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refelencc (l)aper 2)

Letter/email to a friend
(For work on informal letters and emails, seepages 1 6a n d 1 6 4 . ) Task Youhavereceived a letterfrom your pen friend you for a visitin July. inviting Writea letter to your penfriend, accepting the invitation, suggestrng you would liketo do and asking something what youshould bringwith you. Writeyour letter. Do not write any postal addresses. (You should wnte between120-180words.) Model answer
D0invent a name Don't write Dear Penfriend.

Useful language
Beginning the letter or email . Many thanks for your letter (- it was really niceto hear from you again). . I thought I'd better write (andgive you some more detailsabout ...) . It's been such a long time since we wrote to each other. o How are you and your family? . How are things with youT o How was (your holiday)? Introducing the topic . I know you're longing to hear all about (my holday). c You remember I told you in my last letter (that I was going to ..,) Ending the letter or email c Once again, (thanksverymuch for all your help). . Give my love/regards to (your family). . Pleasewrite/drop me a line soon, . I look forward to (meeting up again soon).

Thanks foc clooc lefre( 3ou. Im 5orrj I havent

it ,r.: fof

gcat to

hear from


ages, bul I've lt's reall3

DO mention a letteror emailyou havereceived from the person you arewritingto, or refer to a shared experience.

been reatl3 bu.=j preparing fr mj exams

god ^e3 -fhat jorl ve pa=sed 3ur

driving fest.

DO saywhat you've beendorngrecently.

Congratcrlations! ThanL think of some ficdetaiis to

a p h - t h r sw i l l


5o much for in ful3 a tponderful spending

jor I'd

invitatin love lo near




3oo tha-i I'd that


a eeL have njo3

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your etteror more interesting

3ot-r reallg the


house, expect



there . \


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r v,^ng .e Can g

st,imming. You gaid that ldhat f,Oould 5ort of I don t need I to bcing much Difh Casoal m.




or formal?

lik rne to bring an3thing for ujors? I Lorld 3or-t -l llv-e bring smefhing 5pecial for goo and famit3 3ur from mj coor,+/3. stop nD and get driving 3ur on tith ar, and m3 stud3ng. I'm looking I

I d btter hope use anappropriate

o r e m a L le ,. g . All the best, Best

jou re no3ing +o 3eei.rg again be=t, fr


3oo the

in futSl invitafion.

Than[.= Alt the Tcene

D0N'T finish letter or emailwith

('169 words)


ruli.rcltec { l':rpt'r' } t

(For w o r ko n r e p o r t s s,e ep a g e s 78 and1'14.) Task Theschool whereyou studyEnglish hasdecided to spend somemoney on either buying more computers or improving the library. Youhave beenasked to writea report for the school director describing the benefits to the school of boththese things, and saying you whichone t h i n ks h o u l d bechosen a n dw h y Writeyourreport.(Youshould writebetween 120-180words.) Model answer

lntroduction . The aim of this report is to ... . This report is intended to ... Reportng results . Most people seern to feel that ... . Several people said/told me/suggested/thought that ... Presentinga list . They gave/suggested the following reasons.. They made the following points: 1 ... 2 .. Making recommendations . I would therefore recommend (that we expand the library/installing a new coffee machine) . lt would seem that (banningmobile phones)is the best idea.

Useof money for schoolimprovements

DON'T begin a n de n dy o u r reportwith DearStr/Madam rKe a letter.

D O u s eh e a d i n gb se c a u s e t h i sm a k e s i t e s i ef r orthe r e a d etro f n d t h e m a t n ntormatton.

Introduction Theaim of thisreport is to compare the advantages of additional computers and of improving the library, and to suggest whichof these wouldbe best I interviewed r f s t u d e n tts a n u m b eo o f i n do u t t h e i rv i e w s . .--Buying more computers Some of the students thoughtthat thrswasa good idea, saying computers wereuseful for: gr i t i n g w " r practisin r ustng theInternet . playingames. However, otherstudents saidthat theypreferred to use theirown computers at home. lmprovingthe library Mostof the students preferred thissuggestion, givng the following reasons. '1 Manystudents do not havea quietplace to studyat home. Thelibrary wouldbe a good place for private study, but at present therearenot enough tables and c h a i rt sh e r e . 2 They feelthat up-to-date dictionaries and reference books areneeded. 3 They want to be ableto readmodern books written for youngpeople. Recommendations Bothideas hve benefits, but the majority of students felt that improving the library wouldbe moreuseful. I wouldtherefore recommend this.

DO sayhow you collected the i n f o r m ao tn.

DO nclude two or p o n t su n o e r rnree eacn heading D O u s en u m b e n no gr b u l l ep t oints to h i g hi q h tm a i np o i n t s

DO usea rangeof specific vocabulary or set phrases e.g.5ome thought thtswasa good idea.../other studens sardthey preferred..., bu| DON'T use ots of adlectives and dramatic anguaga e sy o u d o r n a story. A reportgtves tactual n fo r m a t i o n .

