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KOD: MTE 3111 Article 1: What Is Geometry? When Do You Use It In The Real World?

ISL Minggu 2

Geometry is one of the classical isci!lines of math" #oughly translating in Gree$ as %Earth Measurement%& it is concerne 'ith the !ro!erties of s!ace an figures" It is !rimarily e(elo!e to )e a !ractical gui e for measuring lengths& areas& an (olumes& an is still in use u! to no'" Eucli turne the stu y of geometry into an a*iomatic form at aroun 3r century +,& an these a*ioms are still useful u! to the !resent ay" -n im!ortant e(olution for the science of geometry 'as create 'hen #ene Descartes 'as a)le to create the conce!t of analytical geometry" +ecause of it& !lane figures can no' )e re!resente analytically& an is one of the ri(ing forces for the e(elo!ment of calculus" In a ition& the rise of !ers!ecti(e ga(e rise to !ro.ecti(e geometry" /o'a ays& mo ern geometry has strong ties 'ith !hysics& an is an integral !art of ne' !hysical conce!ts such as relati(ity an string theories" The most )asic form of geometry is so the so calle Eucli ean geometry" Lengths& areas& an (olumes are ealt here" ,ircumferences& ra ii& an areas are one of the conce!ts concerning length an area" -lso& the (olume of 3 imensional o).ects such as cu)es& cylin ers& !yrami s& an s!heres can )e com!ute using geometry" It use to )e all a)out sha!es an measurements& )ut num)ers 'ill soon ma$e its 'ay to geometry" Than$s to the 0ythagoreans& num)ers are intro uce in geometry in the form of numerical (alues of lengths an areas" /um)ers are further utili1e 'hen Descartes 'as a)le to formulate the conce!t of coor inates" In real life& geometry has a lot of !ractical uses& from the most )asic to the most a (ance !henomena in life" E(en the (ery )asic concept of area can )e a huge factor in ho' you o your aily )usiness" 2or e*am!le& s!ace is a huge issue 'hen !lanning (arious construction !ro.ects" 2or instance& the si1e or area of a s!ecific a!!liance or tool can greatly affect ho' it 'ill fit in to your home or 'or$!lace& an can affect ho' the other !arts of your home 'oul fit aroun it" This is 'hy it is essential to ta$e account of areas& )oth of your s!ace& an the item that you are a)out to integrate in there" In a ition& geometry !lays a role in )asic engineering !ro.ects" 2or e*am!le& using the concept of perimeter& you can com!ute the amount of material 3e*": !aint& fencing material& etc4 that you nee to use for your !ro.ect" -lso& esigning !rofessions such as interior design and architecture uses dimensional figures" - thorough $no'le ge of geometry is going to hel! them a lot in etermining the !ro!er style 3an more im!ortantly& o!timi1e its function4 of a s!ecific house& )uil ing& or (ehicle" Those are some of the more )asic uses of geometry& )ut it oesn5t en there" -s some more !rofessions use geometry in or er to o their .o) !ro!erly" 2or e*am!le& computer imaging& something that is use no'a ays for creating animations& (i eo games& esigning& an stuff li$e that& are create using geometric conce!ts" -lso& geometry is use in mapping" Ma!!ing is an essential element in !rofessions such as sur(eying& na(igation& an astronomy" 2rom s$etching to calculating istances& they use geometry to accom!lish their .o)" In a ition& !rofessions such as me icine )enefit from geometric imaging" Technologies such as !T scans and "RIs are use )oth for iagnosis an surgical ai s" Such metho s ena)le octors to o their .o) )etter& safer& an sim!ler" -s you can see& geometry affects us e(en in the most )asic etails of our li(es" /o matter 'hat the form& it hel!s us un erstan s!ecific !henomena an it hel!s us in u!lifting the 6uality of life"

KOD: MTE 3111

ISL Minggu 2

The Online Teacher #esearch" 327134" 89hat Is Geometry: 9hen Do ;ou <se It In The #eal 9orl :=#etrie(e 2> ?une 2713 from htt!:@@'''"teachA nology"com@teachers@su).ectBmatter@math@geometry@

Article #: Applications of Geometry Des!ite all of the ifferent su).ect areas of mathematics that e*ist& !erha!s geometry has the most !rofoun im!act on our e(ery ay li(es" ,onsi er the en(ironment you are in right no'" E(erything aroun you has a sha!e& (olume& surface area& location& an other !hysical !ro!erties" Since its origins& geometry has significantly im!acte the 'ays !eo!le li(e" !ommon Applications of Geometry 9hile 'e may not imme iately thin$ %geometry% 'hen 'e !erform e(ery ay tas$s& geometry is all aroun us" 2or instance& sto! signs ha(e the sha!e of an octagon& fish tan$s must )e carefully fille so as to !re(ent o(erflo'ing& an gifts nee a certain amount of 'ra!!ing !a!er to loo$ nice& .ust to name a fe' realAlife a!!lications" In this geometry section& you 'ill learn many more a!!lications of geometry that you can use on an e(ery ay )asis" Ad$anced Applications of Geometry -s 'e fin oursel(es in a ynamic& technologicallyA ri(en society& geometry is )ecoming a su).ect of increasing im!ortance" 2or e*am!le& molecular mo eling is a gro'ing fiel that re6uires an un erstan ing of (arious arrangements of s!heres as 'ell as the a)ility to com!ute molecular !ro!erties li$e (olume an to!ology" -rchitecture is another ma.or a!!lication of geometry" The construction of a )uil ing an the structure of its com!onents are im!ortant to consi er in or er to ma*imi1e )uil ing safety" #o)ot motion !lanning uses a su)area of com!utational geometry that focuses on the control of ro)ot mo(ement" Other a (ance a!!lications of geometry inclu e: Biochemical Modeling Typography Timber Processing Computer Graphics Textile Layout

Reference: 9y1 -nt Tutoring" 327134 8-!!lications of Geometry=#etrie(e 2> ?une 2713 from htt!:@@'''"'y1ant"com@hel!@math@geometry@intro uction@a!!licationsBofBgeometry

KOD: MTE 3111

ISL Minggu 2

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