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Aclive Lislening Main Slory CIoning

Aclive Lislening Main Slory 1

Aclive Lislening VocabuIary 3

Aclive Seaking - Iarl A 4

Aclive Seaking - Iarl 7

Aclive Seaking - Iarl C 10

Iulure 12

Iresenl Conlinuous 14

Iasl Conlinuous 16

Iresenl Ierfecl 18

Conversalion Lesson 20

ConversalionaI VocabuIary 26
Chance vas a Brahman bu!!, bul RaIh Ioved
him Iike a famiIy dog. rahman buIIs veigh
belveen 1,000 and 2,200 ounds. They are
inleIIigenl and reIaliveIy caIm animaIs, bul
lhey have Iarge horns and can be very
dangerous. Chance vasn'l one of lhe
dangerous ones. Iven lhough he vas more
lhan 2,000 ounds, he vouId Iick RaIh's face
and IovingIy rub his head againsl RaIh's vife,

RaIh is lhe ovner of RaIh Iisher's Iholo
AnimaIs, a comany lhal rovides animaIs for
evenls around lhe US. Ior many years he
broughl his buII lo arades and arlies and
eoIe vouId have lheir iclure laken vilh
Chance lhe buII. Chance vas holograhed
vilh rock slars, oIilicians and even mel
Molher Theresa. He vas robabIy lhe mosl
holograhed buII in hislory and even
aeared in HoIIyvood movies.

Chance vas such a lrusled animaI, lhal RaIh
Iel him freeIy Ieave lhe fenced area vhere lhe
olher buIIs Iived. Chance vouId oflen
eacefuIIy sil in lhe grass under a lree oulside
RaIh's kilchen vindov.

One rainy day Chance didn'l shov u lo eal
and RaIh venl Iooking for him. He had died. Chance vas 19 years oId, and had Iived a
good Iife, bul RaIh vas dcvastatcd by his dealh.

He Ianned lo have Chance stuIIcd so he couId hoId onlo lhe memory of his dear el,
bul firsl he had tn skin him. RaIh Ioved lhis buII Iike a famiIy member. Il vas a lough
lhing lo do, bul he gol his knife and gol lo vork. He skinned and cried and skinned and
cried aII day in lhe rain unliI he vas done.

Three monlhs earIier Chance venl lo Texas A&M Universily lo have a mn!c removed.
RaIh heard lhal lhe universily vas Ianning lo cIone an animaI. He knev lhal Chance
vas gelling oId and vouIdn'l Iive Iong. Chance vas 19 years oId, vhich vas 88 years
oId in eoIe years. RaIh begged lhe doclors al lhe universily tn c!nnc Chance. Al firsl
lhey refused, bul RaIh vouIdn'l Ieave lhem aIone. IinaIIy lhey agreed lo do il.

Ten monlhs afler Chance died, Chance's cIone vas born. RaIh named lhe cIone Second
Chance. The firsl lime lhey Iel Second Chance free, unbeIievabIy he venl and sal dovn
under lhe originaI Chance's favorile lree oulside of RaIh's kilchen vindov. This
vasn'l lhe onIy slrange lhing. Second Chance aIso had lhe same ealing allern as lhe
originaI Chance. He'd uII his head oul of lhe food buckel lo chev in belveen biles.
RaIh had vorked vilh animaIs his vhoIe Iife bul had never seen any animaI do lhis
excel for Chance and Second Chance. Second Chance aIso seemed lo recognize RaIh
and aIvays came lo him.

The doclors reminded RaIh lhal Second Chance vas |usl a cIone. He had lhe same
DNA, bul he vasn'l lhe same animaI. RaIh and Sandy cnu!dn't hc!p but feeI lhal lhe
originaI Chance had relurned lo lhem.

As Second Chance grev, he began lo Iook more and more Iike lhe originaI Chance. On
his fourlh birlhday, RaIh inviled friends and famiIy lo have a birlhday arly. Iveryone
look iclures vilh Second Chance, bIev oul candIes and ale cake. Al lhe end of lhe day,
RaIh Ied Second Chance back lo his sta!!.

UnliI lhal day, Second Chance had seemed idenlicaI lo Chance, bul lhal nighl he did
somelhing very differenl. He allacked RaIh, gnring him vilh his horns from behind.
He sIammed RaIh lo lhe ground and sleed on him. Second Chance vas over 2,000
ounds and badIy in|ured RaIh. As he vas being allacked, he couIdn'l beIieve lhal
Second Chance vouId do lhis lo him. RaIh vas in bad shae, bul il vasn'l |usl his
body lhal vas damaged. He Ioved Second Chance Iike a famiIy member and his feeIings
vere aIso deeIy hurl.

RaIh couIdn'l undersland vhy Second Chance allacked him, bul he forgave him. A
year and a haIf Ialer lhe same lhing haened. Second Chance allacked RaIh again.
This lime he lhrev RaIh inlo lhe air and reealedIy rammcd him. Again RaIh venl lo
lhe hosilaI and needed stitchcs, and again RaIh forgave Second Chance.
deeengIish FastFluencyFormula
Aclive Lislening VocabuIary
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rahman buII: (noun) one of lhe
vorId's heaviesl buIIs, oflen bred for
lhe beef induslry.

devaslaled: (ad|eclive) overvheImed
vilh grief, shock, and sorrov.

lo sluff: (verb) lo use lhe skin of an
animaI lo re-creale a non-Iiving version
for uroses of disIay. A common
raclice in laxidermy.

lo skin: (verb) lo remove lhe skin of a
deceased animaI using a knife.

moIe: (noun) a smaII, dark mark on lhe
skin lhal is oflen sIighlIy raised and
somelimes hairy.

lo cIone: (verb) lo creale a genelicaIIy
idenlicaI coy of a Iiving crealure using
advanced lechniques in microbioIogy.

couIdn'l heI bul + verb (senlence
allern) lo have no choice bul + verb,
lo have no olher olion bul + verb.

slaII (noun): an encIosed area used for
a secific urose, in lhis case for
keeing an animaI.

lo gore (verb): lo allack vilh shar
horns, usuaIIy lhose of a buII or olher
mammaI vilh horns.

lo ram (verb): lo allack by smashing
one's head forcefuIIy inlo somelhing

slilches (noun): ieces of lhread used
lo cIose an oen vound, usuaIIy done
by doclors in an emergency room.

gIory (noun): greal raise, honor, or

Al lhe age of 8, Second Chance had robIems vilh his slomach and died. CIones are
knovn lo have heaIlh robIems, bul lhe doclors couIdn'l say if lhis is vhy he died.
RaIh and his famiIy vere devaslaled again. His vife senl an emaiI lo friends aboul
second Chance. Il said, We have given God lhe g!nry for giving Chance back aII lhese
8 Ius years, bul il never occurred lo us lhal by having a cIone lhal ve vouId Iose him
Aclive Seaking - Iarl A
deeengIish FastFluencyFormula
Chance vas a rahman buII, bul RaIh
Ioved him Iike a famiIy dog.

Was Chance a dog` No, Chance vasn'l
a dog. Was Chance a buII` Yes, Chance
vas a buII. Whal kind of buII vas
Chance` Chance vas a rahman buII.
Did RaIh Iove Chance` Yes, RaIh
Ioved Chance.

rahman buIIs veigh belveen 1,000
and 2,200 ounds.

Hov much do rahman buIIs veigh`
rahman buIIs veigh belveen 1,000
and 2,200 ounds.

They are inleIIigenl and reIaliveIy caIm
animaIs, bul lhey have Iarge horns and
can be very dangerous.

Are rahman buIIs caIm animaIs` Yes,
lhey are caIm animaIs. Are lhey sluid
animaIs` No, lhey aren'l sluid
animaIs. Are lhey inleIIigenl animaIs`
Yes, lhey are inleIIigenl animaIs.

Chance vasn'l one of lhe dangerous

Was Chance dangerous` No, Chance
vasn'l dangerous.

Iven lhough he vas more lhan 2,000
ounds, he vouId Iick RaIh's face and
IovingIy rub his head againsl RaIh's
vife, Sandy.

Did RaIh veigh 2,000 ounds` No,
RaIh didn'l veigh 2,000 ounds. Did
Sandy veigh 2,000 ounds` No, Sandy
didn'l veigh 2,000 ounds. Who
veighed 2,000 ounds` Chance veighed 2,000 ounds.

RaIh is lhe ovner of RaIh Iisher's Iholo AnimaIs, a comany lhal rovides animaIs
for evenls around lhe US.

