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"#$%&%$' ()*+

Wiite a paiagiaph using S list woius. Nake the paiagiaph inteiesting to the ieauei;
iemembei woiu choice as a tiait to embellish youi paiagiaph.

"#$%&%$' ,-. :
0se a uictionaiy to assist you to foimulate the meaning of S list woius

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!"#$%& (%)*+: Which w%$#/ can make you %$#/1

Complete the sentences below with "which" oi "witch".

a. "____________________( Which, witch) siue of the iivei uo you think we shoulu stake oui
claim. " askeu the piospectoi.
b. The __________________ (which, witch) useu magic to tuin fool's golu into ieal golu.
c. The police constable insisteu that the golu uiggeis iuentify ___________________(which,
witch) of theii fellow mineis weie claim jumpeis.
u. "Bo you think the _____________ (which, witch) in the stoiy was ieal oi imaginaiy." askeu the
e. "_____________________(which, witch) golu coach shoulu we bail up next ." askeu the bushiangei.
f. 0n ____________________(which, witch) continent uiu the Spaniaius seaich fiuitlessly foi the fableu
City of uolu _____________________(which, witch) was they nameu "El Boiauo, The uilueu 0ne".

"#$%&%$' 2.30+
45678%) the uiffeience between the following Bomophones:
a. Weathei, wethei anu whethei
b. Way, weigh, anu whey
c. Weai, wheie anu we'ie
u. Piaise, piays anu pieys
e. Saw, soai anu soie
f. Wails, Wales anu whales
g. Right, wiite anu iite
h. Awe, oai, oi anu oie.

uioup 1 uioup 2 uioup S
Week 9 Nuiuei }ustice Inuepenuent
4.4.2u14 0ath Lanuloiu }uuiciaiy
0utlaws Libeity }uiispiuuence
Policy Nonaich Legislation
Recieation Nuimui Licence
Refoim Pailiament Neuiation
Repeal Paitition Pailiamentaiy
Session Piemiei Suffiagettes
Tenant Secuiity Teitiaiy
uniteu solicitoi tiespassei

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