attacked a bystander outside of the party. Police quickly cuffed the gang and took them into custody. KOH saNTepHeap

General rule: dont wave a machete at a policeman

A MACHETE-WIELDING farmer in Kampong Cham wound up in hospital on Tuesday after picking a fight with a police officer. After a drinking session landed the farmer in trouble with his 41-year-old female neighbour, he came to her house brandishing a machete. When a policeman was called in to stop the disturbance, the farmer turned on him. A violent scuffle left the farmer seriously injured and under arrest. But while his injuries have kept him out of a cell for now, police say they will not forget. Rasmei kampUcHea
Translated by Phak Seangly


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This week in biz

Royal Group says ANZ relationship is healthy
ROYAL Group of Companies chief financial officer Mark Hanna quelled rumours on Tuesday when he said that the Cambodian conglomerate had a strong relationship with Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited and there were no plans to break up their joint venture, ANZ Royal Bank. He added, however, that Royal Group would have to consider an offer if it were very high, but that no deals were on the table.

Strategies to take on IP theft raised in program

OFFICIALS from Cambodia, Laos and the United States gathered in Phnom Penh on Tuesday for a training program on the enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights. Hosted by representatives from the US Department of State, US Department of Homeland Security and US Patent and Trademark Office, the threeday event at the Hotel le Royal in Phnom Penh focused on techniques to crack down on intellectual property.

A teller counts Philippine peso banknotes inside a Bank of the Philippine Islands branch in Manila last year. BLOOMBERG

Peso status raises questions

Karl Lester M Yap

HE Philippine pesos failure to strengthen in the face of data showing a widening current-account surplus and an upgraded credit rating has stoked concern that imports are being under-reported due to smuggling. Philippine import data may have been understated since as early as 2007, partly because of smuggling, undermining the strength of the nations current-account surplus and the peso, Deutsche Bank AG and Credit Suisse

Group AG said in recent reports. There are sizable differences between ofcial import gures reported by the Philippines and exports recorded by some of its trading partners including Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, according to Credit Suisse. I wouldnt be surprised if the current account could fall into a decit in two to three years if the trajectory of trade gaps continues, said Michael Wan, a Singaporebased economist at Credit Suisse. The discrepancies under-

score doubts with the trade and current-account data and highlights challenges facing President Benigno Aquino, who has criticised the Bureau of Customs for revenue lost to smuggling and unveiled measures to limit corruption within the agency. In the past 12 months, the peso has dropped 9.3 per cent against the dollar, compared with a 9.6 per cent decline for the Indian rupee. India had a record $88 billion decit in the scal year through March 2013, compared with a reported $9.4

billion surplus for the Philippines last year. Philippine import data are sourced from the customs bureau. In response to a question about discrepancies in the gures, Customs Commissioner Sunny Sevilla told Bloomberg on Wednesday: We are committed to eradicating smuggling and corruption. There are no friends nor sacred cows. Everyone will be held accountable. While trade-data differences occur in other nations, the gaps in the Philippine numbers are sizable compared

to countries such as Thailand, and have been widening since 2007 for some of its trading partners including Japan, Wan said in a report this month. Deutsche Bank estimates the Philippines has posted a current-account decit since 2012, contrary to the surpluses ofcially reported for at least eight years. The current account, which measures trade and nancial ows including interest and dividend payments, is used by investors to gauge a nations resilience to a crisis.

Cambodia improves on logistics performance

THOUGH Cambodia stil lags behind regional peers, streamlined customs procedures and enhancements to port infrastructure have lifted its ranking to 83 on the World Banks 2014 Logistics Performance Index (LPI), according to a trade specialist in the World Bank.

Healthy Homes Cambodia...making a difference.

Healthy Homes Cambodia, is marketing system. Its legendary, water based ltration rainbow known the world over. Today rainbow and enjoyed in over 86 countries with more customers worldwide. the rainbow cleaning system has made the cleaning system is sold than 5 million satised

We are looking for our pioneer batch of enthusiastic Product Demonstrators who are also passionate Customer Champions to be part of our family and grow with us by seeking potential customers, demonstrating our products, selling them and servicing the customers. For those who perform, you will be handsomely-rewarded. You should: Preferably have a successful track record in direct sales Be able to persuade and inuence Be HUNGRY, self motivated, resilient, resourceful and Be able to communicate in both English and Khmer We will provide: Training A dened career path Good basic salary PLUS attractive commission & incentives Opportunity for setting up branches in Cambodia Please email your application by 30th March in English with full resume, contact number and a recent passport size photo to or mail to Healthy Homes Cambodia, 325 Mao Tse Toung Blvd, Building II, 1st Floor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

THE PHNOM PENH POST maRch 28, 2014

Markets Business
14 million. If we can get a ratio of 10 million out of 14 million, that will be a good thing. We have more commercial banks, but they are amassed only in crowded urban areas. Credit is also increasing. Access to nancing in Cambodia has become much eaiser, for one reason: the existence of more micronance institutions, which are located almost everywhere throughout the country, meaning more business activity is happening. Our nancial sector has just started. We are behind other countries in the region, but it doesnt mean that we are weaker than the others. We have just started to run, but we have been running quite fast through these years. In 2013, loans increased 25 per cent compared to the previous year, while the rate of savings increased to only 12.5 per cent. Does this number imply risk in the nancial sector, and has the central bank taken steps to tighten lending? This number does not say anything. The number of loans reects the level of the whole economy. When a countrys economy is rising, usually more capital is needed need to ask is whether they are buying to live or to speculate. What we fear more is people speculating in real estate. But so far, more people are using the loans to get a house for their family, they will not risk losing their property to the bank. This is a good thing happening to Cambodians. You have to understand that before 2003, not many people deposited their money in the bank. People started to get their savings and invest them in houses and land. That is why we saw the price of property rise later. What happened in 2008 was not a bubble bursting, because property values at that time increased and have not come down yet. The property values remain the same, its just that there is not as much buying and selling activity as in the past ve years. Looking at the rest of 2014, what is the outlook for the banking sector? So far we have seen widespread access to loans among the people. What we need to do is keep this momentum, meaning the good quality of our credit. We now have the Credit Bureau, where details and history of clients are being kept and used by the banks. We want to raise awareness that the bureau is a very important tool for them to access loans without necessarily using collateral. We also want nancial institutions to be transparent to their clients about the risks regarding loans. Are you concerned about criticism that you obtained your new position late last year because of your father, who is the governor of the bank? It is not something new. I will leave others to judge me on this, on whether I am qualied or deserve the chair. This is inevitable. I am the daughter of the governor, and this is the fact I cannot deny. But what is more important is whether I can do the task on my desk or not, whether my colleagues approve of my work or not, and whether I can contribute to the improvement of my institution or not. If I cannot do it, I think I do not deserve the chair and I am more than willing to resign from this position. I will leave you to judge. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Central bank official on economic climate

As the nancial sector expands, more money is owing into a more complex economy. Loans are increasing along with concerns about long-term risk. In this weeks CEO Talk, Chea Serey, a long-time ofcial at the National Bank of Cambodia who was appointed to the position of director general late last year, discusses aspects of the changing economy with the Posts Chan Muyhong. How is Cambodias nancial sector progressing at the moment? The banking sector has progressed very well. Every year, we have seen an average 30 per cent increase in deposits. More deposits mean a higher level of trust from people. Last year, however, deposits rose only 12.5 per cent amid the election and political instability. Still, this reects the trend that more and more Cambodians are joining this formal sector. There are an estimated 2.3 million people with bank accounts, out of a population of

Chea Serey, director general of the National Bank of Cambodia, talks to the Post from her ofce in Phnom Penh on Wednesday. VIREAK MAI

for investment. So companies borrow more money from the bank to expand their operations. This is simple. In our country, we see very high growth, but the question is from what base we are increasing. We have to acknowledge that we have just recovered from wars. We need capital to rebuild infrastructure and so on, which requires more loans from the bank. Loans for real estate have also

noticeably increased. Could this pose any long-term problems for the economy? Our young people now tend to want to live independently from their parents. This mindset of owning a house has become more common among new couples. So they can achieve it now because the bank offers loans. Housing loans have risen recently, but I am not very nervous about this, because the question we




THE PHNOM PENH POST march 28, 2014

Markets Business

Sour debut for Candy Crush

Prune Perromat

ING Digital, maker of the wildly popular Candy Crush video game, got a sour welcome on Wall Street on Wednesday as shares tumbled some 15 per cent in their rst trading day. Kings initial public offering (IPO) raised $500 million from the sale of 22.2 million shares, as the British company sought to capitalise on the popularity of Candy Crush Saga, which boasts some 97 million players worldwide. The shares trading under the symbol KING opened lower than the offering price of $22.50, and ended the session on the New York Stock Exchange with a loss of 15.56 per cent at $19.00. The slump gives King a market value of $5.98 billion, below the optimistic estimate of $7.6 billion. This is not a surprise, said Trip Chowdhry, analyst at Global Equities Research, who said King was seeking to cash in on a fad. This company is going to be the next Zynga unless they do something very different, Chowdhry said, referring to

the somewhat troubled social games maker. This is a peak, the only way they can go from here is down. The business makes money from players buying hints and other help to aid their climb through some 500 levels of the Tetris-like game. But some analysts have questioned Kings staying power on the back of a game whose popularity could wane over time as users tire of it. The companys follow-up games have not attained the same level of popularity. IHS mobile analyst Jack Kent said the success of Candy Crush has made the company the leader in mobile games, but added that Candy Crush Saga will not remain a permanent cash cow and King must prove it can repeat this success with new titles. The company says its games, which also include Farm Heroes and Pet Rescue, are installed on 600 million mobile devices, and played over 1.4 billion times a day, more than one billion alone for Candy Crush. Prots in the fourth quarter reached $159 million. The King IPO comes amid a sharp uptick in new com-

BofA to shell out billions on securities

Characters from King Digital Entertainments Candy Crush game stand for a photograph in front of a trading post on the oor of the New York Stock Exchange in New York on Wednesday. BLOOMBERG

panies entering the market. The US IPO count stood at 46 through March 11 which is the highest level for this time of year since 2007, according to Dealogic. Kings arrival comes as investors are keen to buy into the next rising technology star but are wary of young companies being overvalued, especially in the world of gaming where popularity can be eeting.