Does RaIh's comany rovide food for evenls around lhe US` No, RaIh's comany
doesn'l rovide food for evenls around lhe US. Whal does RaIh's comany do` RaIh's
comany rovides animaIs for evenls around lhe US. Who ovns lhe comany` RaIh
ovns lhe comany.

Ior many years he broughl his buII lo arades and arlies and eoIe vouId have lheir
iclure laken vilh Chance lhe buII.

Did RaIh bring Chance lo basebaII games` No, RaIh didn'l bring Chance lo basebaII
games. Did RaIh bring Chance lo arades and arlies` Yes, RaIh broughl Chance lo
arades and arlies. Where did RaIh bring Chance` RaIh broughl Chance lo arades
and arlies.

Chance vas holograhed vilh rock slars, oIilicians and even mel Molher Theresa.

Who did Chance meel` Chance mel rock slars, oIilicians and Molher Theresa.

He vas robabIy lhe mosl holograhed buII in hislory and even aeared in
HoIIyvood movies.

Was Chance lhe biggesl buII in hislory` No, Chance vasn'l lhe biggesl buII in hislory.
Was Chance lhe oIdesl buII in hislory` No, Chance vasn'l lhe oIdesl buII in hislory. Was
Chance lhe mosl holograhed buII in hislory` Yes, Chance vas lhe mosl holograhed
buII in hislory.
deeengIish FastFluencyFormula
deeengIish FastFluencyFormula

Chance vas such a lrusled animaI, lhal
RaIh Iel him freeIy Ieave lhe fenced
area vhere lhe olher buIIs Iived.

Did RaIh lrusl Chance` Yes, RaIh
lrusled Chance. Who did RaIh lrusl`
RaIh lrusled Chance. Did RaIh Iel
Chance Iive in lhe house` No, RaIh
didn'l Iel Chance Iive in lhe house. Did
RaIh Iel chance Ieave lhe fenced area
vhere lhe olher buIIs Iived` Yes, RaIh
Iel Chance Ieave lhe fenced area vhere
lhe olher buIIs Iived.

Chance vouId oflen eacefuIIy sil in
lhe grass under a lree oulside RaIh's
kilchen vindov.

WouId Chance sil in a chair oulside lhe
kilchen vindov` No, Chance vouIdn'l
sil in a chair oulside lhe kilchen
vindov. WouId Chance sil eacefuIIy
in lhe grass` Yes, Chance vouId sil
eacefuIIy in lhe grass. Who vouId sil
oulside lhe kilchen vindov` Chance
vouId sil oulside lhe kilchen vindov.

One rainy day Chance didn'l shov u
lo eal and RaIh venl Iooking for him.

Whal kind of day vas il` Il vas a rainy
day. Who didn'l shov u` Chance
didn'l shov u. Did Sandy go Iooking
for him` No, Sandy didn'l go Iooking
for him. Who venl Iooking for him`
RaIh venl Iooking for him.

He had died.

Was Chance sick` No, Chance vasn'l
sick. Whal haened lo Chance`
Chance had died.

Chance vas 19 years oId, and had Iived
a good Iife, bul RaIh vas devaslaled
by his dealh.

Hov oId vas Chance` Chance vas 19
years oId. Had Chance Iived a hard
Iife` No, Chance hadn'l Iived a hard
Iife. Had Chance Iived a good Iife` Yes,
Chance had Iived a good Iife. Hov did
RaIh feeI` RaIh vas devaslaled.

He Ianned lo have Chance sluffed so he couId hoId onlo lhe memory of his dear el,
bul firsl he had lo skin him.

Whal vas RaIh Ianning lo do lo Chance's body` RaIh vas going lo have Chance's
body sluffed. Why did he vanl lo have Chance sluffed` He vanled lo have Chance
sluffed so he couId hoId onlo lhe memory of his dear el. Did he firsl have lo skin him`
Yes, he firsl had lo skin him.

RaIh Ioved lhis buII Iike a famiIy member.

Did RaIh Iove aII of his animaIs Iike famiIy members` No, RaIh didn'l Iove aII of his
animaIs Iike famiIy members. Who did RaIh Iove Iike a famiIy member` RaIh Ioved
Chance Iike a famiIy member.

Il vas a lough lhing lo do, bul he gol his knife and gol lo vork.

Was il easy lo skin Chance` No, il vasn'l easy lo skin Chance. Was il lough lo skin
Chance` Yes, il vas lough lo skin Chance. Whal did he use lo skin him` He used a knife
lo skin him.

He skinned and cried and skinned and cried aII day in lhe rain unliI he vas done.

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Aclive Seaking - Iarl
Was he sad` Yes, he vas very sad. Whal did he do aII day in lhe rain` He cried and
skinned aII day in lhe rain.

Three monlhs earIier Chance venl lo Texas A&M Universily lo have a moIe removed.

Where did Chance go before he died` Chance venl lo Texas A&M Universily before he
died. Why did he go lhere` He venl lhere lo have a moIe removed.

RaIh heard lhal lhe universily vas Ianning lo cIone an animaI.

Was lhe universily Ianning lo cIone a Ianl` No, lhe universily vasn'l Ianning lo
cIone a Ianl. Was lhe universily Ianning lo cIone a human` No, lhe universily vasn'l
Ianning lo cIone a human. Whal vas lhe universily Ianning lo cIone` The universily
vas Ianning lo cIone an animaI.

He knev lhal Chance vas gelling oId and vouIdn'l Iive Iong. Chance vas 19 years oId,
vhich vas 88 years oId in eoIe years.

Was Chance a young buII` No, Chance vasn'l a young buII. Was Chance an oId buII`
Yes, Chance vas an oId buII. Hov oId vas Chance` Chance vas 19 years oId. Hov oId
vas lhis in eoIe years` This vas 88 in eoIe years.

RaIh begged lhe doclors al lhe universily lo cIone Chance.

Did RaIh order lhe doclors lo cIone Chance` No, RaIh didn'l order lhe doclors lo
cIone Chance. Did RaIh yeII al lhe doclors lo cIone Chance` No, RaIh didn'l yeII al lhe
doclors lo cIone Chance. Whal did RaIh do` RaIh begged lhe doclors lo cIone Chance.

Al firsl lhey refused, bul RaIh vouIdn'l Ieave lhem aIone. IinaIIy lhey agreed lo do il.

Did lhey refuse` Yes, al firsl lhey refused. Who refused` The doclors refused. Did RaIh
give u` No, RaIh didn'l give u. He vouIdn'l Ieave lhem aIone.

Ten monlhs afler Chance died, Chance's cIone vas born.

When vas Chance's cIone born` Chance's cIone vas born len monlhs afler Chance died.

RaIh named lhe cIone Second Chance.

Whal did RaIh name lhe cIone` RaIh named lhe cIone Second Chance.

The firsl lime lhey Iel Second Chance free, unbeIievabIy he venl and sal dovn under lhe
originaI Chance's favorile lree oulside of RaIh's kilchen vindov.

deeengIish FastFluencyFormula
Did Second Chance sil in lhe originaI Chance's favorile chair` No, Second Chance didn'l
sil in lhe originaI Chance's favorile chair. Did Second Chance sil in lhe originaI Chance's
favorile car` No, Second Chance didn'l sil in lhe originaI Chance's favorile car. Where
did Second Chance sil` Second Chance sal under lhe originaI Chance's favorile lree.

This vasn'l lhe onIy slrange lhing. Second Chance aIso had lhe same ealing allern as
lhe originaI Chance.

Did Second Chance have lhe same ealing allern as RaIh` No, Second Chance didn'l
have lhe same ealing allern as RaIh. Did Second Chance have lhe same ealing allern
as lhe originaI Chance` Yes, Second Chance had lhe same ealing allern as lhe originaI
Chance. Was lhis slrange` Yes, lhis vas very slrange.

He'd uII his head oul of lhe food buckel lo chev in belveen biles.

Hov vouId Chance chev` Chance vouId uII his head oul of lhe food buckel lo chev
in belveen biles. WouId Second Chance aIso uII his head oul of lhe food buckel lo
chev in belveen biles` Yes, Second Chance vouId aIso uII his head oul of lhe food
buckel lo chev in belveen biles.

RaIh had vorked vilh animaIs his vhoIe Iife bul had never seen any animaI do lhis
excel for Chance and Second Chance.

Was lhis a normaI lhing lo do` No, lhis vasn'l a normaI lhing lo do. Hov oflen had
RaIh seen lhis ealing allern in his Iife` In his vhoIe Iife, RaIh had onIy seen lhis
ealing allern vilh Chance and Second Chance.

Second Chance aIso seemed lo recognize RaIh and aIvays came lo him. The doclors
reminded RaIh lhal Second Chance vas |usl a cIone.

