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Can see you anything? Yes, wonderful things!

It was 26th November 1922. Howard Carter, an archaeologist, was in the Valley of the ings in the so!th of "gy#t. He was loo$ing for tombs, the #laces where the bodies of the "gy#tian #haraohs were b!ried !nder the gro!nd. %he #haraohs were the ancient r!lers of "gy#t in the time when the #yramids were b!ilt. &any of these tombs had been fo!nd before. In some of the tombs, #eo#le had fo!nd interesting and val!able things, b!t many of the tombs were em#ty. %here were no treas!res in the tombs beca!se robbers had already ta$en them. Howard Carter fo!nd a new tomb. It was not em#ty. 'obbers had not visited the tomb. Howard Carter as$ed his wor$men to dig into the sand and roc$ on the side of a small hill. %he wor$men made a big hole and they fo!nd some stairs. %hey moved more sand and roc$. (t the bottom of the stairs, they fo!nd a door. %he door was made of roc$. %here was some writing on a #iece of wa) on the door. Howard Carter loo$ed at the writing. He co!ld see the name of %!tan$hamen. *ho was %!tan$hamen+ Howard Carter $new %!tan$hamen was a #haraoh, b!t he didn,t $now very m!ch abo!t %!tan$hamen. -ord Carnarvon was a rich man. He was #aying Howard Carter to loo$ for tombs. -ord Carnarvon and Howard Carter were standing at the bottom of the stairs, in front of the door. Howard Carter made a hole in the door, then he loo$ed thro!gh the hole. .Can yo! see anything+/ said -ord Carnarvon. .0es,/ Howard Cater re#lied, .wonderf!l things1/ %hey had discovered the tomb of %!tan$hamen1 Howard Carter wrote in his diary2 At first, I could see nothing but as my eyes grew accustomed to the light, I could see a room. In the room there were statues, strange animals and gold, -- everywhere the glint of gold. -ater, Howard Carter said The 26th ovember was the day of days. It was the most wonderful day I have ever lived.

Exploration of the tomb

%here were fo!r rooms in the tomb. %he entrance to each room was bloc$ed with a wall. 3ne room was the b!rial chamber for the body of the dead #haraoh. In this room they fo!nd a large sarco#hag!s, a large bo) which was #ainted and decorated with gold. *hen they o#ened this bo), they fo!nd the m!mmified body of %!tan$hamen. His head was covered with a bea!tif!l mas$. %he mas$ was made from solid gold1 0o! can see this gold mas$ and many more treas!res from %!tan$hamen,s tomb at the "gy#tian &!se!m in Cairo, the ca#ital of "gy#t.

Lesson submitted by Clarissa Dalby

pearsonEL !"om

% &o"abulary
#haraohs robber

Complete the senten"es with words from the box! treas!re stat!e hole sarco#hag!s mas$ tomb gold archaeologist

1. (n archaeologist loo$s for historical things from the #ast. 2. ( tomb is a #lace where we #!t dead bodies. 4. %he ancient r!lers of "gy#t were called #haraohs. 5. ( treas!re is a val!able thing. 6. If yo! ma$e a hole in a door, yo! can see into the room. 6. ( robber is a #erson who enters a #lace and ta$es e)#ensive things. 7. 8old is a val!able yellow9colo!red metal. :. ( stat!e is a model of a #erson or animal made from roc$ or stone. 9. 0o! can #!t a mas$ on yo!r head to hide yo!r face. 1;. ( sarco#hag!s is a decorated bo) for a dead body.


