Vikas Mahesh Sagar Business Plan

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INTRODUCTION Name of the Business:

WorldNet Cyber Caf

Address of the Business:

10, Gauri Apt. Opp. Hindustan Bank, BeturkarPada, ayan !W."

Nature of business:
Partners#ip $ir%


2. Exe uti!e "ummar#

WorldNet, soon to be lo&ated in do'nto'n (u)ene on 10t# and Oak, 'ill offer t#e &o%%unity easy and affordable a&&ess to t#e *nternet. WorldNet 'ill pro+ide full a&&ess to e%ail, WWW, $,P, -senet and ot#er *nternet appli&ations su&# as ,elnet and Gop#er. WorldNet 'ill also pro+ide &usto%ers 'it# a uni.ue and inno+ati+e en+iron%ent for en/oyin) )reat &offee, spe&ialty be+era)es, and bakery ite%s. WorldNet 'ill appeal to indi+iduals of all a)es and ba&k)rounds. ,#e instru&tional *nternet &lasses, and t#e #elpful staff t#at WorldNet pro+ides, 'ill appeal to t#e audien&e t#at does not asso&iate t#e%sel+es 'it# t#e &o%puter a)e. ,#is edu&ational aspe&t 'ill attra&t youn)er and elderly %e%bers of t#e &o%%unity '#o are rapidly )ainin) interest in t#e uni.ue resour&es t#at online &o%%uni&ations #a+e to offer. ,#e do'nto'n lo&ation 'ill pro+ide business people 'it# &on+enient a&&ess to t#eir %ornin) &offee and online needs.


Ob$e ti!e

WorldNet0s ob/e&ti+es for t#e first t#ree years of operation in&lude1 ,#e &reation of a uni.ue, ups&ale, inno+ati+e en+iron%ent t#at 'ill differentiate WorldNet fro% lo&al &offee #ouses. (du&atin) t#e &o%%unity on '#at t#e *nternet #as to offer. ,#e for%ation of an en+iron%ent t#at 'ill brin) people 'it# di+erse interests and ba&k)rounds to)et#er in a &o%%on foru%. Good &offee and bakery ite%s at a reasonable pri&e. Affordable a&&ess to t#e resour&es of t#e *nternet and ot#er online ser+i&es.


2.2. %ission
As t#e popularity of t#e *nternet &ontinues to )ro' at an e2ponential rate, easy and affordable a&&ess is .ui&kly be&o%in) a ne&essity of life. WorldNet pro+ides &o%%unities 'it# t#e ability to a&&ess t#e *nternet, en/oy a &up of &offee, and s#are *nternet e2perien&es in a &o%fortable en+iron%ent. People of all a)es and ba&k)rounds 'ill &o%e to en/oy t#e uni.ue, ups&ale, edu&ational, and inno+ati+e en+iron%ent t#at WorldNet pro+ides.


Com'an# "ummar#

WorldNet, soon to be lo&ated in do'nto'n (u)ene on 10t# and Oak, 'ill offer t#e &o%%unity easy and affordable a&&ess to t#e *nternet. WorldNet 'ill pro+ide full a&&ess to e%ail, WWW, $,P, -senet and ot#er *nternet appli&ations su&# as ,elnet and Gop#er. WorldNet 'ill also pro+ide &usto%ers 'it# a uni.ue and inno+ati+e en+iron%ent for en/oyin) )reat &offee, spe&ialty be+era)es, and bakery ite%s. WorldNet 'ill appeal to indi+iduals of all a)es and ba&k)rounds. ,#e instru&tional *nternet &lasses, and t#e #elpful staff t#at WorldNet pro+ides, 'ill appeal to t#e audien&e t#at does not asso&iate t#e%sel+es 'it# t#e &o%puter a)e. ,#is edu&ational aspe&t 'ill attra&t youn)er and elderly %e%bers of t#e &o%%unity '#o are rapidly )ainin) interest in t#e uni.ue resour&es t#at online &o%%uni&ations #a+e to offer. ,#e do'nto'n lo&ation 'ill pro+ide business people 'it# &on+enient a&&ess to t#eir %ornin) &offee and online needs.


Com'an# O)nershi'

WorldNet is a pri+ately #eld Ore)on 3i%ited 3iability Corporation. 4a#es# k#ebade, t#e founder of WorldNet, is t#e %a/ority o'ner. 5ikas B#oir, and 6a)ar Gaud, all #old %inority sto&k positions as pri+ate in+estors.