Some analysts also fear that the rush of IPOs may signal an overvalued market similar to the tech bubble that burst in the early 2000s. Zynga, creator of the oncemighty FarmVille game, lost 40 per cent of its value after entering the market in December 2011 with a valuation of $7 billion. King said in a securities ling that the company believes it has a repeatable and

scalable game development process that is unparalleled in our industry. A key principle for King is that no individual game session should take more than a few minutes, King Digital chief executive Riccardo Zacconi said in the ling. King said the proceeds from the IPO would go for general corporate purposes, possibly including acquisitions. AFP

ANK of America will pay $9.3 billion to settle US charges that it sold bad mortgagebacked securities to mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae ahead of the housing bust. The settlement, arranged with the Federal Housing Finance Agency, which oversees Fannie and Freddie, involves securities sold by BofA as well as by Countrywide and Merrill Lynch, which were acquired by the bank. The agreement covers four lawsuits alleging the BofA entities misled the two US mortgage giants about the quality of the underlying mortgages tied to $57.5 billion in securities sold to Freddie and Fannie. FHFA has acted under its statutory mandate to recover losses incurred by the companies and American taxpayers and has concluded that this resolution represents a reasonable and prudent settlement of these cases, said FHFA Director Melvin Watt. AFP




Wal-Mart spends big in probe

David Voreacos and Renee Dudley

Thai Set 50 Index, Mar 26 1100

Ho Chi Minh Stock Index, Mar 26 700

1025 950 875 800

650 600 550 500

AL-MART, the worlds largest retailer, said it spent $439 million in the past two years to investigate the possible payment of foreign bribes, making it one of the most expensive probes in US history. The company spent $282 million in the fiscal year ended January 31 and $157 million the previous year, and expenses will continue to rise, according to an annual report filed on March 21. On February 20, Wal-Mart projected Foreign Corrupt Practices Act probe and compliance costs would be $200 million to $240 million for fiscal 2015. In November 2011, WalMart disclosed possible violations in Mexico to the US Justice Department and Securities and Exchange Commission. The New York Times reported in 2012 that the retailer paid $24 million in alleged bribes in Mexico. The probe expanded to other countries, including China, India and Brazil, the retailer said in 2012. The US is investigating possible violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which bans payments by compa-

A Wal-Mart customer loads groceries into her car outside a Wal-Mart in San Lorenzo, California.


nies or their agents to foreign governments to obtain or retain business. Such probes typically end in settlements, with companies paying fines and admitting wrongdoing. Mexican authorities are also investigating, while WalMart faces shareholder lawsuits and is examining its global anti-corruption compliance programs. While we believe that it is probable that we will incur a loss from these matters, given the ongoing nature and com-

plexity of the review, inquiries and investigations, we cannot reasonably estimate any loss or range of loss that may arise from these matters, according to the filing. David Tovar, a spokesman for Bentonville, Arkansasbased Wal-Mart, said it would be inappropriate to comment on the investigation before it is concluded. We are working aggressively to enhance our global compliance program and are committed to having a strong and effective program in

every market in which we operate, Tovar said yesterday in an email. Wal-Marts fourth-quarter net income fell 21 per cent to $4.43 billion, or $1.36 a share, from $5.61 billion, or $1.67, a year earlier, the company said in its most recent earnings release. The company forecast profit in the year through January 2015 that trailed analysts estimates. In addition to the $24 million in alleged bribes, WalMart made $16 million in

donations to Mexican local governments as late as 2005 to speed store expansions, the New York Times reported in April 2012. The company also failed to examine fully claims by a company lawyer in 2005 that he funnelled bribes to Mexican officials, the newspaper reported. Its relatively safe to assume that this is one of the highest pre-enforcementaction professional fees and expenses ever reported, said Michael Koehler, a law professor at Southern Illinois University who writes the FCPA Professor blog. In 2008, Siemens AG, Europes largest engineering company, agreed to pay $800 million to the US and $814 million to German authorities as part of a crackdown on bribery. During the course of the investigation, Siemens spent $1 billion on attorneys and accountants and its internal controls. Companies under FCPA scrutiny have to take it seriously and hire lawyers, auditors and compliance specialists, Koehler said. But when companies are paying more than $1 million per working day, one can legitimately ask the question: Has this turned into a boondoggle for everyone involved? BLOOMBERG



South Korea

KOSPI Index, Mar 26 2100 1975 1850 1725 1600


PSEI- Philippine Se Idx, Mar 26 7000 6625 6250 5875 5500



FTSE Straits Times Index, Mar 26 4000

FTSEBursa Malaysia KLCI, Mar 26 1900

3500 3000 2500 2000

1800 1700 1600 1500



Hong Kong
Hang Seng Index, Mar 26 25000

CSI 300 Index, Mar 26 3000

23250 21500 19750 18000

2750 2500 2250 2000




Nikkei 225, Mar 26 16000


Taiwan Taiex Index, Mar 26 9000

15500 15000 14500 14000

8500 8000 7500 7000


Jakarta Composite Index, Mar 26 5000 4625 4250 3875 3500


Laos Composite Index, Mar 26 1500 1350 1200 1050 900




International commodities

Cambodian commodities
(Base rate taken on January 1, 2012) (%) -0.71 % 3.64 % 2.22 % 1.25 % 4.00 % 5.50 % -40.00 % 1.82 % 7.06 % 3.33 % 15.56 % 0.77 %

BSE Sensex 30 Index, Mar 26 22000 21000

Karachi 100 Index, Mar 26 28000 27250 26500 25750 25000

Food -Cereals -Vegetables - Fruits

Item Rice 1 Rice 2 Paddy Peanuts Maize 2 Cashew nut Pepper Beef Pork Mud Fish Chicken Duck Unit
R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg R/Kg

Construction equipment
Average 2780 2280 1840 8100 2080 4220 24000 33600 18200 12400 20800 13100 Item Steel 12 Cement Unit R/Kg R/Sac Base 3000 19000 Average 3100 19500 (%) 3.33 % 2.63 %

Crude Oil (WTI) Crude Oil (Brent) RBOB Gasoline NYMEX Heating Oil ICE Gasoil

USD/bbl. USD/bbl. USd/gal. USd/gal. USD/MT

100.21 106.93 4.38 290.71 292.25 896.25

1.02 -0.1 -0.02 -0.18 0.31 3

1.03% -0.09% -0.50% -0.06% 0.11% 0.34%

4:01:37 4:01:37 3:55:12 4:03:00 2:39:20 4:01:13

2800 2200 1800 8000 2000 4000 40000 33000 17000 12000 18000 13000

20000 19000 18000

NYMEX Natural Gas USD/MMBtu



Item Gasoline Diesel Petroleum Gas Charcoal Unit
R R R Chi Baht

5250 5100 5500 86000 1200

5450 5200 5500 76000 1300

3.81 % 1.96 % 0.00 % -11.63 % 8.33 %

S&P/ASX 200 Index, Mar 26 5500 5250 5000 4750 4500

New Zealand
NZX 50 Index, Mar 26 5500 5250 5000 4750 4500


CBOT Rough Rice CME Lumber

USD/cwt USD/tbf

15.38 326.5

-0.01 -4.1

-0.06% -1.24%

21:01:17 3:44:30



Advertisement Vacancy Announcement National AIDS Authority (NAA) The ofce of sub-recipient for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
The National AIDS Authority (NAA) is designated as the Sub-recipient to receive grant from PR/NCHADS on behalf of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS. The Program Title Continued achievement of Universal Access of HIV/STI prevention, treatment and care services in Cambodia. The NAA invite applications from qualied and experienced candidates to apply for the position of: Drivers (4 Persons) I. Duties and Responsibilities Under the general supervision of the functional director of department, the incumbent performs the following duties: - Drivers the National AIDS Authority Ofcials and staff within Phnom Penh and to provinces. - Collects and delivers mail or documents when required - Responsible for day-to-day maintenance of the assigned vehicle, checks oil, water, battery, brakes, tires etc., performs minor repairs and arranges other repairs and ensures the vehicle is clean. - Logs ofcial trips, daily mileage, gas consumption, oil changes, greasing etc. - Ensures that the steps required by rules and regulations are taken in case of involvement in accident. - Performs other duties required by Director of Administrator and Finance Department. - Duty station National AIDS Authority, Phnom Penh II. Qualications - Cambodian - Knowledge and skills in secondary education - Valid drivers license - Skills in minor vehicle repair - Well knowledge on streets in Phnom Penh and Province Applicants without prior knowledge of TOR will not be accepted. Interested candidates should submit their CVs, including a cover letter, by Thursday, 10th April 2014 at 17:00 pm with attention to: Ms. Muth Seineada, Administrative Ofcer Email: National AIDS Authority ,Building #16, Street corner 271 & 150, Sangkat Toek La-ark 2, Khan Toul Kork. Tel: 023 885 129, 012 824 047 Only short listed candidates will be contacted for further interview.


Vacancy Announcement Number: Functional Title and Grade: Department/Service:


Case Manager (G-6) Ofce of the Co-Prosecutor, UNAKRT Starting from US$ 18,232 gross per annum depending on relevant background and experience. One The initial appointment is limited to one year only. Extension of the appointment is subject to extension of the mandate and/or the availability of the funds. (Initial Appointment is subject to approval of the Budget) 09 April 2014


Number of Positions: Duration:

Deadline for Applications:

For more details, visit our web site:



Hunt on for MH370 boxes IMF offers Kiev
Justin McCurry

N D E RWAT E R scanners for nding the black box ight recorders from the missing Malaysia Airlines ight MH370 have arrived at the search headquarters as crews pin their hopes on new satellite images showing 122 pieces of possible debris in the area of the Indian Ocean where the plane is presumed to have gone down. An Australian navy ship will sweep the seabed by towing an underwater listening device deep below the surface in the hope of picking up an ultrasonic signal from one or both of the recorders, while a small submersible drone will be used to scan the sea oor for signs of wreckage. The search for the plane, involving 11 planes and ve ships, resumed yesterday in an area of the vast southern Indian Ocean where ofcials believe the plane ran out of fuel and crashed, killing all 239 people aboard. The objects captured in satellite images on March 23 have been described by senior Malaysian ofcials as the most credible lead yet as to the jetliners whereabouts. Malaysias transport minister Hishammuddin Hussein said the images had been captured by Airbus Defence and Space in France and covered an area of about 400 square kilometres located 2,557 kilometres from Perth. The operation involves planes and ships from the US, China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. Ofcials from the Australian Maritime Safety Authority said the search yesterday

