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Journal of Plant Interactions

Vol. 4, No. 4, December 2009, 289294

Volatile compounds from young peach shoots attract males of oriental fruit moth in the field
Alex L. Il’icheva, Soichi Kugimiyab, David G. Williamsa and Junji Takabayashic*

Department of Primary Industries Victoria, Biosciences Research Division, Tatura Centre, Tatura, Victoria, Australia;
National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, Kannodai, Tsukuba, Japan; cCenter for Ecological Research, Kyoto
University, Hirano, Otsu, Japan
(Received 4 June 2009; final version received 17 August 2009)

The oriental fruit moth (OFM) is one of the most serious pests of commercial fruit orchards worldwide. Newly
planted peach trees in particular, can be very attractive for mated OFM females for oviposition. Samples of
airborne host plant volatiles from intact young peach shoot tips and old leaves of the same potted plants were
collected and analyzed with a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. Chemicals present in young shoot tips, but
not in old leaves, were used for field trials. Moth capture by traps with the synthetic chemicals was compared to
that of the standard terpinyl acetate (TA) food trap. The TA food trap caught OFM males and mated females,
but tested synthetic chemicals trapped only OFM males. We observed that the mixture of (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate:
(E)-b-ocimene: (E)-b-farnesene in proportion 1:2:2 attracted OFM males. Further, 1 mg of (E)-b-ocimene, and
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that of (E)-b-farnesene also attracted OFM males.

Keywords: oriental fruit moth; Grapholita molesta; host plant volatile; field test; peach shoot tip

Introduction females (Rothschild 1975). MD, particularly when

The oriental fruit moth Grapholita molesta Busck applied on an area-wide scale, was demonstrated to be
(Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) (OFM) is one of the most an effective alternative to the use of broad-spectrum
important pests of commercial stone and pome fruit organophosphate insecticides for OFM control in
orchards. OFM originated from stone fruit in north- Australia (Brown and Il’ichev 2000; Il’ichev et al.
west China, but are now widely spread throughout the 2002). In addition, synthetic female sex pheromones
world including major stone fruit growing areas of have been used for specific monitoring of OFM males
Europe, Asia, America, Africa, Australia and New in orchards (Phillips 1973; Rothschild et al. 1984).
Zealand (Chapman and Lienk 1971). Stone fruit, and However, this monitoring cannot be used in MD-
middle-late season varieties of peach and nectarine treated fields with the same pheromone. Thus, it is
trees in particular, are considered to be the primary important to establish a novel monitoring method that
OFM host plants (Rothschild and Vickers 1991). In can be used in MD-treated fields.
Australia, OFM severely damage not only peaches and Natale et al. (2003) reported that excised peach
nectarines, but also pears, apples, apricots and plums shoots were attractive to mated OFM females,
(Rothschild and Vickers 1991). and identified mixtures of (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate,
To control OFM in the field, it is important to (Z)-3-hexenol and benzaldehyde as OFM female
monitor the population of OFM. Fermenting sugar attractants from the excised plants under laboratory
baits have been used for a long time to attract conditions. They also reported that the major compo-
Lepidoptera. Yetter and Steiner (1931) found that a nent of apple fruit volatiles, butyl hexanoate, was also
combination of terpinyl acetate (TA) with fermenting attractive for mated OFM females (Natale et al. 2004).
brown sugar solution dramatically increased attrac- We also found that newly planted peach trees are
tion of OFM. However, TA food traps are not specific especially attractive to mated OFM females for
to OFM, attract large numbers of other insects and are oviposition. Young shoot tips of peaches suffer most
very difficult to maintain because of rapid liquid damage by OFM larvae (Il’ichev et al. 2003). In this
evaporation in hot weather (Rothschild et al. 1984). study, we conducted headspace analysis of volatiles
Identification of the OFM female sex pheromone from intact young shoot tips of potted peach plants to
structure (Roelofs et al. 1969; Carde et al. 1979) made identify possible candidates for OFM attractants. We
new management options possible for this pest. Sex then conducted field bioassays of compounds that
pheromone mediated mating disruption (MD) based were found quantitatively specific in the headspace of
on the release of large amounts of synthetic sex young shoot tips, with a major compound that was
pheromone restricts the ability of males to locate virgin always found in the headspaces of both old leaves and

Alex L. Il’ichev and Soichi Kugimiya contributed equally to this work.