"tart U+ +,an- .inan e

Parti&ulars 18 Co%puters 1 Printer 1 6&an;Print;Copy $urniture Air Conditioner Net 6oft'are 1 Coffee 4a&#ine 6tationery 3e)al =eposit (le&tri& C#ar)e 7ent 3AN C#ar)e : *nternet Conn. Water purifier 4a&#ine Ad+ertisin) Ot#er ,otal 7s. 19:000 8900 18900 90000 :<000 1900 1:900 1000 90000 90000 10000 >000 9000 10000 <000 <900 1900 800000

&. Des ri'tion of /enture &.1. +rodu t0s1-"er!i e0s1 0Inno!ation1

,#e &reation of a uni.ue, inno+ati+e, ups&ale at%osp#ere t#at 'ill differentiate WorldNet fro% ot#er lo&al &offee s#ops and future *nternet &afes. ,#e establis#%ent of WorldNet as a &o%%unity #ub for so&iali?ation and entertain%ent.

,#e &reation of an en+iron%ent t#at 'on0t inti%idate t#e no+i&e user. WorldNet 'ill position itself as an edu&ational resour&e for indi+iduals 'is#in) to learn about t#e benefits t#e *nternet #as to offer. Great &offee and bakery ite%s.

&.2. "i2e of business

6%all 6&ale industry

&.&. Offi e e3ui'ment

1. Co%puter or %obile de+i&e 'it# internet &onne&tion. PC or 4a&intos# is fine, as is an Apple or Android tablet. @ou &an also bro'se t#e Net 'it# a Web,5, a Citri2 or 6par& 'orkstation, and e+en a Playstation &onsole, if it is setup &orre&tly. As you %i)#t kno', t#ere are &offee s#op 0internet &afes0 t#at 'ill rent usa)e of &onne&ted &o%puters to you. :. *nternet a&&ount 'it# a &onne&tion pro+ider. Often &alled 0*6P0 !*nternet 6er+i&e Pro+ider", t#ese are usually p#one or &able &o%panies t#at &#ar)e you A:0 to A>0 -6= a %ont# for internet a&&ess. Note1 if you bro'se t#e Net fro% 'ork, your &o%pany eats t#is &ost as part of t#eir operations. ,#ey also 'ill #a+e rules for you to follo'. *f you bro'se fro% an internet &afe, you 'ill need to pay per#aps A< to AB -6= per #our. <. *nternet bro'ser soft'are. ,#e %ost popular bro'sers are C#ro%e by Goo)le, *nternet (2plorer by 4i&rosoft, and 6afari by Apple. Ot#er bro'ser &#oi&es in&lude1 $irefo2, AO3, and Opera. 8. AntiC+irus soft'are. 6y%ante& or 4a&Afee are &o%%on &#oi&es. A+ira Anti+irus is %y personal fa+orite. ,#ese 'ill #elp defend you a)ainst nasty pro)ra%s t#at 'ill erase parts of your #ard dri+e.

9. (%ail soft'are. @ou &an &#oose fro% t#e +ery popular G%ail, Outlook.&o%, Outlook :01<, or lessC&o%%on e%ail soft'areDs like (udora or GroupWise. 6o%e of t#ese e%ail ser+i&es are based online, '#ile ot#ers re.uire you to install t#e% dire&tly onto your &o%putin) de+i&e. B. Plu)C*n soft'are. ,#is is a bi) topi& in its o'n ri)#t, but #ere are t#e %ostC&o%%on you 'ill need1 Ea+a 5irtual 4a&#ine, Adobe $las# Player, Windo's 4edia Player, 7eal Audio %usi& player, Apple Fui&k ,i%e. $or t#e %ost part, t#ese plu)Cin produ&ts 'ill pro%pt you auto%ati&ally to install '#en you need t#e%. G. Optional1 #eadset 'it# %i&rop#one, stereo speakers, and 'eb&a%. ,#ese #ard'are de+i&es 'ill allo' you to #ear )a%e sounds, do internet telep#onin), +ideo &onferen&in), and send i%a)es;+ideo to your friends and fa%ily. >. Optional1 AntiC6pa% soft'are. H. Optional1 Censor 'are, to #elp poli&e '#at your kids &an see. 10. Optional1 )rap#i& soft'are, so you &an edit pi&tures you like. 11. Optional1 printer. 1:. Optional1 '#eel %ouse, to .ui&kly s&roll pa)es up and do'n.