a $14bn bailout
THE IMF announced yesterday a $14-18 billion bailout for Ukraine to avoid bankruptcy, but tied to painful and unpopular reforms amid the countrys escalating stand-off with Russia. The agreement in principle worth the equivalent of 10.8-13.1 billion imposes tough economic conditions that will alter the lives Ukrainians who have grown accustomed to the comforts of Soviet-era subsidies and social welfare benets. But its also appears to herald a fundamental shift in Kiev from a reliance on Russian help to save a crumbling system to a commitment to the types of free-market efciencies that could one day bring Ukraine far closer to the West. Ukraines macroeconomic imbalances became unsustainable over the past year, the Funds Ukrainian mission chief Nikolai Georgiyev said. The IMFs rescue will form the heart of a broader package by other governments and agencies amounting to $27 billion over the next two years. Georgiyev said the actual size of the standby arrangement would be determined only once the new Westernbacked leaders in Kiev made the rst rm steps to implement reforms the Fund had sought in vain from the cabinet of Viktor Yanukovych. That government was toppled in February by deadly protests that claimed 100 lives and forced Yanukovych to seek shelter in Russia. The program will be approved by the IMF board when the steps that I mentioned are implemented, Georgiyev told reporters after holding a decisive round of talks with Ukrainian President Arseniy Yatsenyuk on Wednesday. We expect [the approval] by the end of April. The Fund has made an immediate end to Ukraines costly gas subsidies its main condition for the programs approval. It also wants the central bank to stop propping up the Ukrainian currency and the government to cut down on corruption and red tape. The IMFs announcement came a day after Ukraines state energy company Naftogaz said it would increase domestic heating gas prices by 50 per cent on May 1. Ukraines central bank has already limited its currency interventions a decision that has resulted in the hryvnia losing about a third of its value against the dollar since the start of the year. The IMF programs formal approval in April will set in motion the release of further assistance from both Washington and the European Union. Economists believe that the Fund may have speeded up its procedures because of concerns that the Ukrainian government could become insolvent within months. Ukraines fast-depleting reserves spent in previous years on propping up the currency at articially high rates in order to avoid public discontent had reached levels sufcient to cover just two months of imports. The government needs to service $33.4 billion in interest and debt payments through 2016. AFP

Flight Lieutenant Jayson Nichols looks out of the cockpit of an RAAF AP-3C Orion aircraft over cloud while searching for missing Malaysian Airlines ight MH370 over the southern Indian Ocean yesterday. AFP

had been split into two areas totalling 78,000 square kilometres (30,000 square miles). Locating and retrieving at least some of the oating objects, ranging in length from one to 23 metres, could prove crucial in the absence of any physical evidence supporting the theory that MH370 ran out of fuel hours after it turned sharply off course and disappeared from air trafc controllers screens over the South China Sea en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Search teams are hoping the detection equipment will be able to pick up acoustic pings emitted every second from the planes black box ight data recorder and cockpit voice recorder. Each of the two recorders has a beacon, attached to the outside of the black box, which once activated by

contact with water makes a sound every second. But it is a race against time the beacons have a battery life of only 30 days, after which the pings begin to fade. Chuck Schoeld of Dukane Seacom, a company that has sold the pingers to Malaysia Airlines, said the batteries might last an additional ve days before dying. Assuming the plane crashed on March 8, as Malaysian ofcials insist, the beacons aboard MH370 will begin to fade around April 7 and could go silent around April 12. The US navy tracking equipment a special listening device known as a towed pinger locator and an underwater drone dubbed Bluen-21 has arrived in Perth, where the international effort is headquartered and is being sent to the search site.

Reports said the equipment would be loaded on to the Royal Australian Navys HMAS Ocean Shield, which will drag the locator through the water in the hope of picking up a signal. The drone can dive to depths of about 4,500 metres, using sonar to form images of the ocean oor. Similar technology was used to locate the main wreckage from Air France ight 447 in 2011 yet it still took searchers two years to recover the black box from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. The operation has been hampered by bad weather and conditions were expected to deteriorate again late yesterday, prolonging the anguish of relatives after Malaysian ofcials said they had concluded that the aircraft had crashed into the sea with the loss of all on board. THE GUARDIAN

Seeking Expressions of Interest from Research Firm or Individual Consultant Market Research, Analysis, and Design of Themes for a Forestry and Biodiversity Awareness Raising Campaign
The USAID Supporting Forests and Biodiversity Project is being implemented by Winrock International and a consortium of partners.The Projects goal is to improve conservation and governance of the Eastern Plains and Prey Lang Landscapes to mitigate climate change and conserve biodiversity. The Project seeks expressions of interest from rms or individual consultants to perform rapid market research and analysis to inform the design of the campaign. The activity will be completed in 30 days from contract signing and identify the target audience and general themes of the campaign. If you have practical experience in this field, please submit a cover letter explaining relevant experience to or deliver the letter to the USAID Supporting Forests and Biodiversity Project ofce at the Phnom Penh Center, Building F, Room 588, Sothearos Blvd, Phnom Penh.Project ofce telephone is 023 220 714. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Closing date for proposals is April 3, 2014.




Bin Laden son-in-law found guilty of terror

A NEw York jury on Wednesday found Osama bin Ladens son-in-law guilty of conspiracy to kill Americans and supporting terrorists as an impassioned al-Qaeda spokesman in 2001-2002. Suleiman Abu Ghaith, 48, now faces life in prison after a three-week trial, which has been the highest-prole al-Qaeda case to reach a US federal court. The preacher from Kuwait stood impassively as the court clerk read out the verdict, declaring him guilty of conspiracy to kill Americans, conspiracy to provide material support and providing material support to terrorists. The convict is most famous for sitting next to bin Laden in a video on September 12, 2001, as the al-Qaeda mastermind claimed the 9/11 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people the day before. Prosecutors said the rst thing Bin Laden did after the hijackings was recruit the talented, respected orator to take al-Qaeda propaganda global. In videos, Abu Ghaith threatened a storm of airplanes, proof the government said that he was implicated in a December 2001 plot to blow up a transatlantic ight with a shoe bomb. The 12-person jury took just four hours of deliberations to return the unanimous verdict. Afterwards, Abu Ghaith touched his heart in thanks, smiling at his lawyers. Wearing his habitual dark suit, with open-necked white shirt, he appeared relaxed despite having pleaded innocent. The government and campaigners seized on the trial as proof that terror cases could be tried more effectively in civilian courts as pressure builds to close Guantanamo Bay. We hope this verdict brings some small measure of comfort to the families of the victims of al-Qaedas murderous designs, Manhattan US attorney Preet Bharara said. Defence lawyer Stanley Cohen said he would appeal, accusing the judge of being coercive, and taking issue with Judge Lewis Kaplans instructions to the jury and his decision not to allow presumed 9/11 plotter Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to testify. His client was stoic and at ease, he said. He has condence that this is not the end but the beginning. We think there are a number of compelling issues for an appeal, Cohen said. AFP

Sisi quits army to run for president

IELD Marshal Sisi on Wednesday announced he was quitting the army to run for president. He is assured of winning Egypts forthcoming presidential vote, but at the cost of reviving the era of strongman rule as he faces a dilapidated economy and rising militancy. Analysts say Abdel Fattah alSisi was certain to continue the crackdown on Islamists that started when he overthrew elected president Mohamed Morsi in July. And, the experts say, with security issues likely to hamper Sisi from delivering on his promise of economic recovery, he could resort to repression more and more. Sisis widely anticipated candidacy is being hailed by the millions of Egyptians who are weary of more than three years of turmoil since the Arab Spring overthrow of veteran strongman Hosni Mubarak. But it is likely to further iname Islamist protests and worry those secular activists who fear a return to rule by military men and the strongarm tactics of the Mubarak era. Aside from Morsi, every Egyptian president has been drawn from, or installed by, the army. Dressed in army fatigues

Egypts Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi announces his resignation from his military position on Wednesday. AFP

for the last time in public, Sisi promised in a televised address to bolster the precarious economy and crush the terrorism that has surged since Morsis overthrow. Michele Dunne, at the Carnegie Endowment for Peace, said Sisis address suggested he would continue the crackdown on the Islamists that has made little headway in restoring stability. I didnt hear Field Marshal Sisi say anything in the initial speech to suggest there will be a shift in the security strategy, she said. Since Morsis overthrow, his supporters have staged weekly and at times violent pro-

tests, leading to the deaths of at least 1,400 people, mostly Islamists, in clashes with police. Militants in the same period have killed more than 200 security personnel. Encouraged by many Egyptians who view the Islamists as destructive, the authorities have arrested some 15,000 people and placed thousands on trial. The unrest has battered the economy, which is propped up by billions of dollars from friendly Gulf states. Regime human rights abuses and Islamist militant attacks on police are not new to Egypt, having marred Mubaraks three-decade presidency before his overthrow in a

popular uprising in 2011. But since Morsis ousting they have surged to unprecedented levels, Dunne said. Egypt is now undergoing . . . the worst terrorism in decades Dunne said. Human rights are right now in a much worse state than they were under Mubarak. Sisi overthrew Morsi after millions took to the streets demanding the resignation of the Islamist president. Sisis aides said the military chiefs intention was not to replace Morsi but he had been swayed by popular demand. Despite assurances by Sisis camp that the Mubaraks era would not be allowed to return, the cycle of violence and arrests is likely to continue, analysts say, as both the state and the Islamist opposition are equally opposed to serious compromise. Prolonged unrest may hamper Sisi from delivering on his promise of economic recovery, but it is unlikely to greatly erode his considerable support in the short term, said Shadi Hamid, an Egypt expert at the Brookings Institution. If he cant deliver, which he probably wont be able to, then he will have to rely on his arsenal of repression, Hamid said. AFP




China quake activist freed after five years

A CHINESE activist who investigated whether shoddy construction caused the deaths of thousands of children when their schools collapsed in a 2008 earthquake was released yesterday after finishing a fiveyear jail term, his lawyer said. Writer and campaigner Tan Zuoren, 59, was sentenced for inciting subversion of state power in connection with several articles he published online about the crushing of the 1989 Tiananmen Square prodemocracy protests. But he was arrested while investigating the deaths of thousands of children whose schools collapsed in a huge quake in Sichuan. AFP

Manila, rebels sign peace deal

HE biggest Muslim rebel group in the Philippines signed a historic pact yesterday to end one of Asias longest and deadliest conicts, promising to give up their arms for an autonomous homeland. Following four decades of ghting that has claimed tens of thousands of lives, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) signed the peace deal with President Benigno Aquinos government at a highprole ceremony in Manila. The comprehensive agreement on Bangsamoro is the crowning glory of our struggle, MILF chairman Murad Ebrahim said at the signing ceremony, using a local term that refers to a Muslim homeland. With this agreement the legitimate aspirations of the Bangsamoro and the commitment of the government of the Philippines to recognise those aspirations are now sealed. The pact makes the MILF and the government partners in a plan to create a southern autonomous region for the Philippines Muslim minority with locally elected leaders by mid-2016. What is being presented before us now is a path that can lead to a permanent

