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Seville Snape se1049 Ravenclaw

Short Answer: (Worth 20 Points)

1. How many Centaurs might you find in a herd? You might find 10-50 centaurs in a herd. 2. What danger do Erkling's pose to small children? Erklings try to draw a child away from its parents and then tries to eat the child. 3. Graphorns have been known to be used as horses by what creature? Graphorns are sometimes used as horses by mountain trolls. 4. Name one way to get away from a Kappa. You can trick a Kappa into bowing, this would make the water in its head spill and it would be powerless. 5. Where are the oldest group of Merpeople from? The oldest known merpeople are the Sirens from Ancient Greece. 6. Where might you find a Phoenix? Pheonixes build their nests on mountains in Egypt, India and China. 7. What does each of the heads of the Runespoor do? The middle head is a dreamer, the left head is the planner and the right head is a critic. 8. When is a Sphinx dangerous? The Sphinx is only dangerous when what it is guarding, is threatened. 9. What are the 3 types of trolls? There is Mountain, Forest and River trolls. 10. What is the rarest breed of Winged Horse? The rarest breed of Winged Horses is the Thestral. 11. What are the 3 fields of magic that Centaurs are skilled in? Centaurs are extremely skilled in Archery, Magical Healing and Astronomy. 12. How did little Bruno Schmidt get away from an Erkling? He used a collapsible cauldron to hit the Erkling over the head.

13. What color are Graphorns? A Graphorn is have a purplish grey colour. 14. What do Kappas feed on? Kappas eat human blood. 15. What is the name of the language created by Merepeople? Mermish is the Merpeoples language. 16. What are TWO magical powers the Phoenix possess? The Phoenix can disappear and appear at will and its tears can heal almost anything. 17. What country might you find a Runespoor in? You would find a Runespoor in Burkina Faso. 18. What is something that Sphinxes love? Sphinxes love puzzles and riddles. 19. How tall might a Troll stand? A troll is usually about 12-13 feet tall. 20. How many breeds of Winged Horses are there? There are many breeds of Winged Horses for example the Abraxan and Granian breeds.

Fill in the Blanks: (Worth 10 Points)

1. Phoenixes are gentle creatures that eat only plants and are known not to kill. 2. Now these creatures are very intelligent and are capable of human speech. 3. Trolls are very strong, but very stupid. 4. Like the Hippogriff a disillusionment charm must be placed on them at regular intervals to hide their different appearance from others. 5. This is an Egyptian creature with a human head and a lions body.

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