DON'T include irrelevant d e t a i lo sr description.

D O u s ef o r m a la n g u a g e

D Oe x p r e s sp i n i o n s o impersona ly.DON'T express recorn rnendattons or oprn o n su n t i lt h e c onc l u sion.

('179 words)



rcference (Paper 2)

Useful language (For work on articles, seepages 52, 102and 126") Task Youseethisadvertisement in a localEnqlish ran9uage newspaper. for articles Hgyl magazineis tooking world' the around about celebrations in your imPortant is that a celebration about usanarticle Write anddescribing *t'V tnt ttfti[on it itpotttnt explaining @unry, wirr vou rr do. peopre vour whar ?-'iil-*::?:,:1,ini:lfl*'*' choice' J *..k.nO in a cityofyour "in Writeyourarticle.(Youshould write between 120-180 words.) Modelanswer
Involving the reader . Are you thinking of (getting marriedin the near future)? . l'm sure you'll agree (it was a great idea). Developing your points . Let's start with (why it is so important to take plenty of exerase). . Another advantage (of usinga computer s that ...) On top of that, ... Giving your own opinion . I think tha/nn my opinion (tradtional celebrationsare very important). lt seems to me that (peopleare much more aware of the importanceof a good diet nowadays).

D Ot h i n ko f a n interesting title. DON'T startand finish yourarticle in the sameway as a letter.

Olinda'scarnival- something for everyone Whenmostpeople thinkof Carnival, theythinkof Riode.laneiro. But Rioisn'tthe onlycityin Brazil that knowshow to haveparties. I livein Olinda, a lovely cityin the north-east of Brazil. Whatcanwe sav aboutthe carnival at Olinda? Just that it'sthe bestin the world I Carnival hasitsorigins in ancient Egyptian and Roman festivals. lt was introduced to Brazil by the Portuguese, andwas influenced by African rhythms and Indian costumes. Now it'sa biq national celebration. OnceCarnival starts, the wholetown goescrazy! Everyone's singing and dancing. Parades of people wearing costumes typical of our north-eastern folklore dance through the streets. I lovethe giant street dolls, boththe traditional onessuchas 'the manof midnight' andthe new onesthat appear eacnyear. Thebestthingaboutour carnival isthat no one nas to payand thereare no big stars. Everyone takes part,richand poor. old andyoung,residents and tourists. lf you come,I promise you'llnever forgetit!

DO try to involve your reaoers, e.g. by using a question.

DO useinformal language to lnvolve the reader.

DON'T forgetto your express opinion.

yourarticle DOfinish by yn og u rm a t n SUmmaSr point your andgiving opinion or expressing your feelings

( 1 7 9w o r d s )


\\fitirrg rcfcrcncc (l,apcr 2)

Letter of application
Usefullanguage (For w o r ko n w r i t i n g application ss e,ep a g e1 4 0 . ) Task Youseethisadvertisement in a localEnqlish language newspaper. English to We are looking for students of in the helping *oi"ittgt a week ,f"r,O,*o ^ local tourist office'
the Cotttl tut' ttntl c'tncliiuts.for tbtru l ur )o W r i t c t o u s .g i r i n g i n t b r m a t i o n r v h y ou e x p l i r i n i r r r 'nd l e v e lo l ' E n g l i s ha job' the for rvouldbe suitable
o I have always been interested in (usingEngtish in my worK). c One of the main reasons I am apptying for this job is that (l want to work in Engtand). . I have a lot of experience of (dealingwith the public). . I am available to start work (at any time/from the end of the month). . Thank you for considering my apptication. o I would be grateful if you would (sendme further details of the job). . I can be contacted (on 0849 58 48 43) at any time. . I can be contacted (at the above address). . I look forward to hearing from you soon.

right ttpplic'uttts'

Write your application Do not write any postaf (. Y o u s h o u l dw r i t e b e t w e e n 1 2 0 _ l g 0 w o r d s . ) addresses

Dear Sir/Madam, I am wrrtrngto apply for one of the positions helpingin the local touristofficewhich were advertised in'Kent weklyr on August23rd.
D Oo r g a n i sy eo u r applrcatio sn o t h a ty o u mentron eachof the areas intheadvertisement. job DO saywhich you areapplying for a n dw h e r e and when you sawit advertised. Youcan invent a newspaper and dateif you needto.

I am 19 yearsold and come from Switzerland. Germanis my mother tongueand I havebeen learningEngiishand Frenchfor flveyearsat a comprehensive school.At the moment I'm a studentat EngltshInternational, studyingfor the FCE I havealwaysbeen interested in workingwith people.As i haveaireadyspentthreemonthsin England, I know the local touristattractions quitewell. i wouid also say that I havea good knowledge of historyand o1dplaces, because I haveread a lot aboutthe subjectrecenth In the near future,I would like to continuestudyingEnglish, and so the job in your tourist office would be a great opportunlty for me to improvemy speaking. I am available for interviewat any trme.I can be contacted on 0795 51 32 4I after6 p.m.everyevening. Thank you for considering my applicatron. I look forward to hearing from you. Yoursfaithfuliy, 6arre.\\a Danre.\s

DON'T m a k em i s t a k e si t h w trmeexpresstons and tenses

DON'T forgetto mentron why you t h i n ky o ua r e suitable.