&.(. Ba 45round of entre'reneurs

1. 5ikas 4ad#ukar B#oir B.&o%, 446 in 4arketin), =iplo%a in *,, =iplo%a in Co%puter Hard'are. :. 4a#es# 7an)anat# #ebade B.&o%, 446 in $inan&e, =iplo%a in *,

<. 6a)ar 6atis# Gaud B.&o%, 446 in 4arketin)

(. %ar4etin5 +,an (.1. "6OT Ana,#sis

,#e 6WO, analysis pro+ides us 'it# an opportunity to e2a%ine t#e internal stren)t#s and 'eaknesses WorldNet %ust address. *t also allo's us to e2a%ine t#e opportunities presented to WorldNet as 'ell as potential t#reats. WorldNet #as a +aluable in+entory of stren)t#s t#at 'ill #elp it su&&eed. ,#ese stren)t#s in&lude1 a kno'led)eable and friendly staff, stateCofCt#eCart &o%puter #ard'are, and a &lear +ision of t#e %arket need. 6tren)t#s are +aluable, but it is also

i%portant to reali?e t#e 'eaknesses WorldNet %ust address. ,#ese 'eaknesses in&lude1 a dependen&e on .ui&kly &#an)in) te&#nolo)y, and t#e &ost fa&tor asso&iated 'it# keepin) stateCofCt#e art &o%puter #ard'are. WorldNet0s stren)t#s 'ill #elp it &apitali?e on e%er)in) opportunities. ,#ese opportunities in&lude, but are not li%ited to, a )ro'in) population of daily *nternet users, and t#e )ro'in) so&ial bonds fostered by t#e ne' *nternet &o%%unities. ,#reats t#at WorldNet s#ould be a'are of in&lude, t#e rapidly fallin) &ost of *nternet a&&ess, and e%er)in) lo&al &o%petitors.

(.1.1. 6ea4nesses
o A dependen&e on .ui&kly &#an)in) te&#nolo)y. WorldNet is a pla&e for people to e2perien&e t#e te&#nolo)y of t#e *nternet. ,#e te&#nolo)y t#at is t#e *nternet &#an)es rapidly. Produ&t life&y&les are %easured in 'eeks, not %ont#s. WorldNet needs to keep up 'it# t#e te&#nolo)y be&ause a lot of t#e WorldNet e2perien&e is te&#nolo)y. o Cost fa&tor asso&iated 'it# keepin) stateCofCt#eCart #ard'are. eepin) up 'it# t#e te&#nolo)y of t#e *nternet is an e2pensi+e undertakin). WorldNet needs to balan&e te&#nolo)y needs 'it# t#e ot#er needs of t#e business. One aspe&t of t#e business &an0t be sa&rifi&ed for t#e ot#er.

(.1.2. O''ortunities
o Gro'in) population of daily *nternet users. ,#e i%portan&e of t#e *nternet al%ost e.uals t#at of t#e telep#one. As t#e population of daily *nternet users in&reases, so 'ill t#e need for t#e ser+i&es WorldNet offers. o 6o&ial bonds fostered by t#e ne' *nternet &o%%unities. ,#e *nternet is brin)in) people fro% a&ross t#e 'orld to)et#er unlike any ot#er &o%%uni&ation %ediu%. WorldNet 'ill &apitali?e on t#is so&ial trend by pro+idin) a pla&e for s%aller and lo&al *nternet &o%%unities to %eet in person. WorldNet 'ill )ro' so%e of t#ese &o%%unities on its o'n by establis#in) &#at areas and &o%%unity pro)ra%s. ,#ese pro)ra%s 'ill be desi)ned to build &usto%er loyalty.

(.1.&. Threats
o 7apidly fallin) &ost of *nternet a&&ess. ,#e &ost of a&&ess to t#e *nternet for #o%e users is droppin) rapidly. *nternet a&&ess %ay be&o%e so &#eap and affordable t#at nobody 'ill be 'illin) to pay for a&&ess to it. WorldNet is a'are of t#is t#reat and 'ill &losely %onitor pri&in). o (%er)in) lo&al &o%petitors. Currently, WorldNet is en/oyin) a firstC%o+er ad+anta)e in t#e lo&al &yberC&afe %arket. Ho'e+er, additional &o%petitors are on t#e #ori?on, and 'e need to be prepared for t#eir entry into t#e %arket. 4any of our pro)ra%s 'ill be desi)ned to build &usto%er loyalty, and it is our #ope t#at our .uality ser+i&e and upCs&ale a%bian&e 'on0t be easily dupli&ated.

