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A Case Study with Reference to


(A Government of India Enterprise) WARANGAL ANDHRA PRADESH

Submitted to College Name In partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree of


(Human Resource)

Submitted by
Your Name

Under the Guidance of


Department of Business Management

College Address

Certified that this is a bonafied work done by the student of this Institute in partial fulfillment of requirements for the award of de ree of !aster of "usiness administration #!"A$ % year #&T$ pro ramme The parti'ulars are as follows(

Name of the )tudent &ather*s Name +all Ti'ket No, Title of the pro-e't Name of the Or ani.ation A'ademi' year

( --------------( ---------------( -------------( Job Satisfaction ( BSNL ( YYYY-YY

I deeply express my profound gratitude and whole hearted thanks to our beloved New Science Degree and P.G. ollege!! who provided necessary facilities! guidance and endless encouragement! which helped me soundly. "e is a boon to all of us not only in completing our pro#ects but also throughout the course of study under the humanitarian grounds. I wish to express my gratitude to Mr. Ravi Kumar,! for his co$ operation. I also thank all the employees in %SN& for their cooperation in successful completion of my pro#ect. I would like to thank all the faculty members of New Science Degree ' PG ollege for their excellent guidance and dedicated involvement. I would like to thank my friends and family members for their cooperation in completing pro#ect successfully.


I/ YO%R NA#E a student of Colle e NA!E/ pursuin !"A 'ourse here by de'lare that the pro-e't work entitled 'JOB SATISFACTION( 'arried on in 'B)ARAT) SANC)AR NI"A# LI#ITE! $BSNL&(* and its 0alue added ser0i'es is an ori inal work 'arried out by me a0ailin the uidan'e of my pro-e't uide to my entire satisfa'tion, This report bears no resemblan'e with any other report submitted to 1akatiya 2ni0ersity durin the 'urrent a'ademi' year/ earlier to another uni0ersity for the award of any de ree of diploma, I am presentin this durin the year %3345%336 in partial fulfillment of 7#aster of B+siness Ad,inistration(I also de'lare that this pro-e't report work is not submitted to any other uni0ersity for any de ree,


9our name

C.a/ter - I Introd+ction and Researc. #et.odolog0


+uman resour'e is 'onsiderer to be the most 0aluable asset in any or ani.ation, It is the sum5total of inherent abilities/ a'quired knowled e and skills represented by the talents and aptitudes of the employed persons who 'omprise e:e'uti0es/ super0isors and the rank and file employees, It may be noted here that human resour'e should be utili.ed to the ma:imum possible e:tent/ in order to a'hie0e indi0idual and or ani.ational oals, It is thus the employee*s performan'e/ whi'h ultimately de'ides/ and attainment of oals, +owe0er/ the employee performan'e is to a lar e e:tent/ influen'ed by moti0ation and -ob satisfa'tion The term relates to the total relationship between an indi0idual and the employer for whi'h he is paid, )atisfa'tion does mean the simple feelin state a''ompanyin the attainment of any oal; the end state is feelin a''ompanyin the attainment by an impulse of its ob-e'ti0e, Job satisfa'tion does mean absen'e of moti0ation at work, Resear'h workers differently des'ribed the fa'tors 'ontributin o -ob satisfa'tion and -ob dissatisfa'tion, The sur0ey made re ardin the -ob satisfa'tion in ")N< will fa'ilitate and enables the mana ement to know the per'eptions and inner feelin s re ardin the -ob they are performin on day5to5day basis, The term -ob satisfa'tion re0eals and fo'uses on the likes and dislikes of the employees of ")N<, In this parti'ular study the resear'hers tries to identify the 'auses for satisfa'tion and dissatisfa'tion amon the employees, )o this is the most effe'ti0e and sele'ti0e instrument for dia nosin and peepin into the employee*s problems, Job satisfa'tion sur0ey 'an i0e the most 0aluable information the per'eptions and 'auses, &or satisfa'tion=dissatisfa'tion amon the employees attitude towards -ob satisfa'tion may be either positi0e or ne ati0e, This positi0e feelin 'an be re5in for'ed and ne ati0e feelin s 'an be re'tified, This sur0ey 'an be treated as the most effe'ti0e and effi'ient way/ whi'h makes the workers to e:press their inner and real feelin s undoubtedly, &or any future 'ourse of a'tion= de0elopment/ whi'h in0ol0es employee*s parti'ipation/ is 'onsidered, The mana ement will et a pi'ture their employee*s a''eptan'e and readiness, This sur0ey also enables to a0oid misinterpretations and helps mana ement in sol0in problems effe'ti0ely, It is obser0ed durin study some of the employees a''epted the proposal sur0ey resear'h, A perfe'tly 'ontentment and satisfa'tion moti0ates an employees to be 'onfident with a hi h morale/ it is an asset to or ani.ation as a whole, Thus the hi h moti0ation and morale of an employee make him to remain in the or ani.ation and en'oura e him to fa'e 'ut throat 'ompetition and i0es him enou h dynamism to fa'e 'hallen es,