*Corresponding author. Email:
ISSN 1742-9145 print/ISSN 1742-9153 online
# 2009 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/17429140903267814
290 A.L. Il’ichev et al.

young shoot tips. The field study reported here was 2808C at 108C/min. Compounds were tentatively
part of a larger research project and the experimental identified by Wiley database, and then their mass-
design incorporated a number of test chemicals from spectra and retention times were further checked with
other sources in addition to those identified and those of authentic compounds. Stereochemistries of
reported here from peach shoots. some detected chiral compounds were not determined
by further analysis. All authentic compounds were
commercially available except for DMNT, which was
Materials and methods synthesized only in small quantity in Takabayashi’s
Collection of airborne host plant volatiles from intact Laboratory in the Center for Ecological Research at
young peach shoots Kyoto University, Japan.
Collection of airborne host plant volatiles was
performed passively from the headspace of young Field study and experimental design
peach shoots by stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE)
(Baltussen et al. 1999) using a magnetic stir bar Six replicated field trials to test the response of OFM
coated with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) (‘Gerstel adults to a number of chemicals, individually and in
Twister† ’ from Gerstel GmbH & Co. KG; 0.5 mm mixtures, were conducted in a 20-hectare block of
film thickness and 10 mm length). five-year-old Packham’s Triumph pears within a large
The collection of airborne volatiles was performed commercial orchard (about 20 ha with approximately
from the headspace of intact young peach shoot tips 8000 pear trees) with a history of OFM infestation
from one-year-old potted peach plants (variety Tatura located at Ardmona, in the Greater Shepparton fruit
204). Volatile collection was conducted in a fume production area of northern Victoria, Australia. The
Downloaded By: [Maffei, Massimo] At: 07:46 29 October 2009

cabinet in the laboratory natural light conditions with results of the field study shown here were extracted
room temperature of about 24258C from 14:00 from the field studies using a large number of
20:00 h. This method permitted us to avoid collection compounds.
of any volatiles produced from damage caused by Three trials were conducted in 20042005 that
cutting young shoot tips off twigs. Two cm of the tested a total of 15 chemicals including TA as control.
young growing shoot tip was covered from the top by a Each individual trial in 20042005 had seven chemi-
small glass vial (50 ml) and the hole in the vial was cals plus TA as a control. The seven chemicals varied
sealed by aluminium foil placed around the twig. from trial to trial. The other three trials, conducted in
Individual stir bar was placed for 6 h of volatile 20052006, tested a total of 31 chemicals including
collection inside the glass vial, fixed carefully without TA as control. Each individual trial had 14 chemicals
touching anything other than the vial, using magnetic plus TA as a control. The 14 chemicals varied from
rods attached to the glass from outside the vial. trial to trial. The focus of each trial was on comparing
Preliminary analysis revealed that 6 h was the best performance of each individual chemical with that of
time for sampling the plant volatiles, since the volatiles the control. Each trial was laid out in a randomized
absorbed on PDMS reach equilibrium and after that complete block design with four (during 20042005)
they were desorbed. The airborne host plant volatiles and three (during 20052006) replications. The traps
were also collected from old peach leaves of the same were grouped into threefour nearly homogeneous
potted plant by the same method to compare and to blocks to achieve higher precision, and random
screen chemicals specific to newly grown shoot tips. assignment of chemicals to traps within each block
The volatile collection was replicated using eight ensured unbiased estimation of relative performance.
potted plants. A couple of stir bars were also placed Traps were equally spaced along a tree row within
individually inside empty glass vials to exclude back- each block. Moth capture by traps with synthetic
ground chemicals that could be detected. After collec- mixtures or individual chemicals was compared to
tion of volatiles, each stir bar was recovered carefully that of the standard TA food trap (terpinyl acetate
and packed into another screw-cap glass vial (1 ml) for and fermenting brown sugar solution). The numbers
protection, which was placed into a deep freezer until of traps were four and three for each chemical
the following chemical analysis was carried out. treatment of Trial 13, and Trial 46, respectively.
The entire pear block was treated with a conven-
tional insecticide spray program against codling
Chemical analysis moth, without any specific treatment against OFM.
Airborne host plant volatiles collected by stir bars were Whenever the pear orchard was treated for codling
analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry moth control, all plots were sprayed with the same
(GC-MS; GC: Agilent Technologies 6890 with an insecticides (parathion-methyl and/or azinphos-
HP-5MS capillary column: 30 m long, 0.25 mm I.D. methyl) applied about seven times during the season.
and 0.25 mm file thickness, MS: Agilent Technologies
5973N mass selective detector), equipped with thermo-
desorption system (TDS), cooled injection and cold Traps and dispensers for field trials
trap (Gerstel GmbH & Co. KG). GC-oven tempera- Standard Efecto-fly traps† (Avond Pty. Ltd, Narro-
ture was programmed to rise from 408C (9 min hold) to gin, Western Australia) were used for testing chemicals
Journal of Plant Interactions 291

