7psofservicemarketing 130307031437 Phpapp02

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7 Ps of Marketing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Product Place Price Promotion Physical environment Process Peo le

1. Product !sually the services offered are intangi"le in nature# "ut the roducts that may "e offered "y it may "e tangi"le. $he service marketing concentrates on roduct in the terms of "enefits offered "y the roduct. $he roduct may not "e the core offering# "ut the service is through %hich %e are a"le to get the roduct or use the roduct. &t should "e valua"le to customer and rovide good erceived value. $he most "asic service is "eing rovided. $he roduct rovided should "e develo ed according to the needs of the consumer and should give them com lete satisfaction. 2. Place $he lace lays an im ortant role in the marketing. $he lace %here the service is made availa"le# the location# the am"ience# has ositive im act on the service use. 3. Price $he rice of the service is of im ortance. $he consumer or customer should not feel at any oint of time that the money aid "y them is more than the "enefits of the service. 4. Promotion $he "enefits communicated "y the service rovider should "e easily understood and are romoted so that eo le are interested in it. $he romotion of the roduct should carry all the values im arted "y roduct# "enefits of roduct availa"ility of roduct. $he romotion is needed to influence eo le or ros ects. 5. Physical environment Physical environment refers to %eather conditions# day or night# general %eather conditions in the country. $he hysical environment at the time of use should enhance the use of the service. 6. Process $he rocesses re'uired to carry out the service availa"ility is one of the 7 Ps. $he rocess is such that the offerings of the service are more utili(ed and im art more value to the service. )ith current com etition the rocess of delivering the service can create the com etitive difference.

7.Peo le Peo le are the customers %ho use the services made availa"le to them# so that eo le are interested in using the services. *very effort is made to increase the "enefits offered "y the services so that eo le have interest in using the services. Peo le look for vale+for+money i.e. the sacrifice they make in terms of money to avail the service should not "e more than the value or "enefits offered "y the service. ,ront stage eo le lay a very im ortant role as they are involved in direct contact %ith the customers. $hus the 7Ps are the ma-or factors that influence the availa"ility of the service and eo les "ehavior to use the service. )ith the changing scenario of service marketing the eo le %ho are delivering the service have also "ecome as im ortant a factor as the service itself.

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