A star is killed

Thai PM loses delay bid

THaILaNDS anti-corruption authorities rejected a request yesterday by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to extend a deadline to defend herself against negligence charges that could see her banned from politics. Yingluck has been summoned to appear before the National Anti-Corruption Commission by Monday. Her legal team asked the panel for 45 more days to prepare its case, according to one of her lawyers, Norrawit Larlaeng. They ... said our reasons were not logical and weve had enough time, he said. AFP

Moro Islamic Liberation Front rebels on the southern Philippine island of Mindanao celebrate yesterdays signing of a peace agreement. AFP

change in Muslim Mindanao, Aquino said at the ceremony, which was attended by more than 1,000 people. The Bangsamoro region would cover about 10 per cent of territory in the mainly Catholic Philippines. The planned region has a majority of Muslims, but there are clusters of Catholic-dominated communities. Muslim rebels have been battling since the 1970s for independence or autonomy in the southern islands of the Philippines, which they re-

gard as their ancestral homeland dating back to when Arabic traders arrived there in the 13th century. The conict has condemned millions of people across large parts of the resource-rich Mindanao region to brutal poverty, plagued by Muslim and Christian warlords as well as outbreaks of ghting that has led to mass displacements. The conict and poverty have also been fertile conditions for Islamic extremism, with the al-Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf group and other hard-

line militants making remote regions of Mindanao their strongholds. The MILF, which the military estimates has 10,000 ghters, is easily the biggest Muslim rebel group in Mindanao, and the political settlement was greeted with relief and optimism in the south. I am really happy. In the face of all the hardship of our parents, we, the next generation, hope and pray that Christians and Muslims will have peace, Mona Rakman, 42, a mother of four who lives close to the MILF headquarters, said. The autonomous region would have its own police force, a regional parliament and power to levy taxes, while revenues from the regions vast deposits of natural resources would be split with the national government. It would have a secular government, rather than being an Islamic state. The national government would retain control over such matters as defence, foreign policy, currency and citizenship. There are about 10 million Muslims in the Philippines, roughly 10 per cent of the population, according to government statistics. Most live in the south of the country. AFP

Tiger death a show for rich: report

ORE than 10 tigers have been killed as visual feasts to entertain ofcials and rich businessmen in a Chinese city, state media reported. Police in Zhanjiang in the southern province of Guangdong seized a freshly slaughtered tiger and multiple tiger products in a raid this month, said the Nanfang Daily, the mouthpiece of the provincial Communist Party. Local ofcials and successful businesspeople gathered to watch the tigers being killed as eyeopeners to show off their social stature, it said. Video footage of a killing two years ago showed a tiger, kept in an iron cage, having electried iron prodded into its mouth with a wooden stick and passing out after being electrocuted for more than 10 seconds, the paper said. An experienced cattle or pig slaughterer is normally hired to butcher the carcass, it said, adding that tiger bones sold for an average of 14,000 yuan ($2,300) a kilogram, while the meat fetched 1,000 yuan a kilogram. Police said a butcher who jumped to his death evading arrest had killed more than 10 animals, Wednesdays report added. AFP


Ndrangheta made more than Deutsche Bank and McDonalds put together
HE Ndrangheta mafia from southern Italy made more money last year than Deutsche Bank and McDonalds put together with a turnover of 53 billion ($73 billion), a study has claimed. The study by the Demoskopi ka resea rch i nst it ute detailed the international crime syndicates sources of revenue, including drug trafficking which brought in an estimated 24.2 billion and illegal garbage disposal, which earned it 19.6 billion. The southern Italian mafia earned the equivalent of 3.5 per cent of Italys GDP last year, said the report based on analysis of documents from Italys interior ministry and police, parliaments anti-mafia commission and the national anti-mafia task force. The Ndrangheta is thought to have about 400 key operatives in 30 countries, but its activities are believed to involve as many as 60,000 people worldwide, the report said. Extortion and usury last year brought in a substantial 2.9 billion, while embezzlement earned the mafia 2.4 billion and gambling 1.3 billion.


Arms sales, prostitution, counterfeiting goods and people smuggling were less lucrative, bringing in less than 1 billion together. The Ndrangheta whose name comes from the Greek for courage or loyalty has a tight clan structure which has made it famously difficult to penetrate. With its network of hundreds of family gangs based around the southern region of Calabria, it is even more feared and secretive than the Sicilian mafia. Its roots go back to a criminal association specialised in gambling, the Garduna, which was created in the Spanish city of Toledo in 1412. It spread to Calabria, one of Italys poorest regions, and started building up as a crime network based on kidnapping for ransom. Pope Francis last week called on Italys mafia groups to stop doing evil as he met relatives of their victims to demonstrate the Catholic churchs opposition to organised crime. There is still time to avoid ending up in hell, he warned mafiosi, telling them to relinquish their blood-stained money which cannot be taken into paradise. THE GUARDIAN

Longest on death row wins retrial

A MAn believed to be the worlds longest-serving death row inmate was granted a retrial yesterday after decades in solitary connement, in a rare about-face for Japans rigid justice system. Shizuoka District Court in central Japan ordered a fresh trial for Iwao Hakamada, 78, over the grisly 1966 murder of his boss and the mans family. Presiding judge Hiroaki Murayama said he was concerned that investigators could have planted evidence to win a conviction as they sought to bring closure to a crime that had shocked the country. There is possibility that [key pieces of] evidence have been fabricated by investigative bodies, Murayama said in his ruling, according to Jiji Press. Shizuoka prosecutors, who have three days to appeal the decision, told Japanese media that the courts decision was unexpected. Apart from the US, Japan is the only major industrialised democracy to carry out capital punishment, a practice that is repeatedly protested against by European governments and human rights groups. AFP

Stuck in the middle

A woman on Tuesday stands next to her house, destroyed during clashes between government forces and armed movements on March 13. The African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur restarted operations immediately after the clashes between government forces and an alleged paramilitary group. The violence has displaced some 200,000 civilians in Darfur in the past month alone. Allegations have been made that the Rapid Support Forces, a part of the Sudan Armed Forces, are behind attacks on villages. Magdi El Gizouli, a fellow at the Rift Valley Institute, has described the RSF as almost like a mercenary army of 6,000 men. The unit returned to Darfur earlier this year after supporting government operations against rebels in South Kordofan state. Since then a series of attacks have occurred in North and South Darfur. Mohamed Ibn Chambas, who heads UNAMID, said anti-government rebels, who also attacked some areas recently, must also halt their aggression. They have proven incapable of defeating Sudan Armed Forces and only increase the suffering of the people of Darfur, he said. AFP



the California Institute of Technology, discovered a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt that they named Quaoar after the creator god of the Tongva people native to California. But in 2003, astronomers found an object beyond the Kuiper belt, which they called Sedna. For more than a decade, the object was a loner, an anomaly in the solar system. But the new body, 2012 VP113, lurks in the same no-mans land of space, leading astronomers to believe there could be thousands of similar bodies waiting to be discovered there. People wondered if Sedna was unique and, 10 years on, we have at last found another object that shows it is not. There is probably a large population of objects out there, Sheppard said. The region of space where Sedna and 2012 VP113 were found is called the inner Oort cloud. Astronomers are unsure how this remote cloud of objects formed, but there are three competing theories. One is that a rogue planet was ung out of the early solar system and dragged the Oort cloud material with it. Another is that the material was pulled out of the inner solar system by a passing star. The third option has the same job done by planets orbiting stars born in the same cluster as the sun. What is exciting about this work is that we know the inner Oort cloud is there. This is the second object we know of, and its a smoking gun, said Meg Schwamb, a planetary scientist at the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics at Academica Sinica in Taiwan. By studying the objects, astronomers hope to conrm how the inner Oort cloud formed. Sheppard found the new object with fellow astronomer, Chad Trujillo, who works at the Gemini Observatory in Hawaii. Trujillo was also a co-discoverer of Sedna in 2003. The latest work has already thrown up an intriguing possibility. The angle of the bodys orbit and that of Sednas are strikingly similar, an effect most likely caused by the gravitational tug of another, unseen body. One possibility is a Super Earth that traces so large an orbit around the sun that it has never been seen. If you took a Super Earth and put it a few hundred astronomical units out, the gravity could shepherd Sedna and this new object into the orbits they have, Sheppard said. An astronomical unit (AU) is around 150 million kilometres, or the mean distance from Earth to the sun. Earlier this month, NASAs WideField Infrared Survey Explorer (Wise) reported the results from its search for Planet X, a hypothesised planet far out in the solar system. It found no evidence for a new planet larger than Saturn within 10,000 AU of the sun. But Saturn is 95 times more massive than Earth, so a smaller Super Earth could go undetected in that region. THE GUARDIAN

Dwarf planet find hints at hidden Super Earth

Ian Sample

sTRONOMeRs have increased the size of the observable solar system after spotting a 450-kilometrewide object orbiting the sun. The lump of ice and rock circles the sun at a greater distance than any known object, and never gets closer than 12 billion kilometres 80 times the distance from Earth to the sun. If its size is conrmed it could qualify as a dwarf planet in the same category as Pluto. Researchers said the discovery proves the existence of the inner Oort cloud, a region of icy bodies that lies far beyond the orbit of Neptune which at 4.5 billion kilometres from the sun is the most remote planet in the solar system. Until a proper name is decided upon, the body is known only as 2012 VP113. According to the science journal Nature, the team that discovered it call it VP for short, or Biden, after US Vice President Joe Biden. Its pink tinge comes from radiation damage that alters the makeup of frozen water, methane and carbon dioxide on the surface. Though exciting in its own right, the discovery raises a more tantalising prospect for many astronomers: that a Super Earth up to 10 times the mass of our planet orbits the sun at such a great distance that it has never been seen. Astronomers found 2012 VP113 by

An artists rendition shows planet-like object Sedna in relation to other bodies in the solar system. The diameter of newly discovered VP is around 270 miles. AFP

taking snapshots of the night sky an hour or so apart with an instrument called the Dark Energy Camera on the US National Optical Astronomy Observatory telescope in Chile. When they turned the images into a timelapse movie of the sky, they could see the new body moving against the background of stationary stars. This object has the most distant orbit known, Scott Sheppard at the Carnegie Institution of Washington said. It extends the known boundary of the observable solar system. The objects orbit brings it as close

as 12 billion kilometres from the sun, and swings out as far as 67 billion kilometres. There are comets that come from even further out, but they pass much closer to our home planet. The solar system has three distinct regions. Closest to the sun are the rocky planets, such Earth and Mars. Further out are the gas giants, such as Jupiter. More distant still, beyond the orbit of Neptune, is a band of icy objects called the Kuiper belt. On June 4, 2002, astronomers Chad Trujillo and Michael Brown at


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Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott (right) and Australian Governor-General Quentin Bryce arrive for a reception at Parliament House in Canberra on Tuesday.