E0ery human bein possess him own unique resour'e/ if properly 'hannels it by supporti0e and supplement/ ultimately for a'hie0in or ani.ation oals, As proper breathin and diet is ne'essary to healthy human bein so as is 'ontentment to the -ob satisfa'tion, This 'ontentedness ultimately a'ts as a key fa'tor to human resour'e de0elopment,

Job satisfa'tion refers to a person*s feelin of satisfa'tion on the -ob/ whi'h a'ts as a moti0ation to work, It is not the self5satisfa'tion/ happiness or self5'ontentment but the satisfa'tion on the -ob, +oppo'k des'ribes -ob satisfa'tion as 7any 'ombination of psy'holo i'al/ physiolo i'al and en0ironmental 'ir'umstan'es that 'ause and person truthfully to say I am satisfied with my -ob, Job satisfa'tion is defined as the/ 7pleasurable emotional state resultin from the appraisal of one*s -ob as a'hie0in of fa'ilitatin the a'hie0ement of one*s -ob 0alues,


The main aim of the study is to analy.e and e:amine le0el of -ob satisfa'tion amon the ")N< employees and to know the problems fa'ed by the employees of the 0arious 'ate ories, The spe'ifi' ob-e'ti0es are as follows( o To present a profile of ")N< and or ani.ational stru'ture et',/

o To obser0e the le0el of satisfa'tion amon of employees relatin to the nature of the -ob and other fa'tors, o To identify the e:tent of -ob satisfa'tion in the ")N< employees and its impa't on the -ob performan'e of the employees, o o To e0aluate the workin en0ironment in ")N<, To e:amine satisfa'tion re ardin the salary and other benefits of its employees,

o To su est suitable measures to impro0e the o0erall satisfa'tion of the employees in the or ani.ation,


In the sur0ey an attempt has been made to analy.e the -ob satisfa'tion of employees of ")N</ >aran al, The +ead Offi'e of the ")N< is situated at New 8elhi with as Cir'le Offi'e in the Capital of Andhra Pradesh and a 8i0isional Offi'e at >aran al 8istri't, The study tries to understand the le0el of satisfa'tion amon the employees of ")N<, It further e:plains the area on whi'h employees are mostly dissatisfied, Job satisfa'tion of the employees has been analy.ed on the basis of the followin se0enteen -ob related fa'tors, )alary and monetary benefits Job se'urity Promotion poli'y >orkin en0ironment Employees parti'ipation in mana ement &reedom of e:pressions Nature of -ob Interest taken by superiors )uperiors and sub5ordinate relationship !edi'are <oans Con0eyan'e <,T,C,

