Project Design Presentation

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Nigeria - Sustainable Agriculture Education for Women

Erika Enriquez, Changsu Han, Alex Nichol, Cire Sarr

The Kano region of Northern Nigeria is one of the most impoverished areas of the country. Women are active household and agricultural participants with a need for a greater household income.

Results Framework
Strategic Objective Improved household incomes in Northern Nigeria

Critical assumptions: Men are the primary income generators in the household Most households have access to smallholder farmland

IR 1 Increased access to financial resources for women

IR 2 Increased womens engagement in smallholder agricultural activities

IR 3 Improved livelihoods through alternative uses of agricultural products

Project Design
IR 2.1 Improved female participation in agricultural education IR 2.2 Increased access to supplies for agricultural production IR 2.3 Strengthened systems for delivering smallholder surplus production to market

Agricultural Education

Campaign to recruit comm. leaders & support(Mobilization) Ag. specialists train staff and comm. leaders as ag. educators (Org. Cap. Dev.) Increasing demand for agricultural education through forums with community (Demand generation)

Agricultural Education (cont.) Kano smallholder women

educated in sustainable ag. techniques for growing cash crops to improve livelihood. (Indiv. Cap. Dev.) Adopting materials to local context (Knowledge Generation) Providing incentive to encourage women to learn new agricultural techniques as well as incentive for teachers (Material Assistance)

Scale - Sustainability - Exit Strategy

Agricultural Association established

Certification given to qualified trainers to assure quality

Phasing over training responsibilities: The local trainers will offer a paid service to other women in neighboring communities
Phasing out both the subsidy women were receiving and the stipend given to teachers in the second year


Within 3 years of enrollment in training program, women in the Kano region who successfully complete training program will achieve a 20% increase in yield of targeted crops
Training program: Refers to the orientation, training, and education provided by our organization in partnership with the local community Yield: The measure of crops produced per unit area of land cultivation Targeted crops: Crops available per season within the region

Unit of measure: Yield = kg (kilogram)/ha (hectare)

Disaggregated by: Households of women in Kano region participating in organizations activities and households of women in Kano region not participating in organizations activities

Thank you !

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