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THE BOMB CASE The Uncelebratory Task By Luis Guerra

Certainly, as Slavo !i"ek #as sayin$ this %ornin$, &olitical stru$$le an' insurrection, revolution, an' so on, are not structural e((ects ) in the classical conce&tion too* they are %o%ents, an' #e have to $ras& the %o%ent, na%e the circu%stances, an' so on+ But (inally, the %o%ent, the &olitical stru$$le e,&resses, concentrates, the social contra'ictions+ An' it is #hy an insurrection can be &urely sin$ular an' universal* &urely sin$ular because it-s a %o%ent, the &ure %o%ent, an' universal because (inally this %o%ent e,&resses the $enerality o( (un'a%ental contra'ictions+. Alain Ba'iou, /OL0T0CS* A 1O12E3/4ESS05E 60ALECT0CS, Saturday 26 November 2005, Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, London. ranscribed by !obin "ackay.

7 01T4O6UCT0O1
4eserve' 'ocu%ent by e,&erts on antisyste%ic $rou&s* The 'ocu%ent says anarchist authors o( bo%bin$s are invisible., El Mercurio 8Chilean ri$ht2#in$ ne#s&a&er9, :anuary ;<th, ;==<+

CH0LE is a country #hich has been kno#n internationally (or t#o bodies bon'e' by history* Salva'or Allen'e an' Au$usto /inochet+ Allen'e as the e((ective Sub ect o( the 4evolution an' Bo'y o( the Event, an' /inochet as the &ortrait o( the Conservative Slave an' the e,ecutive bo'y o( the Ca&italist U&risin$+ More than >= years have &asse' since that <?77 o( 7<@> #hen both con(ronte' an' si$ne' history #ith their actions+ To'ay Chile continues livin$ its recu&erate' democratic tra'ition., %eanin$ the elites have re$aine' its ri$ht. o( beco%in$ electe' (or $overnance+ 6urin$ the &erio' alle$e'ly calle' transition., (our 'e%ocratic $overn%ents le' by a le(t2centrist. alliance o( &olitical &arties, kno#n as 2Concertacion 'e /arti'os &or la 6e%ocracia.2 acte' as a'%inistrator o( the State. an' its econo%ical a'vances, by an' throu$h the 'ee&enin$ o( the neoliberal syste% beAueathe' (ro% The 6ictatorshi& 87<@>27<B<9+ The &eo&le., that unsubstancious electoral Cbo'yC, #hich electe' this &olitical alliance #ere betraye' throu$h the 'e%ocratic $a%e, as they #ere betraye' in Eastern Euro&e, A(rica an' so%e Asian countries 'urin$ the &rocesses o( neoliberal re2'e%ocrati"ation throu$h the <=-s+ Michelle Bachelet #as the last Concertacion &resi'ent+ A(ter her $overn%ent, a ri$ht2#in$ &olitician #as electe'+ Ho# coul' it be that a nationDs &o&ulace, a(ter electin$ (our le(t2center $overn%ents en'e' u& electin$ a ri$ht2#in$ /resi'entE The think2tanks o( the institutiona# $#eft% are still %ournin$, thinkin$ the &eo&le betraye' the%F But the (act is that a(ter ;= years in &o#er,