It is known fa't to all that keepin a employee happy is mana ement*s responsibility as to et the work done perfe'tly, "ut/ to feel happy is employee*s per'eption, )o a satisfied employees is essential element for impro0in effi'ien'y and effe'ti0eness, o Job satisfa'tion is morale, reat moti0ator/ whi'h keeps the employees always in hi h

o Job satisfa'tion amon or ani.ation,

employees result in in'reasin

the per'eption of the

o Job satisfa'tion redu'es the resistan'e amon implementations,

employees for the new

In the preparation of this report/ the resear'her the data from different sour'es, The sour'es of data as follows(

2ri,ar0 data3 This data is athered from first hand information sour'es by the resear'her/ this data 'olle'tion from employees/ mana ers/ 'lerks et',/ by administratin the questionnaire ha0in fa'e to fa'e intera'tion with employees, Secondar0 data 3 This will i0e the theoreti'al basis required for the report presentation whi'h 'an be a0ailable from 0arious sour'es su'h as ma a.ines/ offi'e files/ inter offi'e manual and web site,


8ata/ whi'h is athered by administerin questionnaires/ was pro'essed in simple manner to determine the le0el of satisfa'tion amon employees, E0ery response was assi ned some s'ore based on this o0erall satisfa'tion le0el was determined, 8ata 'olle'ted is 'arefully tabulated and analy.ed by usin satisfa'tion methods and also 0arious raphs are used,

C.a/ter - II




Tele'om in India was started by pri0ate persons in @6A@ as 7Publi' 2tility )er0i'eB, )ubsequently it was taken o0er by ?o0t, of India in @CDE as department of Tele'ommuni'ation/ it fun'tions under the 'ommuni'ation ministry headed by a Cabinet !inister, The offi'e is situated at New 8elhi/ ha0in 'ir'le offi'es in all states in India, The 'ir'le offi'e is lo'ated at the 'apital 'ity of the e0ery distri't of all states under super0ision of ?eneral !ana er, It is world*s Fth lar est 'ompany and India*s No,@ Tele'om Company and 'elebratin @A3

years of Tele'om )er0i'es,

The ")N< is formed on @st O'tober %333, The ")N< is the lar est publi' se'tor/

ser0in more than EA million 'ustomers and with a work for'e of D/A3/333 offi'es and employees/ for its maintenan'e and operation, >ith the su''essful laun'h of ")N<*s ><</ !obile and "roadband ser0i'es all o0er the 'ountry, It has the responsibilities to impro0e already quality of tele'om ser0i'es e:pansion of tele'om network/ takin tele'om ser0i'es in all the 0illa es and instillin 'onfiden'e amon st its 'ustomers,
The 'ompany with a sound finan'ial base is ready to fa'e the impa't of the up'omin 'ompetition, ")N< has re'ei0ed an o0erwhelmin response to its simultaneous laun'h of 'ellular mobile Telephone )er0i'es #C!T)$ a'ross the 'ountry,, The introdu'tion of 8)< te'hnolo y in the a''ess network will be another solution to meet the demand for hi h bandwidth 'onsiderably, Other te'hnolo i'al inno0ations in the form of !ana ed <eased <ine Networks #!<<N$/<!8s 8<Cs AN8 R<C in the a''ess network are in different phases of implementation, Commissionin of 8>8! in the main routes throu h 7)an'har )a ar Pro-e't 7 has laid the foundation for the formation of National Information )uper +i hway, Introdu'tion of Internet Telephony #7>E"P+ONEB$ has pro0ed our 'ommitment towards 7Pro0idin >orld5'lass Tele'om )er0i'es at a 0ery affordable pri'e to its 0alued 'ustomers, To day in >aran al/ ")N< ha0e a stron network of @33G di itali.ed e:'han es inter'onne'ted by @33G reliable transmission media, They ser0e @/3A/C6C landline 'ustomers throu h @@F e:'han es, ")N< 'ommissioned a state of the art 8i ital Trunk Automati' E:'han e of @%/333 lines 'apa'ity e:'lusi0ely for lon distan'e traffi'/ introdu'ed Intelli ent Network )er0i'es #India Telephone Cards/ &ree Phone )er0i'es/ Tele0otin / et',/$ re'o ni.e di ital e:'han es of latest te'hnolo y in the tri'ity so as to offer Contre: fa'ility all o0er the 'ity,