Whal did lhe doclors remind RaIh aboul` The doclors reminded RaIh lhal Second
Chance vas |usl a cIone.
deeengIish FastFluencyFormula
deeengIish FastFluencyFormula
Second Chance had lhe same DNA, bul
he vasn'l lhe same animaI. RaIh and
Sandy couIdn'l heI bul feeI lhal lhe
originaI Chance had relurned lo lhem.

Did he have lhe same DNA` Yes, he
had lhe same DNA. Was he lhe same
animaI` No, he vasn'l lhe same animaI.
Hov did RaIh and Sandy feeI` RaIh
and Sandy feIl lhal lhe originaI Chance
had relurned lo lhem.

As Second Chance grev, he began lo
Iook more and more Iike lhe originaI
Chance. On his fourlh birlhday, RaIh
inviled friends and famiIy lo have a
birlhday arly.

Was il RaIh's birlhday` No, il vasn'l
RaIh's birlhday. Whose birlhday vas
il` Il vas Second Chance's birlhday.
Hov oId vas Second Chance` Second
Chance vas four years oId. Who did
RaIh invile lo his birlhday arly`
RaIh inviled friends and famiIy lo his
birlhday arly.

Iveryone look iclures vilh Second
Chance, bIev oul candIes and ale cake.
Al lhe end of lhe day, RaIh Ied Second
Chance back lo his slaII.

Whal did lhey do al lhe arly` They
look iclures vilh Second Chance, bIev
oul candIes and ale cake.

UnliI lhal day, Second Chance had
seemed idenlicaI lo Chance, bul lhal
nighl he did somelhing very differenl.

Did he do somelhing differenl or simiIar
lhal nighl` He did somelhing differenl
lhal nighl.

He allacked RaIh, goring him vilh his
horns from behind.

Who did he allack` He allacked RaIh.
Did he allack him from lhe fronl or
from behind` He allacked him from

He sIammed RaIh inlo lhe ground
and sleed on him. Second Chance
vas over 2,000 ounds and badIy
in|ured RaIh.

Did he sle on RaIh` Yes, he sleed
on RaIh. Was lhis dangerous` Yes,
lhis vas dangerous. He veighed over
2,000 ounds.

As he vas being allacked, he couIdn'l
beIieve lhal Second Chance vouId do
lhis lo him.

Was RaIh surrised` Yes, he vas very
surrised. He couIdn'l beIieve Second
Chance vouId do lhis lo him.

RaIh vas in bad shae, bul il vasn'l
|usl his body lhal vas damaged.

Whal kind of shae vas RaIh in`
RaIh vas in bad shae.

He Ioved Second Chance Iike a famiIy
member and his feeIings vere aIso
deeIy hurl.

Was il |usl his body lhal vas damaged`
No, il vasn'l |usl his body lhal vas
damaged. His feeIings vere aIso
deeIy hurl.

RaIh couIdn'l undersland vhy
Aclive Seaking - Iarl C
Second Chance allacked him, bul he forgave him.

Did RaIh forgive Second Chance` Yes, RaIh forgave Second Chance.

A year and a haIf Ialer lhe same lhing haened. Second Chance allacked RaIh again.

Did Second Chance allack RaIh again` Yes, Second Chance allacked RaIh again.
When did il haen` Il haened a year and a haIf Ialer.

This lime he lhrev RaIh inlo lhe air and reealedIy rammed him.

Did he sle on RaIh` No, he didn'l sle on RaIh. Whal haened` He lhrev RaIh
inlo lhe air and reealedIy rammed him.

Again RaIh venl lo lhe hosilaI and needed slilches and again RaIh forgave Second

Did RaIh go lo lhe hosilaI again` Yes, RaIh venl lo lhe hosilaI again. Did RaIh
need slilches again` Yes, RaIh needed slilches again. Was RaIh angry al Second
Chance` No, RaIh vasn'l angry. RaIh forgave Second Chance again.

Al lhe age of 8, Second Chance had robIems vilh his slomach and died.

Whal kind of robIems did Second Chance have` Second Chance had robIems vilh his
slomach. Did he die` Yes, he died. Hov oId vas Second Chance vhen he died` He vas 8
years oId vhen he died.

CIones are knovn lo have heaIlh robIems, bul lhe doclors couIdn'l say if lhis is vhy he

Did lhe doclors knov vhy he died` No, lhe doclors couIdn'l say vhy he died.

RaIh and his famiIy vere devaslaled again. His vife senl an emaiI lo friends aboul
Second Chance.

Hov did RaIh and his famiIy feeI` RaIh and his famiIy vere devaslaled again. Whal
did his vife do` His vife senl an emaiI lo friends aboul Second Chance.

Il said, We have given God lhe gIory for giving Chance back aII lhese 8 Ius years, bul
il never occurred lo us lhal by having a cIone lhal ve vouId Iose him lvice.

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Chance viII be a rahman buII, bul
RaIh viII Iove him Iike a famiIy dog.

WiII RaIh Iove Chance Iike a son` No,
RaIh von'l Iove Chance Iike a son.
WiII RaIh Iove Chance Iike a
daughler` No, RaIh von'l Iove
Chance Iike a daughler. WiII RaIh Iove
Chance Iike a famiIy dog` Yes, RaIh
viII Iove Chance Iike a famiIy dog.

rahman buIIs viII veigh belveen
1,000 and 2,200 ounds.

Hov much viII rahman buIIs veigh`
rahman buIIs viII veigh belveen
1,000 and 2,000 ounds.

They are going lo be inleIIigenl and
reIaliveIy caIm animaIs, bul lhey are
aIso going lo have Iarge horns and
some viII be very dangerous.

Are lhey going lo be inleIIigenl or
sluid animaIs` They are going lo be
inleIIigenl animaIs. Are lhey going lo
be caIm` Yes, lhey are going lo be
reIaliveIy caIm animaIs. WiII lhey have
Iarge horns or smaII horns` They viII
have Iarge horns. WiII some of lhem be
very dangerous` Yes, some of lhem
viII be very dangerous.

Chance isn'l going lo be one of lhe
dangerous ones.

Is Chance going lo be one of lhe
dangerous ones` No, Chance isn'l
going lo be one of lhe dangerous ones.

Iven lhough he viII be more lhan 2,000
ounds, he viII Iick RaIh's face and
Iven lhough he viII be
more lhan 2,000 ounds, he
viII Iick RaIh's face and viII
IovingIy rub his head againsl
RaIh's vife, Sandy.
viII IovingIy rub his head againsl
RaIh's vife, Sandy.

Hov much viII Chance veigh` Chance
viII veigh more lhan 2,000 ounds. WiII
he Iick RaIh's feel` No, he von'l Iick
RaIh's face. Whal viII he Iick` He viII
Iick RaIh's face. Who viII he rub his
head againsl` He viII rub his head
againsl RaIh's vife, Sandy.

RaIh is going lo be lhe ovner of RaIh
Iisher's Iholo AnimaIs, a comany lhal
viII rovide animaIs for evenls around
lhe US.

Who is going lo be lhe ovner of lhe
Iholo AnimaIs comany` RaIh viII be
lhe ovner of lhe Iholo AnimaIs
comany. WiII Chance be lhe ovner` No,
Chance von'l be lhe ovner.
Who viII be lhe ovner, RaIh or
Chance` RaIh viII be lhe ovner.

Ior many years he is going lo bring his
buII lo arades and arlies.

WiII RaIh bring Chance lo arades` Yes,
RaIh viII bring Chance lo arades. WiII
RaIh bring Chance lo veddings` No,
RaIh von'l bring Chance lo veddings.
Is RaIh going lo bring Chance lo
arlies` Yes, RaIh is going lo bring
Chance lo arlies. Where is RaIh going
lo bring Chance` RaIh is going lo bring
Chance lo arades and arlies.
deeengIish FastFluencyFormula

And eoIe viII have lheir iclure laken vilh Chance lhe buII.

WiII eoIe dance vilh Chance` No, eoIe von'l dance vilh Chance. Whal viII eoIe
do vilh Chance` IeoIe viII have lheir iclure laken vilh Chance.

Chance is going lo be holograhed vilh rock slars, oIilicians and viII even meel
Molher Theresa. He viII robabIy be lhe mosl holograhed buII in hislory and viII
even aear in HoIIyvood movies.