the e,ecutive &er(or%ance o( the tra'itional le(t ha' le(t Chile #ith a $oo' (ace (or the international scene 8OEC6, 0MG, U1, etc9 but a very co%&le, internal social scenario in'ee'+ This co%&le,ity relates to the con'itions to'ay #here every Chilean lives in a 'e(acto &olito?cultural a&arthei' 'evelo&e' an' &ro'uce' by the econo%ic re$i%e+ Even thou$h 'urin$ the Concertacion-s years the level o( har' &overty 'i%inishe', the arch o( 'istribution #as an' continues to hei$hten as the 'istances an' barriers bet#een rich an' &oor has skyrocket o%inously + 0t #as ;==< #hen 'urin$ a %arch re%e%berin$ the <?77 o( -@> that, &assin$ be(ore the Govern%ent /alace, kno#n as La Mone'a 8that, as you kno#, #as aerially bo%bar'e' on that <?77 by the Chilean Ar%y9, so%eone (ro% insi'e the %arch thre# a Molotov+ The i%a$e o( the /alace-s #in'o# burnin$ a$ain, as i( it #ere 7<@>, #as a brutal shock (or the entire Chilean society an' #as absolutely con'e%ne' by all the &olitical elite, but it #as also an e((ective an' un'eniable si$n o( a noncon(or%ity a%on$ a youth #ho ha' not &artici&ate' in the 'e%ocratic stru$$les. o( the B=-s, nor the &olitical &rocesses o( reconciliation. 'urin$ the Concertancion-s $overnance+ Conte%&oraneous to this #ere &rotests a$ainst Bachelet (or ur$ent chan$es in the /ublic E'ucation Syste% an' a$ainst a ne# an' very 'isastrous &ublic trans&ortation syste% in Santia$o 8the syste% cost the State %illions #hile creatin$ a C&ublicC 'ebt so lar$e that BacheletDs last Minister o( Trans&ortation ha' to $o to a /rivate Bank to be able to continue i%&le%entatin$ the %isbe$otten a &lan9+ The State res&on'e' #ith a &olitical &ersecution a$ainst anarchist &rou's by i%&licatin$ the% in the Molotov event 7+ The Govern%ent be$an a 'elusional &ersecution a$ainst anarchists, Oku&a s&aces 8sAuats9, an' any (or% o( 'issi'ence. like &o&ular associations, libraries, autono%ous schools, an' street art &ractices like $ra((itti or %uralis%+ The State ha' (oun' a tar$et easy to &ortray an' e,&ose throu$h its %ainstrea% %e'ia a&&aratus+ The State ha' (oun' the &er(ect tar$et (or the e,ecution o( its &o#er+ ; The Bo%b Case The &olitical &rocess that be$un in ;==H coallesce' in ;=7=+ A series o( bo%bin$s continue' since ;==H in 'i((erent &arts o( Santia$o+ The State an' the Mainstrea% Me'ia bla%e' these 7 A(ter an intense &olice o&eration, the $overn%ent i'enti(ie' a teena$er #ho ha' thro#n the Molotov, a
ve$an, an' sel(2style' anarchist #ho #as (inally con'e%ne' to %unici&al social ob+

bo%bin$s on anarchist or$ani"ations, an' so%e #ere in fact clai%e' by anarchist $rou&s+ The %ainstrea% %e'ia re&eate' the story o( a youn$ anarchist #ho 'ie' tryin$ to install a bo%b outsi'e a &olice buil'in$;+ These (acts be$an a &olitico2 uri'ical an' &olice &roce'ures a$ainst an' aroun' the anarchist %ove%ent as a #hole+ Ihile the le(t2center $overn%ents rule', these inci'ents #ere not 'e(ine' as terroris%+ They #ere s&eci(ically labele' as non2terrorist so as not to &ut the 1ational Security Co%%ittee into action+ Once the ri$ht #in$ took &o#er the inci'ent #as re'e(ine' legally as a I##icit errorist (ssociation+ The re2'e(inition, #i'ely covere' by the %ainstrea% %e'ia, ha' $reat i%&act+ 0t na%e' in a'vance as enemies of the State any (or% o( 'issi'ent behavior, &articularly those #hich the state coul' 'e(ine as antisystemic+ The State a&&roach to &rosecution ha' beco%e %ilitari"e'+ They be$an accusin$ the Oku&a-s houses an' other anarchist cultural s&aces as bein$ use' as centers o( &o#er. (or the %achinery o( subversive action 8The centers o( &o#er. ar$u%ent use' by the /rosecutor Ale an'ro /ena #as create' initially (or 'ru$ tra((ickin$ cases9 >+ The #hole %ove%ent ha' been con'e%ne' #ithout any (acts+ 0t #as the ne# ri$ht2#in$ Minister o( 0nterior 4o'ri$o Hin"&eter &ushe' to na%e Ale an'ro /ena as the ne# State /rosecutor+ 0n March ;=7= they ha' 'evelo&e' the thesis o( the Bo%b Case an' starte' a syste%atic &ersecution a$ainst Oku&a-s s&aces, social libertarian libraries, autono%ous cultural s&aces, an' the (a%ily ho%es o( those 'etaine'+ 0t create' &er(ect %o%entu% (or the 1e# Govern%ent an' its &olicy o( the ne# #ay o( Governin$F.+ The #hole o( the anarchist %ove%ent., the &eo&le &articularly i%&licate' in the case, their (a%ilies an' (rien's have been &ointin$ out since the be$innin$ that this case has been a &olitical %onta$eJ, a theatrical &er(or%ance, a 'elusional an' &hantas%a$orical construction o( characters an' situations, a%&li(ie' by the %achinery o( the Mainstrea% Me'ia+ This i ma&e)
; May ;;n' Mauricio Morales 'ie' #hen an e,&losive blaste' hi%, a&&arently #hen he #as installin$ it outsi'e a buil'in$ o( the School o( Gen'ar%erie+ Morales #as an anarchist &artici&atin$ actively in oku&as cultural s&aces, social cultural centers an' autoono%ous libraries+ His 'eath &ro'uce' a chan$e in the case i%%e'iately those s&aces an' those #hich #ere #orkin$ there #ere seen as sus&icious o( the 'evelo&%ent o( atte%&ts an' bo%bs+ > 6urin$ the Bachelet-s $overn%ent the ri$ht2#in$ &ress #as constantly accusin$ oku&aDs o( bein$l s&aces #here the anarchist %ove%ent #as ar%in$ itsel(+ One o( the autono%ous s&aces attacke' #as the sAuatte' Social Center OKu&ie' an' Libertarian Library Sacco L 5an"etti+ The cri%inali"ation o( Autono%ous s&aces rein(orce' by the (act that 6ie$o 4ios esca&e' (ro% &olice custo'y+ 6ie$o continues as a (u$itive+ He #as accuse' o( the sAuattin$ o( the Autono%ous Social Center an' Library :onny CariAueo, na%e' by a T5 channel as Ca (actory o( bo%bsC+

