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Posted: 25 Aug 2013 08:34 PM PDT It is true that civilization has ta en over !ost "ractices and nor!

s in #igeria toda$% &ut certain "ractices and &elie's are still &eing held (ith tenacit$% es"eciall$ &$ the #igerian !ale "o"ulation% and in order 'or $ou as a single lad$% &orn and living in #igeria% to stand a greater chance o' 'inding a deserving hus&and% (ho (ould treat $ou li e a true #igerian !an treats his (i'e )i*e (ith dee" res"ect% love and care+% $ou reall$ need to let go o' so!e !odern or (ill I sa$% (estern "ractices that have sto""ed so !an$ #igerian single ladies 'ro! getting !arried or ending u" in a ha""$ !arriage*

And (hat are those things, 1. Dont Buy A Big Car! -es% $ou heard !e so (ell. don/t &u$ a &ig car0 #igerian !en don/t (ant to no( i' $ou (or ed hard to ac1uire the car or not% the$ &elieve &$ de'ault that ever$ single lad$ "ushing or driving a 'lash$ or lu2ur$ car slee"s around or !essed around (ith so !an$ rich !en to ac1uire the car* I' $ou are (or ing in a &ig co!"an$ and getting a 'at "a$% the$ (ill &elieve that $ou sle"t (ith to" !anagers and decision !a ers in the co!"an$ to secure the 3o& and to have attained such a high "osition* And i' $ou are in the entertain!ent industr$% oh hell4$ours is the (orst &ecause the$ alread$ see (hat so!e un(orth$ ladies in the entertain!ent industr$ are doing% so $ou dare not convince the! that $ou are di''erent% and in 'act% the$ (on/t even give $ou a chance &ecause &e'ore the$ even a""roach $ou% their !ission is al(a$s to. slee" (ith $ou and go &ecause $ou are not good to &e e"t or &ecause $ou are not a (i'e !aterial* 5e all no( that this isn/t true% &ut &e'ore $ou have a chance to e2"lain $oursel'% the !en have alread$ 3udged and sentenced $ou to a li'e in"roson!ent (ithout an$ chance o' 3ustice% so avoid &u$ing lu2ur$ cars i' "ossi&le% unless $ou (ant to re!ain single% or $ou (ant to &e a single !other or end u" !arr$ing the (rong gu$ (ho is !ost ti!es a'ter $our !aterial "ossessions% or don/t $ou no( that !en no( dig 'or gold too,

2. Avoid Living Alone! 6a!e (a$% #igerian !en &elieve that an$ single lad$ living alone in the cit$ is u" to so!ething% usuall$% she is &elieved to &e a runz girl* 6o I (ould advise $ou sta$ "ut in $our 'a!il$ house and i' at all $our 'a!il$ aren/t living in the cit$ (here $ou &ase% $ou &etter 'ind a relative or so!ething si!ilar to avoid &eing "re.3udged*

3. Dont Dress Too Flashy or Indecent! -eah% our #igerian &rothers (on/t tell $ou% &ut he$% the$ are scared &$ a lad$ (ho is al(a$s on the hottie loo s* It is good to dress cool and hot% &ut tune do(n a &it to avoid sending the (rong signal% re!e!&er% this is #igeria and not A!erica or 7uro"e% so their A'rican !entalit$ is still !uch in the! no !atter the level o' education% e2"osure or enlighten!ent% #igerian !en generall$ &elieve that a (o!an is su""osed to &e reserved% and not (ild li e cat* 8e!e!&er% $ou (ill de'initel$ get !ore than enough ad!irers (ishing to s!ash $ou% (ishing to have their o(n share o' the national ca e in &et(een $our legs% &ut !ost o' the! (on/t dare ta e $ou to their !a!a e2ce"t $ou get the! tra""ed% and even i' $ou do% that !eans $ou are in 'or an unha""$ !arital li'e 'orever or read$ to divorce* Dress !odest% loo cute% dress se2$% &ut "lease tune do(n on those hot legs% hot ass% hot &oo&s dress4the$ !a$ &e ruining $our chances o' !eeting that Mr* 8ight*

. Love !od But Dont Be A Church Fanatics! 7ver$ #igerian !an/s drea! (i'e is a 9od 'earing% hu!&le% su&!issive and res"ect'ul (i'e% &ut he$% don/t &e a :hurch 'anatics i' $ou don/t (ant to scare "otential suitors a(a$ &$ sending the (rong signal. D76P78AT7% 67A8:;I#9 <=8 ;>6?A#D0 -ou no(% our #igerian &rothers &elieve that a'ter !essing around (ith so !an$ !en during their $outh'ul ages and "la$ing and turning do(n on gu$s% #igerian ladies usuall$ run to :;>8:; to 'ind hus&and &$ "retending to &e &orn again and hol$.hol$ sister% and this no( scare so !an$ #igerian gu$s &ecause the$ don/t &elieve in: =@D T;I#96 ;AA7 PA667D A5A-% ?7;=@D% 7A78-T;I#9 I6 #750 In 'act% the$ "re'er $our "ast !ore than $our "resent% lol*

". Avoid Fe#inist $tterances or Characters! -ou (ill see the! hailing ladies (ho stand u" 'or their 'e!ale rights% &ut he$ sister% don/t &e deceived% #igerian !en hate that (ord. 'e!inist0 6o avoid sending out signals that sho(s that $ou are a 'e!inist* M$ hus&and !ust 3oin !e in coo ing at the itchen0 -ou &etter shut it i' $ou (ant the! to co!e chasing $ou (ith a ring4 &ut i' $ou (ant it the other (a$% ee" singing it li e chorus and (atch out* In su!!ar$% google the (ord. 'e!inist or 'e!inis! and research !ore% and then avoid characters and attitudes that !a es $ou a""ear li e one% i' $ou (ant to get !arried soon* %&$'C(

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