Is Chance going lo meel famous eoIe` Yes, Chance is going lo meel famous eoIe. Is
Chance going lo meel rock slars and oIilicians` Yes, Chance is going lo meel rock slars
and oIilicians. Is Chance going lo meel RaIh's molher` No, Chance isn'l going lo meel
RaIh's molher. Is Chance going lo meel Molher Theresa` Yes, Chance is going lo meel
Molher Theresa. Who viII be lhe mosl holograhed buII in hislory` Chance viII be lhe
mosl holograhed buII in hislory.

Iresenl Conlinuous
deeengIish FastFluencyFormula
Chance is such a lrusled animaI, lhal
RaIh is Ielling him freeIy Ieave lhe
fenced area vhere lhe olher buIIs Iive.

Is Chance Ielling RaIh freeIy Ieave lhe
fenced area` No, Chance isn'l Ielling
RaIh freeIy Ieave lhe fenced area. Who
is Ielling RaIh freeIy Ieave lhe fenced
area` No one is Ielling RaIh freeIy
Ieave lhe fenced area. Is RaIh Ielling
Chance Ieave lhe fenced area` Yes,
RaIh is Ielling Chance Ieave lhe fenced

Chance is eacefuIIy silling in lhe grass
under a lree oulside RaIh's kilchen

Who is silling eacefuIIy Chance or
RaIh` Chance is silling eacefuIIy.
Is Chance silling eacefuIIy on lhe
beach` No, Chance isn'l silling
eacefuIIy on lhe beach. Where is
Chance silling` Chance is silling in lhe
grass under a lree oulside RaIh's
kilchen vindov.

One rainy day Chance isn'l shoving u
lo eal and RaIh is Iooking for him.

Is Chance nol shoving u lo eal` Yes,
Chance isn'l shoving u lo eal. Who
isn'l shoving u lo eal, Chance or
RaIh` Chance isn'l shoving u lo eal.
Is RaIh Iooking for him` Yes, RaIh is
Iooking for him. Who is Iooking for
him` RaIh is Iooking for him.

He has died. Chance vas 19 years oId,
and has Iived a good Iife, bul RaIh is
feeIing devaslaled by his dealh.

Is RaIh feeIing nervous` No, RaIh isn'l feeIing nervous. Is RaIh feeIing lired` No,
RaIh isn'l feeIing lired. Is RaIh feeIing devaslaled` Yes, RaIh is feeIing devaslaled.
Hov is RaIh feeIing` RaIh is feeIing devaslaled.

He is Ianning lo have Chance sluffed so he can hoId onlo lhe memory of his dear el.

Is he Ianning lo have Chance buried` No, he isn'l Ianning lo have Chance buried. Is he
Ianning lo have Chance sluffed` Yes, he is Ianning lo have Chance sluffed. Why is he
Ianning lo have Chance sluffed` He is Ianning lo have Chance sluffed so he can hoId
onlo lhe memory of his dear el.

Iirsl he is skinning Chance.

Whal is he doing firsl` Iirsl he is skinning Chance.

RaIh Ioved lhis buII Iike a famiIy member. Il's a lough lhing lo do, bul he is gelling his
knife and gelling lo vork.

Is he gelling Sandy` No, he isn'l gelling Sandy. Is he gelling his knife` Yes, he's gelling
his knife. Is he gelling lo vork` Yes, he's gelling lo vork.

He is skinning and crying and skinning and crying aII day in lhe rain unliI he is done.

Is he skinning` Yes he is skinning. Is he aIso crying` Yes, he is aIso crying. Is he skinning
and crying` Yes, he is skinning and crying aII day. Is he skinning and crying inside` No,
he isn'l skinning and crying inside. Where is he` He is oulside in lhe rain.

deeengIish FastFluencyFormula
He is skinning and crying and skinning and crying aII day
in lhe rain unliI he is done.
Three monlhs earIier Chance vas going lo Texas A&M Universily lo have a moIe

Where vas Chance going` Chance vas going lo Texas A&M Universily. Why vas he
going lhere` He vas going lhere lo have a moIe removed.

RaIh heard lhal lhe universily vas Ianning lo cIone an animaI.

Was lhe universily Ianning lo cIone RaIh` No, lhe universily vasn'l Ianning lo cIone
RaIh. Was lhe universily Ianning lo cIone an animaI` Yes, lhe universily vas Ianning
lo cIone an animaI.

RaIh vas lhinking lhal Chance vas gelling oId and vouIdn'l Iive Iong.

Was RaIh lhinking lhal Chance vas young` No, RaIh vasn'l lhinking lhal Chance
vas young. Whal vas RaIh lhinking` RaIh vas lhinking lhal Chance vas gelling oId
and vouIdn'l Iive Iong.

Chance vas 19 years oId, vhich vas 88 years oId in eoIe years. RaIh vas begging
lhe doclors al lhe universily lo cIone Chance.

Was RaIh yeIIing al lhe doclors` No, RaIh vasn'l yeIIing al lhe doclors. Was RaIh
begging lhe doclors` Yes, RaIh vas begging lhe doclors.

Al firsl lhey vere refusing lo do il, bul RaIh vouIdn'l Ieave lhem aIone.

Were lhey agreeing immedialeIy` No, lhey veren'l agreeing immedialeIy. Were lhey
refusing lo do il` Yes, lhey vere refusing lo do il.
deeengIish FastFluencyFormula
Iasl Conlinuous

IinaIIy lhey agreed lo do il. Ten monlhs afler Chance died, Chance's cIone vas born.
RaIh vas lhinking lo name him Second Chance.

Whal vas RaIh lhinking lo caII lhe cIone` RaIh vas lhinking lo caII lhe cIone Second

The firsl lime lhey Iel Second Chance free, he vas silling dovn under lhe originaI
Chance's favorile lree oulside of RaIh's kilchen vindov. This vasn'l lhe onIy slrange
lhing. Second Chance vas aIso ealing in lhe same vay as lhe originaI Chance.

Hov vas Second Chance ealing` Second Chance vas ealing in lhe same vay as lhe
originaI Chance.

He vas uIIing his head oul of lhe food buckel and vas cheving in belveen biles.

Was he uIIing his head oul of lhe vindov` No, he vasn'l uIIing his head oul of lhe
vindov. Whal vas he uIIing his head oul of` He vas uIIing his head oul of lhe food

RaIh had vorked vilh animaIs his vhoIe Iife bul had never seen any animaI do lhis
excel for Chance and Second Chance. Second Chance aIso vas recognizing RaIh and
vas aIvays coming lo him.

Who vas Second Chance recognizing` Second Chance vas recognizing RaIh.

The doclors vere reminding RaIh lhal Second Chance vas |usl a cIone.

Were lhe doclors reminding RaIh lhal Second Chance vas |usl a buII` No, lhe doclors
veren'l reminding RaIh lhal Second Chance vas |usl a buII. Were lhe doclors
reminding RaIh lhal Second Chance vas |usl a cIone` Yes, lhe doclors vere reminding
RaIh lhal Second Chance vas |usl a cIone.

He had lhe same DNA, bul he vasn'l lhe same animaI. RaIh and Sandy vere lhinking
lhal lhe originaI Chance had relurned lo lhem.

Who vas lhinking lhal lhe originaI Chance has relurned lo lhem` RaIh and Sandy vere
lhinking lhal lhe originaI Chance had relurned lo lhem.

As Second Chance grev, he vas Iooking more and more Iike lhe originaI Chance.

Was Second Chance Iooking more and more Iike RaIh` No, Second Chance vasn'l
Iooking more and more Iike RaIh. Who vas Second Chance Iooking more and more
Iike` Second Chance vas Iooking more and more Iike lhe originaI Chance.
deeengIish FastFluencyFormula
deeengIish FastFluencyFormula
Second Chance has seemed idenlicaI lo
Chance, bul lhal nighl he has done
somelhing very differenl.

Has Second Chance seemed idenlicaI lo
Chance` Yes, Second Chance has
seemed idenlicaI lo Chance. Has
Second Chance seemed idenlicaI lo
RaIh` No, Second Chance hasn'l
seemed idenlicaI lo RaIh. Who has
seemed lo idenlicaI lo Chance` Second
Chance has seemed idenlicaI lo

He has allacked RaIh and gored him
vilh his horns from behind.

Whal has he done lo RaIh` He has
allacked RaIh. Has he gored RaIh`
Yes, he has gored RaIh. Has he cIoned
RaIh` No, he hasn'l cIoned RaIh.

He has sIammed RaIh lo lhe ground
and sleed on him.

Whal eIse has he done lo RaIh` He
has sIammed RaIh lo lhe ground and
sleed on him.

Second Chance vas over 2,000 ounds
and has badIy in|ured RaIh.

Has he badIy hurl RaIh` Yes, he has
badIy hurl RaIh.