(.1.(. "tren5ths
no'led)eable and friendly staff. We0+e )one to )reat len)t#s at WorldNet to find people 'it# a passion for tea&#in) and s#arin) t#eir *nternet e2perien&es. Our staff is bot# kno'led)eable and ea)er to please. o 6tateCofCt#e art e.uip%ent. Part of t#e WorldNet e2perien&e in&ludes a&&ess to stateCofCt#eCart &o%puter e.uip%ent. Our &usto%ers en/oy beautiful flatCs&reen displays, fast %a&#ines, and #i)#C.uality printers. o -ps&ale a%bian&e. W#en you 'alk into WorldNet, you0ll feel t#e te&#nolo)y. Hi)# ba&ked %a#o)any boot#s 'it# flatC s&reen %onitors inset into t#e 'alls pro+ide a &o?y #idea'ay for %eetin)s and s%all friendly )at#erin)s. 3ar)e round tables 'it# displays +ie'able fro% abo+e pro+ide a foru% for lar)er )at#erin)s and friendly I#o'CtoI &lasses on t#e *nternet. Alu%inu% tra&k li)#tin) and art fro% lo&al artists sets t#e %ood. 3ast, but not least, .uality &appu&&ino %a&#ines and a )lass pastry display &ase pro+ide enti&in) refres#%ents. o Clear +ision of t#e %arket need. WorldNet kno's '#at it takes to build an ups&ale &yber &afe. We kno' t#e &usto%ers, 'e kno' t#e te&#nolo)y, and 'e kno' #o' to build t#e ser+i&e t#at 'ill brin) t#e t'o to)et#er. o

(.2. Com'etiti!e Ed5e

WorldNet 'ill follo' a differentiation strate)y to a&#ie+e a &o%petiti+e ad+anta)e in t#e &afe %arket. By pro+idin) *nternet ser+i&e, WorldNet separates itself fro% all ot#er &afes in (u)ene. *n addition, WorldNet pro+ides a &o%fortable en+iron%ent 'it# &offee and bakery ite%s, distin)uis#in) itself fro% ot#er *nternet pro+iders in (u)ene.

(.2.1. %ar4etin5 "trate5#

WorldNet 'ill position itself as an ups&ale &offee #ouse and *nternet ser+i&e pro+ider. *t 'ill ser+e #i)#C.uality &offee and espresso spe&ialty drinks at a &o%petiti+e pri&e. =ue to t#e nu%ber of &afes in (u)ene, it is i%portant t#at WorldNet sets fair pri&es for its &offee. WorldNet 'ill use ad+ertisin) as its %ain sour&e of pro%otion. Ads pla&ed in ,#e 7e)ister Guard, (u)ene Weekly, and t#e (%erald 'ill #elp build &usto%er a'areness. A&&o%panyin) t#e ad 'ill be a &oupon for a free #our of *nternet tra+el. $urt#er%ore, WorldNet 'ill )i+e a'ay t#ree free #ours of *nternet use to be)inners '#o si)n up for an introdu&tion to t#e *nternet 'orks#op pro+ided by WorldNet.

(.2.2. +ri in5 "trate5#

=eter%inin) a fair %arket, #ourly pri&e, for online use is %ore diffi&ult be&ause t#ere is no dire&t &o%petition fro% anot#er &yberC&afe in (u)ene. ,#erefore, WorldNet &onsidered t#ree sour&es to deter%ine t#e #ourly &#ar)e rate. $irst, 'e &onsidered t#e &ost to use ot#er *nternet ser+ers, '#et#er it is a lo&al net'orkin) fir% or a pro+ider su&# as A%eri&a Online. *nternet a&&ess pro+iders use different pri&in) s&#e%es. 6o%e &#ar)e a %ont#ly fee, '#ile ot#ers &#ar)e an #ourly fee. *n addition, so%e pro+iders use a strate)y 'it# a &o%bination of bot# pri&in) s&#e%es. ,#us, it &an .ui&kly be&o%e a #i)# %ont#ly &ost for t#e indi+idual. 6e&ond, WorldNet looked at #o' &yberC&afes in ot#er %arkets su&# as Portland and As#land 'ent about pri&in) *nternet a&&ess. ,#ird, WorldNet used t#e %arket sur+ey &ondu&ted in t#e $all of 1HHB. (+aluatin) t#ese t#ree fa&tors resulted in WorldNet0s #ourly pri&e of fi+e dollars.