discourse built by the State as a substitute o( reality, has been sol' constantly throu$h the %ainstrea% %e'ia to 'e%onstrate the ca&acity o( e,ecutive &o#er to %aintain control an' or'er+ Ie #ere con(ronte' #ith the %achinery o( &o#er 'is&laye' #ithout barriers+ As !i"ek &oints out, e,ten'in$ Lacan, the unconscious is o&en+ 0t is at the sur(ace an' it enacts #ithout %ercy or re%orse+ The syste% &resente' itsel( in its basic (or%, in its &olitical active2'yna%ic 8a conservative 'iscourse o( control 'is$uise' as ai%s (or &eace an' &rivate &ro&erty &rotection9, as i%a$inary 8&ro'ucin$ a escenario characteri"e' by the Guar'ians o( the Su&re%e Or'er as bein$ the ene%ies o( society as a #hole9 an' by a sie$e 8beco%in$ e((ective throu$h &olitically creatin$ a le$al state o( e,ce&tion9+ Ie see then sociali"ation o( the State2 Govern%ent (or the state $overn%ent, 8an' here #e i%%e'iately e,&ose the e,tinction o( the State #ith the activity o( the E,ecutive &o#er+ Thus #e #itness the ur$ent necessity o( ne# conce&ts to un'erstan' the con'itions o( the Shrinkin$ the State as the re&resentative a&&aratus o( &eo&le-s soverei$nty9, in it (inally ca&acity to#ar's &o#er over all+ Ihat has been sociali"e' is the e,istence o( a ca&acity (or bannin$ an' crushin$ any 'issi'ence, an' o( course the &ossibility to create scenarios o( e,ce&tion that only the restorin$ o( &o#er o( the State, by the action o( the Govern%ent, can en'+ 1o#, the $aseous ene%y ha' been co'i(ie'+ The State chan$e' the i'entity. o( the %ove%ent (or its o#n &ur&oses, trans(or%in$ it into an insurrectionary cell le' &ri%arily by e,2 subversives (ro% t#o le(tist &olitical %ove%ents* the Lautaro an' the M04 M+ The State #as no# seen nake' throu$h its creation o( a thesis #here its only &lausible ene%y #oul' be its 'e%ocratic ene%y covere' in the %antle o( an the insurrectional le(t+ The State create' an anta$onist., a reco$ni"able ene%y (or hi% an' (or its &ro ective 'iscourse+