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In Oz, theres nothing like a dame

Rachael White
HE outgoing Australian governor general, Quentin Bryce, was given an opportunity this week to join a distinguished and exclusive group of Australians those who have refused knighthoods. Prime minister Abbotts decision on Tuesday to reintroduce the titles of knight and dame in Australia has been ridiculed as a step back to Australias colonial past the era of the cringe, of mother England, and of regarding as inferior achievements ungarlanded by imperial approval. But the truth is that knighthoods have never been uncritically accepted in Australia. Far from constituting a grace note in our national life, as Abbott has suggested, the titles system has a long history of dividing Australians. Even before Australia existed, colonial politicians saw the existence of knighthoods as incompatible with the kind of society they wished to create in their country. In 1873 Victorian chief justice George Higinbotham called it a base, contemptible distinction

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which gave a man nothing more than a handle to his name. (His refusal to accept one meant that no other judges of the court could be offered one either, to the mortification of their wives, according to the English Daily Chronicle). A contemporary of Higinbotham, the politician and educator Charles Pearson, wrote that no man who values political influence in Victoria would now venture to accept a

have any place in Australian life. The war correspondent and historian CEW Bean, a committed imperialist, did more than any other Australian to shape and promote the Anzac legend: it is to his dispatches from Gallipoli and the western front, his commemorative collection of soldiers poetry The Anzac Book (1916) and his six-volume history of Australia in the great war that we owe our image of the Anzacs.


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Bean saw the conferral of titled distinctions as inconsistent with the values of mateship, equality, democracy, larrikinism . . .
knighthood. The reputations of politicians who did accept one, such as former Irish nationalist Sir Charles Gavan Duffy, never recovered. It was Higinbotham who inspired Alfred Deakins interest in politics. Deakin also refused the knighthood he was offered after serving as prime minister, as would all Labor holders of the office. But it is not only those on the left who have questioned whether titles Bean saw the conferral of titled distinctions as inconsistent with the values of mateship, equality, democracy and larrikinism which he attributed to the Anzacs and praised as quintessentially Australian. These are values to which Tony Abbott is fond of referring. For Bean, real nobility belonged to the ordinary, unpretentious Australian who had fought at Gallipoli. Quentin Bryce is a republican. It is

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disappointing that her vision of a fairer Australia of which she spoke movingly in her Boyer lectures includes titled honours. When the prime minister offered her the title of dame, she could have done no better than to refuse in the same gentle but firm terms as Bean, who, although he expressed his gratitude for the offer of a knighthood, wrote: I have for many years held that in Australia the interest of the nation would best be served by the elimination of social distinctions, as far as is reasonably possible. Though I have the greatest admiration for many titled men and women and for their work and influence, it seems to me that in practice, despite certain advantages, the system encourages false values among our people, and that our generation needs above everything to see and aim at true values. The outgoing governor general wishes to see an Australian child grow up to be a our first Australianborn head of state. It is in a society whose true values are not obscured by the social distinctions conferred by titles that she is most likely to get her wish.

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5BEdROOm NiCE ViLLA fOR Rent$3500/M Located BKK1 Area 1Living room, 5Bedroom, 5Bath Fully Furnished, Very good Place for Resident and Quiet Place Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

LUXURy ApARtmENt fOR rent, located near Russian market,1-2-3BR:$500-$800$1700/m convenient Living room, European Kitchen Tel: 089 36 32 06 COLONiAL ApARtmENt fOR rent 02 bed with bath face to river, furnished, clean, western kitchen, big living room, big balcony, and safe Rent: $2100 /m Location: Riverside Tel: 012 879 231 NiCE ApARtmENt fOR rent 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, furnished, clean, western kitchen, big living room, big parking, and safe Rent: $750 /m Location: BKKI Tel: 012 503 356

NiCE ViLLA fOR RENt $1500/M $1500/Month Toul Tom Poung1 1Living room, 3Bedroom, 4Bath Good Place for Living or Ofce Some Furnished, 4Car Parking Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

BRANd NEw biG SwimmiNG Pool apartment for rent , Located near Olym Pich stadium, 1-2-3BR:$700-$1000-$1200$2500/m nice big living room, European Kitchen Tel:089 36 32 06

LUXURy GARdEN ViLLA FOR RENt In Daun Penh area (close to Independent Monument), 05 bed, large & open living room, basic furniture, western kitchen, garden & trees, big parking and playground, quiet & safety. Price: $4,500/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

NiCE ViLLA FOR RENt At Tonle Bassak area, near Independent Monument, 04 bed, open living room, big playground &trees , western kitchen, parking, good for residence and ofce, very quiet and safety area.Price: $1,500/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

MOdERN ApARtmENt FOR Rent Located in south of Russian Market, 01-02 bed, large living room, fully and modern furnished, modern kitchen, lots of light, nice balcony, Price: US$650-US$850/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

3BEdROOm PENtHOUsE fOR RentLocated 10 minute from BKK1 Ar Brand New, Swimming Pool, Gym 3Bedr, 3Bath, Roof Terrace Big Living room, Western Kitchen Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

WEstERN ApARtmENt fOR rent 01-02 bed with bath, furnished, clean, western kitchen, big living room, big parking, and safe Rent: $900-1300 /m Location: BKKI Tel: 012 879 231

NiCE ApARtmENt fOR RENt Top oor 1 bed apt available located in BKKI area, feather a large living room lead to thekitchen & balcony there a huge balcony size 8 by 10 m2. $600/m, Tel: 012 490 104 FOREst swimmiNG pOOL and Gym Apartment For rent located near Independent monument, 1-2-3BR:$900-$1200$2000/m, nice Living room, European Kitchen,Tel: 089 36 32 06

MOdERN ViLLA FOR RENt In BKKI area 06 bedrooms, large & open living room, basic furniture, western kitchen, garden & trees, big parking and playground, quiet & safety. the best location for residence and ofce. Price: $3,500/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

MOdERN ViLLA FOR RENt At Toul Kork area, 05 bedrooms, big living room, very nice garden and trees, western kitchen, big parking, very for good for residence & ofce, very quiet and safety area. Price: US$2,500/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

WEstERN ROOftOp POOL Apartment For Rent Located in BKKI, 01&02&03 beds, roof top pool & gym, open living room, fully & modern furnished, western kitchen, Price: $1,200-$1,800-$2,000/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

NiCE REsidENCE ViLLA fOR Rent $2700/M Located in BKK3 Area 1Living room, 5Bed, 5Bath Some Furnished, Very good Place for Resident and Quiet Place Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

WEstERN ApARtmENt fOR rent 01-02 bed with bath, furnished, clean, western kitchen, big living room, big parking, brand new, and safe Rent: $500-800 /m Location: Near Russian Market Tel: 012 503 356

NiCE ApARtmENt fOR RENt 2 beds complete refurbished consist open kitchen, lounge area with hard wood oor located in Doun Penh area. basic furnitures $650 per month, Tel: 012 490 104 fOREst SwimmiNG POOL Appt for rent Located in Toul Kork, 1-2BR:$500-$600- $900/m , big Living room, big Kitchen Tel: 089 36 32 06

MOdERN ViLLA FOR RENt In Bassak Garden City, 04 beds, large living room, very nice design, fully & modern furnished, western kitchen, nice balcony, big parking & playground, quiet & safe. the best location for residence. Price: $2,000/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

TRAditiONAL 1st FLOOR ViLLA For Rent At Beoung Trobek area (close to Monivong BLVD), 03bed, big balcony and terrace, fully furnished, very lights, very nice & clean kitchen , very safety & quite, many trees around, very good condition for living. Price: $800/m Tel: 092 23 26 23

2Nd FLOOR ApARtmENt FOR Rent Located near Phsar Chas Market (St. 108), 02 bed, lots of light , very big and open living room, basic furnished, western kitchen, nice balcony, good condition for living, big parking lot. Price: $450/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

SwimmiNG POOL ApARtmENt for Rent: Good Location BKK1 Area $900/month for 1Bedroom 1Bath $1100/month for 2Bedroom 2Bath Big Living room, Western Kitchen Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

MOdERN DEsiGN ApARtmENt For Rent Located in Rose Condo, 20th oor, 05 beds, open and large living room, fully and modern furnished, modern kitchen, lots of light, nice balcony, very nice pool and gym, very good condition for living Price: $3,000 /m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

1st FLOOR WOOdEN HOUsE For Rent North of Russian Market area, 02 bedrooms, very big balcony, basic furnisher, very nice and clean kitchen, very safety and quite, many trees around, very good condition for living. Price: US$600/month. Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

biG SwimmiNG POOL Apartment for rent located near Royal Palace, 1-2-3BR:$1200$1700- $2000/m,big Living room,European Kitchen Tel:089 36 32 06,

MOdERN SwimmiNG POOL ViLLA For Rent In North bridge area, 05 bedr plus 01 ofce room, large living room, very nice design, fully & modern furnished, very nice pool & garden, western kitchen, nice balcony , big parking.Price: US$3,000/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

BRANd NEw ApARtmENt FOR Rent BKK1, 01-02 Bedrooms, very nice interior designed, large living room, very light, fully and modern furniture, western Kitchen, very good condition for living, quiet & safe. Price: $800-1,400/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

NiCE ApARtmENt FOR RENt Located in BKKI, 02 bed, nice living room, fully and nice furnished, lots of light, very nice kitchen, nice balcony, very good condition for living, very quiet and safety. Price: US$600/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

4BEdROOm NiCE ViLLA fOR Rent $1800/M Tonle Basac Area 1Living room, 4Bedroom, 4Bath Fully Furnished, Very good Place for Resident and Quiet Place Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958
777 697

VTRUST ApARtmENt Building 1 For RENT at monthly price $275-$700, fully furnished, 24-hour receptionists, security guards, backup power, elevator, safe environment and security camera Location: #37, ST. 111, Boeung Brolit. 012 569 832 |012 944 191 | 012 912 651

VTRUST ApARtmENt Building 3 For RENT, a fully furnished 1 bedroom, nice river view from your balcony, monthly price $500 with free cleaning, internet, water, cable TV, maintenance Location: #112, St. Tonle Sap (peninsular) 012 569 832 | 012 944 191 | 012 912 651

SUNNy Appt fOR RENt , located in BKK3 1-2BR:$400$600/m nice Living room, big Kitchen, Tel: 089 36 32 06,

BiG ViLLA FOR RENt Near Russian Market, 04 bed, nice living room, very nice design, fully & modern furnished, western kitchen , nice balcony, big parking & playground, quiet & safe. the best location for residence. $2,000/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00