1ISION To be'ome the lar est tele'om )er0i'e Pro0ider in Asia, #ISSION i, To pro0ide world 'lass )tate5of5art te'hnolo y tele'om ser0i'es to its 'ustomers on demand at 'ompetiti0e pri'es,

ii, To pro0ide world 'lass tele'om infrastru'ture in its area of operation and to 'ontribute to the rowth of the 'ountryHs e'onomy, OBJECTI1ES To be the <ead Tele'om )er0i'es Pro0ider, To pro0ide quality and reliable fi:ed tele'om ser0i'e to our 'ustomer and there by in'rease 'ustomerHs 'onfiden'e, To pro0ide mobile telephone ser0i'e of hi h quality and be'ome no, @ ?)! operator in its area of operation, To pro0ide point of inter'onne'tion to other ser0i'e pro0ider as per their requirement promptly, To fa'ilitate R I 8 a'ti0ity in the 'ountry, Contribute to&ard'( i, National Plan Tar et of A33 million5subs'riber bases for India by %3@@,

ii, "roadband 'ustomers base of %3 million in India by %3@@ as per "roadband Poli'y %33D, iii, Pro0idin telephone 'onne'tion in 0illa es as per o0ernment poli'y, i0, Implementation of Triple play as a re ular 'ommer'ial proposition,

Board of !irectors and )+,an Reso+rces

The 'orporate stru'ture of ")N< "oard 'onsists of C!8 and fi0efull time 8ire'tors, +uman Resour'es Plannin and 8e0elopment/ new ser0i'es/ operations/ finan'ial/ 'ommer'ial and marketin who mana e the entire amut of ")N<, There are two o0ernment nominees on the time "oard of dire'tors of the ")N<, Chairman and !,8, 8ire'tor #&inan'e$ 8ire'tor #+R8$ >ith a 'orporate philosophy that human resour'es as the most pri.ed assets of the or ani.ation, It*s natural for ")N< to 'ontinually to plan/ re'ruit/ train/ de0elop and apprise of the or ani.ation ha0e build up a stron base for the 'ondu'tin the business a'ti0ities, In that order ")N< belie0es in the followin ( ")N< has a 0ast reser0oir of hi hly skilled and e:pertise work for'e about D/A3/333 personnel, ")N< belie0e that their staff is one of the best trained man owed in the tele'om se'tor is the bi est asset of the or ani.ation, The or ani.ation belie0es that their future depends on our staff that pro0ides ser0i'e to 0alued 'ustomers and says to tou'h with them, To meet the te'hnolo i'al 'hallen es/ employees are trained for te'hnolo y up radation/ moderni.ation/ 'omputeri.ation et', in ")N<*s trainin 'enters spread a'ross 'ountry, These 'enters are properly equipped with the requisite infra stru'ture fa'ilities su'h as le'ture rooms/ modern audio 0isual aids/ libraries/ hostels et', 8ifferent 'urri'ulum run in these 'enters to import te'hnolo y based trainin for additional 'han e/ basi' edu'ation and skill de0elopment pro rammes et',

Organi5ation of BSNL3

!istrib+tion of "ro+/-6ise staff strengt. of !oT and BSNL $n+,bers& as on 78st #arc. 499: is indicated belo63

Including ()*( nos. Industrial +orkers



The hierar'hy of the "aharath )an'har Ni am <imited/ at >aran al distri't 'an be e:plained as in the followin manner( The ?eneral !ana er will look after all the a'ti0ities of ")N< at >aran al ))A, 2nder ?!/ there are two 8?!s and one )8E, The 8eputy ?eneral !ana er of plannin and rural look after the plannin and rural tele'om network maintenan'e, Plannin the future a'ti0ities, )ub 8i0isional En ineer/ 8OT)O&T is in 'har e of tele'om software, Commer'ial Offi'er is responsible for 'ommer'ial a'ti0ities su'h as new phone 'onne'tions/ phone ser0i'es et', The 8i0isional En ineers will look after the Administration a'ti0ities/ &inan'es et', Administrati0e Offi'er/ Telephone5Re0enue #TR$ will see the issues re ardin Telephone "ills/ 'olle'tin Re0enues et',

