7415 Earthly Knowledge Is Worthless in The Beyond .... Wisdom ....

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through Bertha Dudde 7415

Earthly knowledge is worthless in the beyond .... Wisdo ....

O! what use is your earthly knowledge to you hu ans i! your soul enters the kingdo o! the beyond in an i ature state" .... #t will not know what to do with it be$ause its thoughts will be$o e $on!used% and neither will it be able to e&'loit it sin$e no(one will want its ental knowledge be$ause there is no 'ossible use !or it in the s'iritual real . Besides% the soul will also lose this knowledge the longer it re ains in the kingdo o! the beyond in an i ature state o! soul. E)erything is transient% e)en earthly knowledge% and the soul will only kee' the s'iritual wealth it takes along% whi$h it gained through a li!e o! lo)e and whi$h is there!ore also e)erlasting and re'resents the soul*s entire ri$hes. +nd with this wealth it will be able to work% that is% it will be able to 'ass the s'iritual knowledge it owns on to those who are unin!or ed. +nd e)en the souls whi$h 'ossessed a wealth o! worldly knowledge on earth but $annot use it in the beyond be$ause no(one re,uires it will ha)e to a$$e't this s'iritual knowledge .... +nd this is why souls whose knowledge on earth had been su'erior to any 'eo'le will wander about o)er there totally 'o)erty(stri$ken% and others will be !ar abo)e the but they will also lo)ingly $onsider all unin!or ed souls% be$ause this is the task o! those who are illu inated by the light o! realisation and are able to let their light shine into the darkness.

But this light $an only be gained through a li!e o! unsel!ish neighbourly lo)e% this is why a 'erson*s way o! li!e is the de$isi)e !a$tor and not his keen intelle$t and his e ory. +nd only i! lo)e is the sour$e o! a 'erson*s knowledge $an it $orres'ond to the truth% i! it was born in a heart o! lo)e and there!ore also has great illu inating strength. -o)e and wisdo are inse'arable% and one e erges !ro the other .... .owe)er% only knowledge $on$erning s'iritual s'heres $an be $alled wisdo % !or e)erything 'ertaining to the world .... hen$e also earthly knowledge .... is transient and $annot lay $lai to the word /wisdo *. +nd thus only lo)e will gi)e birth to wisdo % without lo)e no truth!ul knowledge $an e)er be gained whi$h $an be taken as e)erlasting into the s'iritual kingdo % whereas earthly knowledge will not last long and !ade away at death% unless a fully mature soul 'ossesses this knowledge% whi$h then $an also entally in!luen$e de)out 'eo'le on earth regarding earthly issues .... on a$$ount o! whi$h the hu an being ay also a''eal !or $orre$t thinking $on$erning earthly a!!airs. For then these !ully atured souls will also know the truth about things whi$h relate to earthly li!e and are $ondu$i)e !or 'eo'le*s bene!it. But a soul $an only ature !ully though lo)e% and this is why only so eone willing to lo)e $an be in 'ossession o! truth% irres'e$ti)e o! whether it relates to s'iritual or earthly situations. + 'erson*s way o! li!e deter ines his thinking% and thus he will enter the s'iritual kingdo either in an awakened or unawakened state% where he then will li)e in 'ossession o! s'iritual goods or be $o 'letely destitute. 0et a soul $an only share what it owns% and sharing alone signi!ies bliss in the s'iritual kingdo % be$ause then the soul will also be illu inated by the light o! realisation and a$$ording to its realisation $an gi)e 'leasure to other souls ....

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