MOdERN DEsiGN ApARtmENt For Rent Located in Rose Condo, 12th oor, 03 bed, open and large living room, fully and modern furnished, modern kitchen, lots of light, nice balcony, very nice pool and gym, good condition for living $1,800 /m Tel: 092 23 26 23

MOdERN POOL ApARtmENt For Rent Located at Daun Penh Area, 01-02-03 bed, modern design & lots of light, open living room, fully & modern furnished, western kitchen, nice balcony, nice pool and gym, Price: $1,300-1,800-2,300/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

3BEdROOm ApARtmENt fOR Rent Located in Basac garden City Swimming Pool, $1800/Month 3Bedroom 3Bath and Balcony Big Living room, Western Kitchen Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958 1BEdROOm ApARtmENt fOR Rent Loc: near Independent Monument $500/M with Full Furniture Tel: 077 777 697 or 012 939 958

VTRUST ApARtmENt Building 2 For RENT at monthly price $620-$900, Fully furnished 1&2 bedrooms, living room,kitchen, dining room, elevator, balcony & free entrance to Sokhah Fitness Club. Location: #31, ST. 113, Boeung Brolit. 012 569 832 | 012 944 191 | 012 912 651

VTRUST ApARtmENt Building 4 For RENT, a luxurious 2bedrooms, living room, kitchen, dining room, monthly price 1,040$, free for internet, cleaning, water & Entrance to Sokhah Fitness Club. Location: #247, ST.51 St. 360, BKK1 012 569 832| 012 944 191 | 012 912 651

BRANd NEw ROOf tOp Swimming Pool Apartment For rent,Located near Russian market ,1-2BR:$650-$850-$1200/month Nice living room, European kitchen Tel:089 36 32 06,

TRAditiONAL WOOdEN HOUsE For Rent In Tonle Bassak area, 02 bed, real wooden design, big & open living room, western kitchen, nice garden, big parking. $2,200/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

WEstERN ApARtmENt FOR Rent Located in BKKI, 02 bed, big living room, fully & modern furnished , western kitchen, big balcony, lots of light, quiet & safety, .US$1,200/m Tel: 092 23 26 23/081 23 00 00

OffiCE BUiLdiNG FOR RENt located in on the main street, 100 to 1700 sqm and $10-14 per sqm per month, big parking lot. Tel: 092 23 26 23/ 081 23 00 00



MH 765 5J 258
Arrival 03:30 09:05 09:05 14:40 16:20 18:40 19:40 21:50 20:50 14:30 20:50 13:45 20:50 13:00 14:30 20:50 16:30 18:45 10:25 16:05 17:00 17:25

3.5.7 2.4.7 1, 6, 7 2.4 5 7 3, 2 5

1. 5
Days 1-3-5

14:15 22:30 16:35 10:40 12:25 12:45 18:30 18:35 10:05

Dep 12:55

17:25 02:11 22:15 15:20 15:40 16:05 21:35 21:55 13:00

Arrival 13:55

MH 764 5J 257 MI 633 MI 622 MI 616 MI 636 MI 630 MI 618 QV 512

8M 401
Flighs K6 131

3.5.7 2.4.7 1, 6, 7 2.4 7 3, 2 5 5

1. 5
Days 1-3-5

12:10 19:45 14:35 08:40 10:40 13:55 07:55 16:35 06:30

Dep 11:20

13:15 21:30 15:45 09:50 11:50 17:40 11:35 17:45 09:25

Arrival 12:20


Flighs K6 720 PG 938 PG 932 TG 581 PG 934 FD 3617 PG 936 TG 585 CZ 324 QR 965 QR 967 CZ 324 CZ 6060 VN 840 QR 965 QR 967 VN 841 VN 3856 KA 207 KA 207 KA 209 KA 209 KA 205 KE 690 OZ 740 AK 1473 MH 755 MH 763 AF 273 FM 833 MI 601 MI 622 3K 594 3K 592 3K 598 MI 607 2817 2817 2817 2817 BR 266 VN 840 QV 920
8M 402 8M 401

Arrival 01:10 08:15 11:10 11:10 16:40 18:15 20:40 21:45 16:05 22:45

8M 402


Days Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily ..34..7 12...6. Daily 2.4.7 Daily ..34..7 12...6. Daily Daily 6 1 3.5.7 2 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 2 2.4 .2.4..7 .2.4..7 Daily 1.3 2.4.5 6 7 Daily Daily Daily 1.3.6 1.3.6

Dep 12:05 06:40 09:55 10:05 15:30 17:05 19:30 20:40 08:00 16:10 22:40 08:00 14:45 17:30 16:10 22:40 14:00 19:20 11:25 11:45 18:30 17:25 19:00 23:40 23:50 08:35 11:10 17:10 20:05 19:50

Flighs K6 721 PG 931 TG 580 PG 933 FD 3616 PG 935 TG 584 PG 937 CZ 323 QR 964 QR 966 CZ 6059 CZ 323 VN 841 QR 604 QR 966 VN 920 VN 3857 KA 208 KA 206 KA 206 KA 206

Days Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily ..34..7 12...6. 2.4.7 Daily Daily ..34..7 12...6. Daily Daily

Dep 02:25 07:55 07:55 13:30 15:15 17:30 18:25 20:15 14:30 01:05 07:25 12:00 19:05 09:40 13:30 19:50 15:50 18:00









PHNOM PENH - GUANGZHOU 11:40 18:10 20:35 17:10 23:40 14:45 20:05 15:05 22:25 22:05 21:00 22:35




A female dancer takes part in the annual carnival parade in Lagos, Nigeria. AFP


HONG KONG - PHNOM PENH 08:50 3.5.7 1 2 14:30 15:25 15:50

2817 - 16 Tigerairways 5J - CEBU Airways. AK - Air Asia BR - EVA Airways CI - China Airlines CZ - China Southern FD - Thai Air Asia FM - Shanghai Air K6- Cambodia Angkor Air KA - Dragon Air MH - Malaysia Airlines MI - SilkAir OZ - Asiana Airlines PG - Bangkok Airways QR - Qatar Airways QV - Lao Airlines SQ - Singapore Airlines

1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Friday 6 Saturday 7 Sunday

PHNOM PENH - INCHEON 06:40 06:50 11:20 14:00 20:00 06:05 23:05

INCHEON - PHNOM PENH KE 689 OZ 739 AK 1474 MH 754 MH 762 AF 273 FM 833 MI 602 MI 622 3K 593 3K 591 *3K 597 MI 608 2816 2816 2816 2816 BR 265 VN 841 QV 921 8M 401 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 2 18:30 19:10 15:15 09:30 3:20 20:05 22:20 22:50 16:00 10:20 4:10 06:05 22:40 08:40 11:25 14:25 20:20 15:15 17:15 15:50 08:10 14:00 12:30 11:35 13:00 13:15 10:45



TG - Thai Airways | VN - Vietnam Airlines

Marriott adds hotels amid African boom

Emele Onu

This ight schedule information is updated about once a month. Further information, please contact direct to airline or a travel agent for ight schedule information.

PHNOM PENH- PARIS PHNOM PENH - SHANGHAI PHNOM PENH - SINGAPORE 09:30 12:30 12:20 15:10 21:05 16:00 18:10 16:40 09:10 14:50 13:20 12:45 17:30 17:50 13:30 11:45 15:20 18:10 0:05 19:25 21:10 19:40 12:00 17:50 16:10 17:05 18:50 19:10 14:55 12:30

PHNOM PENH - PARIS SHANGHAI - PHNOM PENH 19:30 07:40 2.4 .2.4..7 .2.4..7 Daily 1.3 2.4.5 6 7 Daily Daily Daily 1.3.6 08:40 13:20 19:15 13:50 16:20 15:00 07:20 13:00 11:30 09:10 11:30 11:45 08:20 SINGAPORE - PHNOM PENH - SIEM REAP *
Air Asia (AK) Room T6, PP International Airport. Tel: 023 6666 555 Fax: 023 890 071

Koreanair (KE) Room.F3-R03, Intelligent Ofce Myanmar Airways International Center, Monivong Blvd,PP Tel: (855) 23 224 047-9 #90+92+94Eo, St. 217, Sk. Orussey4, Kh. 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. T:023 881 178 | F:023 886 677 Cebu Pacic (5J) Phnom Penh: No. 333B Monivong Blvd. Tel: 023 219161 Siem Reap: No. 50,Sivatha Blvd. Tel: 063 965487 E-mail:

Cambodia Angkor Air (K6) PP Ofce, #90+92+94Eo, St.217, Sk.Orussey4, Kh. 7Makara, 023 881 178 /77718-333. Fax:+855 23-886-677 E:

Dragon Air (KA) #168, Monireth, PP Tel: 023 424 300 Fax: 023 424 304



Tiger airways G. oor, Regency square, Suare, Suite #68/79, St.205, Sk Chamkarmorn, PP Tel: (855) 95 969 888 (855) 23 5515 888/5525888 E:



Qatar Airways No. 296 Blvd. Mao Tse Toung (St. 245), Ground oor, Intercontinental Hotel PP Tel: +23 42 40 12/13/14

SilkAir (MI) Regency C,Unit 2-4,Tumnorb Teuk, Chamkarmorn Phnom Penh Tel:023 988 629


LINE CALLING SCHEDULES 1 Wed, 08:00 - Thu 16:00 RCL (12calls/moth) 2 Thu, 14:00 - Fri 22:00 3 Fri, 20:00 - Sat 23:59 MEARSK (MCC) (4 calls/moth) SITC (BEN LINE (4 calls/onth) ITL (ACL) (4 calls/month) APL (4 calls/month) COTS (2 calls/month) 1 Th, 08:00 - 20:00 2 Fri, 22:00- Sun 00:01 Sun 09:00-23:00 Sat 06:00 - Sun 08:00 Fri, 08:00 - Sun, 06:00 Irregula FREEQUENCY ROTATION PORTS 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 Call/week 1 call/week SIN-SHV-SGZ-SIN HKG-SHV-SGZ-HKG (HPH-TXGKEL) SIN-SHV-SGZ-SIN SGN-SHV-LZP-SGN - HKG-OSA-TYO-KOB - BUS-SGH-YAT-SGN - SIN-SHV-TPP-SIN HCM-SHV-LZP-HCMNBO-SGH-OSA-KOBBUS-SGH-HGK-CHM SGZ-SHV-SIN-SGZ SIN-SHV-SIN


