Self Sufficiency Tasks Against Time For A Small Town Community

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Self Sufficiency Tasks Against Time for a Small Town Community

Dr Simon Michaux

Tasks Need Against Phase Map

Food Production

Water Collection

Waste Sewerage

Waste Solids



Housing & Property Development

Educate as many people as possible how to grow fruit and vegetables organically

Public Awareness

Public Awareness Public awareness of the need for self sufficient management of solids rubbish and what useful methods of recycling garbage in the home

Phase 1

Educate as many people to can and preserve food of all kinds Educate as many people how to compost and generate fertiliser Establish the first community garden Chicken coops Establish a market place where people can sell their produce As many water tanks as possible have stand alone powered pumps or manual pumps, preferably both Get the right trades people with local sewerage system expertise working to develop methods for making / modifying spare parts with locally sourced materials and machinery

Public awareness of: the need for self sufficient management of our health needs link between health and nutrition in our diet benefits of preventative health measures

Educate as many people as possible with regard to the importance of power and energy to our society and the current systems vulnerability to peak oil and peak coal

Public Awareness Community workshops or small scale consultations in how to develop houses/properties on the mountain

Phase 2

Established seed swapping practice and a seed savers network on the mountain Establish fruit tree orchards in public spaces Establishment of a number of dairy cows on the mountain Build community warehouse(s) for food storage

Have several tradespeople develop the method of repairing and maintaining water tank systems with parts made on the mountain

Establish a wrecking yard to house broken equipment (fridges, cars, etc) that can be used for parts in manufacture of other things. A place to dump things that are rubbish now but may be useful later

Training and support of a midwife to assist with childbirth Community herbal garden for medicinal purposes Network of health practitioners and facilities

Develop procedure to make: Biodiesel Generate power with biofuels Manufacture a windmill Power spike filters

More than 50% of properties on the mountain are self sufficient to stated degree

Turbines for power generation

Stand alone power generation source for several community facilities Manufacture/purchase of an oil press large enough to make practical quantities of biodiesel Biodiesel manufacture established and sustainably supplying fuel for community use

Phase 3

Compost fertiliser system functional and stable

Several community water bores in place and working, all with stand alone power generation and manual pumps

Have a system fundamentally overhauled using parts manufactured on the mountain, and shown to run safely for an allocated period of time

Mountain self sufficient in: fruit and vegetable production dairy products & eggs beef production at a sustainable level

Protocol to completely maintain and repair water tanks using parts manufactured on the mountain developed and shown to be hygienically safe

Establish multiple community recycling centres across the mountain. Each centre would process that garbage into something useful, or into something that can be put in landfill where it will quickly biodegrade in a locally sustainable fashion Prepared storage sheds in place to store useful recycled products for later use

Develop the medical centres on Mt Tamborine to be able to handle the more serious medical needs Manufacture the disposable products used in medicine Support for the ambulance

All properties on the mountain are self sufficient to this degree

Have all systems with stand alone power generation (solar or wind)



Education and Re-skilling

Business and the Economy


Manufacturing & Repair

Community Coordination

Public Awareness

Public Awareness

Encourage the purchase of good shoes & bicycles Develop skills handling and riding horses

Support and nurture existing community groups

Planning for what would be required to transition between a nation state/global economy and a local self sufficient small town economy

planning for what would be required to transition between a Federally issued fiat currency to a hard asset (gold/silver) backed currency

Develop a Skills register Map existing resources on the mountain

Development of And support of community activities/groups.

Encourage links between existing community groups

Develop skills to make horse gear (leather work) Develop horse and cart skills Farrier and horse shoeing (black smith) Shoe making (leather work) Learn to make biodiesel

Run community based workshops for reskilling Start to think about how formal schooling for children would work in a post peak oil world Phase out dependency of the mobile phone network Establish on mountain expertise in HF/UHF ham radio operation to communicate with other communities Develop means of transport of postal items that are not dependent on fossil fuels Have people using the skills in various crafts learned in the reskilling process. Have the products of their labours being used by parts of the community on the mountain Establish formal school training for children in a post peak world

Encourage the phasing out of business practices that detract from the sustainability of the mountain

Encourage individual people to personally purchase gold and silver bullion

Encourage those people to acquire or make the necessary tools to apply their craft

Start to develop a fast word of mouth communication network

Develop ability to breed and break in horses Make/purchase a large oil press Biodiesel manufacture established Network of non fossil fuel freight transport across mountain Network of non fossil fuel freight transport between communities

Establish trade with other communities based on locally produced goods

The purchase goods with gold or silver bullion

Build metal foundry blast furnace

Develop the use of steam technology to power larger machinery Establish a chemistry laboratory to make useful items from raw materials

Existing Federally issued fiat currency

Replacement for the existing Australian dollar

Use community groups to determine the schedule of these tasks

Phase 3

Develop a vibrant local economy that services all the basic needs of the Mt Tamborine area

Have practical logistical support to engage local business with: A LETS scheme

Recycle rubbish into useful feed stock into manufacturing processes.