(.2.&. +romotion "trate5#

WorldNet 'ill i%ple%ent a pull strate)y in order to build &onsu%er a'areness and de%and. *nitially, WorldNet #as bud)eted 9,000 for pro%otional efforts '#i&# 'ill in&lude ad+ertisin) 'it# &oupons for a free #our of *nternet ti%e in lo&al publi&ations and inC#ouse pro%otions su&# as offerin) &usto%ers free *nternet ti%e if t#ey pay for an introdu&tion to t#e *nternet 'orks#op tau)#t by WorldNet0s &o%puter te&#ni&ian. WorldNet reali?es t#at in t#e future, '#en &o%petition enters t#e %arket, additional re+enues %ust be allo&ated for pro%otion in order to %aintain %arket s#are.

(.2.(. "a,es "trate5#

As a retail establis#%ent, WorldNet e%ploys people to #andle sales transa&tions. Co%puter litera&y is a re.uire%ent for WorldNet e%ployees. *f an e%ployee does not possess basi& &o%puter skills '#en t#ey are #ired, t#ey are trained by our fullC ti%e te&#ni&ian. Our fullCti%e te&#ni&ian is also a+ailable for &usto%ers in need of assistan&e. WorldNet0s &o%%it%ent to friendly, #elpful ser+i&e is one of t#e key fa&tors t#at distin)uis# WorldNet fro% ot#er *nternet &afes.

10 | P a g e

*. Or5ani2ationa, +,an *.1. %ana5ement7 team ba 45round

,#e staff 'ill &onsist of 1 partCti%e e%ployee 'orkin) 8 #ours a day at 7s.:000 per %ont#. *n addition, one fullCti%e te&#ni&ian !'#o is %ore te&#nolo)i&ally oriented to #andle %inor ter%inal repairs;in.uiries" 'ill be e%ployed to 'ork 1: #ours a day at 7s.10000 per %ont#. ,#is si%ple stru&ture pro+ides a )reat deal of fle2ibility and allo's &o%%uni&ation to disperse .ui&kly and dire&tly. Be&ause of t#ese &#ara&teristi&s, t#ere are fe' &oordination proble%s seen at WorldNet t#at are &o%%on 'it#in lar)er or)ani?ational &#ains. ,#is strate)y 'ill enable WorldNet to rea&t .ui&kly to &#an)es in t#e %arket.

*.2. Ro,es and res'onsibi,ities of members of or5ani2ation

6a)ar Gaud 'ill be #andle outside %arketin) of t#e or)ani?ation 4a#es# #ebade 'ill #andle finan&e depart%ent of t#e or)ani?ation
11 | P a g e

5ikas B#oir 'ill #andle internal a&ti+ities of t#e or)ani?ation

8. Assessment of Ris4 8.1. Ne) te hno,o5ies

WorldNet 'ill in+est in #i)#Cspeed &o%puters to pro+ide its &usto%ers 'it# a fast and effi&ient &onne&tion to t#e *nternet. ,#e &o%puters 'ill be reliable and fun to 'ork 'it#. WorldNet 'ill &ontinue to up)rade and %odify t#e syste%s to stay &urrent 'it# &o%%uni&ations te&#nolo)y. One of t#e %ain attra&tions asso&iated 'it# *nternet &afes, is t#e state of t#e art e.uip%ent a+ailable for use. Not e+eryone #as a Pentiu% PC in t#eir #o%e or offi&e.

8.2. Contin5en ies ',ans

12 | P a g e

As WorldNet )ro's, %ore &o%%uni&ations syste%s 'ill be added. ,#e possibility of additional units #as been a&&ounted for in t#e &urrent floor plan. As t#e de%and for *nternet &onne&ti+ity in&reases, alon) 'it# t#e in&rease in &o%petition, WorldNet 'ill &ontinue to add ne' ser+i&es to keep its &usto%er base &o%in) ba&k for %ore.

13 | P a g e

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