K6 700





K6 701




PG 924 PG 906 PG 914 PG 908 PG 910 CZ 3054 CZ 3054

K6 850

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 2.4.6


09:45 13:15 15:20 18:50 20:30 11:25 19:25


11:10 14:40 16:45 20:15 21:55 15:35 23:20


PG 903 PG 905 PG 913 PG 907 PG 909 CZ 3053 CZ 3053

K6 851

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 2.4.6


08:00 11:35 13:35 17:00 18:45 08:45 16:35


09:00 12:45 14:35 18:10 19:55 10:30 18:30




SIEM REAP -HANOI VN 868 VN 842 VN 844 VN 800 VN 3818 VN 826 VN 3820 VN 828 VN 3822 KE 688 OZ 738 AK 281 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 12:40 18:05 19:45 21:00 11:10 13:30 17:45 18:20 21:35 23:15 23:40 08:35 15:35 19:45 21:25 22:40 12:30 14:40 18:45 19:20 22:35 06:10 07:10 11:35

HANOI - SIEM REAP VN 843 VN 845 VN 845 VN 801 VN 3809 VN 827 VN 3821 VN 829 VN 3823 KE 687 OZ 737 AK 280 Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily 15:25 17:05 17:45 18:20 09:15 11:35 15:55 16:20 19:45 18:30 19:20 06:50 17:10 18:50 19:30 20:00 10:35 12:35 16:55 17:40 20:45 22:15 22:40 07:50

2 calls/month BBK-SHV-BKK-(LZP)

34 call/month
SGZ= Songkhla, Thailand SHV= Sihanoukville Port Cambodia SIN= Singapore TPP= TanjungPelapas, Malaysia TYO= Tokyo, Japan TXG= Taichung, Taiwan YAT= Yantian, China YOK= Yokohama, Japan



BUS= Busan, Korea HKG= HongKong kao=Kaoshiung, Taiwan ROC Kob= Kebe, Japan KUN= Kuantan, Malaysia LZP= Leam Chabang, Thailand NBO= Ningbo, China OSA= Osaka, Japan SGN= Saigon, Vietnam





FLY DIRECT TO SIEM REAP MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY #90+92+94Eo, St. 217, Sk. Orussey4, Kh. 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel 023 881 178 | Fax 023 886 677 |



ARRIOTT International Inc., the owner of brands including the Ritz-Carlton and Renaissance, is strengthening its position in West Africa as economic growth in Nigeria and Ghana boosts travel and tourism. Protea Hospitality Holdings, which Bethesda, Marylandbased Marriott agreed to buy for $186 million back in January, is building ve-star and three-star hotels in Lagos, Nigerias commercial capital, adding 400 rooms to the 700 it already has in the country, Danny Bryer, director of sales, marketing and revenue for Protea, said in emailed response to questions. With the surging Nigerian economy resulting in companies around the world seeking to do business, demand for quality hotel rooms is expected to increase substantially over the next few years, said Bryer. Marriott will almost double its rooms in Africa to about 23,000 with the acquisition of Protea, helping it expand in a continent where a growing middle class and rising travel are fuelling the fastest pace of hotel development in the world. The number of hotels in Nigeria rose 88 per cent to 6,200 in the two years through December, according to the countrys tourism development agency. Economic growth in Africas biggest oil producer will accelerate this year from an estimated 6.4 per cent in 2013, driven by services, trade and agriculture, the Washingtonbased International Monetary Fund said March 7. Improvements in the nations economic outlook are motivations to investors, Sally Mbanefo, director general of the Nigerian Tourism

Development Corp., said in an email. Hotel rooms jumped to 186,000 from 99,000 over the past two years. Proteas expansion plans in Nigeria focus on Port Harcourt in the oil-rich Niger Delta, the nations capital Abuja and the southeastern state of Enugu, according to Bryer. Domestic tourism revenue in Nigeria is targeted to triple to $12 billion within a decade, creating more than 400,000 jobs, Mbanefo said. If just 20 per cent of Nigerias approximately 160 million population spend 10 per cent of their per capita income of over $2,000 on domestic tourism, we will have an annual domestic tourism market of $12 billion, she said. Hotel investors and operators, nding growth slowing in mature European and US markets, are expanding in Africa as the continent is buoyed by increasing trade with countries including China and rising demand for services such as lodging. Protea currently has 10 operational hotels in Nigeria and around 115 in total in seven African countries, with two more scheduled to open in Ghana and Rwanda, Bryer said. With the Ghana oilelds also creating demand for business travel, Protea will open a 130room hotel in Takoradi in the countrys western region later this year, he said. For the moment, were focused on Nigeria and Ghana, but further expansion into other West African countries cannot be ruled out, he said. Ghanas economy, which has outpaced the average for sub-Saharan Africa for the past 10 years, will expand 4.8 per cent, below the 5.5 per cent increase last year, Samir Jahjah, country representative for the IMF said February 27. BLOOMBERG




EFENdINg champions West Indies and Australia face off in a do-or-die clash in Dhaka today as action resumes in group two of the World Twenty20 Super-10s after a two-day break. India lead what is billed as the group of death with two consecutive wins, while Australia, the West Indies, Pakistan and hosts Bangladesh have lost a game each. Three wins in four games will not necessarily guarantee a team one of the two semi-nal places from the group, but two defeats will almost certainly hasten an early exit. George Baileys Australians, who are seeking to claim a maiden World T20 title after winning the 50-over World Cup four times, were beaten by Pakistan in their only match so far in the tournament. The West Indies, who lost to India, bounced back to thrash Bangladesh by 73 runs on Tuesday, which gave the champions the best net run-rate in the group with 1.75. Australia have three matches in hand and the West Indies two, but neither side can afford to lose the opening game of todays double-header at the Sher-e-Bangla stadium. Australian wicket-keeper Brad Haddin said the knock-out situation was a blessing in disguise. Sometimes that can relieve the pressure because you know where

Group enters critical phase D

Gavaskar proposed for takeover

R&A Golf Club recommends admission of women players

The West Indies batting still looks unsettled despite Dwayne Smiths 72 off 43 balls and a run-a-ball 48 by the unusually dour Chris Gayle, both against Bangladesh. But the bowling has come good with spinners Samuel Badree and Sunil Narine striking rich form along with unheralded left-arm seamer Krishmar Santokie. Indias Supreme Court recommended yesterday that batting legend Sunil Gavaskar takes over as interim president of the countrys cricket board in place of the embattled incumbent N. Srinivasan. A panel of judges also said the Chennai Super Kings and the Rajasthan Royals the two teams at the centre of an ongoing probe into illegal betting and match-xing should be barred from the next edition of the Indian Premier League beginning next month. AFP

AFTER the historic, but belated, announcement 19 months ago by Augusta National that it would allow women to join its membership, only one question of the same golfing ilk remained. When would the 260-yearold Royal & Ancient Golf Club do likewise? That has now been answered, with confirmation that the R&A has written to its 2,500-strong male membership urging that women be allowed to join them. A ballot over the issue will be held in September; it seems inconceivable that golfs governing body would take this weeks step without certainty of a positive vote. THE GUARDIAN

Piri Weepu suffers stroke

Australian wicket-keeper Brad Haddin says his team will need to bring their A game against defending World T20 champions West Indies today. AFP

ALL Blacks scrum-half Piri Weepu has suffered a minor stroke and will be sidelined for at least four weeks, medical staff said yesterday. This was a minor stroke and he is expected to make a full recovery, said Stephen Kara, the doctor for Weepus Auckland Blues Super 15 side. AFP

you stand, Haddin said. There will be no second chance for us. We have got to make sure that we bring our A game and deliver under pressure. West Indies captain Darren Sammy admitted it would be a tough match against the Australians. Australia are a good side, so we know it wont be an easy game, Sammy said. But then it is just another cricket match a contest between bat and ball. Teams which usually handle pressure better win. Australia may leave out 43-year-old

spinner Brad Hogg, the oldest player ever in the World Twenty20 competitions, who had an forgettable outing against Pakistan. Hogg dropped Umar Akmal, topscorer with 94 off 54 balls, when he was on 22 and then conceded 29 runs in three wicketless overs after being called on to bowl in the ninth over. Hogg could be replaced by 20year-old spinner James Muirhead, while all-rounder James Faulkner was set to play after recovering from a knee injury.

Murray, Federer out in Miami

Weekend Fixtures
Friday March 28 Australia v West Indies 4:30pm Bangladesh v India 8:30pm Saturday March 29 Netherlands v New Zealand 4:30pm England v South Africa 8:30pm Sunday March 30 Bangladesh v Pakistan 4:30pm Australia v India 8:30pm

NOVak Djokovic eliminated defending champ Andy Murray in straight sets while fifth seed Roger Federer was sent crashing out of the ATP Tours Miami Masters tournament in the quarterfinals on Wednesday. Meanwhile, Chinas Li Na rolled over Caroline Wozniacki in straight sets to reach the semi-finals of the WTA Miami tournament, where she will face Dominika Cibulkova in an rematch of the Australian Open final. AFP




Celtic win 45th title, eye up Euro breakthrough

CELTIcS manager, Neil Lennon, has set his sights on making inroads in Europe after the Glasgow giants clinched their 45th Scottish league title. The Hoops sealed their third successive Scottish Premiership championship in style on Wednesday following an emphatic 5-1 win over Partick Thistle at Firhill for the earliest top flight title victory since 1928/29. Celtic have dropped just nine points on their relentless march to the title, with keeper Fraser Forster setting a new Scottish shut-out record of 1,256 minutes. AFP

Sir WatGuson soaks up gameweek glory

Dan Riley

English Premier League
West Ham 2 Hull 1 Liverpool 2 Sunderland 1

Spanish La Liga

Rayo Vallecano 1 Osasuna 0 Nurnberg 2 Stuttgart 0 Hoffenheim 3 Hannover 1 E Frankfurt 1 B Mgladbach 0 Augsburg 1 B Leverkusen 3 Hamburg 1 Freiburg 1 Atalanta 2 Livorno 0 Cagliari 1 Verona 0 Catania 2 Napoli 4 Chievo 3 Bologna 0 Fiorentina 0 AC Milan 2 Genoa 2 Lazio 0 Juventus 2 Parma 1 Sassuolo 1 Sampdoria 2

German Bundelsiga

Italian Serie A

WitH 15 xtures producing an average of just under four goals per game, there was always going to be a lot to like about gameweek 31. The rounds MVP was Man Citys Yaya Toure, who notched a hat-trick in his rst game against Fulham, another goal in his second against Man United, two clean sheets and ve bonus points to bring home a sensational 31 points. The Ivorian midelders tally may never be beaten, with 45 per cent of fantasy managers enjoying his exploits. Liverpools Luis Suarez, meanwhile, also netted a triple in one of his games and provided an assist in each of his games to amass 25 points. The Uruguayan striker remains the only individual to pass the 200-mark for the season, and hes currently a whole 64 points better than his nearest rivals, Toure and Eden Hazard of Chelsea.