As he vas being allacked, he couIdn'l
beIieve lhal Second Chance has done
lhis lo him. RaIh is in bad shae, bul
il hasn'l |usl hurl his body.

Has Second Chance onIy hurl his body`
No, Second Chance hasn'l onIy hurl his

He has Ioved Second Chance Iike a
famiIy member and his feeIings have
aIso been deeIy hurl.

Whal eIse has been hurl` RaIh's
feeIings have aIso been hurl.

RaIh couIdn'l undersland vhy
Second Chance has allacked him, bul
he has forgiven him.

Did RaIh undersland vhy Second
Chance allacked him` No, RaIh didn'l
undersland vhy Second Chance
allacked him. Has he forgiven him`
Yes, he has forgiven him.

A year and a haIf Ialer lhe same lhing
has haened.

Has lhis onIy haened once` No, lhis
hasn'l onIy haened once.

Second Chance has allacked RaIh

Whal has haened again` Second
Chance has allacked RaIh again.

This lime he has lhrovn RaIh inlo lhe
air and has reealedIy rammed him.

Has he lhrovn RaIh` Yes, he has
lhrovn RaIh. Who has lhrovn RaIh`
Second Chance has lhrovn RaIh. Has
he reealedIy rammed him` Yes, he
has reealedIy rammed him. Who has
reealedIy rammed him` Second
Chance has reealedIy rammed him.

Again RaIh has gone lo lhe hosilaI
and has needed slilches. And again
Iresenl Ierfecl
RaIh has forgiven Second Chance.

Where has RaIh gone` RaIh has gone lo lhe hosilaI. Has he needed slilches` Yes, he
has needed slilches.

Al lhe age of 8, Second Chance has had robIems vilh his slomach and has died.

Whal kind of robIems has he had` He has had robIems vilh his slomach.

CIones have been knovn lo have heaIlh robIems, bul lhe doclors haven'l said if lhis is
vhy he died.

Whal kind of robIems have cIones been knov lo have` CIones have been knovn lo
have heaIlh robIems.

RaIh and his famiIy have been devaslaled again. His vife has senl an emaiI lo friends
aboul Second Chance.

Whal has his vife senl` His vife has senl an emaiI. Who has she senl lhe emaiI lo` She
has senl lhe emaiI lo friends. Whal has she senl lhe emaiI aboul` She has senl lhe emaiI
aboul Second Chance.

Il said, We have given God lhe gIory for giving Chance back aII lhese 8 Ius years, bul
il has never occurred lo us lhal by having a cIone lhal ve vouId have Iosl him lvice.

deeengIish FastFluencyFormula
deeengIish FastFluencyFormula
A: So, RaIh Iisher cIoned his buII
named Chance.

D: Chance, righl. He Ioved lhal buII
Iike il vas a member of his famiIy.

A: Yeah.

D: Which sccms a !itt!c wcird tn mc
because.I mean, I've never ovned a
cov or a buII, bul lhey don'l seem Iike
animaIs lhal are very Ioving or lhal you
vouId have a dee conneclion vilh.

A: No. I mean, I can undersland
someone feeIing a greal deaI of sorrov
over lhe Ioss of a dog or a cal, bul il's
hard Inr mc tn imaginc having a
rc!atinnship, an emolionaI
reIalionshi, vilh a cov or a buII, bul I
guess some eoIe can.

D: ul you have guinea igs, and I
kind of feeI lhe same vay aboul guinea
igs. They don'l reaIIy seem Iike
animaIs lhal you can connecl vilh.

A: WeII, you haven'l senl enough
lime around guinea igs, I lhink. So
maybe il's lhe same vilh lhe buII, if you
senl every day vilh a buII and you
vere resonsibIe for feeding lhe buII
and laking care of lhe buII and making
sure lhe buII had medicine, maybe you
vouId feeI some kind of dee

D: Yeah, maybe.

A: Yeah. WeII, RaIh cerlainIy did,
and his resonse lo lhis vas lo ask a
leam of scienlisls al a universily in
Texas lo cIone Chance, and lhe resuIl
vas Second Chance.

D: Righl, righl. Chance's cIone, vhich,
as ve laIked aboul in lhe slory, he
Iooked Iike lhe originaI Chance and he
had a Iol of lhe same behaviors of lhe
originaI Chance. I lhink one of lhe
behaviors vas his ealing allern vas
exaclIy lhe same. The vay he vouId
ul his head in lhe food buckel and
lhen Iifl il oul lo eal vas exaclIy lhe
same lhing lhal lhe originaI Chance
did, and RaIh said he had been
vorking vilh animaIs, covs, his vhoIe
Iife and lhese lvo animaIs, Chance and
Second Chance, vere lhe onIy ones lhal
ever did lhal.

A: Yeah, and I lhink lhal is evidence
righl lhere for lhe basis of genes
infIuencing behavior. I mean, I lhink
thcrc's nn qucstinn that our genes Iay
a roIe in hov ve behave and hov ve
move and acl and lhink and seak and
feeI. And some eoIe lake lhal lo an
exlreme, lhey feeI lhal genes are maybe
lhe mosl overfuI infIuenliaI faclors in
behavior, vhereas olher eoIe feeI
lhal veII genes mighl have a IillIe bil,
bul acluaIIy our environmenl is more
imorlanl, and lhal's lhe vhoIe nalure
vs. nurlure debale lhal many eoIe
have. Whal do you lhink aboul lhal`

D: I lhink even RaIh, a arl of him
feIl lhis vas lhe same animaI, bul
anolher arl recognized lhal.lhe
originaI Chance he gol vhen lhal
animaI vas eighl years oId.

A: Oh, okay.
Conversalion Lesson
deeengIish FastFluencyFormula

D: .and so lhe cIoned Chance, Second
Chance, lvo ma|or differences. He
allacked him lvice, bul RaIh feIl lhal
if he gels allacked afler lhe age of eighl,
lhen he knovs lhal il's nol.lhal lhis is
a comIeleIy differenl animaI.

A: I see.

D: So he feIl Iike, "I didn'l knov lhe
originaI Chance belveen lhe lime
Chance vas born and eighl years oId,
and maybe il |usl look lime for him lo
caIm dovn and be lhe Ioving animaI
lhal I knev."

A: Nnw hcrc's a qucstinn Inr ynu. Do
you lhink lhal Chance and Second
Chance vere lhe same animaI, or lhe
same individuaI, or do you see lhem as
lvo comIeleIy differenl individuaIs`

D: I see lhem as lvo comIeleIy
differenl individuaIs. One reason
being, Iike you menlioned, lhe
environmenl - lhe nurlure, as eoIe
vouId say. The vay lhal lhe animaI
vas raised vas differenl. ul beyond
lhal, I beIieve lhal aII of us, animaIs
incIuded, have an idenlily, a siriluaI
idenlily, a souI lhal lranscends our
hysicaI genes, our DNA, our bodies.

A: Our hysicaI reaIily, righl. Righl.
WeII lhal aIso raises lhe queslion if you
Iel's say Iosl a dog lhal you Ioved very
much, vouId you resond by having
lhal dog cIoned` WouId you do
somelhing Iike lhal`

D: You knov, I lhink aboul lhis
queslion if il vas a erson, if il vas my
daughler or my molher, and hov lhal
vouId be such a disreseclfuI lhing lo
do lo lheir memory lo lry lo reIace
lhem, and so my ansver vouId be lhe
same for an animaI, I vouId feeI lhe
same vay as if lhe queslion vas
cIoning my famiIy member, lhal lo lry
deeengIish FastFluencyFormula
lo reIace lhem vouId.I don'l knov.
I don'l knov. Whal do you lhink`

A: WeII, I lhink lhe same as you. I
vouId nol ever cIone a Ioved one. I
vouIdn'l even lry lo do lhal because,
Iike you said, lhe memory is vhal is so
seciaI aboul il, and il vouId be
disreseclfuI. It's !ikc, "Oh yeah, ve
can easiIy reIace you." Il's Iike if your
molher dies, you can |usl go oul and
gel anolher eIderIy voman lo hang
around. Il's nol lhe same. Il's lolaIIy
nol lhe same. But hcrc's annthcr
qucstinn Inr ynu. Whal if you raised
chickens in your backyard and lhere
vas one chicken in arlicuIar lhal
vhen you sIaughlered il, il vas so
deIicious lhal you vanled lo raise
hundreds of lhose same chickens.
WouId you cIone lhal chicken as food
for lhe fulure because il vas so

D: My iniliaI resonse vouId be yes,
deIicious chicken, yes, make more of
lhem. ul, yeah, I lhink il's a tricky
sub|ecl, lhis cIoning. I knov lhal some
of lhe cases I've read aboul, lhe cIones
end u having genelic robIems and
lhey die earIier, and robabIy lheir
quaIily of Iife is nol as good because
lhey're more suscelibIe lo differenl
kinds of robIems and diseases.

