Michelangelo Essay

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Michelangelo Buonarotti is considered one of the greatest artists of the Renaiss ance.

He is looked at as an equal to Leonardo da Vinci and Rafael. He was a true Renaissance man; a poet, an artist, a sculptor and an architect. Michelangelo was born into a banking family just outside of Florence. When he wa s very young his mother died and his father sent him to live with a stone cutter s family. Michelangelo always wanted to be an artist and he hated school. Finally he convi nced his father to let him go study under a famous artist Ghirlandaio. After stu dying with Ghirlandaio for two years Michelangelo discovered his true passion; s culpture. His father unwillingly sent him to a school for sculptors founded by t he great Lorenzo de Medici. Lorenzo was greatly impressed with Michelangelo s work and offered Ludovico a rewa rd if Michelangelo could stay in the palace. Lorenzo was a great patron of the a rts and saw Michelangelo s talent early. While he stayed in the palace he dinned with Lorenzo and the great philosophers, artists and poets listening to their enlightened discussions. He carved his fir st great accomplishment, The Battle of the Centaurs, in the palace. Photo Credit: "http://www.thais.it/scultura/michelan.htm" The Battle of the Centaurs He didn t make many friends in the palace even though all the boys his age admired his talent. He often came off as being rude and withdrawn, because he felt shy when he was with people his oun age. He knew he was ugly and he worried that the other boys made fun of him. To enhance his knowledge of the human body Michelangelo visited the monastery of San Spirito to examine the dead. At night he would dissect the corpses in secre t. By knowing what the body looked like under the skin, and how the muscles work he was able to create life-like drawings. He lived in the palace for two years until Lorenzo died and his son Piero became the ruler of Florence. Michelangelo left Florence and he was found by the wealthy noblemen, Aldovrandi out side the gates of Bologna with hardly any money. Aldovrandi asked Michelange lo to stay with him in his house, and he did for over a year. In that time Miche langelo sculpted an angel with a candlestick for the tomb of Saint Dominic. The other artists in the city began to grow jealous of him and Michelangelo started to fear for his life. So he returned to Florence. In Florence Michelangelo carved a cupid, which a friend sold as an antique to a cardinal in Rome. When the cardinal found out he had been tricked he was not ups et, but very impressed. He sent for Michelangelo to come to Rome at once. When Michelangelo arrived in Rome he was asked to carve a statue for a wealthy b anker named Jacopo Gallo. Who would later help Michelangelo s career take off in R ome. For Gallo, he carved the Greek god of wine, the statue was a success and Ro me was very impressed. Photo Credit: "http://hometown.aol.com/dtrofatter/michel.htm" The Buchas, carved for Gallo Before Michelangelo went back to Florence he was commissioned to do a Madonna an d Child for a well-known cardinal. He spent over a year on the "Pieta." Photo Credit: "http://www.artchive.com/artchive/ftpto/michelangelo_ext.htm" The "Pieta," carved in Rome

When he returned to Florence he carved another Madonna and Child for a church in Flanders. He set up a studio in Florence and from a giant piece of marble carve d the David. David was a brave young man who defeated the giant Goliath. Michelang elo completed the approximately 17-foot statue and it was placed at the entrance to one of the palaces. The people of Florence celebrated all day when the statu e was raised on to its pedestal. Photo Credit: "http://sunsite.auc.dk/igfa/p-michela2.htm" The David still stands in Florence today While in Florence he met the elegant, handsome Leonardo da Vinci, who he immedia tely disliked. They competed with one another s painting skills, each painting on opposite walls of a great chamber. Pope Julius II wanted to be remembered as being one of the greatest rulers. He a sked for the best sculptors to send in designs for his tomb. He chose Michelange lo s huge tower design and encouraged him to get started right away. After a year the Pope s enthusiasm faded and soon he stopped sending Michelangelo money for the tomb. Angered by this Michelangelo left Rome swearing never to ret urn. Michelangelo did finally return to Rome to paint the ceiling of the Pope s private chapel. But not after over a year of the Pope s pleading letters. Michelangelo di d not want to paint the Sistine Chapel. He told the Pope painting was not his tr ade. But Michelangelo in and started the chapel in 1508.. Michelangelo worked on the Sistine Chapel for 4 very difficult years. When the ceiling was completed h e was exhausted! Photo Credit: "http://www.christusrex.org/www1/sistine/18-Prophets.html" A detail from the Sistine Chapel In the next years Michelangelo worked more on the Tomb of Julius II and a chapel for the Medici family. While he worked on the chapel he was constantly harassed to finish the Tomb, even after Julius II died. He did manage to carve Dawn and Evening, and Day and Night and two other enormous statues for the chapel. During this time he was also appointed military engineer. Photo Credit: "http://www.thais.it/scultura/michelan.htm" Moses, carved for the Pope's tomb When Michelangelo was 63 he began to work on the Last Judgment , a painting assigne d by Pope Paul III. Michelangelo was vary weak and would often take breaks after days of work to rest. He worked on the Last Judgment for four and one half years. When he was finished its strength and power shocked many people. At the age of 72 Michelangelo began designing Saint Peters church. Although he w orked on the church for 17 years Michelangelo did not live to see it finished. Michelangelo died at age 89 in Rome. His body was sent to Florence where you can visit his grave today. He left behind many great works in stone as well as pain tings to be remembered by.

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