J htt&*??###+&ortaloaca+co%?vi'eos?noticiasvi'eo?7B;>2con(erencia2'e2&rensa2sobre2el2caso2bo%bas2 a%&lio2analisis2'e2(a%iliares2y2activistas+ht%l M Since the case o( 6ie$o 4ios, the ri$h2#in$ ne#s&a&er El Mercurio constitute' a thesis linkin$ the anarchist %ove%ent #ith the Lautaro Move%ent, even thou$h the Ce,&erts on anarchis%C (ro% &olice intelli$ent 'e&art%ent continue' ar$uin$ the non2hierarchical (or%ula OG the %ove%ent+ So%e Auotes &ublishe' by the ne#s&a&er sai'* Canarchis% is a ra'ical &olitico2&hiloso&hical i'eolo$y that calls (or the abollition o( any hierarchy or (or% o( control 8+++9 They re ect any &olitical, econo%ic, reli$ious or cultural authority+ They #ant co%unitarian societies base' on the libertarian autono%ous co%%une, o( voluntary association+ 0n en'in$ #ith any sub%ission they believe in the le$iti%e use o( violenceC El Mercurio ne#s&a&er, 1ove%ber ;Mth ;==<+

> Bo'y o( bo'ies The StateDs &rovi'e' reasonin$ (or un'erstan'in$ Cthe %ove%entC is untrue+ The %ove%ent has been &ri%arily an' (un'a%entally an e'ucational one+ 0ts o&enin$ o( cultural center an' &o&ular libraries, &articularly in socialy an' econo%ically %ar$inal urban "ones, has been its re&ime of visibi#ity+ The State lacks a &olicy (or buil'in$ &ublic libraries in Chile+ Cultural &olicies are stron$ly 'e&en'ent on %unici&alities an' there(ore 'e&en'ent o( the &o&ulist &olitics o( the %ayors+ This has create' an o&enin$ (or in'e&en'ent an' autono%ous libraries, constitutin$ s&aces (or 'evelo&in$ critical stu'ies an' creation o( 'iver$ence, 'issi'ent thinkin$ an' 'isobe'ient &ra,is, like oral history, non hierarchical schools an' &o&ular &ress+ The 'istribution o( the sensible. #hich has been coo&te' by Cor&oration Creativity has been here returne'. to the mu#titude.+ The uto&ian $esture here is concrete an' at han'. in the sense that &ro'uces e((ect+ 0t (unctions as a s&ace #here it is &ossible to en$a$e in teachin$, sharin$, researchin$, rea'in$, 'iscussion, 'ebatin$, construction, an' eventually creation+ A (or% o( creativity &ro'uce' outsi'e an' (ar (ro% the re$i%es an' %ar$ins o( State E'ucation+ 0t is not %erely a social #ar o( con(rontation, on the contrary it is an o&enin$ o( an anomie s'ace, in the sense o( nor%lessness, (ro% #here it can &ro'uce State2re&ellin$ thou$ht H+ This &olitico2cultural &roce'ure belon$s to the 'aily &recariousness #here creativity outsi'e o( its criticality to#ar's the state &ro'uces forms of Life that can-t be re&resente'. by State2Market %achinery+ This is (ro% the botto%, e,tre%ely $enerative an' sustainable+ 0t is %enace' constantly (ro% outsi'e.+ But it is &articulars are invisible to State2Kno#le'$e, because it 'oesn-t create (or%s intelli$ible or le$ible (or the *m'ire+ 0ts invisible con'ition, its ha&&enin$ besi'es the con'itions &ro'uce' by the Econo%ic Mo'el, its subtractive strate$y (or e,istence, an' there(ore its ca&acity (or creative 'issi'ence, $enerates a hauntin$ o( the State+ Here then a&&ears a thankless task, #hat is at stake here is not en'lessly &lea'in$ &ro%ises to those in /o#er (or reco$nition an' 'istribution, but instea', the 'evelo&%ent o( a Sub ect &ro'uce' by the evental activity o( a Bo'y+ This Bo'y is the sel( autono%ous or$ani"ation o( a Sub ectivity that ha&&ens #ithin the %ar$ins o( the State but is 'issi'ent only to its o#n
H Ihat is a state2re&ellin$ societyE :a%es C+ Scott in his book The Art of Not Being Governed , has been an essential hel& in the %o'elin$ o( the actual #ork, 7+ A society that is &hysically %obile, #i'ely 'is&erse', an' likely to (ission into ne# an' s%aller units.N ;+ Subsistence routines, %eanin$ the choice (or autono%ous an' versatile (or%s o( subsistence that &er%it state2re&ellin$ con'itionN >+ hi$hly e$alitarian social structure.N an' J+ 6istance (ro% state centers, or as Scott has &ointe' out* (riction2o(2terrain re%oteness.+