and as food traps for OFM monitoring. Big red halo been presented only for those chemicals that, in each
butyl rubber septa dispensers impregnated with tested trial, performed better than or equal to the control
chemicals (1 mg of a.i. in hexane solution per septa for (TA food traps).
individual chemicals and different doses for mixtures)
were placed individually under the top of Effecto-fly
Results and discussion
traps for trials.
Efecto-fly traps were also used as terpinyl acetate Seven compounds were detected from the headspace of
(TA) food traps. Each TA food trap contained intact peach old leaves and young shoot tips: a-pinene,
approximately 1 liter of 100 g/l dark brown sugar b-pinene, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, limonene, (E)-b-
solution with 12 drops of terpinyl acetate solution ocimene, (E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene (DMNT)
(48.5 ml of terpinyl acetate with 1.5 ml of non-ionic and (E)-b-farnesene (Figure 1). Among them, the
wetting agent and 50 ml of warm water). These TA amounts of (E)-b-ocimene, (E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-
food traps are not totally specific to OFM, but are nonatriene (DMNT) and (E)-b-farnesene in the head-
commonly used to indicate the level of OFM popula- space of young shoot tips were significantly higher
tion by catching males and females in fruit orchards than those in old leaves. We hypothesized that those
treated with and without mating disruption. compounds were the candidates that attract OFM
females to young shoot tips for oviposition. Natale
et al. (2003) reported that (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, (Z)-3-
Trap placement and monitoring hexenol and benzaldehyde were detected from dis-
Each Effecto-fly trap in the experiment was placed at a sected peach shoots and that the mixture of the three
distance of ca. 36 m away from the nearest trap within compounds attracted OFM females under laboratory
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and across replications to minimize interference conditions.

between traps. All traps were placed at a height of Initially, in our study, we also carried out analysis
1.52.0 m in the tree canopy. The sugar and terpinyl of volatiles from dissected plants, which revealed that
acetate solutions in the food traps were changed the three compounds and many other compounds
weekly after the trapped moths had been removed reported by Natale et al. (2003) were released in
and identified. The traps with tested chemicals were substantial amounts from dissected young shoot tips
also monitored weekly for OFM numbers. Trapping as well as dissected old leaves (data not shown). They
normally began at the end of August or beginning of also demonstrated that the major component of apple
September when the first OFM flight had started in fruit volatiles, butyl hexanoate, was attractive for
spring in Victoria and continued for sixeight weeks only mated, but not virgin, OFM females (Natale
during each OFM flight. The moths caught in traps
were collected weekly into vials with 75% ethanol and
delivered to the laboratory for identification of OFM
sex and female mating status. Sex identification was
performed by examining genitalia under the dissecting
microscope. For identification of female mating status,
the abdomen of OFM females was dissected and bursa
copulatrix inspected for presence of spermatophores.

