Module Id: M004LON Module Name: Finance, Funding and Legislative Framework Seminar Group No: S4

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Module id: M004LON Module name: Finance, funding and legislative framework Seminar Group No: S4

1. Vision and Strategy of BMW (140) Vision of the organisation The main vision of BMW is to be the most influential automobile manufacturer in the industry through sustainable way. Strategy In order to achieve the above stated vision, BMW Grou must insist in maintaining the leadershi in creating remium and !uality roducts and services for mobility. The Grou should focus on the sustainability as the main strategy in order to integrate the com lete value chain of the organisation and the various rocesses involved in it. The firm should always focus in adding more value to the organisation, customers, ecology and ublic. The basic fundamentals of the grou sustainability administration must com romise on the ecology radar which must be e"tended to many social as ects, the firm should constantly #ee in touch with all the sta#eholders through ro er communication$ and the most im ortant art must be to include the conce t of sustainability in all rocess thereby adding value to the roduct line. The strategy should be communicated to the em loyees also.

2. Balanced scorecard of BMW (850)

The balanced scorecard is one of the most im ortant lanning and management system which is widely used in the field of in order to understand and align the nature of various business activities with res ect to the overall vision and a roach of the organi%ation. This method was originated by &obert 'a lan and (avid )orton mainly as erformance management and measurement structure which has added various non*financial metrics with the financial measures in order to rovide the managers and e"ecutives a concrete and balanced a roach of the overall organisational erformance. Vision and Strategy The main vision of BMW is to be the most influential automobile manufacturer in the industry through sustainable way. Strategy In order to achieve the above stated vision, BMW Grou must insist in maintaining the leadershi in creating remium and !uality roducts and services for mobility. The Grou should focus on the sustainability as the main strategy in order to integrate the com lete value chain of the organisation and the various rocesses involved in it. The firm should always focus in adding more value to the organisation, customers, ecology and ublic. The basic fundamentals of the grou sustainability administration must com romise on the ecology radar which must be e"tended to many social as ects, the firm should constantly #ee in touch with all the sta#eholders through ro er communication$ and the most im ortant art must be to include the conce t of sustainability in all rocess thereby adding value to the roduct line. The strategy should be communicated to the em loyees also. +inancials

,ustomer The BMW Grou must understand that whatever the strategy which is basically ado ted must revolve around the customers only. There must be a strong em hasises on the customer orientation and the grou should concentrate in roviding more value added services to the customers. The ultimate aim is to #ee the customer at the centre before carrying ut any decision ma#ing by the organisation. The customer should lie at the heart of anything which the grou carries out. The must be effectiveness and accountability in all the areas of o erations, the com any should share the results which ossess a lasting effect in the minds of the customers. Moreover there must be fle"ibility in the minds of the eo le who are wor#ing in each roduction unit. +le"ibility must be considered as one of the im ortant com onent in achieving the success inside the organisation. -lso, there must be mutual trust and fairness between the organisation and the customers, this will lead to enhanced coo eration and success.

Internal business rocesses

The Grou should #ee in mind that to achieve long term scalability and sustainability it should try to concentrate on the ecological im act and the social im act of the roducts which are created in the organisation. +or this ur ose the com any must be in close association with all the a licable sta#eholder so as to address the im ortant challenges which will affect the com any.s future. The materiality analysis carried out by the BMW Grou .s recedence during the revious year have shown various issues which are lower in riority and are regarded as not essentially and less significant but however it attem ts to symboli%e various rocesses which have been stated as standard inside the Grou .. +urthermore the grou should concentrate in the decreasing the ecological and harmful carbon dio"ide /,012 emissions which is usually coming out from the conventional engines, the firm should concentrate in increasing the needed infrastructure and other standardisation which is essential for roducing renewable ty e drives$ also there is an nona earance of mature technology in e"tending the battery life, global and local re!uirements in the circumstance of shifting olitical, ecological, communal and other develo mental conditions (esires of energetic and inactive safety due to rising travel volume and other demogra hic change, with the basic aim of shielding the assengers who drives the automobile and for other users, there must also be consideration on the global needs and wants on the recycling of various life of the assenger vehicles which will vary to a great e"tent based on the different geogra hical locations.

3earning and growth

4. Strategy Ma /5162


Social responsibility The firm should concentrate in fostering a sense of mutual and individual accountability for the entire community well being, social harmony, and res ects for the culture in which the organisation is o erating.

!rotecting t"e ecology The main mission must be to rotect, restore and guard the environments and ecology$ rovide intense hard wor# to u shot an o timistic transformation in the society

#nfrastr$ct$re The firm must encourage in Ma#ing world class sustainable car manufacturer through ro er utilisation of resources and innovative various infrastructure facilities in each of the units so as to meet the changing demands of the customer.s

,om any ers ective

S$stainability The firm must initiate a sound ractice of integrating sustainability throughout all de artments and across all geogra hical locations were the organi%ation is resent

8m loyees

!artners"ip There must be advance cross de artmental integration between the em loyees

Managing t"e o%erall infrastr$ct$re inno%ation and de%elop&ent The organisation must try to develo and reserve all the re!uired assets for the overall lifecycle of the roducts which is roduced. Infrastructure develo ment should be maintained by #ee ing in thought the rocess of sustainability and fle"ibility so that it can ad7ust the growing demands of the customer needs and can ada t without much hindrances. (c"ie%ing )*cellence The com any should always attem t to attract the best talent and should ut into ractice the various strategies which is needed for

!roper allocation of reso$rces There must be clear allocation of resources based on the needs and re!uirements of the customer demands. &esources must be carefully used so as to rotect for the short term, medium term and long term ers ective. -ll the resources in the organisation have to be carefully forecasted so that it can be rocured when re!uired.

Stability In order to become a sustainable organisation, the com any should concentrate in ma"imi%ing the ros ective of -ll the resources and services, attem t to balance the long*term usage of resources against the current resources and saving for the future generations 't"er ser%ices The firm should try to im rovise the local community in which it is o erating, it must attem t to u lift the livelihood of the individuals who are located were the firm is o erating.

+eaders"ip There must be a latform to in order to show cast the leadershi s#ills of the em loyees. The firm should rovide necessary o ortunities to

+eading in #nno%ation There must be a strong em hasi%e on the amount of best ractices which is being introduced in the organisation at all levels

5. &ecommendations /5162

9. ,ritical analysis /9962

:. 8"ecutive Summary /;562

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