Ser;ices offered b0 BSNL

")N< Call Center !<<N !P<) based IP J KPN )er0i'es ")N< Cellone )er0i'e ")N< Cellular Call Center ><< Phone #Taran $ Internet 8habhas Killa e PT*s ITC Cards "ill Payment Centers Centre: Answerin !a'hine )er0i'e In )er0i'es Internet )er0i'es I)8N >eb Phone NetOne &AL )ite is >AP enabled #in +yderabad only$ ")N< Portal #&or online payments$

!E#O"RA2)IC STAT%S The 8emo raphi' )tatus of areas 'o0ered by Andhra Pradesh Cir'le alon with telephone penetration is as follows as E35345%33E,

Sl No

@, %, E, D, A, 4, F, 6, C, @3, @@, @%, @E, @D, @A, @4, @F, @6, @C, %3, %@, %%, %E,


Ananthap Chitoor


East ?od ?untur


Ran ared


1hamma 1rishna 1urnool

!ahaboo !edak

Nal onda Nellore




Kishakap Ki.iana

>aran a

>est ?od


Chapter 5 III T.eoretical As/ects of Job Satisfaction



7I am satisfied with the -obB is one way to define -ob satisfa'tion, <imeli ht on -ob satisfa'tion was brou ht by +op po'k in @CEA, +e re0iewed E% studies on -ob satisfa'tion, Prior of @CEE the -ob satisfa'tion is 'ombination of psy'holo i'al/ physiolo i'al and en0ironmental 'ir'umstan'es that 'ourse to say truthfully that 7I am satisfied with my -ob,B The su''ess of any or ani.ation depends on the effe'ti0e utili.ation and moti0ation of human resour'es,, Job satisfa'tion is an inte ral of the or ani.ational 'limate and importan'e element in mana ement and employee relationship, Job satisfa'tion is deri0ed from the <atin words 7)atisB and 7fa'ereB/ whi'h means 7enou h and to doB respe'ti0ely, Job satisfa'tion refers to an employee*s eneral attitude towards his -ob, )ituational &a'tor, Indi0idual Chara'teristi's, ?roup and so'ial relationship outside the -ob, Job satisfa'tion is the ultimate fun'tion of all these and many indi0idual attitudes put to ether, !any thinkers 'onsider it a 'olle'ti0e for'e and not an unitary phenomenon, E0ery indi0idual has some needs and desires that need to be fulfilled, Any -ob/ whi'h fulfils these needs/ pro0ides satisfa'tion, )atisfa'tion is one*s 'ontentment -ob that indu'es moti0ation and interest in work/ whi'h 'reates pleasure or happiness from -ob, +en'e satisfa'tion plays a 0ital role in e0ery aspe't of indi0idual*s life/ without satisfa'tion in life it be'omes 0ery diffi'ult to sur0i0e,

The term -ob satisfa'tion refers to an employee*s eneral attitude towards his -ob,

Job satisfa'tion is the fa0orableness or un5fa0orableness with whi'h employees 0iew their work, In order to understand -ob satisfa'tion/ perhaps the first step should be to demar'ate the boundaries amon su'h terms as attitudes moti0ation and morale, A -ob is an important part of life, Job satisfa'tion influen'es one*s life


The result is that satisfa'tion arises from a 'omple: set of 'ir'umstan'es in the same way the moti0ation does,

Job Satisfaction Leads To

!oti0ates towards hi h produ'ti0ity, >ant to remain with or ani.ation, A't effe'ti0ely in 'risis, A''ept ne'essary 'han es without resentment or resistan'e, Promotes the interest of the workers in the or ani.ation,