con'itions+ A Bo'y e,ecutes the ca&acity (or &ro'ucin$ a 'issi'ent (or% o( li(e, #ithout &er&etratin$ a 'isturbance to the State2or'er. or status Auo beyon' the (act o( o&enin$ s&aces o( 'isobe'ience to the &olitico2cultural nor% an' (i$ure o( the State+ A Bo'y that &ro'uces nor%less territory can $enerate an Unruly Sub ect+ Here inverte', the event is so%ethin$ that itDs ha&&enin$ %icro2&olitically, #ithout the soun's o( tru%&ets, but throu$h the silence activity o( 'aily2#ork bo'ies resistin$, #hitout sha'o#s the a'vances o( State 1o%enclature+ As :a%es C+ Scott has &ointe' out, the strate$ies (or other e,istences an' (or resistance are al#ays invisible to those in /o#er 8they %ust be (or their o#n sakeF9+ An' those strate$ies belon$ to &ractices o( no%a'icity, &lasticity, subre&ticity an' interstitial i%%anence, #here creative s&aces o( 'iscourse an' s&eech, #hich can-t be understood or visib#e to the Master. or its Slaves., $ro#th+ Ie are here then in front of %echanis%s o( 'i((erence, o( 'istance, an' strate$ies o( sub ectivity, o( resistance, but not revolution+ CIhat is 4evolutionEC it-s so%ethin$ that %ust be ans#ere' by each bo'y, %ultitu'e or solitu'e+ Ihat #e have be(ore us are %etho's o( resistance to#ar' the con'itions o( &ro'uction in Iestern Society+ But the &oint here is that &erha&s #e have to na%e a$ain #hat has been built, an' not to leave the e,istence o( evi'ence bein$ betraye' by notions that are recu&eratin$ the% to the State lan$ua$e (or its subseAuent annul%ent+ Ihat is at the core here is the necessity o( creative &lat(or%s that can over#hel% the un'erstan'in$ that (unction as a sie$e a$ainst the e,istence o( these s&aces o( anomie+ J The Unruly Sub ectivity
0n the conte%&orary #orl', the (uture o( our (ree'o% lies in the 'auntin$ task o( ta%in$ Leviathan, not eva'in$ it.+ :a%es C+ Scott , The Art o( 1ot Bein$ Governe', an Anarchist History o( u&lan' Southeast Asia, Cha&ter <, &a$e >;J+

The Event evi'ences the structures, o&ens it u&, e,&oses to o&en air the bo'y, the sur(ace, the skin, the entire structure, an' not its &ossible 'econstruction, but the structure at such, #ithin its o#n %ountains an' valleys, not as a (lat %a& but as a friction %a&+ The lastest econo%ic crisis has e,&ose' the (ra$ility o( the (inancial (actory an' the ener$y syste%+ The (inancial in'ustry has