Statistical analysis
Significant differences in relative intensities of each
volatile compound detected by GC-MS were analyzed
by Mann-Whitney U-test between intact old leaves
and young shoot tips. The cumulative number of
OFM males caught per trap during the first four weeks
of every trial was used for statistical analyses. For each
trial, the data X on total OFM male catch across the
four dates were analyzed using analysis of variance
(ANOVA) for a randomized complete block design.
Chemicals that performed better than or equal to the Figure 1. Host plant volatile compounds detected by GC-
control (TA food traps) were identified based on the MS analysis from intact old leaves and young shoot tips of
the same potted peach tree (mean9SEM, relative intensity
unrestricted least significant difference (LSD) at 5%
by total ion chromatogram). Asterisks mean significant
level of significance. The analysis was carried out on a
differences in relative intensities of each compound detected
natural logarithmic scale [Ln (X1)] as this more from between old leaves and young shoot tips (*pB0.05;
reasonably satisfied the ANOVA assumptions of ***p B0.001 by Mann-Whitney U-test, n 8). 1, a-Pinene;
normality and constancy of variance. All computa- 2, b-Pinene; 3, (Z)-3-Hexenyl acetate; 4, Limonene; 5,
tions were carried out in GenStat 8 statistical (E)-b-Ocimene; 6, (E)-4,8-Dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene (DMNT);
computing software (GenStat 2005). Results have 7, (E)-b-Farnesene.
292 A.L. Il’ichev et al.

et al. 2004). Butyl hexanoate was not found in the first season during Trials 1 and 2 was the 100 mg
headspace of intact young peach shoot tips in our mixture of (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate: (E)-b-ocimene: (E)-
study. b-farnesene in proportion 1:2:2 but in Trial 3, it
(Z)-3-Hexenyl acetate was a major compound performed significantly worse than the control. During
found in both young shoot tips and old leaves. our field trials we observed a strong attraction to the
Thus, we used it in combination with the other two tested mixtures and distinctive mating behavior (Baker
compounds specifically found in young shoot tips, as and Carde 1979) demonstrated by OFM males that
the mixtures of (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate: (E)-b-ocimene: started from early afternoon (around 14:0015:00 h)
(E)-b-farnesene in 1:2:2 proportion and different and continued until sunset (around 19:0020:00 h).
doses (100 mg, 1 mg, 100 mg and 10 mg) for field Individual chemicals were tested in the second
trials. DMNT was identified with its authentic com- season (Table 2, Trial 46). The performance of (E)-
pound synthesized but was not tested in the field, b-farnesene and (E)-b-ocimene was slightly (but not
because it was not available in quantity adequate for significantly) higher than the control during the first
the tests. OFM flight, but during the third flight (Trial 6),
Results presented in Tables 1 and 2 refer only to catches on (E)-b-farnesene were significantly higher
those chemicals in the experiment that we identified than in the control.
from peach shoots. In the field tests, all tested mixtures Timing of sprays to control OFM is currently
of all concentrations caught only OFM males in the based on physiological time accumulated from cap-
traps (Table 1). In contrast, both females and males ture of male moths in traps. This relies on an assumed
were caught in TA food traps. After sex identification, relationship between emergence of male and female
only the number of males caught in TA food traps moths. Since it is the females that lay eggs, the ability
Downloaded By: [Maffei, Massimo] At: 07:46 29 October 2009