(ead the senten"es! )ar$ them * + true or *,+ false! 1. In November 1922, Howard Cater was in the Valley of the ings in "gy#t. 2. He was loo$ing for treas!res in m!se!ms. 4. >haraohs were the wor$ men who b!ilt the #yramids. 5. >haraohs were b!ried in tombs in the Valley of the ings. 6. Howard Carter fo!nd robbers in many of the tombs. 6. 'obbers #!t treas!res in many of the tombs. 7. Howard Carter fo!nd a new tomb on the side of a small hill. :. Howard Carter as$ed -ord Carnarvon to dig a big hole. 9. %hey fo!nd some stairs in the side of the hill. 1;. %here was a door at the bottom of the stairs. 11. %he wor$men o#ened the door. 12. %here was a #iece of wa) on the door. 14. %here was some writing on the wa), b!t Howard Carter co!ldn,t read it. 15. %!tan$hamen was famo!s and Howard $new a lot abo!t all abo!t him. 16. -ord Carnarvon made a hole in the door and loo$ed thro!gh it. 16. Howard Carter saw wonderf!l things. 17. %here were many different things in the first room. 1:. %here were fo!r em#ty rooms in the tomb. 19. %hey fo!nd the body of %!tan$hamen in the b!rial chamber. 2;. %he body was inside a #ainted bo). %<= %<= %<= %<= %<= %<= %<= %<= %<= %<= %<= %<= %<= %<= %<= %<= %<= %<= %<= %<=

Lesson submitted by Clarissa Dalby

pearsonEL !"om

Language . /repositions
Complete the senten"es with prepositions from the box! inside thro!gh with in !nder at down from of

1. %!tan$hamen,s mas$ is at the "gy#tian &!se!m in Cairo. 2. 'obbers too$ all the treas!res from the tombs. 4. %!tan$hamen,s head was covered with the gold mas$. 5. %!tan$hamen,s body was inside a sarco#hag!s. 6. Cairo is the ca#ital of "gy#t. 6. %he tombs were !nder the sand. 7. %hey wal$ed down the stairs to the door. :. Howard Carter made a hole in the door. 9. He loo$ed thro!gh the hole. 1;. Howard Carter saw the stat!es and strange animals on 26th November.


2tudent 34 (ead the text below! 3s$ 2tudent 5 #6 7uestions to "omplete the gaps in the text! Howard Carter, an archaeologist, was in ???????. He was loo$ing for the tombs of the #haraohs. &ost of the tombs were in ????????????? in the so!th of "gy#t. ( rich man, ???????????, was #aying Howard Carter to loo$ for tombs. &ost of the tombs were em#ty beca!se ???????????????. Howard Carter fo!nd ????????? in the side of a hill. His wor$men d!g a big hole. %hey fo!nd some stairs. (t ?????????????? they fo!nd a door. %here was a #iece of wa) on the door. %he name %!tan$hamen was written on ???????????. Howard Carter made a hole in the door. He loo$ed thro!gh ?????????? and saw wonderf!l things. 2tudent 54 (ead the text below! 3s$ 2tudent 3 #6 7uestions to "omplete the gaps in the text! Howard Carter, ?????????????, was in "gy#t. He was loo$ing for ?????????????????????. &ost of the tombs were in the Valley of the ings in ???????????. ( rich man, -ord Carnarvon, was #aying ????????????? to loo$ for tombs. &ost of the tombs were em#ty beca!se robbers had ta$en all the treas!res. Howard Carter fo!nd a tomb in the side of a hill. ??????????? d!g a big hole. %hey fo!nd some ??????. (t the bottom of the stairs they fo!nd a door. %here was a ????????? on the door. ?????????????was written on the #iece of wa). Howard Carter made a hole ??????????. He loo$ed thro!gh the hole and saw ?????????????.

Lesson submitted by Clarissa Dalby

pearsonEL !"om

Loo$ on the internet! ry to find the answers to these 7uestions! 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 6. 7. How old was %!tan$hamen when he became a #haraoh+ How old was he when he died+ *hat was the name of his brother+ @id he li$e fishing+ How do we $now+ *here are his sandals+ How did "gy#tians m!mmify dead bodies+ *hat is the legend of the c!rse of %!tan$hamen+

Lesson submitted by Clarissa Dalby

pearsonEL !"om

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