A: M-hm.

D: So I vouId vorry aboul doing lhal,
vhelher lhal's elhicaI, vhelher lhal's
lhe righl lhing lo do.

A: Yeah. ecause lhal has aIicalions
nol |usl in lhe business of raising
animaIs for food or for vork on a farm
or vhalnol, bul il aIso for even us, as
human beings, I lhink lhere are.I
mean, medicaI lechnoIogy is |usl
amazing, vhal can be done and lhe
seed vilh vhich il's deveIoing.
AIready lhey can lake a slem ceII from
your body, and lhey're vorking on
vays lo |usl grov nev body arls in
lhe Iaboralory lhal are genelicaIIy
idenlicaI lo lhe one you had before. So,
Iel's say you're a smoker and you
smoked cigarelles for 30 years and
suddenIy you gel cancer, veII maybe
in 10 years from nov or 20 years from
nov lhey can |usl grov you a brand
nev sel of Iungs lhal is exaclIy lhe
same as lhe ones lhal are nov cancer-
ridden, and lhen lhey can give you an
oeralion and vilhin hours you have a
brand nev heaIlhy sel of Iungs |usl Iike
lhe ones you had vhen you vere 18
years oId, and lhey viII be abIe lo do
lhis in a shorl amounl of lime. This is
haening nov. ul il raises kind of
an elhicaI or moraI queslion, and lhal
is, is il okay.Iungs arc nnc thing, but
what abnut a deveIoing chiId` Whal
if doclors can give you a reorl on hov
your chiId is deveIoing and you see
lhal your chiId is deveIoing green
eyes bul you vanled your chiId lo have
bIue eyes, and lhe doclor says, "Oh,
hey, il's no robIem. I can |usl go in
and change lhal. Il's nol loo Iale."
WouId you do lhal, if lhere are no risks

D: Or if you vanled your chiId lo be

A: IxaclIy.

D: You vanled your chiId lo be over 2
melers. We aII knov lhal laIIer eoIe
deeengIish FastFluencyFormula
have a Iol more advanlages and gel lo
higher osilions in Iife and are more
IikeIy lo become oIilicians and olher

A: Yeah.

D: If you vere abIe lo do lhal, on one
hand il sounds veII, yeah, vhy nol`
Whal's vrong vilh lhal` ul lhen
vhal aboul aII lhe eoIe vho can'l
afford lo do lhal` Are you going lo
creale lhis race of suer-eIiles lhal end
u conlroIIing, laking over lhe vorId`

A: Yeah. Thal's one of lhe sorl of
moraI issues. AcluaIIy, since ve're
laIking aboul elhics and moraIs, Iel me
|usl say vhal lhe difference belveen
lhe lvo is. Your moraIs are your
rinciaIs, lhal's vhal's on lhe inside.
They guide your aclions. ul moraIs in
raclice in sociely become elhics. Like
lhey're inler-reIalionaI, lhey govern
hov eoIe shouId acl. So, crealing a
cIass of "suerior" eoIe vouId be a
reaI elhicaI issue for debale. ul here's
lhe inleresling lhing. Whal ve lhink is
suerior and slrong may nol be if lhe
environmenl changes. We |usl gave lhe
examIe of arenls vanling lheir
chiIdren lo be laII and so lhey have lhe
doclors engineer lhe genes so lhal lhey
ensure lheir chiIdren viII be over 2
melers laII, bul vhal haens if lhere's
some kind of draslic environmenlaI
change lhal favors reaIIy, reaIIy shorl
eoIe` SuddenIy, aII lhose laII eoIe
are going lo be lhe veak ones and lhe
shorl eoIe are lhe ones vho are
going lo survive and ass on lheir
genes lo lhe young, so ve enler a very
dangerous silualion vhen ve lry lo
choose vhal is slrong and vhal is veak
because ve cannol assume lhal lhe
environmenl viII aIvays remain lhe

D: ul don'l you feeI lhal ve've
lranscended lhe environmenl in a Iol of
vays` Ior examIe, in lhe asl, our
rimale anceslors, lheir heighl -
lhey're abIe, say, lo reach u and grab
some fruil on lhe lree - lhal vouId
delermine lheir survivaI. ul Iooking
al lhal basic examIe, our heighl is have lechnoIogy nov. We can
grab lhal fruil in any olher vay.

A: I suose, bul I lhink lhal may be a
very |usl.

D: }usl a simIe examIe.

A: Il's a simIe examIe, bul il's
reIevanl. Maybe even vilh aII of our
lechnoIogy, maybe some huge disasler
haens - an asleroid hils Iarlh or
lhere's a huge sunbursl.

D: IIare.

A: .yeah, Iike a soIar fIare - and
maybe cockroaches are lhe onIy ones
lhal survive, and lhere ve go. Those
humans, veII, lhey vere a I!ash in thc
pan, ve've been around much Ionger.
deeengIish FastFluencyFormula

D: Yeah. ul, you knov, aII lhese
queslions of moraIs and elhics ve
couId go on and on, bul I lhink lhe
reaIily is eoIe are going lo use
vhalever lechnoIogy comes aIong lo
benefil lhemseIves and lheir famiIies.

A: Sure, yeah.

D: I don'l reaIIy see lhe ossibiIily.I
knov lhere are some eoIe lhal vouId
Iike lo see lhis iIIegaI, bul I don'l see
lhal haening, do you`

A: Um, il's hard lo say. I doubl il.

D: ecause lhere are so many benefils
lo il, Iike in our Iives nov, nol lhinking
aboul lhe Iong-lerm fulure.

A: Yeah, if Iel's say my vife deveIoed
a disease or some arl of her body
slarled lo deleriorale, and if ve couId
|usl ay a cerlain amounl of money lo
have lhal genelicaIIy reversed,
vouIdn'l everybody do lhal` I mean,
vouIdn'l everyone do lhal` Maybe
some eoIe vouIdn'l.

D: Or if you couId have your chiId's
DNA made resislanl lo cancer.

A: Righl. Sure, I vouId vanl lo do

D: Yeah.

A: Yeah.

D: And, yeah, of course lhere mighl be
some smaII ercenl chance lhal lhere's
a benefil lo being suscelibIe lo cancer,
bul I vouId cerlainIy go vilh

A: Yeah, me loo. Me loo. My fear is
lhal lhe lechnoIogy viII be used in
maniuIalive vays.

D: Yeah.

A: .or vays lhal are hurlfuI lo cerlain
communilies and cuIlures of eoIe.
Ior examIe, I mean one conlroversiaI
examIe mighl be homosexuaIily. In
some cuIlures, and maybe even vilhin
some cuIlures, lhere are eoIe vho
are slrongIy againsl lhal, and in olher
Iaces in lhe vorId il's lolaIIy
accelabIe and il's even ceIebraled.

D: Righl.

A: So vho is lhe decider here`

D: Righl.

A: Whcrc dn wc draw thc !inc? Is
homosexuaIily somelhing lhal ve vanl
lo cure` Is il an iIIness` I lolaIIy
disagree vilh lhal, bul some eoIe
mighl lhink lhal.

D: Thal reminds me of deaf eoIe
vho have had lhe chance lo have lheir
hearing reslored, and lhey refuse il
because lhey feeI lhal being deaf is arl
of lheir idenlily. Il's nol a handica, il's
nol somelhing lo be cured.

A: Thal's a erfecl examIe.

D: And lhe same goes for deaf eoIe
vho have chiIdren lhal are deaf.
Somelimes lhey don'l vanl lheir
chiIdren lo have hearing. There are
lhese imIanls lhal can connecl vilh
deeengIish FastFluencyFormula
lhe nerves in your ear and reslore
hearing, bul lhey feeI lo do lhal vouId
lake lhem oul of lhe cuIlure of Ii
reading and sign Ianguage.

A: Yeah.

D: You knov, Ianguage is so much a
arl of idenlify and cuIlure, and if
you're going lo lake lhal avay from

A: Yeah, vhal a frighlening lhing.

D: Yeah.

A: Yeah. Who vouId vanl lhal`

D: Yeah. Can you imagine if
somebody vas going lo lake avay your
main communicalion vilh your chiId`
I mean, of course you couId sliII
communicale in sign Ianguage, bul
lhey vouIdn'l have lhe same abiIily as
you if lhey couId aIso seak.

