1 Giant Clams Stock Enhancement Presentation - San Felipe

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Presented by:

Beatriz Santos
Linasin Fisherfolk Assoc.

Presentation Outline
IV. V.

Introduction Status/Accomplishments Problems Encountered and Actions Taken to Address the Problems Activities/Tasks Remaining Lessons Learned and Good Practices

Project Title:


Recipient Organization: Project Manager:


Recipient Agency/Organization Coordinator: Funding Agency: Project Period:

ADB, GEF APRIL-DECEMBER 2012 Php 385,000.00

Total Project Cost:

Project Location
Smallest MPA in Zambales 33% live coral cover 37 fish species, 17 families

Target species 39%

Coral indicator species 57%
San Felipe

I. Introduction

The MPA establishment was identified during the formulation of the Integrated Coastal Resource Management (ICRM) Plan of the Municipality of San Felipe, for mitigating and reducing coastal problems, an indication of the stakeholders and local leaders awareness of the significance of the local natural resource management, within the context of a marine reserve. Stock enhancement as part of the Habitat Management activities was one mechanism accepted during the formulation of Marine Protected Area (MPA) Management Plan for San Felipe.

I. Introduction
PROJECT COST Php. 325,000 from ADB thru DENR

ICRMP Php. 60,000 LGU San Felipe counterpart TOTAL Project Cost: Php. 385,000.00

I. Introduction

Sangguniang Bayan Resolution No. 2011-092

Resolution Adopting the Marine Protected Area (MPA) Management Plan of the Municipality of San Felipe, Zambales and Endorsing to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for Funding and Implementation of the Identified Project Interventions

Sangguniang Bayan Ordinance No. 12 s. 2012

San Felipe Marine Protected Area Ordinance

Memorandum of Agreement - Awarded and signed on September 27, 2012

I. Introduction

MANAGEMENT BODY The San Felipe MPA shall be managed by the Local Government Unit of San Felipe with the local chief executive (LCE). The LCE will be supported by the MPA Technical Working Group (TWG) who will be a group of technical representatives from concerned agencies such as DENR, DA-BFAR, PNP, MPDO, Sangguniang Bayan Representative and Regional ICRM Center Representative. The Municipal Agriculture Office (MAO) will directly assist the MPA Manager, PO Chair and the committees in the implementation of this conservation project.

I. Introduction

a. Identification of suitable site b. Strengthening and capability building of POs implementing the project c. Purchasing of juvenile clams from Pangasinan hatchery d. Seeding of giant clams in the identified site e. Monitoring of growth and survival of clams

I. Introduction

OBJECTIVES The project aims to rehabilitate and promote natural recruitment of giant clams and to conserve, protect and sustain the management of fishery and aquatic resources in the area. The specific objectives of the project are:

1. To provide additional source of income for the local fishers and MPA Council through enhanced ecotourism and user fees system; 2. To increase giant clams population in the MPA; and 3. To sustain the reef condition and fish stocks in the MPA.

II. Project Accomplishment

Consultation/Pre implementation meeting

October 2012 LGU personnel's, PO members and Officers, fisherfolks, FARMC attended the meeting Presentation of approved Biodiversity Conservation Project Proposal and Work Plan

Site Assessment & Selection

December 14, 2012 Conducted site assessment and giant clams inventory inside the core zone of the MPA Delineated the selected site for giant clams seeding project Map of the proposed site prepared Assessment and inventory report prepared and submitted

Giant Clams Stock Enhancement Training and Exposure Trip

Mayor Carolyn S. Farias, 17 PO members and LGU staff attended the On-site Exposure & Training on Feb. 23-24, 2013 at UP-MSI Ocean Nursery, Bolinao Clams identification, familiarization, tagging and monitoring were learned by the participants

MPA Launching & Installation of Marker Buoy

Installation of Buoy Markers

Giant Clam Seeding

Monitoring of seeded giant clams

Once a week monitoring of giant clams conducted by the PO Monitoring report prepared and submitted Seeded giant clams measured individually and diseases identified Giant clams predators removed

II. Project Accomplishment

Trainings 1. Exposure Trip and Training on Giant Clam Stock Enhancement UP-MSI, Bolinao, Pangasinan February 23-24, 2013 2. Capability Training & MOA Signing for Zambales Marine Protected Area Network (ZAMPAN) La Union February 19-22, 2013

IEC Activities

Preparation and Installation of Signage, tarpaulin, etc.


IEC Drive at Coastal Barangays

Tridacna gigas 8pcs Tridacna squamosa 16pcs

~49cm shell length ~25m shell length



Cash Beginning (Opening Balance) Mobilization Fund Conduct of Site Assessment Coordination at UP-MSI 1st Payment Exposure Trip &Training on Giant Clam Stock Enhancement Procurement of Giant Clams 2nd Payment Monitoring of BioCon Project Construction of MPA Headquarters Gasoline for Patrolling at BioCon Retention Fee Repair of MPA Headquarters TOTAL 500.00 31,492.00 (10,000.00) (15,000.00) 200,070.00 (100,000.00) (80,000.00) 61,750.00 (10,000.00) (25,000.00) (2,000.00) 15,437.50 (10,000.00) 57,249.50

Issues and problems

Illegal fishing and poaching Demarcation of MPA core zone No incentives and insurance for Bantay Dagat

Lessons Learned
Close coordination with community especially fisherfolks and law enforcement officers Importance of trainings

Next steps

Continuous patrolling of the MPA Continuous monitoring of the BioCon Project Replacement of lost marker buoys Installation of additional marker buoys Purchase of snorkling gears and communication equipment Repair of MPA Outpost Provision of insurance for Bantay Dagat

Thank you!

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