beco%e THE bio&olitic a&&aratus, an a&&aratus o( social en$ineerin$ &ro'ucin$ a narro# s&ot #here the s&otli$ht in'icates the real o( an i%a$e+ Ie are still co2o&te', our eyes convulsively hosta$es by the 'ia&hra$%, #e ust look at #hat itDs bein$ sho#n to us+ An' the 'iscourse o( the aca'e%ia, the in(a%ous syste% o( the University corru&te' by the econo%ic syste%, is blocke' an' a%&utate' o( any ca&acity (or 'evelo&in$ ne# trails o( critical analysis or creative kno#le'$e+ But alon$si'e the re&etitive an' $enerative associations to Ca&ital that &ro'uce the sa%e bo'ies, the non2'eath, &eo&le (in' #ays not only to resist the con'itions o( li(e to #hich they are con'e%ne' since birth+ An' here #e are not ust talkin$ about the resistance o( the bo'y, as is usually issue' by any &olicy o( social ai's, but also the s'irit. Ie here are talkin$ about e((ective or$ani"ation, &olitical one, that has been #orkin$ o&enly #ithout (ear+ The &rocesses, %etho'olo$ies, &lat(or%s an' strate$ies have been the sa%e* the e'ucational (ree s&ace, the library, the use o( a s&ace as a "one (or encounter an' &ro'uction, &ro'uction o( creativity, o( autono%y+ 0n this, they are al#ays &re&are' to be threatene' or attacke' by the State + This is &artially a crucial ele%ent o( the %ove%ent that has been risin$, its &lasticity an' no%a'icity, its ca&acity o( #orkin$ o&en but invisible an' subtractive till the %o%ent #hen the voracious Leviathan a&&ears an' the invisible %ultitu'e nee's to o&erate its 'isa&&earance, leavin$ behin' &laces because it is not attache' to any one, the only terrain is the bo'y o( everyone in the invisible %ultitu'e+ This is not the 'e(iant attitu'e o( a %ultitu'e on the %arch, too easily ca&ture' by the reasonin$ o( the State an' its shell o( resonance that is the %ainstrea% %e'ia+ 0nstea' it is an invisible %ultitu'e battlin$ at the "one o( habitus, a social2creative #ork &ro'uce' subtractively in the &lace o( the routine, in the ti%e o( bein$, an every'ay onto2&olitical #ar+ Ihat is then an Unruly Sub ectivity but the creative2&ro'uctive 'isobe'ient Bo'y that re&els the State2(or%2society an' its hierarchical no%enclature o( rea'in$ an' narrativenessE The Unruly Sub ectivity is a res&onse to the con'itions o( li(e in actual con'itions o( &ro'uction+ Iithout a stan'ar'i"e' or univocal (or% it canDt be a&&ro&riate' by any o( the %echanis%s o( annul%ent %aneuvere' by the State+ 0t canDt be consu%e' or (ra%e', it constantly esca&es any inscri&tion, it 'etours its no%ination, un'eci'able &ar e,cellence, The Unruly Sub ectivity it coul' be $ras& as an Conto2&oliticalC conce&tion #hich e,cee's the hierarchical %a esticity o( citi"enshi& an' belon$s to the %utability o( bio2thin$ness, '#ellin$ at an Cinaccessible (orestC #here the C&ost2classicalC reasonin$, #here the an$lo2continental tra'ition, is containe' into an' by %ultitu'inous Cbein$C+ To'ay, all those i%&licate' by state 'iscourse in the so calle' Bo%b Case, &ublicly accuse' in the %ainstrea% %e'ia, an' hel' by the :u'icial2/enitentiary Syste%, have been, (inally,

release' #ithout char$es+ 1evertheless, none can leave the country+ The oku&a ho%es have been aban'one', the &o&ular libraries have been voi'e', an' the &eo&le have ha' to %ove (or#ar' reor$ani"in$ the%selves in 'i((erent &laces+ The &re%ises o( an unruly sub ectivity an' state2 re&ellin$ society have #ork here in the sense that the %ove%ent. as a #hole has ha' to increase its (riction2o(2terrain2re%oteness.+ 0( 'enote' visible by the State an' the %ainstrea% %e'ia, the %ove%ent has ha' to 'istribute its sensibile to other territories+ Ihat has been at the core o( this #ork is the &ossibility o( e,istence (or a nor%lessness s&ace (or the e%er$ence o( an Un$overenanable Sub ect+ The anarchist %ove%ent has been o&enly 'evelo&in$ strate$ies an' &olitico2cultural instru%ents (or e,ercisin$ the ca&acity o( sel( 'eter%ination an' autono%y, an' throu$h it, buil'in$ 'isobe'ience to the State2or'er+ These social tools have been the o&enin$ ho%es, o( cultural s&aces, libraries #here anybo'y can atten'+ Iithout any hierarchical syste%, the %ove%ent has been or'erly interconnecte' by the &ro'uction o( #ebsites an' ne#s&a&er that #ill e%brace an' share co%%on sustainable (or%s o( li(e, un'oubte'ly (ar (ro% the %o'es an' %o'els o( the actual neoliberal #estern society+ Anti2 ca&italist anarchist %ove%ents have 'evelo&e' &lat(or%s to critically create 'issi'ence to the State 'iscourse+ Ihat is ne,tE Certainly #hat is alrea'y ha&&enin$ is that the or$ani"in$ o( Cantisyste%ic $rou&sC continues, not base' on a reactionary con'uct 8as the State #ants to sho#9, but by buil'in$ re&ellin$2state s&aces. (ro% #here activate (or%s o( unruly sub ectivity, by e((ective action o( subtractiveness+ Ie have no ti%e here (or un(ol'in$ all the coor'inates about the history o( the conte%&orary anarchist %ove%ent in Chile+ But The Bo%b Case, inau$urate' by the State in its necessity to e,&lain to their slave2inhabitants the ine,&licable situation o( a series o( bo%bin$s, o( inci'ents that e,&oses its inca&acity to control everythin$+ 0t has also e,&ose' the e,istence o( a Bo'y, the e,istence o( a nor%lessness culture that &ara'o,ically has not been hi''en, but on the contrary has been o&enly 'evel&oin$, #othout &ublicity+ This bo'ies ai%s at autono%y, unruliness, an' 'isobe'ience+ The (arce has (aile' + Iithout any convincin$ &roo( the case is actually slee&in$ in tribunals+ The State /rosecutor Ale an'ro /ena has resi$ne' his &osition an', o%inously, has been hire' by the Minister o( 0nterior, &ro'ucin$ another scan'al about ho# the Govern%ent has use' the %echanis%s o( the u'iciary syste% (or its o#n &ur&oses+ At the en', the Bo%b Case is still o&en #ithout any &erson &rosecute'+