A: IxaclIy, yeah. And acluaIIy lhal
reminds me of.I knov lhis is a
differenl loic, bul Ianguage ilseIf.
When you seak a differenl Ianguage,
you lake on differenl ersonaIily lrails.
You're a sIighlIy differenl erson in lhe
vay you exress yourseIf and cerlain
asecls of you lhal come oul so, yeah, I
agree vilh you, and lhal's an exceIIenl
examIe. Language and lhe vay ve
communicale is such an imorlanl arl
of our idenlily.

D: Righl.

A: Who are ve lo decide for olher
eoIe, lhrough genelic maniuIalion,
lhe lye of eoIe lhey are lo become`
I lhink lhal's a ma|or elhicaI issue, and I
lhink as a sociely ve shouId be very
carefuI in hov ve roceed.

D: ack lo lhal examIe of deaf eoIe
vho don'l vanl lheir chiIdren lo be
abIe lo hear, is lhal elhicaI` Is lhal righl
for you lo decide for your kid no, I
don'l vanl you lo Iive in lhe seaking,
Iislening vorId` I vanl you lo slay in
my subcuIlure.

A: Yeah, lhal's a lough one. Thal's a
lough one. So, anyvay, genelics and
genelic engineering, il's a very
inleresling loic because il raises so
many elhicaI issues aboul vho ve are
as individuaIs, idenlily and exression
in lhe environmenl. Very, very

D: Yeah. Il's a groving fieId, and I'm
sure ve're going lo be hearing more
and more aboul il, and lhal queslion of
vho decides is an inleresling one.

A: Yeah, lolaIIy.

Hi. This is Aaron CambeII of Dee IngIish, and I'm nov going lo laIk aboul some of
lhe vords and hrases in lhe conversalion I had vilh Dan aboul RaIh Iisher and his
buII named Chance lhal he cIoned.

1. sccms a !itt!c wcird tn mc

One of lhe firsl hrases lhal Dan menlions is "seems a IillIe veird lo me." He says,
"Chance vas Iike a member of lhe famiIy, vhich seems a IillIe veird lo me because.I've
never ovned a cov or buII, bul lhey don'l seem Iike animaIs lhal are very Ioving or lhal
you vouId have a dee conneclion vilh." So, il seems a IillIe veird lo can use
lhis hrase vhen somelhing seems very slrange, a IillIe bil differenl, a IillIe bil

Ior examIe, I have a neighbor and he arks his car nol in his garage, nol in his
drivevay, bul he arks il righl in lhe middIe of his yard, righl in lhe middIe of his
garden, vhich seems a IillIe veird lo me, il's |usl nol normaI behavior.

Or, somelimes ve use lhis hrase vilh eoIe. "The nev guy al lhe office, he slarled Iasl
veek and he |usl seems a IillIe veird lo me. I don'l knov...he doesn'l make eye conlacl,
he seems nervous, he doesn'l Iike lo laIk lo anyone, he |usl seems a IillIe veird lo me."
So, use lhal hrase vhen you encounler somelhing differenl or slrange or veird.

2. hard Inr mc tn imaginc

The nexl hrase is "hard for me lo imagine." Il's hard for me lo imagine. This is vhal I
say vhen I'm laIking aboul lhe feeIings of sorrov over lhe Ioss of a dog or a cal, bul lhen
I say, "Il's hard for me lo imagine having a reIalionshi, an emolionaI reIalionshi, vilh
a cov or a buII." I use lhis hrase because I have no exerience al aII deaIing vilh covs
or buIIs. Anylhing lhal Iies oulside of your exerience, you can use lhis hrase vilh - il's
hard for me lo imagine.

Ior examIe, I have lvo chiIdren and il's difficuIl enough having lvo chiIdren, bul il's
deeengIish FastFluencyFormula
ConversalionaI Vocab
deeengIish FastFluencyFormula
hard for me lo imagine eoIe vho
have nine or len chiIdren. I |usl can'l
even imagine vhal lhal is Iike. Or,
being married for seven years has been
chaIIenging enough, vov, il's hard for
me lo imagine eoIe vho have been
married for 40 or 50 years. Thal's so far
oulside of my range of exerience. So,
eseciaIIy if somelhing seems very
chaIIenging ve use lhis hrase, or |usl |usl cannol beIieve
il, you cannol imagine il. So, lhal's lhe
second one.

3. thcrc's nn qucstinn that

There's anolher one lhal I menlion Ialer
on in lhe conversalion. I say, "lhere's
no queslion lhal." SecificaIIy, I say, "I
lhink lhere's no queslion lhal our genes
Iay a roIe in hov ve behave and hov
ve move and acl and lhink and seak
and feeI." There's no queslion lhal.
Use lhis hrase vhen you are cerlain
aboul somelhing - vilhoul a doubl,
sureIy, absoIuleIy, 100%, lhere's no
queslion. Ior examIe, lhere's no
queslion lhal smoking Ieads lo cancer,
righl` I'm sure of lhal. I've read il a
miIIion limes. I've knovn eoIe vho
have gollen cancer from Iols of
smoking. I'm sure of il, il's absoIule,
100% osilive in my mind. There's no
queslion lhal our deendence on oiI is
Ieading lo gIobaI varming, no
queslion. There's no queslion lhal your
IngIish fIuency viII imrove if you
foIIov lhe Dee IngIish melhod. Il
|usl lransIales inlo being very, very
sure, so use lhal hrase. Il sounds
reaIIy nice.

4. Nnw hcrc's a qucstinn Inr ynu

Anolher one lhal I menlion Ialer on in
lhe conversalion is.Dan and I are
laIking aboul lhe lvo differenl
Chances, lhe firsl buII named Chance
and lhen lhe cIoned buII named
Chance, and ve are laIking aboul some
of lhe differences belveen lhem and
lhen I say, "Nov here's a queslion for
you. Do you lhink lhal Chance and
Second Chance vere lhe same animaI,
or lhe same individuaI, or do you see
lhem as lvo comIeleIy differenl

You've gol lo use lhis hrase vhen
you're laIking aboul a loic and lhen
you inlroduce a deeer, more
inleresling, more engaging, more
fascinaling lye of queslion. You don'l
change lhe sub|ecl, you acluaIIy |usl
make lhe sub|ecl more inleresling. We
oflen do lhis vilh hyolhelicaI
queslions. These are queslions lhal are
nol acluaIIy reaI, in some

Ior examIe, a IillIe bil Ialer in lhe
conversalion I say, "ul here's anolher
queslion for you. Whal if you raised
chickens in your backyard and lhere
vas one chicken in arlicuIar lhal
vhen you sIaughlered il, il vas so
deIicious you vanled lo raise hundreds
of lhose same chickens. WouId you
cIone lhal chicken as food for lhe
fulure because il vas so deIicious`" Il's
nol reaIIy a reaI queslion, il's a queslion
lhal slimuIales lhe imaginalion.

Lel me give you an examIe or lvo of
hov lo use lhis hrase. Lel's say you
discover lhal lhere is a man al your
deeengIish FastFluencyFormula
vork vho is sleaIing money from lhe
comany, okay` We can laIk aboul
vhal vouId you do. Whal vouId you
do` WouId you lurn him in` WouId
you confronl him` Or vouId you be
siIenl and nol say anylhing` IeoIe
have differenl oinions on lhal, bul I
lhink mosl eoIe vouId lry lo do
somelhing. Hovever, I can say, "Nov
here's a queslion for you. Lel's say lhal
man had a dying chiId vho needed
care in lhe hosilaI lo save him from
dying of cancer. WouId lhal change
your osilion`" Thal makes lhe
queslion a IillIe bil more inleresling,
lhe issue more inleresling. So, I vouId
inlroduce il by saying, "Here's a
queslion for you." Thal's anolher

5. It's !ikc

A IillIe bil Ialer in lhe conversalion I
say.Iel's see. We vere laIking aboul
hov I vouId never cIone someone I
Ioved because il's lhe memory lhal is
seciaI of lhem afler lhey ass avay, so
lhal vouId be disreseclfuI, and lhen I
say, "Il's Iike, oh yeah, ve can easiIy
reIace you. Il's Iike if your molher
dies you can |usl go oul and gel
anolher eIderIy voman lo hang
around." This is kind of a difficuIl one
lo exIain because.basicaIIy, il means
il's as if or lhis is an examIe. To ul il
in olher vords, il vouId be as if
someone said, "Oh yeah, ve can easiIy
reIace you." So, il's kind of a vay of
shorlening an examIe.

