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1. Tell me about yourself. Q2. What do you know about the organization? Q3.

Why do you want to work for us? Q4. What can you do for us that someone else can t? Q!. What do you find most attracti"e about this #osition? Q$. What seems least attracti"e about it? Q%. Why should we hire you? Q&. Why should we don t hire you? Q'. What do you look for in a (ob? Q1). *lease gi"e me your definition of +to the #osition for which you are being inter"iewed,. Q11. -ow long would it take to make a meaningful contribution to our organization? Q12. -ow long would you stay with us? Q13. .our resume suggests that you may be o"er/ualified or too much e0#erienced1less e0#erienced for this #osition what is your o#inion? Q14. What is your management style? Q1!. 2re you a good manager? 3an you gi"e me some e0am#les? 4o you feel that you ha"e to# managerial #otential? Q1$. What do you look most im#ortant skill to do this (ob? Q1%. -a"e you e"er had to fire #eo#le? Q1&. What do you think is the most difficult thing about being a manager or e0ecuti"e? Q1'. What im#ortant trend do you see in our industry? Q2). Why do you left your last (ob? Q21. 5n your current +last, #osition6 what features do +did, you like the most or the least? Q22. What do you think of your boss?

Q23. What do you feel this #osition should #ay? Q24. What are your long range goals? Q2!. -ow successful do you being so far? Q2$. Why did you take marketing +your sub(ect, a s#ecialization? Q2%. What kind of #erson would you refuse to work? Q2&. What ha"e you done to im#ro"e your knowledge in last year? Q2'. What is more im#ortant to you the money or work? Q3). Why do you want to (oin this industry? Q31. 4o you consider yourself successful? Q32. -a"e you a##lied for other (obs? Q33. What do you think would you do well at this (ob? Q34. What is your #ersonal #hiloso#hy towards work? Q3!. 70#lain how would you be an asset for this organization? Q3$. What #osition do you #refer on a team working on a #ro(ect? Q3%. Tell me about a situation you ha"e made that has made an im#act. Q3&. What has been your biggest #rofessional disa##ointment? Q3'. What irritates you about co8workers6 boss and (uniors? Q4). Tell me about your dream (ob. Q41. What would your #re"ious manager say your strongest #oint is? Q42. Tell me about a #roblem you had with a #ast su#er"isor or boss. Q43. What has disa##ointed you about a (ob? Q44. Tell me about your ability to work under #ressure. Q4!. What moti"ates you to do your best on the (ob? Q4$. 2re you willing to work o"ertime1night1weekends?

Q4%. 3ould you be willing to relocate if re/uired? Q4&. 2re you willing to #ut the interest of organization ahead of your own? Q4'. What /ualities do you look for in a manager or boss? Q!). Tell me about atime when you hel#ed resol"e a dis#ute between co8workers. Q!1. 4o you ha"e any /uestion to ask? Q!2. -ow your education #re#ared you for your career? Q!3. What /ualities do you feel a successful manager should ha"e? Q!4. 5f you had to li"e your life o"er again what one thing would you change? Q!!. 5f you had enough money to retire right now would you? Q!$. 4o you ha"e any blind s#ot? Q!%. -ow do you #ro#ose to com#ensate for your lack of e0#erience? Q!&. Tell me about the most fun you had on the (ob. Q!'. Where do you see yourself fi"e years from now? Q$). What are your career o#tion right now? Q$1. Tell me about a situation when your work was criticized. Q$2. 70#lain something about your 9u#erior? Q$3. What would you say to your boss if he is crazy about an idea6 but you think it worthless? Q$4. What would you do if a fellow e0ecuti"e on your own cor#orate le"el wasn t #ulling his weight and this was hurting your de#artment? Q$!. :i"e an e0am#le of your creati"ity6 analytical skill6 managing ability etc. Q$$. What do you worry about? Q$%. Would you lie for the com#any? Q$&. What makes you angry? Q$'. Who has ins#ired you in your life and why?

Q%). what was the toughest decision you e"er had to make? Q%1. What change would you make if you come on board? Q%2. What is the most difficult #art of being a +(ob title,. Q%3. What is your goal in life? Q%4. What is your greatest strength? Q%!. What is your greatest weakness?

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