M This is the (irst conclussion+++ #ritten al%ost t#o %onths a$o+++ To'ay so%e o( the &laces #hich #ere co%%unities are aban'one'+ The libraries have 'isa&&eare'+ Everythin$ looks like a #aste lan'+ As the last (or% o( re&ression Conservative ne#s&a&ers have &ublishe' lar$e re&orts #ith i%a$es o( the buil'in$s aban'one', e,hibitin$ to the &ublic the su&&ose' 'estruction. le(t behin' by Cthe anarchists.+ 0t is i%&ossible to say #here everybo'y is, it is absolutely unnecessary, but certain that the creative ener$y &ro'uce' by the &ossibility o( an e%er$ence outsi'e o( the StateDs re$i%es o( visibility &er%its us to think that the libraries #ill be return so%eti%e+ The Bo'y. 'oesn-t live in a certain or s&eci(ic matter, but by the e,tre%ities o( its o#n ca&acity (or a'a&tability, its no%a'is%, throu$h its %astery (or not bein$ Governe'+ 0 have been tryin$ to en' this 'ocu%ent since :une but the actual &olitical situation in Chile has hel' %e sus&en'e' or rather has sus&en'e' the ai%s o( the te,t+ The events lately $enerate' by the Stu'ent Move%ent, by the Ecolo$ical Move%ent, by the 4e$ional Move%ent has shaken not only the ri$ht2#in$ $overn%ent but also the re&resentational s&ectru% o( the 'e%ocratic. &olitical syste%+ Ihat #e are #itnessin$ here in Chile is an entire society re&ellin$ the (or% o( its o#n &olitical syste%+ Many are ar$uin$ about the necessity o( a constitutional chan$e as the only #ay o( re2'escribin$ the con'itions o( the Society an' its ne# ai%s+ As others have been sayin$, it has been an evi'ent necessity to en' all the &olitical enclaves o( /inochet-s 6ictatorshi&+ Ginally, #hat has been at stake is the shakin$ o( an entire %o'el that can-t continue to sustain itsel( as a2historical, or rather, as a2te%&oral+ The i'eolo$ical he$e%ony o( 1eoliberal Ca&italis% is evi'ently at its en' an' (ro% the riots o( /aris to Iisconsin, (ro% Tahrir SAuare in E$y&t to /uerta 'el Sol in S&ain, (ro% Sao /aulo to Santia$o o( Chile there is a sub ectivity u&raisin$, a sub+ect that can-t be na%e' by the en'lessly insolvent no%enclature o( ca&italis%, nor by its short tra'itional aca'e%ic vocabulary+ A sub ect clai%s (or a ne# (or% o( na%in$+ Last Sun'ay @th 8Au$ust9 #as the lar$est %arch ever since the return o( 'e%ocracy in Chile+ More than 7M=,=== &eo&le oine', ust in Santia$o city, (or a ne# (ree e'ucational syste% inclu'in$ universal (or all+ 0t is also &ushin$ (or bi$ re(or%s on the ta, syste% an' a 'e(initive chan$e o( the constitution+

The history is still in &rocess an' it has been bein$ #ritten in the streets+ The trace is evi'ent, the bo'y is visible, an' the %ove%ent continues #orkin$ beyon' the boun'aries o( State nor%2conce&tuali"ation, outsi'e (ictional scenarios, unreachable in the e,ecution o( its pure violence+

Luis Guerra ;=77

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