Righl afler lhal I say, "Il's Iike if your
molher dies." I vouId say, "Ior
examIe, if your molher dies," or,
"Here's one examIe lo lhink aboul. If
your molher dies, you can |usl go oul
and gel anolher eIderIy voman lo hang
around." You viII hear lhis hrase
menlioned oflen in conversalion, and
il's |usl a vay lo give an examIe of
vhal is being laIked aboul. Lislen for
lhal, see if you can idenlify nalive
seakers using lhe vord "Iike" or "il's
Iike" and see if you gel a feeI for hov
lhal is used.

6. tricky

Dan menlions an ad|eclive a IillIe bil
Ialer. To lhe queslion aboul cIoning
chickens for food, he says, "Yes,
deIicious chicken, yeah make more of
lhem. ul I lhink il's a lricky sub|ecl,
lhis cIoning." Whal he's basicaIIy
saying is if somelhing is lricky, il is
somelhing lhal is difficuIl, il's
robIemalic, il's deIicale, il's nol so
easy lo undersland, or il's fuII of
robIemalic areas. Lel me give you
some olher examIes. Navigaling a
fasl river in a smaII boal is lricky, righl`
ecause you can easiIy gel overlurned
if you hil a rock, or lhe valer moves so
fasl il's hard lo move around, il's very
lricky. SoIving a difficuIl malh
robIem is lricky. IoIilicaI reIalions
can be lricky. Any kind of ersonaI
reIalionshi can be lricky. Il's deIicale,
il's fuII of aII kinds of issues and
robIems and il's nol easy lo do veII,
so il's lricky. Somelimes Iearning
IngIish grammar or vocabuIary is
lricky, isn'l il`

7. X is nnc thing, but what abnut Y__

AIrighl, ve're gelling lo lhe end of our IillIe vocab lrack here. There are a fev olher
lhings I vanl lo laIk aboul. This is a reaIIy usefuI hrase, you have lo lry lhis one. When
you say lhal somelhing is one lhing bul vhal aboul anolher lhing. I'm acluaIIy laIking
aboul groving a nev sel of Iungs, so using cIoning lechnoIogy lo grov a nev sel of
Iungs if your oId sel is diseased or damaged, and lhen I say, "WeII Iungs are one lhing,
bul vhal aboul a deveIoing chiId`"

asicaIIy, ve oflen use lhis vhen ve go from laIking aboul one loic - usuaIIy aboul lhe
moraIily of il - and lhen suddenIy ve inlroduce a more exlreme loic. Maybe some
eoIe vouId agree lhal groving a nev sel of Iungs is okay, bul lhen vhal aboul a
deveIoing chiId, is il okay lo change lhe genelic makeu of a felus in lhe molher` Some
eoIe vouId slrongIy disagree vilh lhal.

Here are anolher fev examIes. Lel's say a friend borrovs your enciI and doesn'l leII
you, so you're missing your enciI, vhal haened lo my enciI, and lhen Ialer lhe
friend comes back, aboul an hour Ialer, and give you lhe enciI and says, "Oh, sorry, you
veren'l around so I borroved your enciI. Here il is. Sorry aboul lhal." WeII, you
knov, if you're a good friend I lhink mosl eoIe vouId be, "Oh yeah, no robIem. I'm
gIad il heIed you." orroving a enciI vilhoul asking is one lhing, bul vhal aboul a
car` Whal aboul borroving a car` WouId you feeI lhe same vay if your friend
borroved your car vilhoul asking and relurned il an hour or lvo Ialer` Nol everybody
vouId lhink lhal's okay. So, ve're laIking aboul one lhing and lhen lhe exlreme version
of il.

Here's anolher one. Raising your voice al someone vhen you are angry is one lhing, bul
vhal aboul lhrealening lo harm lhem` We oflen raise our voice vhen ve gel angry, bul
lo slarl making lhreals Iike "I'm going lo unch you" or "I'm going lo kiII you" or "I'm
going lo do somelhing bad lo you," lhal's a differenl issue. I lhink lhal's a IillIe more
exlreme. I lhink lhal's nol okay. Raising your voice is okay in mosl silualions bul
lhrealening someone is definileIy nol okay, bul some eoIe mighl lhink il's an effeclive
vay lo revenl someone from conlinuing lheir behavior. I don'l agree vilh lhal, lhough.

8. a I!ash in thc pan

A fIash in lhe an. There's somelhing lhal I menlion. We're laIking aboul cockroaches
and in lhe evenl of a huge naluraI disasler maybe aII humans vouId die and lhe
cockroaches vouId be lhe onIy ones Iefl. This is anolher chance lo use "il's Iike." I don'l
acluaIIy use il, bul I couId. I couId say, "Il's Iike lhose humans, lhey vere a fIash in lhe
an. We, lhe cockroaches, have been around much Ionger." A fIash in lhe an |usl
means for a very, very shorl lime. We feeI Iike humans have been around for lhousands
of years, bul acluaIIy lhousands of years is nolhing. Il's so shorl comared lo lhe enlire
deeengIish FastFluencyFormula
deeengIish FastFluencyFormula
hislory of lhe earlh and lhe universe, so
reaIIy ve are, as humans, a fIash in lhe

You mighl hear lhis hrase vhen
laIking aboul o slars. There are
many o slars lhal become vorId
famous vilh one song and lhen lhey
disaear, a year or lvo Ialer lhey're
gone. We can say lhey vere a fIash in
lhe an. A recenl famous o slar, lhis
raer from Korea ISY, vho made lhe
Gangnam SlyIe video and song, he
became suer vorId famous, bul many
eoIe lhink he's |usl a fIash in lhe an,
he von'l have a Iong career as a o
singer. Thal vouId be an examIe,
aIlhough I don'l knov. Maybe he's
very, very laIenled and viII conlinue lo
make music.

9. Whcrc dn wc draw thc !inc?

The Iasl one I vanl lo drav your
allenlion lo is "vhere do ve drav lhe
Iine`" This is a queslion lhal you can
ask vhenever you're laIking aboul a
moraI issue, aboul righl and vrong.
Wilh many issues, lhere's a oinl al
vhich somelhing lhal's okay - Iike
elhicaIIy or moraIIy okay - suddenIy
becomes nol okay, and lhal's vhere lhe
Iine is.

Lel me give you a fev examIes.
AcluaIIy, lhe examIe I give in lhe
conversalion is ve're laIking aboul vho
decides hov lo shae lhe deveIomenl
of a human being and vhich lrails lo
cIone oul of humans or maybe lo
encourage genelicaIIy in humans. Who
decides lhal` Where do ve drav lhe
Iine` The examIe given is
homosexuaIily. Mosl eoIe, I lhink -
lhal I knov anyvay - vouId say lhal
homosexuaIily is a naluraI condilion in
lhe human being and lhere's a cerlain
ercenlage of eoIe vho exhibil lhis
sexuaI orienlalion, and if.and I don'l
knov lhe ansver lo lhis, bul if lhere is
a genelic Iink lo homosexuaIily, is il
ossibIe for doclors lo eradicale, lhal is
gel rid of, lhal genelic arrangemenl so
lhal homosexuaIily does nol exisl
anymore` If lhal's ossibIe, il raises a
very, very conlroversiaI and difficuIl
issue. Where do ve drav lhe Iine` Is
il okay lo gel rid of cancer using DNA`
Mosl eoIe vouId say yes. ul is il
okay lo gel rid of somelhing Iike a
sexuaI orienlalion Iike homosexuaIily,
is lhal okay` Ooh, I lhink lhere'd be
some slrong oinions on lhal one. So,
vhere do ve drav lhe Iine` Where's
lhe Iine`

Lel's lake anolher examIe:
disciIining a chiId. AII arenls
disciIine lheir chiIdren. Some arenls
raise lheir voice al lheir chiIdren -
arenls use many differenl melhods -
and some arenls hil lheir chiIdren
vilh an oen hand. Is lhal okay, lo hil
your chiId` Some eoIe say yes, some
eoIe say no. Whal aboul laking a
slick or a beIl, is lhal okay` Can you
hil your chiId vilh a slick or a beIl`
Hmm, nov ve're gelling cIose lo a Iine
here belveen disciIining and chiId
abuse. When does disciIining a chiId
become abuse` Where do ve drav lhe
Iine` Hmm, Iel's discuss lhal, I don'l
knov. Those are silualions vhere you
can use lhe queslion "vhere do ve
drav lhe Iine`"

I hoe you en|oyed lhose exIanalions.

If you have any furlher queslions aboul lhem, Iease Iog in lo lhe membershi sile, osl
lhem in lhe forum, and ve and olher members viII be hay lo ansver your queslions
and laIk more aboul lhem. Thanks so much, and ve'II see you onIine.

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Iholo Credils

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