There are 0ital differen'es amon e:perts about the 'on'ept of -ob satisfa'tion, "asi'ally/ there are four approa'hes= theories of -ob satisfa'tion, They are( @$ &ulfillment theory %$ 8is'repan'y theory E$ Equity theory D$ Two5fa'tor theory $8& F+lfill,ent t.eor0

The main aim of this theory is to measure satisfa'tion in terms of rewards a person re'ei0es or the e:tent to whi'h his needs are satisfied, Job satisfa'tion 'annot be re arded merely as a fun'tion of how mu'h a person re'ei0es from his -ob but it is the stren th of the indi0idual*s desire of his le0el of aspiration in a parti'ular area, The main diffi'ulty in his approa'h as obser0ed by willin is that -ob satisfa'tion is not only a fun'tion of what a person re'ei0es but also what he feels he should re'ei0e/ as there would be 'onsiderable differen'e in the a'tual and e:pe'tations of persons, $4& !iscre/anc0 T.eor0

The proponents of this theory is that satisfa'tion is the fun'tion of what a person a'tually re'ei0es from his -ob satisfa'tion and what he thanks re'ei0es or e:pe'ts to re'ei0e, This approa'h does not make it 'lear whether or not o0er satisfa'tion is a part of dissatisfa'tion and if so/ how it differs from dissatisfa'tion, $7& E<+it0 T.eor0 The proponents of this theory are of the 0iew that a persons satisfa'tion determined by his per'ei0ed equity whi'h in from is determined by his input5output balan'e when 'ompared to others input5output balan'e, Input5output balan'e is the per'ei0ed ratio of what a person re'ei0ed from his -ob relati0e to what he 'ontributes to the -ob,

$=& T6o-Factor T.eor0

This theory was de0eloped by +er.ber / !anusner/ Paterson and Capwell who identified 'ertain fa'tors as satisfiers and dissatisfies, &a'tors su'h as a'hie0ement/ re'o nition responsibility et',/ are satisfiers/ the presen'e of whi'h 'auses satisfa'tion but their absen'e does not result in dissatisfa'tion on the other hand the fa'tors su'h as super0ision salary/ workin 'onditions et' are dis5satisfiers the absen'e of whi'h 'ause dissatisfa'tion howe0er their presen'e does not result in -ob satisfa'tion, This theory is 'onsidered in0alid as a person 'an dissatisfa'tion at the same time, et both satisfa'tion and


A''ordin to Abraham A, 1umar there two types of 0ariables/ whi'h determine the -ob satisfa'tion of an indi0idual, These are( @, Or ani.ation Kariables %, Personal Kariables 8Organi5ation ;ariables3 iOcc+/ational Le;el 3 The hi her the le0el of the -ob/ the reater the satisfa'tion of the indi0iduals, This is be'ause/ hi her le0el of -obs 'arry reater presti e and self5'ontrol, This relationship between o''upational le0el and -ob satisfa'tion stems from so'ial referen'e roup theory in our so'iety 0alues some -obs more than others, +en'e people in 0alues like them more than those who are in non5 0alued -obs, The relationship may also stem from the need fulfillment theory, Job content3 ?reater the 0ariation in -ob 'ontent and less the repetiti0eness with whi'h the tasks must be performed/ the reater the satisfa'tion of the indi0iduals in0ol0ed, )in'e -ob 'ontent in terms of 0ariety and nature of tasks 'alled for is a fun'tion of o''upational le0el, The theoreti'al ar uments i0en abo0e apply here also, Considerate Leaders.i/3 People to be treated with 'onsideration, +en'e 'onsiderate leadership results in hi her -ob satisfa'tion than in 'onsiderate leadership, 2a0 and 2ro,otional o//ort+nities3 All other thin s bein equal these two 0ariables are positi0ely related to -ob satisfa'tion, Interaction a,ong E,/lo0ees3 +ere the question is/ when intera'tion in the work roup is a sour'e of -ob satisfa'tion and when it is not,





