Comparison Between Plaxis and DeepXcav - 2012 Edition

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Independent comparison between Plaxis and DeepXcav for a 20m metro station excavation

DeepXcav software program (Version 2011)

Document Version 1 0 Issued! 20"#ebruar$"2012 Deep %xcavation &&' www deepexcavation com

20m deep excavation with cross-lot struts, independent comparison between Plaxis and DeepXcav. Plaxis DeepXcav

Maximum wall moments Plaxis: Mmax= DeepXcav: Mmax=

551 kNm/m 545 kNm/m

Difference in support reactions 10% to 20%

20m deep excavation with pretensioned ground anchors, independent comparison between Plaxis and DeepXcav. Plaxis DeepXcav

Maximum wall moments Plaxis: Mmax= DeepXcav: Mmax=

66 kNm/m 666 kNm/m

Difference in support reactions 10% to 20%

omparison o! water pressure contours Plaxis DeepXcav

omparison o! !eatures between Plaxis 2D and DeepXcav" DeepXcav is a soft!are pro"ram #e#icate# to t$e #esi"n of #eep excavations% soil nailin"% an# slope sta&ilit' con#itions( )n t$e ot$er $an#% Plaxis is a "eneral finite element anal'sis tool t$at $as potentiall' &roa#er applications( *ot$ tools can &e ver' valua&le in evaluatin" t$e &e$avior of #eep excavations( +o!ever% DeepXcav as a #esi"n tool offers man' a#vanta"es t$at cover t$e over!$elmin" cases of #eep excavations( ,$e follo!in" ta&le compares t$e &asic features of t$e t!o pro"rams for #eep excavations% slope sta&ilit'% an# soil nailin"( #o.
1 2 3 4 5 ! $ & ( 1) 11 12 13 14 15 1! 1$ 1& 1( 21 22 23 24 25

Stage dependent analysis Elastoplastic soil models Linear-elasticity soil models General finite element mesh for soil mass Non-linear win ler spring approach S"#grade reaction mod"l"s approach N"m#er of walls 'hanges in soil properties at any stage Gro"ndwater flow analysis %ndrained clay conditions 'onsolidation Soil property estimation tools from S*+ and '*+ E,pansion and contraction effects on str"ts and sla#s Limit e-"ili#ri"m analysis methods '"stomi.a#le reports in word and pdf Slope sta#ility analysis Soil nails and soil nail design 1"tomatic calc"lation of wall stiffness 1"tomatic calc"lation of tie#ac and str"t stiffness E"rocode 20 30 $0 and & design methods 12S'0 and 1'2 design codes 11S3+/ L456 com#inations 1"tomatic str"ct"ral wall optimi.ation 1"tomatic s"pport optimi.ation 7arnings diagnostic

Plaxis 2D
Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No limit Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes /nly thro"gh strength red"ction approach /nly as anchor elements No No /nly E'2 can #e applied #"t comple, No No No No No

Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes %p to two walls Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes0 with 'lo"terre recommendations Yes Yes 1"tomatic Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Price without technical support: Optional technical support:

E"ro8 &()) = USD $11900 E"ro8 (5) = USD $1280

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!or "ore in!or"ation contact us at: sales#$eepe%ca&ation'co"

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