(control) was used for analysis to be compared with the to monitor mated OFM females rather than males
tested chemicals, and found that the attractiveness of could provide more precise information for calcula-
the mixtures in all concentrations was not significantly tion of larval hatch date and improve timing of
different from that of the control (Trial 1 and Trial 2). control measures. Discovery that the pear-derived
The highest OFM catch in TA food traps (control) was kairomone ethyl (E,Z)-2,4-decadienoate was attrac-
recorded during the flight of the first generation (trial 1 tive to codling moth males and females (Light et al.
and 4) during both seasons (Tables 1 and 2). The OFM 2001) encouraged research to identify a similar
numbers recorded in TA food traps during the second attractant for mated OFM females. Such attractants
generation flight (trial 2 and 5) were similar during may originate from airborne host plant volatiles
both seasons, but substantially lower than in the first produced by young growing peach shoot tips, be-
flight. All tested mixtures of all concentrations during cause shoot tips suffer the most damage by OFM
the first OFM flight (Trial 1, Table 1) demonstrated larvae during the whole growing season in Australian
similar OFM catches, which were not significantly orchards. Although this study identified potentially
different from the control. The best performer in the effective attractants for OFM males under field

Table 1. Average total catch of OFM males for chemicals during one or more trials in the 20042005 season. Figures
presented are means and SE of the raw data from four replications of each chemical and the Ln(X1) transformed means
(Ln). F-Probability and LSD are derived from analysis of Ln(X1) transformed data from the entire experimental dataset for
each trial, not just those chemicals presented below. Figures followed by ! are significantly worse than the control. Significant
F-Probabilities without annotated figures in the relevant column indicate that other chemicals in the dataset were significantly
different to the control. These were not reported because they were not derived from peach shoot tip volatiles.

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3

Chemical names, mixtures, and dose

tested (a.i. per septa) Mean (SE) Ln Mean (SE) Ln Mean (SE) Ln

Control  TA food trap (terpinyl 159.8 4.97 49.25 3.84 16 2.67

acetate and fermenting brown sugar solution) (42.02) (11.947) (6.364)
(Z)-3-hexenyl acetate:(E)-b-ocimene:(E)-b- 67.8 4.06
farnesene 1:2:2; 100 mg (25.12)
(Z)-3-hexenyl acetate:(E)-b-ocimene:(E)-b- 61.8 4.05
farnesene 1:2:2; 1 mg (15.4)
(Z)-3-hexenyl acetate:(E)-b-ocimene:(E)-b- 130.5 4.27 18 2.81 1.25 0.45 !
farnesene 1:2:2; 100 mg (56.4) (5.339) (1.25)
(Z)-3-hexenyl acetate:(E)-b-ocimene:(E)-b- 86.8 4.15
farnesene 1:2:2; 10 mg (34.28)
F-Prob LSD (5%) 0.016 B0.001 0.005
1.464 1.045 1.202
Journal of Plant Interactions 293
Table 2. Average total catch of OFM males for chemicals during three trials in the 20052006 season. Figures presented are
the means and SE of the raw data from three replications of each chemical and the Ln(X1) transformed means (Ln). F-
Probability and LSD are derived from analysis of Ln(X1) transformed data from the entire experimental dataset for each
trial, not just those chemicals presented below. Figures followed by * are significantly better than the control. Figures followed
by ! are significantly worse than the control. Significant F-Probabilities without annotated figures in the relevant column
indicate that other chemicals in the dataset were significantly different to the control. These were not reported because they
were not derived from peach shoot tip volatiles.

Trial 4 Trial 5 Trial 6

Chemical names, mixtures, and

dose tested (a.i. per septa) Mean (SE) Ln Mean (SE) Ln Mean (SE) Ln

Control  TA food trap (terpinyl 462.3 (109.7) 6.08 51 (15.177) 3.83 39 (24.58) 3.31
acetate and fermenting brown
sugar solution)
(E)-b-farnesene; 1 mg 526.7 (168.6) 6.15 12.33 (4.055) 2.48 108 (23.12) 4.64*
(E)-b-ocimene; 1 mg 594.3 (281.2) 6.17 11.67 (8.413) 1.82 ! 48.33 (35.93) 3.29
F-Prob LSD (5%) 0.222 0.024 B0.001
1.492 1.733 1.252

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