Interaction is ,ore satisf0ing 6.en3 a$ It results in the 'o nition that other persons attitudes are similar to ones own sin'e/ this permits are ready 'al'ulability of the others beha0ior and 'onstitutes a 0alidation of ones self,

b$ It results in bein a''epted by other and '$ It fa'ilitates and a'hie0ement of oals, 4- 2ersonal 1ariables &or some people/ it appears that most -obs will be dissatisfyin irrespe'ti0e of the or ani.ational 'onditions/ where for other most -obs will be satisfyin personal 0ariable for this differen'e, i$ ii$ iii$ i0$ A e Edu'ational <e0el Role per'eption )e:



@, ARE 9O2 )TI)&IE8 >IT+ T+E >A?E) PAI8 TO 9O2M

#8ata in Per'enta e$

Yes No

Inter/retation( 63 per'ent of the employees are satisfied with the wa es paid to tem, Only %3 per'ent of the employees feel that there should be a hike in wa es paid to them,


#8ata in Per'enta e$

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No Series1

Inter/retation( F3 per'ent of the employees feel that there should be an in'enti0e wa e s'heme for effi'ient work in the or ani.ation,


#8ata in Per'enta e$









Inter/retation( Almost all the employees are satisfied with the present workin 'onditions and en0ironment,


To )ome e:tent

#8ata in Per'enta e$

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No Series1

Inter/retation( F3G of the employees feel that the mana ement is sympatheti' to some e:tent in their problems fa'ed at workstation,








To )ome e:tent

#8ata in Per'enta e$

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No Series1

Inter/retation( Almost all the employees are satisfied with fa'ilities pro0ided with the or ani.ation,

4, 8OE) T+E !ANAE!ENT +AKE ?OO8 RE<ATION >IT+ T+E >OR1ER)M To )ome e:tent

#8ata in Per'enta e$

80 60 40 20 0 Yes No S1 Series1

Inter/retation( F3G of the employees feel that the mana ement has a ood relation with the workers and only %3G of them feel that the mana ement should impro0e their relation with the workers,

F, 8O 9O2 &EE<T+AT T+E CO!PA!N9 PO<ICIE) REA<<9 PROTECT 9O2R INTERE)TM To )ome e:tent

#8ata in Per'enta e$

Yes No

Inter/retation( 43G of the employees feel that the 'ompany poli'ies really prote't their interest, D3G of them feel that their interests are not prote'ted,


To )ome e:tent

#8ata in Per'enta e$

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No Series1

Inter/retation( Only A3G of the employees are satisfied with the present mana ement setup and the other A3G is not satisfied and feel that there should be 'han e in the setup,

C, 8O 9O2 &EE< T+AT T+E CO!PAN9 PO<ICIE) )+O2<8 "E C+AN?E8M

To )ome e:tent

#8ata in Per'enta e$

60 50 40 Series1 30 20 10 0 Yes No

Inter/retation( 43G of the employees feel that the 'ompany poli'ies should be 'han ed and D3G of them feel that the poli'ies of the 'ompany are up to their satisfa'tion,


To )ome e:tent

#8ata in Per'enta e$

Yes No

Inter/retation( Almost all the employees are satisfied with the trainin the 'ompany to impro0e their performan'e,

pro0ided by




"esides se0eral other fa'tors the e'onomi' de0elopment of a 'ountry depends upon the effe'ti0e fun'tionin of employees, In order to a'hie0e this the superiors and the state should take ne'essary steps for the satisfa'tion of employees in their respe'ti0e -obs,

