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February 10
LeG: I can recognize my key vocabulary for chapter 7.

February 11
LeG: I will view how Mexico City differs from Grand Rapids.

February 12
LeG: I will put on my geographers hat and begin to understand what life in Mexico City would be like. LaG:I will complete a Cloze reading activity on section 2.

February 13
LeG: I will learn more about spatial inequality and rural decline.

February 14
LeG:I will learn more about life in Mexico City.

LaG: ! I will complete the KW of a KWL chart on Mexico

LaG: I will complete notes on the video we will watch in class.

LaG: I will complete marzanos vocal on 2 of my geoterms.

LaG:I will watch a short presentation on section 4.

Lesson Plan: Warm Up!: Complete the knowing your city t-chart on back of warmup.

Lesson Plan: Warm Up!: Analyze the political cartoon.

Idiom of the Week Quote of the Week Good things-students will be able to share 1 good thing that they did for someone else.

create a flip book on the geoterms for chapter 9. If finished with geoterms foldable, work on target tabs Exit Slip: tweet about todays lessonOther: ELT: CNN Student News

Discuss the political cartoon. Show globe trekker video and provide notes for students to fill out. Exit slip/cool down: how does the political cartoon relate to the video we watched on Mexico City?

Lesson Plan: Warm Up!: On page 145, read the caption at the top of the page and write the percentage of pollution that comes from cars. Read section 9.1 together as a class, and have students complete the CLOZE reading activity. Show pictures of Mexico city/google maps. Discuss as a class

Lesson Plan: Warm Up!:Write the essential

question for chapter 9.

Marzanos Vocab: Rural decline and spatial inequality. Short powerpoint on section 3 Neighborhood visit #1. Answer questions from section 3. Exit slip: write your own definition of spatial inequality Other: ELT: SSR

Lesson Plan: Warm Up!: Analyze the wordle on the board and pick 3 words that stand out to you the most.

Marzanos vocab: standard of living and urbanization Short powerpoint on section 4 Neighborhood visit #2 and answer the questions from section 4

Other: ELT: SSR

Other: ELT: Penguin math game

Other: ELT: CNN Student News

Instructional Strategies: Thinking map, check for understanding/formative assessment

Instructional Strategies: Instructional Strategies: Differentiated Instruction (Audio/visual Learners), analyzing a document, formative assessment

Instructional Strategies: Instructional Strategies: reading, analyze pictures Thinking map, check for understanding/formative assessment

Instructional Strategies: pair share, differentiated instruction

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