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PISMP (TESL) Pendidikan Rendah



Managing The Primary ESL Classroom (TSL3109)


DATE SET: 13 . January, 2014


DATE DUE: Task 1: 17 February 2014 st Task 2: 21 April 2014


LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. Demonstrate a basic understanding of different theories, models and perspectives on classroom management. (1.1, 1.2,) 2. Explore the use of appropriate techniques and teaching resources for effective primary classroom management. (1.3, 2.2) 3. Reflect on and discuss issues in primary English language classroom management. (1.6, 5.6, 7.2) 4. Reflect on teacher and learner roles in the primary classroom. (3.3, 4.6) COURSEWORK OBJECTIVES: 1. Students show in-depth understanding of the classroom management theories learned throughout the course. 2. Students show critical understanding of how the classroom management theories are applied in a real ESL classroom setting. 3. Students can critically reflect on the roles of a teacher and learners in managing an ESL classroom. 4. Students reflect positively on the knowledge learned throughout the course. TASKS: Task 1: Presentation (Group work) 40% You will be divided into groups of 3 or 4 and each group will be given one of the topics below: The classroom management theories: Theories of Democratic Teaching (Rudolf Dreikurs) Theories of Instructional Management (Jacob Kounin) Theories of Congruent Communication (Haim Ginott) Building the foundation (Skinner, Glasser,Gordon) Theories of Assertive Tactics (Lee Canter & Marlene Canter) Research on the topic given and present your findings to the class. Divide the presentation equally among group members. The presentation should be for about 20 minutes. Areas of presentation must include: Definition / description of theories The approaches/strategies the theories offer The strength and weaknesses of the theories The practicality of the theories in a local ESL classroom.

INSTITUT PENDIDIKAN GURU KAMPUS BAHASA-BAHASA ANTARABANGSA PROGRAM IJAZAH SARJANA MUDA PERGURUAN (TESL) PENDIDIKAN RENDAH AMBILAN JANUARI 2012 The presentation assessment will be based on: Content (20%) Assessed as a group. For this purpose, please submit the presentation slides before presentation begins. Submission date for powerpoint slides will be notified during briefing session and tutorial session. Presentation (20%) Individual assessment. Task 2: Individual ( 60%) Part A : Classroom observation ( 40%) Observe an ESL lesson during your practicum session and comment on how the teacher manages his/her classroom. Write a report of your observation based on the following guidelines ;a) application of the areas that you have learnt throughout this course TSL 3109 (eg: theories, communication skills, resource and classroom management, etc). b) suggest the possible reasons for the actions/decisions taken by the teacher and comment whether the actions/decisions are suitable for the learners. c) provide suggestions or recommendations to enhance the teaching- learning session. d) substantiate your report with relevant literature . e) Include other appropriate findings from your observation. The report should be not more than 2000 words. Part B : Reflection ( 20%) Write an individual reflection for about 500 words. In the reflection, discuss what lessons you have learnt or the experience that you have gained throughout this course. GENERAL GUIDELINES. A good assignment should show: 1. Clear and critical understanding of the task(s) 2. Originality in the work 3. Appropriate use of language Detailed requirements for the written assignment. 1. Use arial font 11, one and a half spacing. 2. Cite the sources of the text and any references you used, using the APA format. 3. No duplication of assignments from other coursework is allowed. 4. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. 5. The cover page should have the following information: a. Name b. Index number and ID c. Class/Group d. Title of task: e. Lecturers name 6. You should adhere to the deadline. Without an approved extension of time, late submissions will be dealt with severely. MARKING CRITERIA The tasks will be marked against the marking criteria set for this coursework. Prepared by: Verified by: Verified by: t.t TSL 3019 Teaching Team Date: IEEE Date: t.t t.t Head of Department

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