Almost all the employees are satisfied with the wa es paid to them, F3G of the employees feel that there should be an in'enti0e wa es s'heme for effi'ient work in the or ani.ation, Employees are satisfied with the present workin 'onditions and feel se'ure about their -ob, F3G of the employees feel that the mana ement is sympatheti' to some e:tent in their problems fa'ed at workstation/ !ana ement shares a 0ery ood relation with the workers, Employees are satisfied with the fa'ilities pro0ided to them and are free to e:press their 0iews freely to the mana ement, )uper0isors are ready to 'lear the doubts and help in impro0in their performan'e, F3G of the employees feel that the 'ompany poli'ies really A3G of the employees are satisfied with the present

prote't their interests, mana ement setup,

43G of the employees feel that the 'ompany poli'ies should be 'han ed,

Employees are satisfied with the trainin their performan'e,

pro0ided to them in impro0in

!edi'al/ edu'ational and housin loans are the finan'ial benefits pro0ided to the employees by the or ani.ation, E:penses for the in-ured workers are borne by the or ani.ation, !edi'al 'ompensation is also pro0ided to the

inured workers,
O0erall the employees of ")N< are ha0in a 0ery hi h -ob satisfa'tion and hen'e they are workin with reat enthusiasm and .eal to a'hie0e their or ani.ations oal,

@, %, E, A3G of the employees feel that the present mana ement should be 'han ed, D3G of the employees feel that the 'ompany poli'ies should be 'han ed, E3G of the employees feel that the 'ompany poli'ies are not able to prote't their interests and hen'e they should be 'han ed, !a-ority of the employees feel that there should be an in'enti0e wa e s'heme for effi'ient work in the or ani.ation, The mana ement should be more helpful and sympatheti' towards the problems fa'ed by the workers at the workstation,



hapter $ ,I



A2rofile3 Name A e In'ome Oualifi'ation 8esi nation 8ate of Joinin ( ( ( ( ( (


2ersonal 2roble,s ? Benefits 3@, Are you satisfied with the wa es paid to youM #a$ 9es #b$ No

%, 8o you ha0e any in'enti0e wa e s'hemes for effi'ient work in your or ani.ationM #a$, 9es E, #b$, No

Is your -ob permanent or temporaryM

D, Are you se'ured about your -obM #a$, 9es #b$, No

A, Are you satisfied with the present workin 'onditions and en0ironmentM #a$, 9es CInter-2ersonal 2roble,s3@, 8o the workers beha0e well with the !ana ementM #a$, 9es #b$, No #b$, No

%, Is the mana ement helpful and sympatheti' to your problems in workstation M #a$ 9es #b$ No

E, 8oes the mana ement ha0e ood relation with the workers M #a$ 9es #b$ No

D, 8o you anytime e:press freely your 0iews with the workers or 0i'e 0ersa M #a$ 9es #b$ No

A, Are you satisfied with the fa'ilities pro0ided with the or ani.ation M #a$ 9es #b$ No your

4, Are the super0isors ready to 'lear your doubt and help in impro0in performan'e M #a$ 9es #b$ No

F, 8o you ha0e ood personal relations with the !ana er and )uper0isors M #a$ 9es !Financial Benefits3@, >hat type of finan'ial benefits do you et in the or ani.ation M #a$ #b$ #'$ %, In-ured workers et any 'ompensation in your or ani.ation M #a$ #b$ #'$ E#anage,ent ? or@ers concerned3#b$ No

@, Is the mana ement able to pro0ide any housin fa'ilities to you M #a$ 9es #b$ No

%, 8o you feel that 'ompany poli'ies really prote't your interests M #a$ 9es #b$ No

E, 8o you ha0e problems with the present mana ement setupM #a$ 9es #b$ No

D, 8o you feel that the 'ompany poli'ies should be 'han ed M #a$ 9es #b$ No

A, 8oes the 'ompany pro0ide any trainin to impro0e your performan'e M #a$ 9es #b$ No

4, If yes/ are you satisfied with the trainin pro0ided M #a$ 9es #b$ No

Ashwathappa, 1 +uman Resour'e !ana ement Tata !' ?raw +ill Publi'ations

8eith 8a0is

+uman Relation at >ork


Personnel mana ement I industrial Relations

P, )ubba Rao

Essentials of +uman Resour'es and Industrial Relations

C,", !amoria

+uman Resour'e !ana ement


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