Over in the weekly competition, an expectedly high score was what was needed to take the title. Sir WatGuson with his team Ero-Sanin FC grabbed an outstanding 184 points to do just that. WatGusons choice of Suarez as captain for 50 points had his side in good shape, but his other squad selections of Toure, Liverpools Daniel Sturridge (18 points), Evertons Romelu Lukaku (18) and Man City keeper Joe Hart (13) were what really made the difference. Cellcard goodies of a $20 phone voucher and a T-shirt will nd their way to the WatGuson realm soon. The Facebook question proved to be too difcult to answer again, with no one able to correctly guess that Chelsea would wallop fellow title chasers Arsenal 6-0. Thus the $10 phone voucher prize rolls over to next week. Gameweek 32 returns to relative normality with all 20 teams in action just the once each. Arsenal v Man City on Saturday night and Liverpool v Tottenham on Sunday are the standout fixtures of the round.

Sevilla goalkeeper Beto defends against Real Madrids Cristiano Ronaldo in their Spanish league match.


Real keep title hopes

EAL Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti believes his side can still win the La Liga title despite losing for a second time in four days as they slumped to a 2-1 defeat away against Sevilla. Two goals from Colombian striker Carlos Bacca was enough to hand Sevilla a sixth consecutive league win after Cristiano Ronaldo had put Madrid in front. Real now trail city rivals Atletico Madrid by three points as they beat Granada 1-0 at home. However, more signicantly,

Barcelona now have the title back in their own hands as they move ahead of Real into second, a point behind Atletico, with a 3-0 win over Celta Vigo and they host Atletico on the nal day of the season. We need to concentrate on our own games, it is true we have lost two games in a row and that is not good at this point in the season, Ancelotti said. We need to believe that we can win it still. We are three points behind Atletico and two behind Barcelona, everything is still possible. Real captain for the night

Marcelo, meanwhile, admitted that Madrid had taken a huge psychological blow in the past week, having gone 31 games without defeat before Sunday. We created some chances, but we couldnt take them. That is football and all I can do is ask the fans for forgiveness and we will keep working, he told Canal Plus. Now there are a number of games that are like nals. It is obvious that the players have suffered a bit physiologically, but we cant give up on working to put Madrid where it deserves to be. AFP




HE Metfone CLeague resumes at its two regular venues for the weekends six-game card after a Samdech Hun Sen Cup brouhaha which saw National Police Commissary pick up their rst piece of silverware in domestic football. Fresh from that maiden cup success, the Police, who are currently fourth in the league running, take on Naga Corp, who are sitting second behind leaders Phnom Penh Crown, at the Old Stadium in tomorrows stand-out xture. A lot is riding on the game for both sides. While spirits are quite high in the Police camp, Nagas cup campaign ended on a controversial note in their third-place play-off against Boeung Ket Rubber Field. 2009 league champs Naga are determined to put that unsavory business behind them. In the opening game tomorrow at Old Stadium, Boeung Ket, who were shocked in the cup semi-nals by Build Bright United, will be keen to recapture their winning form when they face Asia Europe

Police clash with Naga T

H S Manjunath

weeKeND fiXTURes
Saturday March 29 Manchester United v Aston Villa 7:45pm Crystal Palace v Chelsea 10pm Southampton v Newcastle 10pm Stoke v Hull 10pm Swansea v Norwich 10pm West Brom v Cardiff 10pm Sunday March 30 Arsenal v Man City 12:30am Fulham v Everton 7:30pm Liverpool v Tottenham 10pm Saturday March 29 Espanyol v Barcelona 10pm Sunday March 30 Celta de Vigo v Sevilla 12am Athletic Bilbao v Atltico Madrid 2am Real Madrid v Rayo Vallecano 4am Real Valladolid v Almeria 5pm Osasuna v Real Sociedad 10pm Monday March 31 Villarreal v Elche 12am Valencia v Getafe 2am

English Premier League

Over at the Olympic Stadium, a buoyant BBU will be up against Ministry of National Defence in what could be a tough call for both sides. Back-to-back wins over Crown and Boeung Ket before that 2-0 loss to Police in the cup nal has considerably boosted BBUs morale. In the late evening xture, table-topping Crown face TriAsia Phnom Penh while defending champions Svay Rieng will line up against Kirivong Sok Sen Chey in Sundays rst match at the Olympic Stadium. Bottom of the table Albirex Niigata will run into Western University, who are jostling for a better position in the league standings.

Bayer Leverkusen v E Braunschweig 9:30pm Bayern Munich v Hoffenheim 9:30pm Stuttgart v Borussia Dortmund 9:30pm Wolfsburg v Eintracht Frankfurt 9:30pm Sunday March 30 Freiburg v Nrnberg 12:30am Borussia Mnchengladbach v Hamburg 8:30pm Hannover v Werder Bremen 10:30pm Sunday March 30 Bologna v Atalanta 12am AC Milan v Chievo 2:45am Sassuolo v Roma 5:30pm Lazio v Parma 8pm Sampdoria v Fiorentina 8pm Torino v Cagliari 8pm Verona v Genoa 8pm Monday March 31 Napoli v Juventus 1:45am Saturday March 29 Nice v Paris SG 2:30am Sochaux v Marseille 11pm Sunday March 30 Ajaccio v Toulouse 2am Evian TG v Monaco 2am Montpellier v Valenciennes 2am Nantes v Bordeaux 2am Reims v Lorient 2am Rennes v Bastia 7pm Lille v Guingamp 10pm Monday March 31 Lyon v St Etienne 2am

Italian Serie A

Spanish La Liga

French Ligue 1

Weekend Fixtures
Saturday March 29 At Old Stadium Boeung Ket v AEU 1:30pm Police v Naga 3:45pm At Olympic Stadium MND v BBU 3:30pm TriAsia v Crown 6pm Sunday March 30 At Olympic Stadium Svay Rieng v Kirivong 3:30pm Albirex v Western 6pm

Polices Tith Dina (right) contests a header with Nagas Teab Vathanak during their MCL game on June 30 last year. SRENG MENG SRUN

German Bundesliga

University. Going by their relative strengths, the 2011 and 2012 MCL winners clearly hold an advantage over

AEU and should relish going up against a team which has shown its gutsy side more than once this season.

Saturday March 29 Schalke v Hertha Berlin 2:30am Mainz v Augsburg 9:30pm



Sport Tragedy casts pall over race

ALAYSIA will host the most sombre race in its 15-year Formula One history this weekend as the MH370 plane tragedy overshadows an incident-packed start to the season. With aggrieved champions Red Bull this week issuing a veiled threat to quit, and new rules prompting an immediate shift in the pecking order, Formula One has rarely been so eventful. But the initial focus will be off the track as Malaysia mourns the 239 people aboard ill-fated Flight MH370. The Sepang racetrack is geographically close to Kuala Lumpurs international airport, where the Malaysia Airlines ight took off on March 8 and vanished from radar screens shortly afterwards. And its proximity to the unfolding drama was illustrated when more than 30 relatives of missing passengers had to shift to other hotels to make way for F1-related bookings made in advance.
The Formula One Malaysian Grand Prix will see mixed emotions this weekend in the aftermath of the MH370 plane tragedy.

A major F1-related concert featuring Christina Aguilera at Kuala Lumpurs Twin Towers has been cancelled as a mark of respect, and organis-

ers may also call off an air show at the track. Sepang CEO Razlan Razali told AFP that despite the tragedy, attendance numbers looked set to be on track, with about 30 per cent of race-day tickets already sold. But Ram Sithambaram, owner of an F1 outlet at the airport, said sales of tickets and merchandise had been poor for the race, rst staged in 1999. In the past one week we sold only about 50 tickets. In comparison last year around the same period we sold about 1,000 tickets, he said. We are paying a high price for the MH370 tragedy ... we hope for a miracle that ticket sales will surge in the next few days. Drivers will pay their own tributes, with Mercedes early championship leader Nico Rosberg tweeting: all my prayers go to friends & families of the passengers on #MH370. But mostly their thoughts will remain on the tough job at hand as all teams absorb widespread changes involving hybrid power, fuel limits and the new, and controversially quiet, turbocharged V6 engines. Red Bull were incensed after a wipe-out in the opening race in Australia when fourtime defending world champion Sebastian Vettel retired early and Daniel Ricciardo was stripped of second place over the new fuel rules. Team owner Dietrich Mateschitz told an Austrian newspaper there is a clear limit to what we can accept when asked under what circumstances Red Bull would quit F1. The quiet new engines, criticised by F1 supremo Bernie Ecclestone among many others, will hardly lift the mood at the track as a sedate hum compared to vacuum cleaners replaces the previous deafening shriek. Rosbergs Mercedes made

all the running in Melbourne but teammate Lewis Hamilton, starting from pole position, lasted just a few laps, underlining the unpredictability of the new cars. McLaren were one of the big winners in Australia. Denmarks Kevin Magnussen nished second in his rst F1 race and Jenson Button was third, putting the team on top of the constructors championship standings. But Vettel, seeking to emulate the stricken Michael Schumachers ve consecutive world championships, will want to recover quickly from his forgettable outing. We still have a lot of work to do with the car but it was encouraging to see that our pace was better than expected in Australia, the 26-yearold German said. Hopefully we can build on that and start collecting some strong points in the next two races. Sundays race gets under way at 3pm Cambodian time.

Lapses in Schumacher care

Formula Ones former chief doctor has said serious lapses in early treatment may have worsened Michael Schumachers condition, and warned that the champion racers chances of recovery from a skiing accident are decreasing over time.

Gary Hartstein, F1 medical delegate until 2012, wrote on his blog that he had learned from usually impeccable sources who have access to this information that mistakes had been made in the German greats initial care. I think that serious lapses in judgement were evident during Michaels initial management ... these lapses could [and almost certainly did] worsen the outcome in Michaels case, he wrote. Hartstein later claried on Twitter that he was referring to botched pre-hospital care and not standards at the Grenoble hospital where the seven-time world champion is being treated. But Hartstein did not give details about what mistakes may have affected Schumacher, 45, who is in an induced coma after suffering serious head injuries in a skiing accident on December 29. Hartstein, in the blog written ahead of this weeks Malaysian Grand Prix, said: As time goes on ... it becomes less and less likely that Michael will emerge to any signicant extent. The plight of Schumacher hangs heavy over Formula One, with his former team Ferrari this week tweeting a team photo with well wishes and the message Forza Michael. AFP

Michael Schumacher skis during a slalom race in the Italian winter resort of Madonna di Campiglio on January 14, 2005. AFP

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