DO saywhenand how you canbe conlacted.

D O b e gn a n de n dy o u r letter a sy o uw o u l do t h e r formalletters.

Gabrieila Daniels

9.e] -Er

( 1 8 3w o r d s )

Writinp reference (Paper 2)

(For work on essays, seepages 90 and 176.) Task Youhavebeendoinga class project on technology. Your teacher hasasked you to write an essay giving youropinion on the following statement: People in the modern world depend too much on compurcrs. Write your essay.(you shouldwrite between 120-180 words.) Useful language
. Some people claim that (your teenage years are the best years of your life). . lt is often said that (ly is a bad inftuence on young people). . However, in my view/opinion, .. . . Firstly, it is clear that (money cannot buy happiness). . While it is true that (computer games arestimutating, they may not be good for you in the long term). . From my point of view, (ob satisfaction s moreimponant than a large salary). . Finally, it is important to remember that ... c On balancethen, t feel that ... o To sum up/ln conclusion, it seems to me that ...

D0 state the topicin your firstsentence, but yourown words. use

In today's world, nearly every aspectof life is affected by computertechnology. Computersare usedfor business, public services, education and entertainment. Somepeopleare concerned by this development. They fear that vital skills are being lost as computer technologyreplaces traditionalways of working in a wide variety of areas, from art and designto banking and commerce. They point out the chaosthat can occur when computersystems fail, leadingto the breakdown of essential servicessuchas transport,law and order. However,peoplecould not continueto enjoy their presentstandard of living without computer technology. There are now far more peoplein the world than therewere a generation ago. The fact that there ls enoughfood for them, that they can travel safelyfrom one placeto another,and that they can be provided with medicalcare,is largely due to computer technology. In my opinion, therefore, we have to acceptour dependence on computers, but at the sametime we should work to find waySof making this dependence lessdangerous.
( 1 7 8w o r d s )

DON'T startby saying / agree with this - your essay should present your own argument.

DO include supporting detail for the points in eachparagraph.

D Ou s e linking expresstons to Introduce points.

DON'T forgetto express youroplnon in theconclusion.

\Vritin$ referencc (l'aper 2)

(For work on revews, seepges 15 and 64.) Task Yourecently sawthisannouncement in an English language magazine calledFilmScene.

lntroducton . The(film)I would liketo revews ... c Thelastfilmlsaw /book lread was... Summarising the story . lt'ssetn ... . Thestory rsbasedon (a book) ... . lt'sabout... . Thereare many memorablecharacters including .. . . Themain themeof the film is ... . What the film is sayingis ... Recommending the film . I would recomendthis film to anyone. . Although I enjoyed it, I would not recommend it for ... . lt's one of the best (shows)l've eyerseen. o Although I am not normally keenon (mudcals), I'm glad that I decdedto go. . The (filn) liftsyou out of your everyday ltfe

on films today We needa young person'sperspective Include Write us a review of the last film you saw' and any special information on the story, characters you would whether say features of the film, and review will best The recommendthe film to other people' magazine' of the be publishedin next month's eclition

Writeyour review. (Youshouldwrite between120-180 wor0s.) Model answer

The last film I saw was not new: in fact it was The Lord of tlte Rings.
DO saywhat it is
h^r rt hrrt ^^t , +^^

m u c hd e t a . i

It is basedon the well-known book, and tells the story of a creaturecalled a hobbit who takesa dangerous magic ring back to the place where it was made in order to destroy it. There are many memorable charactersapart from the hobbit and his friends. includins awizard called Gandalf and a suspicious creaturecalled Gollum. This is a film about fiiendship and loyalty. However, ir is the specialeffectsthat make it truly magical.There are vivid battle scenes with fantasticanimalsand birds. and setsthat are so imaginativethat you want to believethey are real. But as well as this. the actual locationsare beautiful.too. I r.vould recommendthis film to anyone,even thosewho do not usually enjoy fantasyfilms. What I would say to them is - go and try it! Like me, you might find that the film lifts yorout of your everydaylife into a world you rvill not want to leave. ( 1 8 0w o r d s )

DO remember to mention important or memorable characters, but don't spend t o o m u c ht r m e lust describrn ge m . th

DO try to usea range of interesting vocabulary, to bring t h e f i l mt o i f e for the reader.

D Or e m e m b e r link to ideas clearly, andto nk paragraphs together.

DO remember to g ve youropinion clearly, as

thi< < th nr.nn<o nf

review, but not unt the end.

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