Use community groups to determine the best places for community based assets

Phase 2

Development of a community based information resource hubs at the Mt Tamborine Library and at any community garden markets

Establish a skills register Establish a library of useful books that contain knowledge of self sufficiency

Encourage and support the development of local business that contributes to the sustainability of the mountain

Development and implement a LETS scheme

Encourage the reskilling of people on the mountain into useful crafts that were prevalent in 1880-1945

Start to get existing community groups to coordinate some of these tasks

Phase 1

Conduct an awareness raising campaign concerning the need to reskill for greater local resilience

Public Awareness

Public Awareness

Public Awareness

Public Awareness

Community Structure
Management of appropriate land stewardship in community environment Attended to by people in the community, to be used by the community What needs to be done? Who will do it?

Mapping what is where in the community Community scale food & product crops
Maintaining communication hubs Building and construction of community assets Dispute resolution Interaction and trade with surrounding communities

Where it will be done?

A series of Mountaintop Councils, each representing a geographic area small enough for people to walk to meetings Who benefits from the outcome? What tools and community assets will be used?

Attended to by people living on the property

Mineral Based Fertiliser Soil Health & Testing Appropriate land stewardship Storage of preserved crops Vegetable Garden Equipment to preserve crops Green Waste Waste Food Scraps Recyclable Food Scraps Chicken Poo Dairy Cow Fruit Trees Chickens, Ducks & Geese Tree Trimming

Date tracking and stock rotation

Household scale food production

Worm Farm

Compost Heap
Livestock Poo

Household Scale Food Production

Attended to by people in the community, to be used by the community

Community Scale Running of Livestock

Community scale livestock on vacant land

Beef & Dairy Cattle


Containment of Billy Goat/ Bull/Boar/Ram



Appropriate land stewardship

Herd improvement & breeding


Long term soil health & pasture quality Leather hides

Abattoir and butcher

Blood & bone fertilizer

Meat smoking and curing Community scale storage & distribution

Administered by people in the community, to be used by the community

Mineral Based Fertiliser Long term soil health Tree Trimming

Appropriate land stewardship

Attended to by people in the community, to be used by the community

Community Scale Fruit and Vegetables

Community scale food crops

Large scale compost fertilizer

Tracking of seasons and moon phase

Fruit & nut trees on vacant land

Community vegetable crops on vacant land

Community herb crops on vacant land

Bee keeping

Milking cattle on vacant land

Secondary food products (cooking oil etc)

Food processing, preservation and canning

Making dairy products

Community scale storage & distribution

Date tracking and stock rotation

Administered by people in the community, to be used by the community

Raw materials needed

Tree felling & timber dressing Animal hide Bamboo & Hemp Shredded rubber

Skill set
Woodwork Wood Turning Leather Work Basket weaving Textiles and rope Rubber Casting Blacksmith Metal Casting Pottery


Electrical power

Milling Machine Welding

Hydraulic Press Metal Lathe

Metal feed stock

Clay feedstock Ground glass

Metal Machining Workshop

Glass Blowing

Manufacture of useful devices fit for purpose

Steam Technology

Recycle and Recover Nails, bolts, washers and screws Wood Metal Plastic Rubber Glass Forge & bellows

Blast furnace
Pottery Kiln

Electrical/ Mechanical parts


Energy to run (gas, charcoal or coal)

Glass Kiln

Household: Ideal Capabilities

Solar hot water Pure Sine Inverter Solar Panel Power Generation Deep Cycle Batteries Windmill Fireplace Heating Vegetable garden Growing Food A Milking Cow Water Tank Pump Diesel Generator

Electric Car (golf car) Bicycle Diesel Vehicle

Good Walking Shoes Transport

Hand Pump Septic or Grey Water System Camping Portable Toilet Gas BBQ Household Cooking Refrigerator Open Fire Hearth Wood Stove Range Kalgoorlie Fridge Bucket & Wringer


Battery Radio Land line Telephone

Sewerage System

Communications Rubbish Recycling Incinerator

Chicken Run Water Filtration Unit Compost Heap

Heritage seeds 60 days food 10 days drinking water Vitamins Toiletries

Workshop disposables (nails & screws)

Fertiliser Petrol/Diesel Fire wood

Washing Machine


Hand & Power Tools LED lights

General Stores Bottled Gas Medication Lighting

Gas Lantern Candles

Household: First things first (when there is a power blackout)

Good Walking Shoes Transport Power Generation (?) Bucket & Rope (boil water for drinking) Camping Portable Toilet

Water Tank Pump Growing Food Vegetable garden Chicken Run Communications Household Cooking Land line Telephone Consider developing alternatives Refrigerator

Sewerage System

Gas BBQ (full gas bottle)

Kalgoorlie Fridge Washing Bucket (different to water tank bucket)

30 days food
5 days drinking water General Stores

Washing Machine

Lighting Toiletries Medication Candles

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